ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 21

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Perhaps the difference there is that his dna was in the system, and they quickly knew who her killer was. I think they have had some results for a while, but it doesn't yet point to anyone. imo.
As in this case, the DNA from the victim had to be collected and processed before any match could be made. As I understand it, this was done in hours, not weeks or months. If the priority is high enough it can be done very, very quickly.

However, unlike that case, this case is likely a forensic nightmare, with the DNA of victims all mixed together from multiple stabbings, as well as the random DNA undoubtedly deposited in a college "party house".

I didn't know that private investigators are working the case.
Couple of interesting pieces of information in this article. it clears up that SG was referring to the grub truck hoodie guy as the person who they want conformation of their alibi for.

Also how SG states “Some people came to us and said that he’s out of the country. He didn’t take a DNA test,”.

I wonder how true that is? Surely they would have taken that persons DNA?
A quick thought: I deeply believe that it's impossible to know what you would do in a situation until you've been in that situation. Because of that, I have no idea whether I would be a parent who would choose to be giving interviews or one sitting them out if my child were murdered. What I do know is that my thoughts on what might have happened would be incredibly subjective. It would be my child! How could they not be? My point is just that a loving, grieving father is going to put pieces together in a shape that is influenced by love and grief and a relationship that extends over a child's entire life. In the case of a single victim, that may well be an accurate shape. In a house full of victims, maybe less so. That's what LE hopefully does have, some objectivity that is simply impossible for the families to have. I guess my point is that in a case with so many pieces, with the full lives and all the interactions of four adults plus the possibility of inexplicable actions by an outsider to their lives, the number of variables and the effect of subjectivity is huge.
I am trying make a disincentive simple list of likely motives here? this is what I have. Which fit best? Am I missing an applicable category here?

1. Murder for pleasure or self gratification (it happens, even nurses kill babies)
2. Be in a fit of unbelievable blind rage and jealousy (perhaps a jealous lover)
3. be completely delusional (like a very severe schizophrenic who amy have believed he was doing the right thing.)
4. Silencing someone for self preservation (was she on to someone’s illegal activity)
5. Murder for hire (greed)
6. Revenge (perhaps he justifies it)
when Brian says it's been 'confirmed'( that is, confirmed as fact) is this based on Steve's newest comments?

I realise that NewNation put out another Idaho special last night but was there anything of interest in the show or was it mainly rehashing & representing info we've discussed?

Anybody know if it's worth watching ?
The only thing being confirmed here are comments by SG which are not to be confused with facts of the investigation per the authorities.

In this case, SG first claimed "the means of death don't match." Later, he clarified K's (stab) wounds were worse than M's (stab) wounds. And now it's K's injuries were "significantly more brutal" than M's. Quotes are SG, not authorities or the Latah Coroner.

To be clear, the official news release by the Latah County Coroner was the Manner of Death: Stabbing

I am trying make a disincentive simple list of likely motives here? this is what I have. Which fit best? Am I missing an applicable category here?

1. Murder for pleasure or self gratification (it happens, even nurses kill babies)
2. Be in a fit of unbelievable blind rage and jealousy (perhaps a jealous lover)
3. be completely delusional (like a very severe schizophrenic who amy have believed he was doing the right thing.)
4. Silencing someone for self preservation (was she on to someone’s illegal activity)
5. Murder for hire (greed)
6. Revenge (perhaps he justifies it)
#2 is where I'm at.

ETA: Murders are typically motivated by money, drugs or sex/relationships. I don't see where money or drugs fit with this case.
You never slept in the same bed with your friends at this age? This is so normal for girls this age. My girlfriends and i slept in the same bed all of the time. This is a far fetched theory in my opinion!
Exactly! And probably even more so because Kaylee was moving away. They wanted to spend as much time together possible. They were probably having girl talk. Totally normal!!!

4 December.

Mom - I know she was hurt. Hurt so bad that she is not able to recover. That is just terrible.

Sister - I know, it's okay.

Mom - It's terrible. I cannot fathom in my head what kind of person did this.

Dad - Who's capable of this.

Mom - And why?. I can't sleep at night. I lay in bed pondering just millions of different scenarios and just.. I want to know, but there's stuff you obviously don't want to know, you know?, but I think I want to know it all and..

Sister - You're ok.

