ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 46

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EXCLUSIVE: 'You come in here and I'll cut you.' Accused Idaho murderer Bryan Kohberger taunts guards, exposes himself and sings violent rap lyrics as he sits in jail awaiting extradition​

Just read that article. It sounds so over the top that I was literally rolling my eyes. So put me down as skeptical until there’s corroboration by one or more reliable witness. Otoh, who would just make that up? Idk.
Just read that article. It sounds so over the top that I was literally rolling my eyes. So put me down as skeptical until there’s corroboration by one or more reliable witness. Otoh, who would just make that up? Idk.
Debunked by Brian Entin. A prisoner may have been doing those actions but it wasn't Kohberger.
I am always skeptical when a person refuses to give their name. I find people who knew the defendant more credible when they give their name.

No name from article:

Kohberger's classmate, who did not want to be named, said they would talk "for hours" about his addiction and weight loss.
The Drama queens!!
Likely same ones that piled on all the wrong people...
I am always skeptical when a person refuses to give their name. I find people who knew the defendant more credible when they give their name.

No name from article:

Kohberger's classmate, who did not want to be named, said they would talk "for hours" about his addiction and weight loss.
Who would blame them?

BK allegedly killed 4 people without obvious reason. If he runs away when under arrest or he is not convicted and goes free, he may retaliate and kill again.....either the person who gave some information or their families.
I am always skeptical when a person refuses to give their name. I find people who knew the defendant more credible when they give their name.

No name from article:

Kohberger's classmate, who did not want to be named, said they would talk "for hours" about his addiction and weight loss.

I would normally agree with you, but with content providers broadcasting wild accusations on social media, I can understand why a witness might not want his or her name spread across the internet.

That professor who is suing the YouTube tarot card reader for slander: is there any reason to believe she had anything to do with the accused or the victims?
<modsnip - quoted post from unapproved source, and response to it removed>
Here’s the classmate’s actual words:

Despite the bullying, she said Kohberger's grades were always good, and he "was very into his books."
That continued at Pennsylvania's Northampton Community College, according to one of Kohberger's friends, who requested to remain anonymous because of her job.
"He's really, really intelligent. A bright kid . . . someone who stood out even in honors and high-level classes," his NCC friend said.

His friend said that he didn't interact with many people on campus but was friendly with her, and they talked "for hours" about his struggles with heroin addiction and his weight and kept in touch after they graduated.
The last time she spoke to him was on Facebook a little over two years ago. They talked about their futures and what they wanted to do.
"I was looking at my master's program, and he was talking about whether he was going to do the forensic psychology or criminology or both, but he knew he was going for a Ph.D.," she said.
"And I wasn't sure if I would have to do my Ph.D. program, if I was going to do a master's or Ph.D., so we had had a whole conversation about that, and that was our last conversation.

Idaho murder suspect Kohberger's Pennsylvania classmates say he was 'bright,' awkward, bullied in school
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Plus, I doubt anyone would come out publicly to say anything positive about him now. IMO

There are bits and pieces of positive things said. Plus, expect his lawyer and family to say positive things.

One example:

Gaurav Narang, a computer science and engineering graduate student at WSU in Pullman, Washington, had been Kohberger's apartment neighbor since around August. The pair conversed occasionally via text or on the stairs near Kohberger's second-floor dwelling.

Narang told Seattle TV station KCPQ that he was "shocked" when he heard the news, saying Kohberger was "a very talkative and friendly person."

