ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 22

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As much as they might sometimes love to, at this point in an investigation they can’t put a gag order on family members —1st amendment rights and all. Later on, once a case is in court the Judge can put a gag order on certain parties, like LE and attorneys. Even then, I’m not sure if that power extends to family members. Hoping some of our attorney WSers can clarify.
At that point, I think most family would comply with requests from LE, so as not to jeopardize the case?? But I guess some family members might not. (Considering my own family here...) ;)
Genuine question:
At what point in an investigation are family members generally cleared of all suspicion and let in on critical details? Maybe I've watched too many detective shows, but doesn't LE want to keep a really tight lock on all of it, even away from all family members?

If that's so, none of the family members have much more info than we do, really.
If not, then what I've assumed about our country's culture of lawfulness is all wrong.

Edited by me: "family members," rather than singling anyone out
Anyone with a better memory recall it mentioned, via one of Xana’s parents, saying she and Ethan were at home watching a movie at approximately midnight? LE looks like they’re looking for information which has them not at her residence at this time. This could be chalked up to miscommunication, or a harmless mistruth to a parent (which we’re all guilty of; no shaming).
Kernodle said Xana stayed in regular communication with her family. "I think midnight was the last time we heard from her, and she was fine," he told the station, adding that he doesn't understand why his daughter and her roommates were killed in their own home.

"They were just hanging out at home. Xana was just hanging out at home with her boyfriend," he said.


"Idaho police now say there was an incident at a local business which involved the stalker Kaylee Goncalves may have mentioned to her friends and family just a month before she was stabbed to death in her home.

In an update on Monday afternoon, police said they looked into the theory that Goncalves had a stalker, as they continue to search for answers three weeks after four University of Idaho students were murdered at their off-campus house on November 13.

Police said that in mid-October, two males appeared to follow Goncalves inside the local Moscow business and then followed her out to her car, but made no contact."
I never thought I would be more engrossed in a case as I was with the Rhoden murders in OH yet here I am weeks into this case. So much information from so many outlets and it’s hard to decipher what’s reliable. But I think I’ve come to the most likely, at least in my opinion, of how this could have happened. When KG’s friends/associates are referring to a stalker I do not believe they mean a boil your kids rabbit kind of stalker. I believe they’re referring to what we called a stage 5 clinger in my day. Which is someone who really doesn’t take no for an answer. She wasn’t “call the police” afraid of him but didn’t necessarily feel comfortable either. I don’t think she believed he was a real danger, creepy or clingy maybe. It’s subtle at first, they try to appear friendly and engaging. But when their advances continue to be denied they grow increasingly angry. They don’t necessarily show it outwardly. They continue to show up at the same places, send unwanted texts, etc. something tells me this guy felt he was undeserving of being ignored or brushed off & his insecurities and rage took over. He watched her, but he wasn’t necessarily familiar with the house. He lives close by, not because of her but it allowed him access to her. Something triggered him that day or that night. Something, she blew him off or maybe one her friends said enough..leaver her alone, he was drinking? He stewed about it, went to the house & climbed in the kitchen window. Upstairs, because he knew that she lived upstairs. found & attacked her which obviously woke Maddie so same. I believe KG injuries will be blatant over kill. Nicole Brown Simpson over kill and Maddie won’t be far behind. The rustling or noises woke Ethan who was coming out of their room and ran into the killer who was already on adrenaline over load. He didn’t have to be bigger or stronger necessarily. This struggle woke Xana hence her injuries. He exited via sliding glass doors. Imo Ethan will be who the surviving roommates found partially out of the room. They tried to call 911 but were hysterical. Neighbors heard saw the hysteria ran over, possibly one of the girls passed out from the shock and there’s your unconscious person. I think if the 911 calls are ever released it will be absolute chaos, with multiple people. IMO the killer was sloppy, he went in there with the intention to kill one not 4. Being a party house it’s a forensic nightmare. I do think the police are more competent than we think they are and that because of all of the social media (Reddit, tick-tock,Facebook groups etc.) they are not necessarily giving accurate information, or more like saying people have been cleared but not forgotten about so they don’t rattle the killer. I think we already have his name but not enough proof.
From the 12/5/22 Moscow Police Dept Update:

• There have been numerous requests about the dog found at the residence on the morning of November 13th. Arriving officers entered the residence and found the deceased victims. During the search of the home, a dog was found in a room where the crimes had not been committed. Officers did not find any evidence on the dog and there was no indication the animal had entered the crime scene. The dog was taken to Animal Services and released to a responsible person. While the dog was in the house when officers arrived, it has not been determined where the dog was physically located when the murders took place.

Thank you for this. It's something I've been wandering about.
What we don't know is how K and M's injuries compare to E and X's injuries. We still don't know whose were the very worst. Also they were in M's room. In the dark, I'm not sure it would be all that easy to tell the two apart.
I don't think they were in M's room because there is a DM photo (I don't know how to link it here) of the window beside the slider door to the kitchen. It's a full window shot and you can see the table with the bowls on it, etc and you can see straight back to what appears to be the edge of the fridge and the cabinet above it. There is seepage and rivulets beginning at the cabinet top and running down. This would be directly under the bedroom with the slider to the deck which I believe has been identified as K's room. You have to zoom in on the photo.
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• Detectives continue investigating what occurred from approximately 9 p.m. on November 12th to 1:45 a.m. on November 13th, when Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle were believed to be at the Sigma Chi house on the University of Idaho Campus at 735 Nez Perce Drive. Any interactions, contacts, direction and method of travel, or anything abnormal could add context to what occurred.

