ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 12

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Do we have any information if the man could be hurt during the attack?
X’s father stated in an interview that his daughter fought like hell against her attacker. He stated that she was strong and that she was a fighter.
For this reason I believe the attacker sustained some injuries. They may have been more or less superficial, but they may be enough to have left behind some solid DNA. It could be in the form of skin cells under her nails or a droplet of blood from a scratch.
Several posters are naysaying the idea that the killer sustained any injuries, however, in a case like this, the most minute piece of evidence can be what breaks the case wide open.
Another poster has suggested that defensive wounds are passive injuries. I see it differently. If you put up your hands or arms to shield yourself from grievous injury, you are not being passive; you are aggressively defending yourself. You would be passive if you just laid there and took the blows.
Don’t think it’s been stated but pics available on social media accounts will show it’s likely a friend of the group’s apartment complex
Thanks! I didn't know if formally mentioned. This ENTIRE time for some reason I thought was at the girl's house...bad sleuther I am lol
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It seems the house was a revolving door for parties. Lots of people coming and going, perhaps even strangers to them who just showed up tagging along with acquaintances.

That means tons of fingerprints, hair, shoeprints and DNA. Pain in the rear end to gather and process all that material and sift the evidence from the random stuff.


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Without a doubt there are professors hooking up with students, as illegal as that is. But respectfully, though that could fit into an obsessed killer, I don't think "intense class envy" would be the motive.
I've considered the possibility of it being a professor (especially a married one). If one of the girls was secretly sleeping with her professor and in her mind the relationship got serious, she might demand that they go public. He could have killed her, and killed her friends in case she told them what was going on.

Alternately, a professor who is sexually harassing a student, and she threatens to turn him in.

Neither particularly likely, but worth considering.
Curious whether anyone knows the story behind the comment made at the beginning of this MSNBC piece, about 5 days ago:

"a physical struggle took place before the murders happened" (@ 17 seconds in).

This was never repeated again as far as I know. I just chalked it up to an unfortunate wording of "there were defensive wounds found on some of the victims".
wondering if blood was found on the exterior doors of the surviving roommates.

I wondered the same thing as the police seemed to know whether or not the killer went to the first floor as per PC but declined to comment as it was part of the investigation.

My theories for sparing the first floor:
- didn’t know they were there
- something spooked him and he left quickly
- knew they were there but couldn’t get in
- knew they were there and weren’t part of his attack
My head has been all over the place as far as theories go. But a few things that I've noticed that make me wonder.
-all of the victims Instagram have remained public. Except for Ethan.
-the 2 surviving roommates (understandably) switched their Instagram to private or deactivated their account. Ethan's surviving triplets also switched to private. So did the frat. Neither of the sororities all roommates belonged to did this.)
-Surving roommates and ethan's siblings were all on scene (roommates confirmed/siblings possibly per parents interview saying they "were there" depending on how you interpret) when police arrived.
-we've received little to no information on Ethan/Xana at or after the frat party.
-witnesses have come forward that saw Maddie & Kaylee and given interviews. We've seen them on camera, know who brought them home and when, etc).
-no one that saw Ethan or Xana that night have spoken publicly. The police have released 0 details on their night.

All of the above has me thinking E and/or X were the target. Something happened at that party involving E or X. Someone came to the house and confronted them while M & K we're still awake. Person got kicked out and yelled at/insulted by all 4 of them. Person left feeling slighted, possibly embarrassed/rejected because the girls piled on him, all on E's side. Went and got a weapon, came back when everyone was asleep to make them all pay.
- media and everyone else is focused on K & M. Police are feeding into that theory to keep the media/social media out of their investigation.
- fraternity holds the key, and Ethan's siblings and maybe even the 2 surviving roommates know there was an altercation. They are all MIA because they know the police are doing their thing. Frat is locked down on social, and their members, because when this comes out, the publicity for the frat will be a nightmare on a national level and they are getting their ducks in a row to combat the hellstorm of negative press that will be coming there way. What's worst for a fraternity than a hazing death? Admitting a sociopath that goes on to murder 4 Greek students. And maybe there were warning signs the frat ignored.

All just IMO and wild speculation. I just feel a little like we're being told to look left so we don't see what's happening to the right. JMO. I need to take a break from thinking about this tragedy. Hoping the families get answers soon.
Relative newbie here, first time poster in this thread - your theory caught my eye.

