ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 48

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Sadly I have to agree with the person who wrote this article. For my part, I have no interest in serial killers. When I see those programs on TV I change the channel. I know that lots of people find serial killers fascinating, but I do not. I would rather walk over hot coal then watch a show about Jeffrey Dahmer- ugh.
Sadly I have to agree with the person who wrote this article. For my part, I have no interest in serial killers. When I see those programs on TV I change the channel. I know that lots of people find serial killers fascinating, but I do not. I would rather walk over hot coal then watch a show about Jeffrey Dahmer- ugh.
I'm not up to speed on them but do occasionally watch or search for a decent documentary if the characters tend to come up a lot in ongoing cases..
oR if it is a new case and suspected.
Otherwise I'm just like, that's some dude who killed a lot of people years ago..I don't need to know..
I would look at an autopsied brain though if it presented with interesting or different features.
Agree with some kind of gag order. The daily Mail article about BK allegedly threatening to cut the guards, pee on them and expose his genitals has went viral and was completely untrue. It really is beggars belief how they are allowed to publish blatant lies.
There are still new members here reposting the same article over and over, believing it to be fact.
I feel the same...I would doubt they have the ability and financial means to be in Idaho for the entirety of the pending trail or even travel back and forth often. Just awful
Just using that as a springboard...
While I don't expect any future trial to be televised ( if it gets as far as trial) those arguments were made in the other current Idaho case - Vallow Daybell.
Some of the victims and family were disappointed that the judge ruled no cameras because televising would mean that they didn't have to physically be present every day. ( Tylee's aunt and uncle iirc)
I'm going to get roasted for this but I don't think he looks weird or crazy at all. He looks like half the lawyers walking the halls of corporate law firms.

I think that makes this whole thing even scarier. With Manson, Adam Lanza, Brian Mitchell (Elizabeth Smart), the Colorado shooter, they all looked bonkers. This guy looks like a mildly attractive accountant.
I think you might want to look at the still img captures people have posted from his traffic stop. He looks objectively deranged/scary in those and they gave me chills like other images have not.
Lol. The “dead eyes” is so cliche. I go by face though, which most people disagree with. As I like to say, “he doesn’t have a nice face.”
I think it’s the “stare” he gives that is quite off putting. The glare. His whole face changes and tenses up and his eyes seem to bore right through you.

Quoting a post from the last thread: ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 47

This was bodycam of Indiana State Police that pulled over Bryan Kohberger and his father. Couple of things came to mind... He must have about pooped his pants when he saw the lights and heard the sirens. And he has that same intense look to his eyes (below. I scribbled out his dads face). Also, that was one of THE dirtiest cars I've ever seen. I'd have thought it would have been much cleaner. Like... recently detailed trying to get rid of blood. Perhaps it was dirtied during their drive.

~1:48 - Where are you all headed to? "That's a long haul. Haven't you guys heard of airplanes?".

Interesting that the LEO questioned why they didn't just fly. My take is because BK didn't want to leave his car behind and risk it being seen, inspected, and/or hauled off. He wanted it

~1:15 - (can't hear what BK or father was saying) "Today? Then I'm not going to give you guys another ticket or warning if you just got stopped. Just give yourself plenty of room, ok?".

I wonder if that LE will get into trouble for not ticketing him since he was already stopped once before that day. I wouldn't think that you'd get excused from a ticket just because you already had one that day. I'd think you should get one for sure to really show they are serious about you not driving illegally! I'm sure he never expected that bodycam vid of his convo with BK would go viral since LE didn't realize he had just pulled over a murderer.

View attachment 392143

Picture taken from this link to the bodycam vid:
@Alethea this picture especially
A possibility that one or more victims' was actually sexually assaulted?

Even though LE stated early on in the investigation that there was no evidence of sexual assault on any of the victims' remains, would it still be possible for this not to be true as part of an ongoing effort to psychologically manipulate the suspect prior to the arrest? I've always felt from the beginning that LE was purposely misleading the suspect in regard to the ongoing investigation, and therefore releasing misinformation in such a way as to disguise the extent of the evidence that was being collected and analyzed.