Mom - I just don't understand why. How somebody could take somebody.. the 4, 4 of them, it wasn't just my girl just so savagely.. (a definite cut in video at this point).

Entin - Is anyone acting differently since the murders?. I mean, is there anyone that you have a weird feeling about?. That the girls knew or that comes to mind?.
Sister - Yeah, I would say, not in the immediate circle by any means, but a few of the names that have been circulating around, I think it's hard not to kind of, you know, dig into this and I don't know how much of that is just because we have so little information from law enforcement and how much of it really is, you know, a sister or a father's intuition.

Entin - Can you elaborate at all?. You don't have to give a name, but I mean, is it someone that she knew or..?

Mom - I have something to say about that. I just feel like there's been a couple of individuals that were cleared very fast that maybe they shouldn't but, and, yeah..

Dad - Share the strong alibi, if you can just dismiss..

Mom - ..just really fast, just, you know, an hour later and we're like 'what?' and, I don't know. I don't know anything about those individuals. I just know they were people that definitely should have been looked at and yeah.

Dad - I don't know what would prevent you from sharing somebody's alibi.

Sister - Yeah, I think that's what we're struggling with. So it's like, you know, we know what we know. We've fought for J., Kaylee's boyfriend and, you know, we still stand that way. So, I did just kind of want to clear that up while we're talking through this ambiguity that, you know, that's not what we're honing in on here.

Mom - No, it's not.

Dad - We don't want to make more victims out of innocent people.

Sister - Exactly.

Dad - We definitely don't want to do that.

Entin - You've mentioned before that you didn't want to have a funeral right now because the killer's still out there. Is that something that you're still thinking about?. Are you nervous at all?. I mean, because in Moscow we talked to students. People are really nervous there.

Dad - They should be.

Sister - Yeah.

Dad - Targeted to me seems behaviour based. That's why I don't like it and it kind of pits the parents against each other, so, I don't like that. I just told some of the other parents today that 'if your daughter.. no ill will from me man'. To me, if you go have a couple of beers or go out and hang out with your friends and then come home and go to bed, if that's your target, then I think we all do that. I think we all come home and go to our beds.

Mom - That makes us all targets.

Dad - Yeah, so it..

Entin - So, it's kind of a bad word then?. I mean, it doesn't really make sense in some ways.

Dad - Exactly.

Entin - In the past you have told me that. You said 'I think it was kind of a weird word to choose'.

Dad - Yeah, I mean, it makes sense if there was some bad behaviour that they did. Let's say they came from a strip club or something and then somebody followed them home. That's a targeted thing. That's what comes.. I've had innocent people that were interviewed that were their neighbours and they said 'I'd be a lot more scared if it wasn't targeted, because I'm not doing anything to target me', and I'm like 'well, if targeting is just going to bed with your friend...'.

Entin - So, maybe that was just a way to calm people down?.

Dad - I feel like it was strategic.

Sister - Yeah.

Dad - It was a strategic way to keep people from hitting the door, transfering out and turning that place into a ghost town.

Sister - You never think you're going to lose your little sister. Never. You never think you're going to have to bury you daughter.

Mom - Absolutely unbelievable. It's nothing, nothing compared to the way that I feel and I don't know if.. I mean, it's several things, it's her age, it's how it happened. Why it happened. Who did this to her?.

Dad - It's her life.. just graduating.

Mom - Who did this to her and her friends. The fact that she was with her best friend. I mean, since they were little girls.
Thanks, you're awesome!

I wish we could have a special sub-forum, like we do with Media one, just for transcripts. I tried to locate a specific transcript in this case and eventually gave up because they are scattered across 21 pages of posts.
As in this case, the DNA from the victim had to be collected and processed before any match could be made. As I understand it, this was done in hours, not weeks or months. If the priority is high enough it can be done very, very quickly.

However, unlike that case, this case is likely a forensic nightmare, with the DNA of victims all mixed together from multiple stabbings, as well as the random DNA undoubtedly deposited in a college "party house".

Hmmm Transfer of blood should also indicate which two were stabbed first, unless there were two suspects with two like knives.
As in this case, the DNA from the victim had to be collected and processed before any match could be made. As I understand it, this was done in hours, not weeks or months. If the priority is high enough it can be done very, very quickly.

