ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 22

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I'm sure all these guys at the food truck are known by name to LE. None of them have been named as suspects. I'm just going to give LE the benefit of the doubt that if any of them were involved in this butchery they will get to the bottom of it. If/when that happens, then I will talk about them.

Peace Out...
Had Kaylee already moved to Texas (?) for her internship? Or was she coming from home to visit that weekend? Is it possible that somebody followed her to Moscow from wherever she came from? i.e. that she didn't pick up a stalker at college but later?
I'm not aware if she had already moved or not. Regardless, I would not think simply from moving she would already have a stalker that would commit this crime. I do, however, believe the fbi was brought in when they were because they believe the perp crossed state lines prior to or after the murders.
He has not been named as a suspect or person of interest by authorities, that’s the only distinction that matters.
Even KG’s father did not name anyone even though he brought negative attention to someone by implication, and he does not have the authority to name suspects or review alibis to clear or charge anyone anyway.

City of Moscow Police
King Road Homicides

Are there any suspects?

At this time, there are no named suspects, no arrests and no weapon has been found.

Who is NOT believed to be involved?

  • Two surviving roommates,
  • Male in the Grub Truck surveillance video,
  • Private party driver who took Kaylee and Madison home on November 13th,
  • The male Kaylee and Madison called numerous times during the early morning hours of November 13th,
  • Any individual at the residence when 911 was called, or
  • The individual on the lease who moved out of the residence before the school year started and was not present at the time of the incident.

Who & what information can I trust?

There is speculation without factual backing, stoking community fears and spreading false facts. We encourage referencing official releases for accurate information and updated progress.

They say 'male in the grub truck...'. Not which specific male. There was more than 1.

Also, they do not have the neighbor guy listed (the one doing all the news interviews).

Just worth noting.
I don't have a problem with getting that video out, I think that was quickly after the murders and helped to trace the movements of the victims. I just can't buy the public stoning of people in the video, even after LE has cleared them.
The video was important but the choice to share it first on social media to the public vs sharing with LE for them to first investigate and make a statement created the witch-hunt from the beginning. By all means we must advocate for ourselves and our loved ones, but it doesn’t give us carte blanche to stomp all over other lives in the process. JMO. MOO.
And in the first 24-36 hours, when her own sister found the food truck video, FBI was not yet "running" things. Her parents were told that certain people were "cleared" within hours. Now that we're staring down a MONTH going by.....of course they're making waves and asking questions. The squeaky wheel often get the grease.....and even if that DOESN"T happen, they've more than earned the right to their feelings and concerns.
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After rewatching a video, I'm sad to say that this may never be correctly solved. Someone may be only a patsy. My opinion.
I'd bet the rent it's not Hoodie Guy - nor the ex, nor the person(s) who gave K and M a ride, nor anyone they met at the bar that night. IMHO, this attack was planned days or weeks ahead by a psychopathic killer. Somebody had been watching that house and its residents. I've been wrong before, but I am sticking to my intuition on this one. JMHO.

I don’t think it is the hoodie guy, either. There are people who behave impulsively, this is how it looked to me, but any killing takes some planning.

This is exactly what I was thinking about when I was reading your post. To have an argument at a frat party, stealthily escape, go home, get prepared, walk out in such a way that no one sees you, while probably still drunk, and kill, is unusual. What if the attack was the result of another quarrel, much earlier, and was planned? It just takes a certain character who can both enjoy destroying his enemies and also, create enough detachment from them.

As of today, I am not sure who was the target. It might be more complex and in the past. The attacker could be older. One might need to go to earlier time, to kids’ high schools, and see if a classmate of more likely, a parent could bear some grudge. I am absolutely unaware who is the collateral victim, either. Chances are, the killer got his victim. JMO.

And if Kaylee spoke about a stalker, she might have intuitively felt that someone was observing the house. I would not discredit it. JMO.
Or, and this is my hope, the perp could have been injured before getting to them.
Highly likely. Perhaps encountered E & X, either on his way “in” or on his way “out” (and fought fiercely enough with one of the victims to experience some type of an injury). His military style knife is created to “protect” his hand from coming into contact with the blade at the quillon. Yet, he may have suffered a different type of injury, compelling him to exit before heading downstairs. Or, perhaps the survivors simply locked their door, as I read in a recent report. He was done at that point, and for whatever reason - he left just as he arrived. Undetected and unknown.
Not victim blaming. Truth is, college kids have been known to do drugs - and that shouldn't get them killed. I'm not saying they were dealing. Maybe they went to make a buy and saw something they shouldn't have seen. Maybe the dealer was also pimping underage girls, or beat up an old person. Maybe the dealer feared they'd go to the police.

I don't remember the exact phrasing, but the police essentially asking people to come forward with info and they didn't care if witnesses were doing something illegal makes me think that maybe drugs were at least marginally involved.

I would be incredibly surprised if this is drug related. They would have to be pretty high level dealers to inspire 4 murders, and even if somehow that was the case, I find it unlikely a knife would have been used.

I think LE is stressing their lack of caring about illegal activities because they know many of these kids were smoking pot, drinking underage, doing other drugs, etc. They just don't want someone's fear of getting in trouble to keep them from speaking up...
And in the first 24-36 hours, when her own sister found the food truck video, FBI was not yet "running" things. Her parents were told that certain people were "cleared" within hours. Now that we're staring down a MONTH going by.....of course they're making waves and asking questions. The squeaky wheel often get the grease.....and even if that DOESN"T happen, they've more than earned the right to their feelings and concerns.
They should have arrived and assessed the carnage, simultaneously recognizing their shortcomings and ineptitude in this situation, and deferred immediately to the Feds.
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