LE certainly seems extremely confident that they've identified the correct suspect, along with all the evidence they need to obtain a conviction. This would seem to suggest that not only did LE recover the suspect's DNA at the crime scene, but recovered genetic material in a particularly incriminating circumstance or location. Following up on this, how uncommon would it be for a potential serial killer to not sexually assault female victims in a situation such as this? Almost all of the most notorious serial killers convicted in past similar crimes were as much sexual predators as murderers.
I think Fry is very picky with language, so I have wondered if he meant "sexual assault" as only for while they were alive. So, imho, he hasn't commented on post-mortem injuries at all (abuse of a corpse or something like that).

So I agree, yes! I thought Kaylee's dad alluded to there being injuries he wasn't going to describe after he told about the lung and liver. I'll have to look up those quotes again.
So we now can surmise-
If he is guilty he is possibly shocked to have been caught or was indeed expecting it and knows much of what lies ahead and has mentally prepared for it .
If he is innocent he is handling such a heinous accusation incredibly calmly
The fbi etc will have their best people working on this and trying to find evidence or ways to interrogate to make him crack

In essence it’s a massive mind game now. Remove all the usual parameters that keep him cool and collected and he ll snap. Was there anything in his emotional survey he wrote which might give indications as to what will annoy him ?
Just using that as a springboard...
While I don't expect any future trial to be televised ( if it gets as far as trial) those arguments were made in the other current Idaho case - Vallow Daybell.
Some of the victims and family were disappointed that the judge ruled no cameras because televising would mean that they didn't have to physically be present every day. ( Tylee's aunt and uncle iirc)
I'm hopeful any eventual trial will be live-streamed in this case, and the order of no cameras be reversed in the Vallow-Daybell case for trial. The lawyers' arguments that the defendants can't get a fair and impartial jury with pre-trial publicity doesn't really wash once a jury has been sworn in. IMO
I’d like to challenge all the people linking personality traits, motive, and socialization to still photos and Internet videos to take an unedited video of themselves simply walking into a room with your hands clasped in front of you. Say a few words. How many still shots of you are “scary?”

The media is looking for the shots that make him look like a diabolical murderer. They’re playing you for clicks.

They’re also playing on the dangerous theme of Eugenics, which has long been debunked. Very kind people are found in “ugly” faces. Cruelty can be met in those who are deemed beautiful.