However, unlike that case, this case is likely a forensic nightmare, with the DNA of victims all mixed together from multiple stabbings, as well as the random DNA undoubtedly deposited in a college "party house".

Hmmm Transfer of blood should also indicate which two were stabbed first, unless there were two suspects with two like knives.
Thanks, you're awesome!

I wish we could have a special sub-forum, like we do with Media one, just for transcripts. I tried to locate a specific transcript in this case and eventually gave up because they are scattered across 21 pages of posts.
Did you look on the media thread?. Midway through I started putting them on there. Hmmm maybe if I include the word transcript in the header, it would be easier to search for. Which one were you looking for?.
I asked the same exact thing yesterday (even the part about setting fire to it). Like what does targeting a house even mean? Is someone enraged by the structure, the design, the materials used in its construction …… or the people who live in it?
Exactly my thoughts too.

Surely mass murder is only a "people" thing.....
Please delete if NY Post isn’t an allowed or credible source, but SG had interaction with them on a column featured today. It’s certainly more in-depth on statements he’s made elsewhere:

He admitted that he also fears that a hoodie-wearing man spotted lingering near his daughter and her best friend, Madison Mogen, also 21, was ruled out too quickly for killing the pair and their two friends.

“Some people came to us and said that he’s out of the country. He didn’t take a DNA test,” he said.

(Dad of slain Idaho student Kaylee Goncalves turns to P.I.s as cops too ‘inexperienced’)
My thoughts are....people always used to think this about my friends and I. Women at that age in close friendships routinely spend 24/7 together and sleep in the same bed.

Nothing about their relationship screams couple to me...but you never know.

Yep -- my partner said this was very common for her and her closest friends and sister. Travelling together, visiting at uni or even at home. Nothing unusual about it for her or her mates and certainly nothing to inspire the fantasy life of males around them.

Disclaimer: I was one of those attendant males, and thought nothing of it because my sisters and their friends were the same.

I feel for SG and family. They are clearly suffering profoundly with the loss of K and de facto family member MM. It's hard to watch this grief play out across the pages and screens of tabloids.
Quote snipped by me.

IMO: if LE reaches out to every student who is no longer attending in-person classes and asks to see them, some (many?) will refuse or be unavailable. Also how would they logistically conduct such interviews?
I would think requiring them would be unconstitutional. People would be requesting legal guidance. It would be a very complicated fishing expedition.
And at the end of it, the murderer may not be a current student. He could be a neighbor, coworker, former student, student at a different college, etc. JMO.
Ok, I agree with you. I think the students names should be given though to LE and LE can match up against any known correspondence or house presence of these students with the victims. There has to be some sort of marks on killer due to defensive wounds on 2 of the victims.
Please delete if NY Post isn’t an allowed or credible source, but SG had interaction with them on a column featured today. It’s certainly more in-depth on statements he’s made elsewhere:

He admitted that he also fears that a hoodie-wearing man spotted lingering near his daughter and her best friend, Madison Mogen, also 21, was ruled out too quickly for killing the pair and their two friends.

“Some people came to us and said that he’s out of the country. He didn’t take a DNA test,” he said.

(Dad of slain Idaho student Kaylee Goncalves turns to P.I.s as cops too ‘inexperienced’)
Interesting, very interesting.

Please delete if NY Post isn’t an allowed or credible source, but SG had interaction with them on a column featured today. It’s certainly more in-depth on statements he’s made elsewhere:

He admitted that he also fears that a hoodie-wearing man spotted lingering near his daughter and her best friend, Madison Mogen, also 21, was ruled out too quickly for killing the pair and their two friends.

“Some people came to us and said that he’s out of the country. He didn’t take a DNA test,” he said.

(Dad of slain Idaho student Kaylee Goncalves turns to P.I.s as cops too ‘inexperienced’)
If that’s true…wow. How could LE let him go out of the country without submitting DNA? He is one of the last people seen with them before their murders.
Is there a source you have for much of the DNA results returning? I know a ton of progress has been made since I was in the field, but there is no way ‘much’ of the DNA results have returned. But please let me know if you have a source on this because I’d love to see! :)

I’ll pull some data charts for you on cold cases in the meantime.
Perhaps I used the word “much” too soon, maybe I should have used the word “some”.

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