The fact that LE is still trying to figure out E&X's actions three weeks later is surprising to me. I just assumed with cell phone tracking and cameras everywhere, that it would be easier to place them. Weren't E's siblings visiting? Also, does this subtract a little of Mr. G's theory that K was targeted?

I want to be a little mouse in the corner while LE has their morning conferences.
Moo regarding Murphy, they said he was in different room which was probably K’s as no one in there, they had been out, slightly intoxicated, it being a social house it’s probably not unusual especially if crated, I have no doubt the person watched at least for a little while and knew K’s room was not in use so why go in there?

Anyone who has lived in a social share house even for awhile knows there is always movement in the house, either going to bathroom at night, late night visitors, I have heard noises from roommates I never wanted to hear.

Given it’s been stated he isn’t a barker, although animals have a higher sense of things, it doesn’t mean he was tearing up the room, crates are their safe place if he scared and likely not to have had any interaction with the perp at all
Me too. Not only did he not kill the dog, he may have taken the time to seclude the dog and keep it away from the crime scene (by possibly putting Murphy in another room.) I think this could be a hint about the perp and an indication that he isn’t a random serial killer.

I find it hard to believe that the dog wasn’t physically with Kaylee and Maddie that night. We know that Murphy was taken out when the girls came home (as per the Ring video discovered by Kaylee’s sister.) I believe Murphy was hanging with the 3rd floor girls throughout the night.

I also think the dog’s breed could explain his potential behavior. I know several “doodles” and in my experience they are typically calm, friendly, non-barkers. This includes when non-residents enter a house when the residents/owners are not present. They are known for their temperaments and for being great with kids. They are not known for being guard dogs or even “alerters.”

JMO but I feel the details surrounding the dog - being unharmed and secluded - could be telling in regards to the killer.

I was just watching ABC Nightly News tonight on TV, they showed an interview with SG, and it was stated that Murphy was found in another room. It wasn't stated which floor, but I may have missed that part.
With regard to Hoodie Guy, (the Male in Grub Truck Video) it's SG's opinion only (i.e., speculation and unvetted info) that LE cleared him too soon and SG wants his alibi released. SG has said if he believes the alibi is solid, he'll drop it.

Given that parents of victims have never governed criminal investigations, I'm perplexed why there's any question that a parent can name a POI/Suspect over law enforcement. This makes no sense to me. o_O MOO
RSBM. Jumping ahead in the thread to reiterate what many of us have been saying that the family needs to get off social media and forums. Engaging in discussion groups is absolutely to their detriment, and not just to them, the other parents and families. Even if there is an arrest soon this is a loooong process as we know, there's real concerns here for how the family is going to be able to cope over time. Not to mention whether they continue to speculate pre-trial and the ramifications of that.
Whenever I first viewed this video, my assumption at this point of reference is that the guy in the hoodie is so agitated that he veers to where the girls are being picked up (street) and yells something at/to them. This is why (shouting) the guy awaiting for his food at the truck looks over. He then continues in a forward path. It doesn’t ultimately mean anything, I suppose.
I also consider that he could have just walked with them to get food so they weren't alone? Because they were drunk? Or that he was also going to be walking that way and would wait with them until they ordered then got picked up by their ride. I used to walk home from the bar all the time, and oftentimes a guy friend would walk me home to make sure I was safe, with no ill intent. And then they just were excited their food arrived and quickly ran off, forgetting to say bye/thanks to hoodie guy.

Also, is Maddie wearing someone's jacket?? It looks massive! I hadn't noticed before. I know oversized/baggy clothes are in and all, but it really doesn't 'go' with her cute top, jeans and boots, so it seems like it isn't hers. Did she leave the house in a different jacket and forget it somewhere, and someone loaned that one to her? Or did she go to the bar without a coat and then someone gave her their coat because she was going to freeze waiting for food? I always see girls shivering their booties off waiting outside the bar in tank tops/crop tops/etc because jackets don't 'go' with the outfit.
Anyone with a better memory recall it mentioned, via one of Xana’s parents, saying she and Ethan were at home watching a movie at approximately midnight? LE looks like they’re looking for information which has them not at her residence at this time. This could be chalked up to miscommunication, or a harmless mistruth to a parent (which we’re all guilty of; no shaming).
I remember that, then I read here tonight E took his sister to a formal that night too? So a movie, a formal, then hours at the frat house?
• Detectives continue investigating what occurred from approximately 9 p.m. on November 12th to 1:45 a.m. on November 13th, when Ethan Chapin and Xana Kernodle were believed to be at the Sigma Chi house on the University of Idaho Campus at 735 Nez Perce Drive. Any interactions, contacts, direction and method of travel, or anything abnormal could add context to what occurred.

The fact that LE is still trying to figure out E&X's actions three weeks later is surprising to me. I just assumed with cell phone tracking and cameras everywhere, that it would be easier to place them. Weren't E's siblings visiting? Also, does this subtract a little of Mr. G's theory that K was targeted?

I want to be a little mouse in the corner while LE has their morning conferences.
E’s siblings go to UI as well.
If I recall correctly, a redacted version is available in Ohio, upon request from media. And unredacted was available to media until about 6.5 years ago, available to media. IMOO So there may be some information available to the press??
Thank you @GoBuckeyes -- I should have included that it depends on the laws of the State/County. For example, in the 2019 TN murder of toddler Evelyn Boswell, we had to wait 3 years before the court allowed her cause of death unsealed.
I remember that, then I read here tonight E took his sister to a formal that night too? So a movie, a formal, then hours at the frat house?
Formal was likely not on November 12th.

November 12th was the last home football game.
The game started at 4 pm

Doubt if a formal was held after the last home game.
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