What was the confrontation ? I’m interested to read more
A few thoughts of mine are
A) LE knew of him for quite some weeks
B) how can his dad not have suspected a thing … did BK actually plan this to occur before he set off with his dad so he could “gloat “ about it in his head the whole way
C) how can a criminology student be so stupid as to use his own vehicle
D) if it’s set it’s his DNA that doesn’t mean there wasn’t another involved in some way eg vehicle driver who has yet to be revealed
E) he most definitely targeted and Set up
Those kids / the house yet he hadn’t scoped out the cameras on adjacent houses
F) the fact the uni server/ cameras being down still feels pertinent as does the drunk kids on the field - he chose that time to go in cos he knew it set up a red herring for cops to wonder if were linked
G) the Hudson thing was another thing he was aware of and therefore another avenue to target cops elsewhere than him
H) so many Google searches on those girls because he was seeking ways that cops might direct away from him

The knife will have been thrown IMO and cops tracking his car will find it … but he will have set the knife up with other DNA on it to create reasonable doubt against him
The knife will probably never be found. But that won’t make any difference to the prosecution case.
It makes sense that X&E may have driven to another city to get JnBox meal and that drive would explain some of the missing time.
I can’t see any reason BCK would be delivering food, no evidence of such a job
I also can’t see why anyone would be inside the car of a food delivery person.
Evidence is still being collected from his car and apartment- there will be plenty to convict.

The media has done the public a disservice by presenting him as some brilliant mastermind, comparing him to murderers who eluded LE for decades.
He is Not that at all

The reality I see is..
Four promising young lives were brutally stolen- By A Jealous Angry Murderous Loser

Cant see a vegan insisting on others providing virgin pots and pans to cook his animal free foods, per his aunts statement) delivering food of all sorts to folks.

Appreciate Your last statement.
@nhmemorymaker , you asked this question in an earlier thread, and I am only just getting around to answering:

“It still begs the questions though. If this kid was so smart, as people have said, why would he even be on a voc-tech track? That is not a statement of judgment, just a statement of probability.”

I don’t know whether he was at the tech school as a HS student or adult learner. So here are the insights I can share based on my personal experience in both scenarios.

#1 BK was a tech kid in HS

He could have been an excellent student, just really into HVAC (seems unlikely, given his ultimate career path)

He could have been an excellent student but really didn’t like the traditional high school and was looking for a way to minimize his presence there, so a half day at the tech school was appealing and the particular shop he chose wasn’t so important.

He could have been a struggling student, due to learning issues or behavioral issues (may have had an IEP or 504 plan in this case), so the tech option minimized his academics and improved chances for graduation. Likewise, if he had drug or mental health issues. (Note, though, that most upper level tech kids do participate in co-ops at local businesses, and many of these require drug testing due to the use of dangerous machinery.)

He could have been a student of virtually any level of achievement whose family emphasize the trades (particularly common in families where there is a history of especially men in the skilled trades and even more especially true when the family has a skilled trades business).

The fact that he appears to have begun his academic career at NCC could point to practical issues like family economics, staying close to home, not needing to take standardized tests for admission or any number of other factors. It is not at all uncommon any more for kids with all levels of academic achievement to start at CCs, and many, if not most HS tech kids continue their studies at all sorts of institutions, including CCs, traditional colleges and universities, and technical schools. That was uncommon when I was in HS, but it is very common now.

CCs often have matriculation agreements with other schools (some of which are highly ranked regional institutions of higher learning) so sometimes admission is guaranteed, or credit for coursework is guaranteed, or accelerated degree programs are offered, or extra scholarship money is available, etc. Of course, there are standards that must be met, such as a minimum gpa, etc.

#2 BK completed an academic program in HS and began his continuing studies at the tech school in an adult learner program

BK may have had no idea what he wanted to do, but his parents encouraged him to work and learn a trade while he figured it out. If he left before taking his final certification test (not sure what that is for HVAC), this could be a sign of disinterest, personal or family issues that interfered, or self-sabotage. Again, if he had drug problems, it would have limited his career options since many in the skilled trades are drug tested.

He may have begun taking classes at NCC at any time. There are no academic requirements at CC’s like standardized tests, but entering students do usually have to take placement tests and may have to complete remedial non credit coursework in order to move into a degree program. So even if BK took two years to complete an associate’s degree, he may have begun at NCC much earlier than that, either to explore interests or to get himself caught up.

Apologies for the long reply, but I wanted to be sure to give a full picture here. It’s impossible to conclude much of anything about BK’s academic talents based on his participation in a skilled trades program, whether he did so as a HS student or as an adult. But there do seem to be some hints along the way that he experienced struggles of some sort, be they personal, economic, or academic.

