ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 13

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I believe E's family or X's father confirmed E was found in the hall on second floor. As soon as surviving roommate came up the stairs he'd be seen.

We don't know if she did or didn't see blood but if she did she likely got scared or freaked out. Maybe she didn't go any further than the top of those stairs, but rather called friends to come look.

Would explain why multiple people spoke to the 911 operator. One media outlet said one of the friends that was summonsed over found the others whilst on the 911 call. It was the first time I'd heard that too. I'm having trouble finding it right now. but I'll keep looking.
There is nothing confirming EC was found in the hallway.
It is completely off topic, but when I saw the headline of this case on WS for the 1st time I was convinced it happened in Russia's capital to American students from Idaho.

Later I even googled the etymology of the place's name.

I hope the murderer/s will be caught soon.
I feel the perp was known to the victims.

I check WS often for updates, but every time I do this I'm met with the new thread!
I doubt the dog had been let out by the perp. If it had, I’m guessing Kaylee found it soon. Someone mentioned in the last thread I believe that it was around 30 degrees that night. IMO, there is no way Kaylee would have gone to sleep without finding that dog. At least not within the timeframe the murders were said to occur.


It's difficult to have so many potentialities for why these young people were viciously slain.

I still tend to think it was someone who had a personal animus against one victim, or against the group as an entirety. Whether it was a girl he couldn't have, or the group represented a popular and social life that he couldn't attain.

The one thing I really haven't felt was true is this whole thing about a serial killer because others in the PNW have been killed in similar fashion. I know LE does not believe at this time that they are connected.

However, it crossed my mind how the Golden State Killer originally had other nicknames. The East Side Rapist, the Diamond Knot Killer and the Original Night Stalker, until Michelle McNamara in her book tied them all together and labeled him the Golden State Killer. She was right--they were all one guy, who moved all around California and sometimes changed his M.O.

So that is giving me pause. But only somewhat.

Maybe there IS someone who is, let's say, "The 13 Killer," for example. It's going to be exponentially more difficult to find him if he's a multi-state killer.

Overall I do still believe it was someone local who crossed paths with these kids; once, twice or frequently. Someone who directly chose them. Someone who didn't know or didn't care that there were two others at home.

And that is the belief that LE seems to have, and they know so much that we don't. Thinking about how the GSK was originally assumed to be separate people, however, is giving me a small percentage of thinking it may POSSIBLY be more than that.

Jmo and I don't even know if I believe it myself.
Night of the incident would likely be Sunday night. They could just give the date and time make it easier on everyone!
There is a record that someone went to the animal shelter to pick up a dog at 5:30 pm on November 13th. I seriously doubt that this was a routine pick up based on the fact that it is in the police log..

22-M09911 Suspicious Person/Circumstance

Incident Address: 2000 blk WHITE AVE


Disposition: ACT

Time Reported: 17:30

Cad Comments:

Request assistance locating dog that was dropped off at shelter.

Officer responded. Computer report. MPD Press Log 11/13/2022

Great post.

LE continues to state that they found Murphy on the night of the incident. IMO, If LE found Murphy in the early morning or late afternoon, LE would update this.
Super Clear to me! I agree the 911 call for assistance with an unconcious person when there are four housemates in close proximity dead with multiple stab wounds is confusing, the only possible explanation is that the perp locked K+M + E+X in their rooms so thier bodies were only accessed when the police arrived!
And this is why they won't release the call or who called. Where they were found (bed or floor inside) is an intricate part of the investigation.
Bundy's victims were unknown to him. He was after a type.

I think this killer was after a type, too. Not these girls personally but sorority girls and everything he thinks that means.

While it's possible that Murphy was kenneled quietly out of sight, I think it's entirely possible Murphy survived because the murderer has no issue with DOGS.

M and K (JMO the only intended targets, possibly one over the other) were beautiful girls, talented and kind. Accomplished, successful, esteemed. This horrific crime JMO tells us nothing about them, and everything about the assailant.

Hoping an arrest is imminent and the conviction swift and severe.

I think so, as well.

Note the careful language around yesterday's releases on The City Of Moscow website, "At this time, there are no named suspects, no arrests and no weapon has been found."

And The City of Moscow Police Department, "At this time, no suspect has been identified, and only vetted information that does not hinder the investigation will be released to the public."

IMO, they have a profile and DNA, but this individual's DNA is not in the database.
YES! I caught that too.
Also the release yesterday said people not person.
While it's possible that Murphy was kenneled quietly out of sight, I think it's entirely possible Murphy survived because the murderer has no issue with DOGS.

Thank you! I believe quite some people could escalate into killing someone they had a beef with, while not being generally pathologically sadistic. And it is not too common to have a beef with someone that extends to their dog. Or to have a beef with dogs in general, unless you've been attacked by one.
I believe E's family or X's father confirmed E was found in the hall on second floor. As soon as surviving roommate came up the stairs he'd be seen.

We don't know if she did or didn't see blood but if she did she likely got scared or freaked out. Maybe she didn't go any further than the top of those stairs, but rather called friends to come look.

