ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 43

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What age does high school finish typically? And what age does it start?
I'm just wondering whether the heroin story is true or not?
allegedly while in High school..
Is there a known heroin problem in that specific area going back to when he was in high school?
I can understand experimenting at tender ages but top shelf seems a bit of a reach.
Or maybe he just made the story up, or she did?
Probably a dead end anyway if so long ago.
But that would also have been before he was old enough to buy alcohol?
Most people graduate high school on the US between 17 years and 8 months to about 18 years and 9 months
I so agree... he IS 28 years old. I feel as if much of the discussions here are relating to him as if he is an early 20 something.

Mom owns his car.
Dad helps drive him home.

I still wonder where he was between 2012ish-2016/17. Everyone says how "smart" he is... why start at a community college so late--already into his 20s???

I really feel things are missing.

Amen. Same here. He could still be "smart" but there's a big difference between intelligence and accomplishing anything. He has managed to NOT get a doctorate, and as some of us have said, his master's research was a little suss. By the standards of an older generation, of course.

He's kind of caught between millennials and Z-ennials, so some of his reported behavior that seems weird to Z-enniels might not seem so, to him. He missed his youthful college dating time (18-22). He started too late and doesn't fit in with the current college vibe.

Was the Elantra 2011-2013 alert a bit of subterfuge by LE?

LE first issued a request for information on 2011-2013 Elantras on December 7. BK purportedly had arrived in PA with his father by December 17, so allowing 3 days for the 2500-mile drive, he must have departed Pullman December 15. We know from CNN reporting that LE was tracking his movements by that time.

We've also learned that the Elantra BK was driving was actually a 2015 model. Yet LE never updated its alert to reflect the 2015 model year.

I'm sure that, for purposes of establishing probable cause, LE did genuinely want the public to submit footage of Elantras spotted in the vicinity of the murders. But it sure is sounding like they didn't need it to identify or locate their suspect. Did they think that asking for a slightly different model year provided the biggest "win" overall? It might give BK a small sense of security, knowing that the vehicle he was driving did not fully fit LE's criteria, while also giving web sleuths hungry for information and answers an assignment to occupy their attention, and keeping any relevant CCTV footage rolling in, since most people wouldn't be able to visually discern the difference between a 2011-2013 and a 2015 Elantra.
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The car must have had PA plates because it was registered in the parents’name. BK doesn’t own a vehicle.
I don't know how this applies.

Things to know
First, you must get your Washington (WA) driver license, then register your vehicle(s). You have 30 days to do this after you've moved here.

We have different offices for driver licensing and vehicle licensing. You won't be able to get your license and register your vehicle at the same place.

Everyone's situation is different, call a vehicle licensing office to find out what your fees will be and exactly what you need to do.
Hard to say IMO because we don't know what LE has. Earlier in the thread, I linked Chief Fry's statement that they need more evidence for trial to prove this, and if I take him at his word, they have probable cause, but haven't met Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, so imo this means they need more evidence, and this means the less they have, the easier it will be to raise reasonable doubt. imo jmo but also how it can work.
I took it as wanting people to call in give tips that knew BK to provide the context they been looking for. Maybe they can testify to his fascination with murder and wanting to kill or possibly having hatred towards woman etc.. they kept saying the entire time they are trying to build the complete picture and get context. I think DNA/Elantra they have him nailed.., but it’s the motive they are still iffy about and want to provide this to the jury at trial. They don’t NEED motive but it helps especially in a crime like this where he does not have any strong ties to the victims
Most people graduate high school on the US between 17 years and 8 months to about 18 years and 9 months
graduated 10 yrs ago, he's 28 now.
This should be open source
Name of his high school, home address and known published drug stats for, say, 2010-2012?
How would he have funded it?

Look, feel free to ignore me, please cos it's highly likely I'm descending an irrelevant rabbit hole .

And at this time there is nada to suggest it might be relevant to the massacre he recently allegedly caused,

UNLESS he had a financial motive- filmed it and sold it on dark web?
Relapsed and needed cash fast and a lot of it?

Again- wild shots and I probably should park it?
Maybe I will.

IMHO the statement was that LE tracked the car to PA. I do not believe they ever said it was tracked in real time and most likely it was after the fact. Tracked, to me most often means past tense. If LE had already located the car in Pullman, why follow it all the way to PA in real time just to return it to ID? I believe the car may have already left ID/WA before LE become aware of it. Does anyone have the date of when the Elantra probably left ID/Was?
Possible but it would be tough to track. The articles are saying it arrived in PA on the 17th and some posters here are saying the 16th, but I have not seen someone say when they left. The way some of the articles read it does not sound like they tracked him at all. So, long way if saying, I'm not sure

I agree with you 100%. The original post was in the thread before this one, so I could not quote it directly from his original post. I’m just trying to figure out where the OP got the idea that the suspect was anti-LGBTQ. It just irks me when things like this just get thrown about with no proof, and further on down the line for some reason becomes fact merely because so and so heard or read it from so and so…
One place that was reported was in this New York Times piece (bolded by me for emphasis):
"B.K. Norton, who was in the same graduate program as Mr. Kohberger, said that he continued attending classes after the killings had occurred and seemed more animated at that time than he had been earlier in the semester.

“He seemed more upbeat and willing to carry a conversation,” Ms. Norton said in an email. She said Mr. Kohberger was interested in forensic psychology.

Ms. Norton said Mr. Kohberger’s quiet, intense demeanor had made people uncomfortable, as had comments he made against L.G.B.T.Q. people.