As any good grandma says: Looks Don’t Matter
I'm hopeful any eventual trial will be live-streamed in this case, and the order of no cameras be reversed in the Vallow-Daybell case for trial. The lawyers' arguments that the defendants can't get a fair and impartial jury with pre-trial publicity doesn't really wash once a jury has been sworn in. IMO
and let's hope for a more experienced judge than Boyce
@Alethea this picture especially
I live in AZ and my family lives in MI. In 15 years, I have only ever driven from MI to AZ to bring a family members car back with me that I purchased. I did the drive with my brother and he flew back. I go home to visit 4-6 times a year. Always, always fly. I can’t for the life of me figure out what he told his father/family was the reason for wanting to drive to PA for Christmas. I’ve heard it was because of mechanical issues with the car, and they did take the car to be serviced in PA upon arrival. But if there were mechanical issues why would you drive it 2000 miles? In the winter driving through northern states? And was it serviced in WA prior to departure? (And what exactly was serviced on the car in PA?) He registered for WA plates recently so the reason couldn’t be to register the car (which previously had PA plates/registration). Cost couldn’t be the reason, the father had to purchase a plane ticket to WA, and with gas prices it would have been cheaper for BK to fly solo from WA to PA and then PA to WA. And the father said BK was planning on driving all the way home alone according to the witness at the auto shop. From the looks of it in the bodycam footage, the backseat isn’t full of items/no moving of items. Why did he tell them he had to/wanted to drive home rather than fly?
Ya'll do realize that they are choosing photos of him to publish. What is he supposed to do....pose for the camera with his best smile turned to his good side with a twinkle in his eye? This is what people in real life look like when they are stressed. Some people are just not photogenic, no matter what they do.
Wow great catch!! BK trying to cover his tracks
Makes you wonder when his Dad signed the title over? I suppose he may have had it on the to do list since Aug, but idk. Things the Dad must be rethinking in his head. It was my understanding that BK didn’t have a vehicle under his name, could be wrong.
I live in AZ and my family lives in MI. In 15 years, I have only ever driven from MI to AZ to bring a family members car back with me that I purchased. I did the drive with my brother and he flew back. I go home to visit 4-6 times a year. Always, always fly. I can’t for the life of me figure out what he told his father/family was the reason for wanting to drive to PA for Christmas. I’ve heard it was because of mechanical issues with the car, and they did take the car to be serviced in PA upon arrival. But if there were mechanical issues why would you drive it 2000 miles? In the winter driving through northern states? And was it serviced in WA prior to departure? (And what exactly was serviced on the car in PA?) He registered for WA plates recently so the reason couldn’t be to register the car (which previously had PA plates/registration). Cost couldn’t be the reason, the father had to purchase a plane ticket to WA, and with gas prices it would have been cheaper for BK to fly solo from WA to PA and then PA to WA. And the father said BK was planning on driving all the way home alone according to the witness at the auto shop. From the looks of it in the bodycam footage, the backseat isn’t full of items/no moving of items. Why did he tell them he had to/wanted to drive home rather than fly?
I think he drove back for two reasons.

First he needed to get the car out of the area.

Secondly, I’m not entirely sure he planned on going back.

Ya'll do realize that they are choosing photos of him to publish. What is he supposed to do....pose for the camera with his best smile turned to his good side with a twinkle in his eye? This is what people in real life look like when they are stressed. Some people are just not photogenic, no matter what they do.
I don’t expect him to strike a pose, but I also can’t help but imagine waking up at 3am to that expression/face looming over me, knife or no knife, and it really unnerves me. This is not me having aesthetic objections to his face. It’s more instinctual.
I disagree with this article. How silly. There has always been news and debate about crimes since the beginning of the newspaper. Rather condescending comment about women in the article.
I think he drove back for two reasons.

First he needed to get the car out of the area.

Secondly, I’m not entirely sure he planned on going back.

I don’t mean why did he drive back. I mean what did he tell his family was the reason for driving back (assuming the family is unaware of anything BK “allegedly” did)
I live in AZ and my family lives in MI. In 15 years, I have only ever driven from MI to AZ to bring a family members car back with me that I purchased. I did the drive with my brother and he flew back. I go home to visit 4-6 times a year. Always, always fly. I can’t for the life of me figure out what he told his father/family was the reason for wanting to drive to PA for Christmas. I’ve heard it was because of mechanical issues with the car, and they did take the car to be serviced in PA upon arrival. But if there were mechanical issues why would you drive it 2000 miles? In the winter driving through northern states? And was it serviced in WA prior to departure? (And what exactly was serviced on the car in PA?) He registered for WA plates recently so the reason couldn’t be to register the car (which previously had PA plates/registration). Cost couldn’t be the reason, the father had to purchase a plane ticket to WA, and with gas prices it would have been cheaper for BK to fly solo from WA to PA and then PA to WA. And the father said BK was planning on driving all the way home alone according to the witness at the auto shop. From the looks of it in the bodycam footage, the backseat isn’t full of items/no moving of items. Why did he tell them he had to/wanted to drive home rather than fly?
He had to get that Elantra out of Idaho and the prying eyes of LE and the public. You're absolutely correct, it makes no sense whatsoever that he would have his Dad fly out and them make that cross country drive.

I wonder if he planned on leaving the Elantra in PA and driving one of their cars back to Idaho when it came time to return?

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