Sounds like the DA is giving us a heads up. Soon could be in a week!
I am less confident because these are four people, each with their lives, in a university city. I understand there is a lot of pressure on the LE, but maybe this is how ISP ended up with 74K tips and missed a very important piece of early information? I think it might take some time.
Does anyone know if the US and Canada share DNA databases? I tried searching for that answer today and couldn't come up with anything.
Criminal or regular open source? There is a difference.
For Gedmatch, an open-source community database, there is no country limitation, one can upload DNA processed in at least five major commercial companies, maybe even more, from any country. So Canadian DNAs are there, too, provided their Canadian owners run them through DNA companies that work with Gedmatch, downloaded and opened for LE comparison (“opted in”).
About CODIS. Here I think is everything we need to know and more
A compilation of frequently-asked questions about the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) and the National DNA Index System (NDIS).
The article mentions the procedure for DNA matching request from the Interpol, and vise versa, the Interpol can request comparison of their DNA with Codis database, but it is an official process. Interpol, has 195 members, including US and Canada. So me not knowing how it works, but knowing there is collaboration between CODIS and Interpol database, I would think, Canadian DNA is not off-limits, because Interpol can ask its members DNA databases for comparison. It is the principle of cooperation in apprehending dangerous criminals, and I can’t imagine how it can be otherwise. I wonder if there is a faster communication between Canada and US, but not in the loop to know.