ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 16

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The house itself being targeted is an interesting thought. Is there someone with something to gain with the house being likely unsellable and unrentable? Commercial interest? Just another possible angle. Moo
What I don‘t get is why LE indicated right away it was targeted crime. What made them think that? Granted the university might have had some influence but I don’t think they would put the community at risk needlessly.
There must have been something ie. a reason for saying it was targeted. LE are holding back lots…
Hope you're right.

This coward/killer may've also liked to show off their knife (or knives) in the past too.
That’s what I have been calling this animal, a coward.
So far only E has had a memorial service? Has LE released the bodies of X, K and M to the families?
In the interview k’s father did, he said “I sent my daughter off to college and she came home in an urn”. Don’t know about the rest.
This case is getting a hell of a lot of national/international attention. It's definitely one of the top news stories on any given day, and is also probably the #1 crime story in the news now.

So, because of the intense pressure the authorities are getting to solve the case quickly - I hope they don't arrest an innocent person just because they want to close this out. You hear about wrongful convictions all of the time. Yes, the case is horrific. But, it's better that it remains unsolved than that an innocent person goes to jail for something they didn't do.

As I stated in the early days of this case, I strongly suspect that the perp. left town after the crime(s) - whether they were local, or someone not from the area. I just don't see why someone would stay in town after doing something like this, unless they want to get caught. However, as I've said before - I could be wrong here as well.
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The in the video, the reporter asked the Communications Director for the Idaho State Police if the unresponsive female was one of the surviving roommates and he responded: "I haven't heard that take"
Yes. I am referencing the long description of the circumstances of the 911 call that is in the Twitter feed. It makes sense as to why the only report was an unresponsive person if it happened that way. I believe the person with the Twitter account was being asked to verify the explanation. Whether Snell had “heard that take” or not doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen that way.
Xana loved her dog, Shoeshine, enjoyed EDM music, going to concerts, spending time with her friends and going on family trips with her sister and father. When she was little she loved spending time on her grandma and grandpa's farm and summers at the river.

Xana was someone who was loved dearly by her family, friends and classmates. She was a very positive and outgoing person who went out of her way to make everyone feel welcome.

Awwww...she was just beautiful!
Anecdotal and JMO

The DuPont Tyvek suits I have are not the quietest of materials. I am sure there are other options, but the white head to toe disposable suits are definitely not on the stealth attire list.

They make them in black as well.
That is below freezing .. Minus 3.8 C ….(at 3:53am)
It is all relative to where the perp comes from….. even with gloves on at that temperature my fingers would be too frozen to ne nimble with a knife ..
Might be nothing if you are used to it, but a very cold deal if you come from somewhere warmer….
If you watched the food truck video, you will notice there was one man there wearing a tank top and shorts at 1:30 AM, in spite of the cold. Don't underestimate some people's tolerance for extremes. I don't know if he was too wasted to realize, drugged, taking a dare, trying to display bravado...didn't make any sense when you see him near everyone else in warm clothes still moving around trying to stay warm.
Yes. I am referencing the long description of the circumstances of the 911 call that is in the Twitter feed. It makes sense as to why the only report was an unresponsive person if it happened that way. I believe the person with the Twitter account was being asked to verify the explanation. Whether Snell had “heard that take” or not doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen that way.
If it's not in the police report, then it would be private info regarding a roommate's health.
The Mayor called it a 'Crime of Passion' NOT LE.

With a crime of this magnitude, it’s very difficult to work through,” Mr. Bettge said, adding that the police needed time to piece together what had transpired. “The overall assessment is that it’s a crime of passion,” he said.

I don’t think you should give LE too much credit in this case. They most likely made a gamble that the killer would be quickly revealed. Because of that, they spouted out statements. Now they are backtracking on original statements that we assumed were evidence based fact. Next thing they will say the time-space-continuum was targeted. Has any reporter asked them if they have any Persons of Interest?
LE has said they have not identified a suspect. I don’t remember them ever implying a suspect would be found quickly. This kind of crime can take a long time to solve. They have no choice but to "back track" if the evidence points in a different direction. There probably have been hundreds of people in that house. That's a lot of DNA to sort out. If and when they have isolated 'unknown' DNA and it does not match anyone who has been in the house, it may take longer, especially if the unknown DNA is not a match to anyone in CODIS.

They have collected over a hundred pieces of evidence from the crime scene. They have phone data to analyze and people to interview. They have lots of footage that needs to be carefully looked at to determine which way the killer went, if by vehicle, after the crime. There must be a reason they asked for surveillance footage in a specific area between 3:00 and 6:00 am.

They did say they are making progress but probably won't be giving updates unless they have something significant to report, or need assistance from the public.
Xana loved her dog, Shoeshine, enjoyed EDM music, going to concerts, spending time with her friends and going on family trips with her sister and father. When she was little she loved spending time on her grandma and grandpa's farm and summers at the river.

Xana was someone who was loved dearly by her family, friends and classmates. She was a very positive and outgoing person who went out of her way to make everyone feel welcome.