I've been wondering over the last few days why E & X stayed so little time at the party. An hour really isn't very long, and could certainly sit with the idea that something happened at the party that made them make the decision to return home early. Could possibly tie in with the version of events that's been described here. MOO.
X’s father stated in an interview that his daughter fought like hell against her attacker. He stated that she was strong and that she was a fighter.
For this reason I believe the attacker sustained some injuries. They may have been more or less superficial, but they may be enough to have left behind some solid DNA. It could be in the form of skin cells under her nails or a droplet of blood from a scratch.
Several posters are naysaying the idea that the killer sustained any injuries, however, in a case like this, the most minute piece of evidence can be what breaks the case wide open.
Another poster has suggested that defensive wounds are passive injuries. I see it differently. If you put up your hands or arms to shield yourself from grievous injury, you are not being passive; you are aggressively defending yourself. You would be passive if you just laid there and took the blows.
Also he mentioned bruises (and tears). When I think bruises I don't think knife I think body to body contact or possibly an object that isn't a knife.
X’s father stated in an interview that his daughter fought like hell against her attacker. He stated that she was strong and that she was a fighter.
For this reason I believe the attacker sustained some injuries. They may have been more or less superficial, but they may be enough to have left behind some solid DNA. It could be in the form of skin cells under her nails or a droplet of blood from a scratch.
Several posters are naysaying the idea that the killer sustained any injuries, however, in a case like this, the most minute piece of evidence can be what breaks the case wide open.
Another poster has suggested that defensive wounds are passive injuries. I see it differently. If you put up your hands or arms to shield yourself from grievous injury, you are not being passive; you are aggressively defending yourself. You would be passive if you just laid there and took the blows.
It's now nearly 2 weeks later. Killer's wounds may have healed.
My head has been all over the place as far as theories go. But a few things that I've noticed that make me wonder.
-all of the victims Instagram have remained public. Except for Ethan.
-the 2 surviving roommates (understandably) switched their Instagram to private or deactivated their account. Ethan's surviving triplets also switched to private. So did the frat. Neither of the sororities all roommates belonged to did this.)
-Surving roommates and ethan's siblings were all on scene (roommates confirmed/siblings possibly per parents interview saying they "were there" depending on how you interpret) when police arrived.
-we've received little to no information on Ethan/Xana at or after the frat party.
-witnesses have come forward that saw Maddie & Kaylee and given interviews. We've seen them on camera, know who brought them home and when, etc).
-no one that saw Ethan or Xana that night have spoken publicly. The police have released 0 details on their night.

All of the above has me thinking E and/or X were the target. Something happened at that party involving E or X. Someone came to the house and confronted them while M & K we're still awake. Person got kicked out and yelled at/insulted by all 4 of them. Person left feeling slighted, possibly embarrassed/rejected because the girls piled on him, all on E's side. Went and got a weapon, came back when everyone was asleep to make them all pay.
- media and everyone else is focused on K & M. Police are feeding into that theory to keep the media/social media out of their investigation.
- fraternity holds the key, and Ethan's siblings and maybe even the 2 surviving roommates know there was an altercation. They are all MIA because they know the police are doing their thing. Frat is locked down on social, and their members, because when this comes out, the publicity for the frat will be a nightmare on a national level and they are getting their ducks in a row to combat the hellstorm of negative press that will be coming there way. What's worst for a fraternity than a hazing death? Admitting a sociopath that goes on to murder 4 Greek students. And maybe there were warning signs the frat ignored.

All just IMO and wild speculation. I just feel a little like we're being told to look left so we don't see what's happening to the right. JMO. I need to take a break from thinking about this tragedy. Hoping the families get answers soon.
I could see this as well. So many scenarios that it could be. I really hope this is solved.
Talking about an attack targeted at ONE.

“‘Steve Goncalves told CNN: “I’ve been told it’s one, but then again, there’s the bigness like it’s purposely big.’”

what do you think he means by “purposely big?”
To deflect the impression of being "targeted".

One targeted victim means the perp is known in the circle of friends.

Many victims might mean a random serial killer.

What do you make of the people online who take “credit” for the killings? I’ve seen two separate accounts claim responsibility, plus a comment on DailyMail that was suspicious.

Obviously there are people out there who do stupid things, but do you think the killer may actually go online to brag about what he’s done?
This is just too creepy and uncanny. I have a feeling they must be related.
Do the articles have the exact addresses? If so there might be other patterns, close to a wooded area/park or creek etc...corner apts. I keep thinking of EAR he used a creek to throw off dog scent and to travel by foot or by little boat.

Does anyone know if the Oregon case has an exact address listed anywhere?
I agree about the doors being locked - but I question whether the killer needed to do much if any clesn up.

If the victims were in bed when killed, the beds would contain most of the blood. So if the killer used a little care where he stepped, no bloody footprints. Most of the blood would probably be on the knife or the perp's arm. If they wiped the knife on (for example) the sheets, then you're less likely to have it running down and dripping. There might be very little blood in the common areas - and the surviving roommates might not have noticed a few random smears or drops if they were thinking passed out drunk rather than mass murder.
I have also wondered regarding the victims, who were believed to have been sleeping when they were attacked, if the killer may have covered them with a blanket when he finished with them.
As you stated, much of the blood would seep down into the bedding and mattress. If most injuries were in the torso, the killer may have tried to buy himself a little time by covering the victim up to the chin with a blanket.
If one of the roommates did look into the room it would seem at first as if the victim were sleeping and so they initially left him or her alone. Only later when they couldn’t raise them did they realize that something was very wrong.
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