ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 25

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You’d have to be seriously stupid to order an Uber to take you close to where you’re going to commit 4 x murders. MOO
I generally agree. but while unlikely, it is not totally excluded that this was not premeditated for long at all. the perp may have carried that knife routinely when out at night for protection or some reason, and may have wished to talk to or intimidate one of the victims with which he had an obsession or grievance and things got out of control That is a very low likelihood, I think it was premeditated, but other possibilities cant be totally excluded from what we know so far.
So, imagine taking a few hours in an attempt to find the owner of that silver car. Would it make sense for the police to invest their time to look at picks from Google and make trip to that location, investigate, write a report rather than other means ? Should the police investigate all people with black hair. Or follow a steady reliable process.
I mean I found it 5 minutes by looking at the trashiest place next to the house. Not hours. But I see your point. still going to look into it more for fun.
I hope the residents of Moscow are checking their vehicle dashcams

I have home security that records for a year of 4K video.

Security video on residential and commercial have been game changers to solving crime.

My cameras solved a crime at the end of our street, but Moscow being a town of 26000, checking your video footage of car or house anywhere could solve the crime.

Unfamiliar persons or cars.
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My supposition is, this is not about a crime of passion, nor an unhealthy stalker.

Anyone in immediate association with the four ferociously stabbed victims would have been checked.

these four would have interacted with thousands of people. why would you assume an "immediate association" to exclude every possible person they may have pissed off?
And police checking up on everyone they knew, dated or came into contact with would not even be complete yet. A huge portion of those kids left the state for vacation and given the events, distance learning, until after winter vacation -- they are not even back in Idaho.
these four would have interacted with thousands of people. why would you assume an "immediate association" to exclude every possible person they may have pissed off?
And police checking up on everyone they knew, dated or came into contact with would not even be complete yet. A huge portion of those kids left the state for vacation and given the events, distance learning, until after winter vacation -- they are not even back in Idaho.
'Immediate' as opposed to distant associate
I hope the residents of Moscow are checking their vehicle dashcams

I have home security that records for a year of 4K video.

Security video on residential and commercial have been game changers to solving crime.

My cameras solved a crime at the end of our street, but being a town of 26000, checking your video footage of car or house anywhere could solve the crime.

Unfamiliar persons or cars.
and consider that the majority of potential video evidence is backgrounds on possibly thousands of short videos and photos on college kids phones.
That makes me optimistic about this getting solved over time, and also more than unhappy about people criticizing police for a perceived slowness.
I saw this photo from Global Fun on Twitter taken yesterday while personal things were being removed from the home.

Notice the evidence markers on what looks like the exterior of the front door frame. Does the middle one look like a blood stain possibly from a finger or thumb? The only person leaving the residence who would have blood on them would be the killer or possibly one of the people who saw one of the roommates "unconscious" in the house and then 911 was called. If the killer went out the front door that would be an interesting twist to thinking he went in and out of the sliding door.

Do you have a source for the print photo? Global Fun? Probably non victim prints?


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'Immediate' as opposed to distant associate
Why make that assertion though. and it isn't 'distant association" it is general acquaintance of which they have hundreds and hundreds.
Most murder are people who know each other, but often only very distantly. There could be an unbalanced person who was thoroughly obsessed yet at the level of general acquaintance eg shared a class two years before, been among hundreds at a fraternity party, etc etc.
We have every bit of evidence that the victims were highly social college kids. the cops would not yet have been able to interview all their friends and acquaintances yet.
Thanks, but the conversation was killer trying to open their doors would be terrifying. I'm skeptical about that because they would have called for help at 3-4 am, not 9 hours later.
Unless that’s how he left
From my POV, it's semi-rural (whether it's a town or a city, it's small). It's the size of the place I grew up in. And surrounding by open land, also like the place I grew up in (which isn't a lot bigger today). People know each other.
While most of the area of the US is rural, only a tiny portion of people live in rural areas. So from the perspective of most Americans, Moscow, Idaho is a small college town in a rural area. From the perspective of Idahoans, Boisie is a city, whereas from the perspective of people in NY, Miami, Chicago, DC area, etc Boise is a cowtown. That said Idaho is seeing a large population increase.
This is the best take I’ve seen yet on who the 5 men were that went into the house for a little bit earlier today. Ashleigh Banfield had former homicide detective Fil Waters on talking about that clip. He said that to him they look like field agents. They likely were new to town/on the case and took an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the house/crime scene in person before starting their work.

