ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 43

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The gas station clip has never been acknowledged as being the car by LE. From what I understand the gas station owner reached out to LE saying 'hey...i have a white car in that time range' and at some point he turned it over to them. A lot of people at that time pointed to LE incompetence for it taking that long for them to collect it.

In reality I think that LE knew the killer didn't take that route. So had no interest in the clip. And only went to collect it as to not appear incompetent.

The gas station attendant later released the clip himself to the media.

Personally, I don't think the car in that clip is an Elantra.
Yes, but nevertheless it must have put pressure on the alleged murderer Mr Smarty Pants.
JMO, BK may or may not have had connections to one or more victims or it could have been absolutely a last minute decision for these victims. I would venture to bet that the "why he did it " was because he wanted to. For an unknown reason he may have thought about it for so long that he had to do it. Once he made up his mind he may have set a time limit in his mind on how long he would wait to do it or when it needed to be done. He then for some reason reached a point that it was time to do it. He may have had all of his clothing, shoes, goggles, gloves, mask, knife ready to go so that whenever the time was right he was ready. He may have carried all of these items in the trunk of his car. For a rational person it is impossible to think like he did and he certainly couldn't discuss it with anyone else. Again, JMO

There's a rubric in literature on survival in difficult circumstances (say, being lost in the wilderness) that seems to apply here. And that's that two heads are always better than one.

Even highly experienced individuals, such as lifelong outdoorsmen, make errors that they never would have made if they'd had a conversation with another experienced individual, who would have pointed out the problem. "Never separate" in a survival situation, is therefore a motto. All of us who are trying to execute complex plans (say, a trip across Europe via public transport) can benefit from some other person's input (and there's almost always someone more expert than oneself in at least some of the particulars - can't think of any exceptions to that, really).

Our minds start going down familiar pathways, we're "happy" with our solutions, but that's because our minds skipped something along the way.

Sorry, what is the coffee connection?
IMO, Kaylee had worked at a coffee bar in Moscow. Suspect likes his coffee. Probably can't actually eat out, because pots and pans.

But coffee machines never have had animal products inside them.

How SG would know that BK ever came to that particular coffee shop is beyond me, but SG's mind does tend to make leaps of certain kinds, as is common with many people (me too).
Not sure if it had been long pre-planned that he drive home for Christmas or was a more recent development contrived by BK to remove the car from Pullman.
Either way, it makes total sense that his dad flew out to drive the car back to PA with him.
It was a 36 hour drive so switching drivers means you can drive longer days.

Parents may have been worried about him driving since there was ample warning that bad weather was coming “bomb cyclone” stuff.

It kind of makes me sad because it would have been a bonding trip for father/ son too. Just feeling horrible for them that this family’s child is a monster. My heart goes out to them. Not much could be worse than this- finding out your beloved son is a vicious murderer.

My daughter went to college across the country (though not nearly 33.5 hours from home) and I ALWAYS bought an airline ticket to drive home from school with her or the other way around - all four years and twice a year. I never wanted her to drive cross country alone and I cherished my time with her.

My friend who I just hung up with is driving her 30 year old daughter back to DC now from across the country - just after Christmas break. She too never wants her daughter to drive cross country alone and loves the bonding time.

Absolutely curious though to know if the parents/ sibling had any inkling of a thought after the fact and before the raid/arrest that he might be the perp.
That could simply mean a loose social media contact, not necessarily known. I have a few thousand that I know nothing about but would take me too much time to delete them all one by one.. It happens..
The connection SG thinks the killer has to Kaylee could well be that he saw one of the alleged fake Insta accounts, and assumed the real killer had been following her. He may not have bothered to check any 'join' dates for the account. If he had a connection to any of the victims, I think it is more likely that he had seen Maddie and/or Xana while dining at the Mad Greek, perhaps always sat where one of them would be his server, and chatted enough to learn at least their names and that they lived together. JMO
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I never bought into the "LE is play 4D chess with their words!" narrative much...with one exception......