These obituaries are all so well written and really show who they were. So sad and a beautiful girl
I agree, This criminal profiling And Crime of passion this, Random That, 50% Of The time I think it’s guess work, I Haven’t had access To the Idaho murders but, And It’s just A GUESS, I think perp knew his victims, Detectives say it’s a crime of passion, but who really knows It could end up just being a random thing..
JMO I believe it’s a crime of passion as well. Whoever did this was definitely watching the house and if he was, then he would have known E, X’s boyfriend, was there as well.

I don’t believe it was an unfortunate coincidence that E just happened to be over that day. Why? Because if his only victim was one of the girls, why execute your plan while guest are over? Potentially making things more complicated for your original plan. The explanation is that E was a target as well but not the only target. He could have killed E at any other time or place. That’s why I believe that X was his target as well. The main target.

The suspect likely had a thing for X but unfortunately for him, she turned him down. This Is what I believe is what drove the killer to go on his murder spree in the first place. To kill X. Then kill her boyfriend E out of jealousy. So why kill the other 2 roommates? Possibly because they were X’s friends or because he was in a rage so reason and logic were long gone from him.

So why not kill those on the first floor? I believe he must have at least made some commotion attacking the victims. Maybe one even cried out. X was said to have defensive wounds. The scuffle may have made some noise and the killer, having possibly been in the house before, knew that a roommates room was directly below him. It’s possible that the first story roommates couldn’t hear much or anything going on though. The house has been significantly renovated in the past. Its possible extra insulation was added. The weather in that city appears to get down to very cold levels. So fearing he made too much commotion or maybe triggering a dog to start barking, he soon left. Feeling his 2 prime targets were eliminated and the rest were just bonuses.
He responded: "I haven't heard that specific take"

Last night everyone was saying the roommate had fainted based on interpretations of what Snell was saying. Snell then clarifies for the reporter, "I haven't heard that specific take"
She asked him on two different occasions. This video has his responses from each time. The first time he responds “I haven’t heard that specific take.” Then she asks him about it on a different day, basically saying now that you’ve heard that specific take, can you tell us if that’s the case. Snell’s response is “So, I’m not gonna speculate. And I’m not going to provide that information at this time. I’m sure that will come out in due time.”

Which one is it Snell? If you have to speculate, that basically implies you don’t know. But then you say you’re not going to provide that information at this time, which basically implies you know that info.

I thought the idea that a roommate passed out and that’s why police were called was preposterous. I’m still not sure I believe that’s what happened, but Snell’s response sure doesn’t refute it.

Is there any way we can move on from the 911 call?. It appears it can be interpreted a dozen different ways, but none of us know or will know the answer until LE confirms the info.

As the roommates and friends are not believed to be suspects, at this time, is there any benefit, right now, of knowing the answer?.
She asked him on two different occasions. This video has his responses from each time. The first time he responds “I haven’t heard that specific take.” Then she asks him about it on a different day, basically saying now that you’ve heard that specific take, can you tell us if that’s the case. Snell’s response is “So, I’m not gonna speculate. And I’m not going to provide that information at this time. I’m sure that will come out in due time.”

Which one is it Snell? If you have to speculate, that basically implies you don’t know. But then you say you’re not going to provide that information at this time, which basically implies you know that info.

I thought the idea that a roommate passed out and that’s why police were called was preposterous. I’m still not sure I believe that’s what happened, but Snell’s response sure doesn’t refute it.

They all need a PR point person to assemble the story and present a press release every day. The story needs to be consistent and not given in a tentative way that leads people to analyze and parse every word. I don't mean that just so we (WS) don't go nuts with this; their method of communication isn't making the victims' families or the Moscow community feel confident in their ability to solve this crime.
She asked him on two different occasions. This video has his responses from each time. The first time he responds “I haven’t heard that specific take.” Then she asks him about it on a different day, basically saying now that you’ve heard that specific take, can you tell us if that’s the case. Snell’s response is “So, I’m not gonna speculate. And I’m not going to provide that information at this time. I’m sure that will come out in due time.”

Which one is it Snell? If you have to speculate, that basically implies you don’t know. But then you say you’re not going to provide that information at this time, which basically implies you know that info.

I thought the idea that a roommate passed out and that’s why police were called was preposterous. I’m still not sure I believe that’s what happened, but Snell’s response sure doesn’t refute it.

Snell is the Communication Director for the Idaho State Police. He's not going to comment or speculate on whether someone has fainted. To do so would be a violation of their privacy. (Medical info of someone who is not a victim or suspect) The police log entry is for a homicide.
Is there any way we can move on from the 911 call?. It appears it can be interpreted a dozen different ways, but none of us know or will know the answer until LE confirms the info.

As the roommates and friends are not believed to be suspects, at this time, is there any benefit, right now, of knowing the answer?.
If it was a roommate, that implies she saw something terrible, which implies the bedroom doors weren’t locked. Just speculating, and I’m still not sure it helps to know that. I think it’s just mostly curiosity and confusion, since you’d imagine a gory scene with a body would not be described as an unconscious person. I guess people are just trying to wrap their heads around this, and with few real details, it’s one thing to focus on. But no, maybe no benefit for the public to know.
The Mayor called it a 'Crime of Passion' NOT LE.

With a crime of this magnitude, it’s very difficult to work through,” Mr. Bettge said, adding that the police needed time to piece together what had transpired. “The overall assessment is that it’s a crime of passion,” he said.

OK..thanks...It goes all over the world as such...I was kinda late to this case..
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