ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 23

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Ok I'll try again without breaking rules, sorry.

So since i started following this case, there have been so many questions about the dog, Murphy.

Key ones, imo:
  • Why was the dog not harmed
  • Why did the dog not bark
Both can be answered, imo, by the killer being a dog lover and owner.

JMO. I would imagine the killer thought there’s no sport in killing the dog. Seeing how he’s already up to killing humans.
JMO Possibly that some of the house’s doors and windows had faulty locking mechanisms that may have prevented this tragedy from happening in the first place if they were functioning correctly.
Thanks ... I thought it was something like that. If the patio door was broken and it was not reported to the landlord, I'm not convinced that the landlord is liable. There's probably a clause in the rental agreement specifying that issues with electrical, plumbing, faulty locks, etc. must be immediately reported to the landlord. If the tenants broke the lock because they couldn't get in, they may not have reported that it was damaged.
I think the police were careful not to clear anyone at the food truck specifically by name or description. I think they are waiting to obtain dna from a public domain in my opinion. But I think the killer will be very careful and this may be a thing where it takes a long time to get his dna.

So I've seen this sort of generalized "LE may be misleading the public in order mislead the perp as some sort of master strategic plan to get what they need to arrest the perp" idea reiterated every so often on this thread, and I'm genuinely confused as to why anyone thinks this is what's happening? Whether it's the food truck guy or any other "cleared" person, I've seen the basic premise mentioned numerous times, here and elsewhere.

Am I forgetting cases where this sort of mass duplicity in terms of LE public statements was used? I cannot think of a single case that I could compare LE's "they're cleared" statements with some sort of long-game investigative strategy in the past? Please, if there are any, I really want to know, I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious if this actually happens, and if so, I'd like to read about some examples.
How long will they keep the victim's vehicles? Right now they are out in the elements. I had thought that it may have been taking them awhile to remove them from the property because they were looking for indoor storage, but that wasn't the case.
At the home, they were out in the elements as well, so I see no reason to be concerned that they are not being stored inside, as long as they are secure. Once forensic examinations are completed, I would expect they will be turned over to the victims' families, UNLESS there is evidence found inside any, in which case they will not be returned likely until after trial is completed. JMO
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So I've seen this sort of generalized "LE may be misleading the public in order mislead the perp as some sort of master strategic plan to get what they need to arrest the perp" idea reiterated every so often on this thread, and I'm genuinely confused as to why anyone thinks this is what's happening? Whether it's the food truck guy or any other "cleared" person, I've seen the basic premise mentioned numerous elsewhere.

Am I forgetting cases where this sort of mass duplicity in terms of LE public statements was used? I cannot think of a single case that I could compare LE's "they're cleared" statements with some sort of long-game investigative strategy in the past? Please, if there are any, I really want to know, I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious if this actually happens, and if so, I'd like to read about some examples.

And LE wouldn't lie in a public setting to 'dupe' a suspect anyway, because said suspect's defense would have a field day with any inconsistencies in the record.

It's confirmation bias and borderline magical thinking.

My opinion.
The chief of the Moscow, Idaho police department became visibly emotional discussing his personal connection to the investigation into the slayings of four University of Idaho in an exclusive on-air interview with Fox News.
"I’m a dad with daughters, and it’s tough," he said. "We're human. We don’t go to these and just turn it off. It affects us. But we have a job to do, and we’re going to continue to do that job, going to continue to push forward."
Thank you. I agree with you (not that that's impressive, lol).

Iirc, Bundy weighed around 140-150 lbs when he pulled off the Chi Omega murders in which he bludgeoned 4 people killing 2...and on the same night/morning he stabbed another young woman.

Rage and psychopathy seems to add quite a bit to expected strength and endurance.

If you've ever watched lightweight wrestling, it's surprising how powerful and agile those lightweights are IMO.
Unless the "community" is going to show up with a lot of money to buy the house, I don't see it going away. Six bedroom house, walking distance to campus, with parking. That place is a gold mine. Tear down, haul away, rebuild (if possible with new regulations) would be $600,000. Plus lost rental income in the mean time. No landlord is just going to throw away a million dollars.
The property is owned by the university?

Could it be a neighbouring tenant disgruntled by loud music, or had a psychotic attack etc? IMOO
apologies if this was shared earlier today. It is interesting that MM's stepfather indicates he hears from police every day. BBM

The devastated stepfather of Madison Mogen, one of the four slain University of Idaho students, described her death as “the hardest thing in the world” — as he shared his frustration in the lack of progress in the case.
Laramie said police told him they have no leads nearly three weeks after the shocking crime.

They update us every day. We asked them to check in with us whether they have anything or not,” he told the outlet, as he lamented the agonizing lack of progress in the probe.
Maddie was raised by Laramie — whom she called dad — and her mother Karen Laramie in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Ok I'll try again without breaking rules, sorry.

So since i started following this case, there have been so many questions about the dog, Murphy.

Key ones, imo:
  • Why was the dog not harmed
  • Why did the dog not bark
Both can be answered, imo, by the killer being a dog lover and owner.
My dog wouldn't bark at a stranger. She isn't that driven. JMO
Comparisons the Lanza residence aren’t helpful IMO. The sole heir was Adam Lanza’s sibling, and he arranged for it to be sold. The sibling could have chosen to reside in it or sell to a different buyer, and he alone was able to make that decision as the sole heir. Newtown Acquires Lanza House

Here, it’s a rental property. The property owner will decide, not the victims’ parents or the town.