Would explain why multiple people spoke to the 911 operator. One media outlet said one of the friends that was summonsed over found the others whilst on the 911 call. It was the first time I'd heard that too. I'm having trouble finding it right now. but I'll keep looking.
Thank you
Great post.

LE continues to state that they found Murphy on the night of the incident. IMO, If LE found Murphy in the early morning or late afternoon, LE would update this.
The problem is, they did update the 11/22 press release to say morning, but now they put night again. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the change, but I did message the City of Moscow’s Facebook page on 11/23 pointing out this discrepancy, just in case they wanted to know since they seem to be trying really hard to be factual. They didn’t respond (I didn’t think they would) but I do know someone with access to their messages saw it the same day because you can tell when it’s been read.

The police’s news release on 11/21 states:

On the night of the incident, officers located a dog at the residence. The dog was unharmed and turned over to Animal Services and then released to a responsible party.

Then the next release on 11/22 states:

On the morning of the incident, officers located a dog at the residence. The dog was unharmed and turned over to Animal Services and then released to a responsible party.
I believe E's family or X's father confirmed E was found in the hall on second floor. As soon as surviving roommate came up the stairs he'd be seen.

We don't know if she did or didn't see blood but if she did she likely got scared or freaked out. Maybe she didn't go any further than the top of those stairs, but rather called friends to come look.

Would explain why multiple people spoke to the 911 operator. One media outlet said one of the friends that was summonsed over found the others whilst on the 911 call. It was the first time I'd heard that too. I'm having trouble finding it right now. but I'll keep looking.

Agree, and if they saw E or were trying to get a reaction from X’s door and did not,
they would go back down the stairs to the 1st floor- that is where the entrance to the Horus is located - So that is their Exit!

No one would want to be trapped on the 2nd floor when something feels very wrong, they would want to Get the heck out.
Very likely these are my thoughts and not theirs, but that is where my mind goes
JMO- prayers for all involved
We forget that we know the outcome (four brutal slayings). The housemates and 911 caller/s may only have been aware of the parked vehicles, the eerie silence, and whatever they could see through a crack in the door or a gap in window coverings.

Likely it was during the call that increased discovery was made, as the scope of the carnage came into view.

I hope they were spared the scenes.

I can’t find it now, but someone was asking about the temperature. I think it’s been posted it was around 30 degrees that night which for Moscow is fairly mild for that time of year. Being outdoors in that if you are a hunter stalking prey would not faze you. Add into that appropriate gear, acclimatization, adrenaline. But I also don’t think he was sitting out there observing that night. I think he definitely did at some point, but this night was different. He had picked his time, his weapon, and he had a target. That house and the girls in it. My opinion only.

Also the dog…I hate myself a little for posting about it too but…a dog is gonna dog. Like people, you do not know how they will react. I once was burgled with two dogs at the time. Suspect climbed the back fence, came in through the back kitchen door where one of the dogs was gated. Grabbed the butcher knife off the magnetic strip on the wall (possibly stepping over the dog to do so) and began to rifle through things in the living room. I woke up because the other dog, sleeping in the bedroom with me, began growling. Then I went to investigate. Room a mess, suspect (and knife) gone. One dog silent, the other not.
We forget that we know the outcome (four brutal slayings). The housemates and 911 caller/s may only have been aware of the parked vehicles, the eerie silence, and whatever they could see through a crack in the door or a gap in window coverings.

Likely it was during the call that increased discovery was made, as the scope of the carnage came into view.

I hope they were spared the scenes.

I think it was likely that during the call more was discovered by the callers. With multiple people on the phone, it could have been that the first one who called said unconscious, then dispatch asked them to look at something further. The person on the phone told someone there to do what dispatch said so they did. They discovered something awful that they had to describe to the dispatcher so they took the phone, or they said out loud what they found and the person on the phone freaked out and could no longer communicate, etc. IMO.
With the pictures of them looking outside at different vantage points, that really does make the most sense. That the killer lived in the apartment complex right across from them. He was able to see when the lights were all out and had already planned it. If he was watching and saw Ethan go in the house, that is really something. That would take a lot of either commitment to the cause of doing what he wanted to do or recklessness to go in with a man in the house. I would assume the target was the women.

Living right across there would allow the killer to walk home after, or possibly have brought along a change of clothing and shoes and gloves and a backpack, and maybe even get into his car and leave and get a Head-start. Drop the murder weapon off along the way somewhere. They obviously know who they have been able to interview that might fit the profile, and if someone left town that Sunday and wasn’t around, that would certainly be sus.

I hope an attorney can comment on what probable cause would be needed to search someone‘s apartment. If anyone they have had the opportunity to interview seems like they could fit the profile, what do they need to establish probable cause to go through that apartment? If the killer went back into their apartment, there has to be some traces along the banister walking up the stairs, And around the apartment. No matter how careful they were to clean up, Luminol and all that can pick that up. Now if they got right into a car to leave town, that’s some thing else. But I think that they know probably who it is and they’re just trying to find the proof for the case.

I also hope that everyone arriving at the house before 911 didn’t contaminate the house, which it likely did. It is completely baffling that someone, if they saw blood, would call friends/family to come over & not 911.
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