ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 18

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Great. Just great. This article just came through on my text notifications. It updates Moscow official statements to the point where they say they don’t know if the house or any of the residents were targeted.

Then the very next line says “But Moscow police told Insider cops still believe the believe the students were killed in a “targeted attack”.

To my count that’s 5 flips in the last 48 hours. Screams of internal discord IMO, and that helps nobody.

  • Police probing the killings of the four Idaho students are not sure if the victims were "targeted."
  • Detectives don't know if the "residence or any occupants" were targeted, Moscow police said.
  • But Moscow police told Insider cops still believe the students were killed in a "targeted attack."

IMO, LE painted itself into a corner with the "targeted" and "crime of passion" stuff, and it's been all downhill from there when it comes to communication.
They may have DNA from many people that didn't live there due to the social traffic.
Entin - in the last clip posted on this thread - said neighbours believed there were parties or gatherings often on both days at weekends.

So , can you imagine if this is the fall-back party house for the fratboys & if a frat boy was the perpetrator? This is a major task.
Right now their techs must be coming-up with so many DNA finds but which don't necessarily progress the case.

I keep thinking if this was a random thrill kill just for violence and murder, why not pick a house outside of the city limits? I'm sure there are girls living in houses in more isolated places. Or rural area (more gun owners possibly)? It's darker, less used roads, less people, etc.

This house was on a cut-de-sac, so basically surrounded except for tree barrier in the back to apartment building. Main roads with cameras, houses with cameras, foot traffic, car traffic, night owls around the university and even a woman nursing her newborn, etc. Very risky even if using the back!

This just brings me back to that tree line S-SE of the house. That infiltration route is just too perfect.
As sickening as this sounds, there will be some media outlet that will look to pay these girls for their story. Media is going to spin it as them respecting their privacy, but make no mistake about it, there's a young hungry reporter out there looking to make a name for themselves and will offer whatever it takes to get their name in the limelight.
My heart breaks for the surviving roommates. I saw an article recently (I'll have to dig for a link) that said someone offered them money for an interview. Completely awful!
Was the Moscow LE ready for a quadruple stabbing homicide, a gazillion tv cameras, every national media in attendance, and doing press several conferences where they would have to speak? Probably not but they have the FBI now and will get to the bottom of this.
It has the same pattern as the liquid ( blood?) that was dripping outside down the foundation of the house. There must be a lot of cracks in the floor to be seeping like that unless it came from a floor vent maybe? I wonder if there were any complaints about problems with the house.

One of the images grabbed from DM inside the house. Is that blood on the cabinets?! (Added one with updated exposure.)

It’s not blood. It was clean on Nov. 14, 2022.

There seem to be 4 possibilities for when the perpetrator entered the home:
1) before 1am when the first two roommates got home. This means the killer would have been aware of these other people in the home and chose not to attack them. But, this also means the killer knew others would be arriving home, and they were there with the intent to hurt those 4 specifically.
2) between 1 and 2 am. The killer may or may not have known the other 2 were home if they entered at this time, but that means they were aware when the other 4 came home. This would imply two things; they could have had the intent to kill everyone there regardless of who it was and just didn't realize there were more- or if they did know about the other 2, they went for those specific 4 and ignored the others, not considering them a threat when they didn't interrupt.
3) with the victims, as a guest or friend. This one is less likely for a lot of reasons, but I can't find a reason to rule it out.
4) after 2am when everyone was home and settled in, sleeping. Broke in and went after the 4 intentionally, going between 2 rooms on 2 different floors, but leaving the 2 on the first floor untouched and ignorant of what happened.
From the previous thread. ( ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 17 )



Indiana is not Idaho.
Gun & Weapon Law"
Boy oh boy. Is my face red.
Thank you for the correction, @North_Idaho_Nony and thank you for posting info to Idaho state source.
In following this sad case along w that of Abby and Libby in Delphi, IN, I had opened two tabs on guns laws in both states. I inadvertently pasted the url for IN, rather than ID.

Again thank you for catching that.
My apologies to you and readers here.

And FYI, wiki info for ID gun laws:

Gun laws in Idaho

Thank you for the add.
According to this article, The change from targeted to non-targeted came after initial lab results. Does this mean that they had a suspect and the lab tests cleared him? I think we are just waiting for familial DNA. We may be in for a long wait.
This reminds me of a thought I have had. What is the percentage of the US population that has their DNA in the system either voluntarily or court ordered? Is this like a needle in a haystack type situation? I know that there have been successes finding perps using DNA. But, IMO, DNA is mostly used to convict than locate a perp. Imo.
This is an intriguing comment. Has me thinking about the fact that none of the victims were sexually assaulted, per LE. This could still be a sexually-motived crime, as some perps don't need to physically molest victims because the violent act is what gets them off. Or it's just an ex-lover. It's disgusting to think about, let alone type, but it's JMO and something I've been thinking about.
I can't help but think the girls' playful and carefree nature, perhaps flirty nature, played a role in why they were targeted. (Yes, I do think MM and KG were the targets.) A sexually frustrated man, older than college age, with some military/weaponry knowledge, who felt ignored or rejected and decided to get revenge. He staked out the house for days or even weeks, and got a feel for their routines before he made his move. He would have killed everyone in the home, but started getting nervous (maybe heard something) and left without going to the first level. We don't know if the survivors heard anything, or got up from bed and made noise (flushed a toilet, turned on a faucet, opened a drawer) while the killer was there.
Is that also blood on the shoe in the box?

It does look like blood on the wardrobe door but it's bizarre how that would have happened. I wondered if it's arcing from when the offender has been thrusting the knife up and down?
The red on the shoe appears to me to be the exact same color as the evidence sticker on the window. Possibly another evidence sticker. Which makes you wonder what evidence could be found on one of their shoes?
exactly how someone could break into a house with 6 roommates without fear.
The house was NOT isolated, and there was more than one victim. It's a brazen and bold crime.

Some degree of psychopathology is needed to explain this, I agree. The term is now at play again in the academic literature because such people usually have multiple sets of psychiatric symptoms. Of course, they can be found in the non-criminal world as well. It's the brazenness of this crime that makes me think psychopathology. Unfortunately, it's not easy to diagnose out in the real world (in terms of profiling - once the person is caught, they will almost certainly have that pattern of brain behavior). Lots of people with this type of brain do not commit horrific crimes, but they do other things that some of us might wonder about.
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