They had the license plate all along and asking the public for help by releasing the picture was purely a strategic move
  • They didn't want to spook BK as they likely had nothing but the plate (while likely waiting for the DNA to come back, direct or familial)
  • It gave BK an opportunity to voluntarily come forward as they didn't have enough evidence to connect him to the crime and seek a warrant
  • It allowed them to cast a wide net by soliciting information from the public, in hopes that someone points to BK.
  • It allowed them to show progress in the investigation. Knowing that it would still be weeks before they could obtain a rock solid probable cause affidavit against BK.
The 22,000 Elantra's announcement was oddly specific and likely crafted using whatever profile the FBI had drafted about BK. To put him at ease as he got ready for his trip across the country.
I’ve wondered if they had a whole or partial plate. If the car is registered in PA, the plate would look different and that, too, could have been a clue. Emphasizing “wondered” and “could have been.”
he didn't do it during that time. he traveled 12.14-12.17 and the storm began 12.21-12.26:

and IMO JMO I'm responding to these things not to argue and support the BCK* but to think about ways he will counter these things. IMO JMO an important exercise.

*sounds like hairball if you say it a certain way
Thank you so much.
I had to skip a thread or so due to connectivity issues.
Would you mind bringing forward the travel dates link, please? Happy New Year!
This is an interesting theory. PA plates are a fairly distinctive style, that yellow stripe on the bottom would be unlike many other plates.

View attachment 391281
Allegedly, his plates were Washington plates, not Pennsylvania.
Please, let's be clear about the facts and opinions now that we have an arrest.

When reporters first reached out to SG and the family about the arrest, SG made it clear that no one in the family knows or recognized the suspect. Later in the day at the memorial with his attorney present, SG revised his statement that there could be a connection (speculation) but he wasn't ready to discuss it. His attorney (Shanon Grey) clarified that they are going to try and look and see IF there's any connection. This is not the same as there is a known connection.

There is no known connection between the suspect and KG on this date.

SG has actually come out and said there is a connection but he doesn't want to speculate further on it due to the pending investigation. I posted the news article in this thread.

First… I may have missed the rest of the post on BK’s dad flying out to drive home with him… I had not heard of this and yes if true very very interesting.

Personally my opinion only.

Is it possible BK’s dad had been watching the news and knew about murders and police looking for white Elantra?

Is it possible dad put 2 and 2 together with sons close distance to crime scene and the car LE is looking for being the same as his sons… who just so happens to be incredibly interested in crime and murder.

Maybe he offered to come out and spend 3 days in car with son driving home to decide for himself if his child was capable of this. Or Acting different. Parental intuition perhaps?

I personally choose to think his parents are victims in this and as shocked and hurt as everyone else. And I pray that they weren’t in any way privy to anything he did before arrest. I’d be shocked if they were.

IMO JMO any of these things could have happened. IDK, none of us do, and the prosecution will say 'tomato' and the defense will say 'to-mah-to', and there we are.

In this case, re the roadtrip, we just don't know, and that was my point - it's important to counter each event with possible explanations IMO JMO, esp with BARD in play.

If I think about, commit to, stick to only one side of the equation, only one argument that validates what I believe or know to be true, then I can miss the big old hole on the other side of the equation. IMO JMO. Classic example of this, thank you Chris Darden, is the OJ glove. Prosecution was so sure it would fit, they didn't think one step ahead, and we all know how that ended.

So when making my point, I always go to the other side and make the argument against my point because IMO JMO then I can head it off effectively. That's IMO JMO and what I did with the cross-country roadtrip (although it is a true story).
Please, let's be clear about the facts and opinions now that we have an arrest.

When reporters first reached out to SG and the family about the arrest, SG made it clear that no one in the family knows or recognized the suspect. Later in the day at the memorial with his attorney present, SG revised his statement that there could be a connection (speculation) but he wasn't ready to discuss it. His attorney (Shanon Grey) clarified that they are going to try and look and see IF there's any connection. This is not the same as there is a known connection.

There is no known connection between the suspect and KG on this date.


NewsNation, admittedly not my cup of tea, reported during their live broadcast last night that the family of one of the girls found a connection to BK. But NewsNation was also allowing their talking heads to claim the obviously fake Instagram account (with BK following the girls) was real. So I assumed the family used NewsNations reporting to make that determination.