“He sort of creeped people out because he stared and didn’t talk much, but when he did it was very intelligent and he needed everyone to know he was smart,” Ms. Norton said."
Later in the same piece, another fellow student says something similar:
"Another graduate student who knew Mr. Kohberger said he was keenly interested in studying policing. But the student, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of worries about upsetting others in the department, said Mr. Kohberger had few friends at the school. Mr. Kohberger had appeared to want to socialize, the student said, but had made offensive remarks in the past that had left him somewhat isolated."
Was the Elantra 2011-2013 alert a bit of subterfuge by LE?

LE first issued a request for information on 2011-2013 Elantras on December 7. BK purportedly had arrived in PA with his father by December 17, so allowing 3 days for the 2500-mile drive, he must have departed Pullman December 15. We know from CNN reporting that LE was tracking his movements by that time.

We've also learned that the Elantra BK was driving was actually a 2015 model. Yet LE never updated its alert to reflect the 2015 model year.

I'm sure that, for purposes of establishing probable cause, LE did genuinely want the public to submit footage of Elantras spotted in the vicinity of the murders. But it sure is sounding like they didn't need it to identify or locate their suspect. Did they think that asking for a slightly different model year provided the biggest "win" overall? It might give BK a small sense of security, knowing that the vehicle he was driving did not fully fit LE's criteria, while also giving web sleuths hungry for information and answers an assignment to occupy their attention, and also keep any relevant CCTV footage coming in, since most people wouldn't be able to visually discern the difference between a 2011-2013 and a 2015 Elantra.
Maybe, IDK BUT wondering but how does that impact the case later? If LE said it was a 2011-2013 HE and spent how much money and time going through tips, and later have to say 'whoops, we were wrong' or 'sorry, we lied or intentionally misled' -- how does that play out and what does the defense do with it? IDK, jmo, just asking. Hard to believe they'd intentionally mislead on this IMO but ICBW.
IDK, i've done cross country trips and never asked daddy to accompany me but I don't know their family. Difficult to know one way or the other.

Yeah, every family is different. I never do road trips alone and wouldn't want my kids doing it alone either, even when grown adults. You just never know what could go wrong. Always safer, more convenient, and better to do it with someone if you can. If his dad had the money and time, why wouldn't he go out there to drive back with him? I think this is the least suspicious part of the whole case.
I took it as wanting people to call in give tips that knew BK to provide the context they been looking for. Maybe they can testify to his fascination with murder and wanting to kill or possibly having hatred towards woman etc.. they kept saying the entire time they are trying to build the complete picture and get context. I think DNA/Elantra they have him nailed.., but it’s the motive they are still iffy about and want to provide this to the jury at trial. They don’t NEED motive but it helps especially in a crime like this where he does not have any strong ties to the victims
I took him literally at what he said: Video: Here's what we know about suspect arrested for Idaho college killings | CNN

They may have it all nailed, but I can't know that based on Chief Fry's statement. imo jmo
I agree. Seems like a huge disconnect here.
To me, this just reinforces that he is not an emotionally healthy, normal 28 year old. I have experience with psychologically abnormal family members. I had an uncle that had was a lazy, no good bum, as well as other "issues". He struggled in school, was in therapy for years, coddled, cleaned up after in every way possible. He bullied his parents and intimidated money out of them his whole adult life. And yet my Grandparents treated him like he was 12 pretty until the day they died. He would leave for work as a 30 year old living in their home and my grandmother would run out the back door, asking if he had his wallet. To me, it sound like his parents had been "trained" to believe he couldn't handle normal things on his own.

12/31/22 pm

There is no known connection by Kohberger to the victims at this time. Police are not releasing a possible connection or how they reached Kohberger as their suspect due to the ongoing investigation. More information will be released when Kohberger returns to Idaho, police said.

Investigators were previously searching for a white Hyundai Elantra seen in the area at the time, of which Moscow Police Chief James Fry said in a Friday press conference that they, "have located an Elantra."

The murder weapon has still not been found, as of Friday, Dec. 30 -- but police have been searching an apartment believed to be Kohberger's, as well as his TA office in Wilson-Short Hall on the WSU campus.

If Kohberger waives his extradition hearing, he could be transported to Idaho much more quickly than expected.

ETA: Take note Moscow LE (leading this investigation) is not confirming the use of Familia DNA or any connection of the suspect to KG (or any of the victims) on this date. MOO
I wonder if he was KG's stalker, if he followed her social media even. Do you think he'll fight extradition?
Could you please expound on this? Who would set him up? How would they plant his DNA there? Why would anyone set him up?
BK wasn’t the warmest teacher around the campus, plus he was known as a “harsh” grader. That will manifest in one of two ways:
1) with BK being a tough teacher, he will likely get the best results from people who are achievers and hard workers. These teachers are going to bring out the BEST in the students who want to be the BEST
2) this can have the opposite effect as well. If there is a student who maybe isn’t the brightest or struggles with their studies, they are going to feel that they can’t ever please the teacher/professor no matter how hard they work and they are going to be frustrated or even resent the teacher for pushing.
3) if BK was a tough TA, not very warm or praising and critical of his students work, he is going to make some enemies along the way-ie., students that hate him or resent him whatever.
4) Any one of those students at WSU could have stolen his car while parked on campus, taken it for a joy ride while high or drunk, killed those roommates and returned the car to BK unbeknownst to him.
5) I’m not 100% on the guy. I have a lot of reasonable doubt AT THIS TIME.
6) if his DNA is at the scene and cannot be explained, that would change my opinion greatly.

I’m not so sure. If he had his father with him it might be a little more difficult.

I think he unloaded it very soon after the murders. It may be closer to the crime scene than we think.

If he didn’t leave for home until mid December I think that knife could be found locally.
He stayed local after the murders, which amazes me. I think he hid the knife locally. IMO that knife matters to him and it has to be in his possession somewhere close and hidden. The police may have been watching him closely to see if he recovers it, moves it and exactly where he goes.
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