All IME, MOO, etc.
In the meantime, a former classmate of his in the Poconos is telling us more about his background. Kohberger originally grew up in the Poconos. He went to Pleasant Valley Elementary, Middle, and High School. His former classmate, who only wanted to go by his first name Cody, said Kohberger struggled with bullying for years, and it led to anger issues as he got older.

Cody said it's shocking to see Kohberger's face on the news.

"Saw that headline and my jaw dropped," said Cody. "Never would I have connected something that happened, the murder of these four college kids, back to where I grew up."

Cody said Kohberger was relentlessly picked on at school.

"He was bullied a lot for his weight, the way he dressed. He was seen, I think, as a little bit of a softer kid. He was just tortured," said Cody.

Cody said Kohberger wasn't at his school for 8th or 9th grade, but when he returned sophomore year, he was different.

"When he came back, he had lost a tremendous amount of weight, was, looked like he had been in the gym every day, was going to the gym at the school at least a lot," said Cody.

Cody said Kohberger's attitude was different as well.

"He got aggressive. He would punch stuff, punch lockers," said Cody.

Cody said he can't know if that past trauma affected Kohberger's mental state, but Kohberger's attorney said he's doing well.
Bryan Kohberger Initially Agreed to Speak to Law Enforcement, Then Invoked Right to Counsel: Lawyer

Kohberger spoke with law enforcement for five to 15 minutes at the Pennsylvania State Police barracks following his arrest early last Friday morning.
Initially, Kohberger waived his Miranda rights..LaBar said Kohberger told him that police asked his client if he understood what was going on, and he responded by saying something to the effect of “yes, certainly I’m aware of what’s going on. I’m 10 miles away from this.” Then Kohberger invoked his right to counsel

Moscow Police said they seized a 2015 white Hyundai Elantra.

Police executed search warrants at Kohberger’s apartment in Pullman and seized several items and also searched his parents’ home in Pennsylvania.

LaBar said father and son left Pullman sometime between Dec. 13 and Dec. 16 in an effort to beat the incoming snowstorm.

He also said he assumes law enforcement has his GPS data available through his mobile phone.
I'm pretty shocked at the actions of that Professor too.
I too believe they were highly unethical
B was clearly putting work into grading, leaving notes etc and teaching hard but necessary lessons.

He wasn't taking the easy way out. For all we know, that is what kept him up at night, he possibly worked somewhere as well to supplement his studies.

I would be pretty disheartened if that happened to me while I was genuinely putting the work in.
He threw it all away after that and stopped caring.
It's a pity if we have been given the facts.

No reason to take violent action on a group of students who had nothing to do with all that but no evidence either that the two events are connected.

Well, even if the professor’s actions added stress, BK didn’t take his stress out on the professor, right? So, not connected, IMHO. Plus, we hear about this story via a third party, and how the professor viewed the situation vs how BK viewed it, we yet don’t know.
I'm pretty shocked at the actions of that Professor too.
I too believe they were highly unethical
B was clearly putting work into grading, leaving notes etc and teaching hard but necessary lessons.

He wasn't taking the easy way out. For all we know, that is what kept him up at night, he possibly worked somewhere as well to supplement his studies.

I would be pretty disheartened if that happened to me while I was genuinely putting the work in.
He threw it all away after that and stopped caring.
It's a pity if we have been given the facts.

No reason to take violent action on a group of students who had nothing to do with all that but no evidence either that the two events are connected.
Harsh grading of Graduate students is just another power kick for him. Something like “they are so stupid, I am so smart.” Grandiose self-image. The Greeks called it Hubris.
I would normally agree with you, but with content providers broadcasting wild accusations on social media, I can understand why a witness might not want his or her name spread across the internet.

That professor who is suing the YouTube tarot card reader for slander: is there any reason to believe she had anything to do with the accused or the victims?

Little is known about Kohberger, but former classmates have come forward to share their recollections of him.
They requested anonymity after law enforcement requested they not speak publicly about Kohberger.
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