Sidenote: the only reason I was watching NewsNation is because I needed something to clean and organize to and they were the only ones covering it over the death of Barbara Walters. R.I.P Barbara!!! While growing up watching 20/20 on ABC after TGIF gave me the true crime bug!
One of the best places to hid a car in plain site is at an airport in one of the big off terminal parking lots. Could BCK have parked it there for a few days then when his dad flew in, he just Ubered there grabbed the car, short drive to pick up his Pop at baggage claim and off to PA they went..
Maybe, but how far is the nearest large airport to Pullman?
If the car interior was stained with victims blood, no way he would leave it parked at the front of his university office and fly away for holiday, especially knowing that LE are looking for a car like the one he was driving. On the other hand, he could not sell the car as he was not the registered owner. Of course he would drive away the car at first opportunity. Why his father flew from Pennsylvania to Idaho only to drive back to PA couple of days later? It could be just a very innocent explanation or it could be that parents were worried to let him driving along on 2500 miles trip because of health issues..
There's a rubric in literature on survival in difficult circumstances (say, being lost in the wilderness) that seems to apply here. And that's that two heads are always better than one.

Even highly experienced individuals, such as lifelong outdoorsmen, make errors that they never would have made if they'd had a conversation with another experienced individual, who would have pointed out the problem. "Never separate" in a survival situation, is therefore a motto. All of us who are trying to execute complex plans (say, a trip across Europe via public transport) can benefit from some other person's input (and there's almost always someone more expert than oneself in at least some of the particulars - can't think of any exceptions to that, really).

Our minds start going down familiar pathways, we're "happy" with our solutions, but that's because our minds skipped something along the way.

IMO, Kaylee had worked at a coffee bar in Moscow. Suspect likes his coffee. Probably can't actually eat out, because pots and pans.

But coffee machines never have had animal products inside them.

How SG would know that BK ever came to that particular coffee shop is beyond me, but SG's mind does tend to make leaps of certain kinds, as is common with many people (me too).
I was also thinking the reason he didn't harm Murphy maybe ties to his being vegan?
IMO No. I think he still believes he can get away with this. He may want to experience the full effects of the trial and how it affects others as well, especially the families. He may see himself as outside of the whole thing, like an interested party just observing, critiquing and making mental notes for his "studies." I believe he is always planning and scheming and lives in a complete fantasyland.
IMO he has to get back to Idaho and enter a not guilty plea in order to see all the evidence against him. IMO he needs, really really needs to know how LE has solved this. He needs to know where his plan went wrong and if there was something LE missed, etc. Right now he can only guess what they have, how they got it, how long did it take to figure it out, what they haven't figured out yet, etc. I still, IMO, believe he intentionally created a complicated a crime scene in his fiction come-to-life plot.
all moo
IMO: No doubt that he is going to enjoy the show. This is his Phase 2 of the crime -torturing the families, friends, and social group in general. And, continuing to demonstrate his “knowledge and skills”. I am certain that he is “eager” for this performance.
On a related note, do you think that he tries to either drag down or implicate the famed professor/author that he worked with?
So many of my theories are just turning to ash today. Time to step back and observe awhile longer.

Well, don't give up on someone being an accessory after the fact. Totally different from an accomplice, but still a chargeable offense.

She did not. She'd been working a paid internship before the murder and was set to graduate in December. And the suspect did not move to Pullman, WA until August 2022 to enroll in the fall program.

I'm not sure we know that for certain. Mrs G said she had "always worked" and I believe the actual quote was "always worked full time." We know she was in Austin for the summer. But I do believe she had worked at a coffee bar in Moscow the year before (IMO, would love if someone can find the link - at this point, it's very hard to find such a small detail, but someone may remember).

So, she may have been picking up odd shifts at the same place upon her return - we do not know, one way or another. But I believe that BK had only just moved to Pullman in August 2022, so if that's the connection, my THEORY (MOO) she would have had to be picking up some shifts at the coffee place.

I can't think of any other thing that Mr G could mean with his statement. How would anyone know if she had met him otherwise? Maybe some of the coffee bar employees have talked to Mr G. MOO.

It certainly would be a twist in the case.
Chief Fry: "We believe we have the man that committed these crimes."

Kohberger: "I am anxious to clear my name."

I believe by the time this finally comes to trial, it will be watched by as many viewers as the OJ Simpson trial. Wherever it is held, the city will be inundated with TV satellite trucks from all over the world.
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