I have seen a few people reference the Stolen Hyundai TikTok challenge and I was wondering how many cases of stolen Hyundais have actually occurred. There was a great episode of ReplyAll (a tech podcast) a few months back about how many of the most newsworthy and extreme TikTok Challenges rarely ever occur. These news articles pick up one or two videos because they are the scariest headlines for adults who don’t understand Tiktok, which in turn will get your news site more clicks. The episode also researched a bunch of challenges that news organizations reported on including a “slap your teacher” challenge which was actually not done by a single student. Many of these challenges happen once or are just a legitimate troll and aren’t actually occurring at all.

I’m not saying that no thefts of Hyundais have ever occurred, but I do wonder if an epidemic of car thefts might be slightly exaggerated here. I’m definitely not saying it’s impossible the car was stolen, I’m just somewhat hesitant to believe that there is actually a huge number of people doing this “TikTok challenge.”
My thoughts were more about the suspect being a young social media user not about how many people actually do tic tok challenges lol

IMO the suspect is younger 20 something loner who planned this attack and that is why they have not been caught yet I believe they watched the victims numerous social media accounts,photos/videos and probably stalked them for some period of time online and offline. I really have no idea how they decided on these victims ..could be random...might not be..could be out of anger, could be jelouse or jaded.

IF a younger criminal minded person in 2022 was too plan a crime they would probably go about it using today's technology and would not think like a 30something or older person

IF you had to drive to the victims house wouldn't you want to drive a car that cant be tied directly back to you? You would if you planned it and did not want to get caught

A young college kid in todays world does not know how to drive a stick shift , let alone hot wire a car...but..what they do know is how to "hack" a car and steal it because they saw it on the net and its actually really simple. This went viral in the last few months so maybe a coincidence but maybe not ..espcially to a young obsessed adult without transportation who possibly lived hours away and wanted commit this crime and not get caught. Could just be the suspect drives that type of car ...BUT ..if you planned it why would you drive your own make n model crime ?

IF you intended to do this crime you would probably want to leave your phone at home or some other location rather then take it with you to the victims house?
A normal middle aged adult might not think twice about getting tracked by their phone but todays youth would know they are being tracked and surely would not bring it.

Has LE been able to identify a phone ping from that time frame and area and link it to any suspect???? why not? The tech is available to see every person in that areas phone that pinged that night ?

At this point there are 2 options when it comes to DNA left at the scene by the suspect.
1. NO DNA was left by suspect...hard to believe..UNLESS...pre-meditated and planned by suspect. Went in Dexter style and got out clean. (leads me to believe younger type methodical "csi" person)

2. Suspect left DNA/fingerprints but it does not come up in any LE Database (leads me to believe suspect is younger and isn't in the criminal or legal system.)

Between cell phone records,dna,fingerprints,traffic cams, securtity cams, license plate readers, digital fingerprintsm,gps its VERY HARD to get past the tech of 2022 but so far they have no suspect...leads me to believe whoever did this planned it out very methodically.
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We don’t have that information. We don’t even know if it was one of the surviving roommates that made the call.

On November 13th, the surviving roommates summoned friends to the residence because they believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up. At 11:58 a.m., a 911 call requested aid for an unconscious person. The call was made from one of the surviving roommates’ cell phones inside the residence. Multiple people talked with the 911 dispatcher before Moscow Police arrived at the location. Officers entered the residence and found two victims on the second floor and two victims on the third floor.

edit: while it may seem unusual to some, there are a lot of reasonable explanations for all the information in the above paragraph so IMO, no shade should be thrown.
I wish they would release the 911 call.
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