It sounds harsh, but it simply isn’t practical to raze every single property that has seen a crime or death. I believe Jeanne Clery’s dorm still stands, for example.
My child was an RA in Jeanne Clery’s dorm. There is a plaque outside in remembrance. I had no idea who she was at the time. The dorm is right on the edge of campus. I will say that I always felt that the dorms were much safer than off campus housing. Locks and alarms and fire extinguishers and constant inspections, windows big enough to escape in a fire. A lot of student housing in that area is pretty rough, and many times there can be illegal occupancies.

Other than the sliding doors, this house in Idaho looks pretty well maintained.
If the dog was in a crate in the empty 3rd floor bedroom with the door closed and was a quiet dog as family described, the killer(s) May have not realized that there was a dog in the house.
If they DiD realize that the dog was in a crate and was quiet maybe they thought the dog would howl if the suspect attempted to terminate the dog.
Not to mention the possibility of a surviving roommate taking care of him all night in her room; thus, no direct contact with the culprit.

I think the culprit knew that house and the routine that took place in that house. In Murphy’s case: his bedtime routine, behavior, where he slept, etc.
There is nothing to indicate X lied about anything. People are trying to make a connection between the information LE is requesting for a specific time period compared with a comment her dad made in an interview about when they last spoke. We have no official timeline from a verified source or LE to prove or disprove anything.
I do think it's interesting that there still seems to be a "reported public" gap in their timeline.

It's hard for me to believe that with all of the potential sources available (eye witness/electronic/etc.) that the police don't have a pretty accurate accounting of where the couple was during those hours.

And with respect to eye witnesses (and what I'd presume would be a fair amount for at least some of the 9PM - 1:45AM time period), even with police requesting people to be quiet, it's hard for me to believe that there haven't been some specific (think friend of a friend) details to emerge and be reported on by the media.
Thanks. Appreciate you clarifying

Exactly. I could see reviewing records of their Greek brothers and sisters. But you'd need to build a database in order to cross reference info on 3-5K students. I'm guessing that the Police Chief isn't thrilled that the Marshall has now planted that expectation.
How small of an area can you get in a geofence? Anyone know?
After a month of following this, MOO is as follows - and thus all assumes that K was the primary target:

1. K started romantically talking to someone - hence the break she and J were on.

2. This stays as very quiet and very few if any know about it (for whatever reason)

3. K ends romantic situation with this person either as moving on with her life or plans to get back with J.

4. This person feels humiliated, abandoned, rejected, (insert other bad feelings) and decides to murder her.

If accurate, digital evidence exists somewhere, and it’s a matter of time. I just can’t see what else would anger a man so much for such a personal and violet murder, and with J cleared it’s the other option.
Great scenario. Except it's logical and sane and I have doubts the killer was.
Ok I'll try again without breaking rules, sorry.

So since i started following this case, there have been so many questions about the dog, Murphy.

Key ones, imo:
  • Why was the dog not harmed
  • Why did the dog not bark
Both can be answered, imo, by the killer being a dog lover and owner.
It is hard to keep up. I asked the same questions.

As I said, normally a perpetrator is deterred unless it met the dog prior IMOO

Either the dog was locked away, knew the perpetrator rtc #dog #murphy

During the search of the home, a dog was found in a room where the crimes had not been committed. Officers did not find any evidence on the dog and there was no indication the animal had entered the crime scene.
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LOL, I was just digging up that video, when I came back to post it you had already posted it. :)

That is a great video for getting a feel for the layout of that house and it's surroundings!
I agree that the murderer knows the neighborhood very well. Knows the pathways, of which there are a few at house location, away from roads where they would feel secure in being undetected.
If the dog was in a crate in the empty 3rd floor bedroom with the door closed and was a quiet dog as family described, the killer(s) May have not realized that there was a dog in the house.
If they DiD realize that the dog was in a crate and was quiet maybe they thought the dog would howl if the suspect attempted to terminate the dog.
I keep wondering if Murphy was sleeping with one of the girls downstairs.

Reporter - Describe what is happening at the residence tomorrow?.

LE - Tomorrow, me and my command team, and other individuals, will be going in to box up personal belongings of the people that lived there and we're going to be getting those items back to the families. It's time for us to get those things back that really mean something to those families and hopefully it'll help with some of their healing.

Reporter - Why do you personally want to be involved in collecting these possessions?.

LE - We have a lot of investigators, investigating and I'm not tied into the investigation side of it, where I'm physically interviewing people and it's important to me. It's important for us, as a department, to go in and take care of the families and get the items for them, so that they can have some of those back and some of those memories back that are fond memories. And, I'm a dad, I understand the meaning behind some of those things. It may be something that we gave one of our children or something and we're just trying to bring some of that healing.

Reporter - As people learn about this stage of the investigation - What do you want to say about where you're at with the investigation?.

LE - We're at that point in the investigation where we're still gathering information. We're still gathering tips, we're still gathering evidence. We're still doing everything we need to do, but there also comes a point in time when the family needs to have those belongings back, the ones that we can get them back. They've asked for some of those things back. So we're ready to take care of that for them.
So I've seen this sort of generalized "LE may be misleading the public in order mislead the perp as some sort of master strategic plan to get what they need to arrest the perp" idea reiterated every so often on this thread, and I'm genuinely confused as to why anyone thinks this is what's happening? Whether it's the food truck guy or any other "cleared" person, I've seen the basic premise mentioned numerous times, here and elsewhere.

Am I forgetting cases where this sort of mass duplicity in terms of LE public statements was used? I cannot think of a single case that I could compare LE's "they're cleared" statements with some sort of long-game investigative strategy in the past? Please, if there are any, I really want to know, I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious if this actually happens, and if so, I'd like to read about some examples.
they literally said in this case that some folks are cleared but if new information comes to light they may become uncleared
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