ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 29

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I respectfully disagree from a sleuthing perspective. If you choose to believe SG. Just as I choose to believe KG, I also choose to believe SG. Why choose not to believe her own Dad?
If LE takes your position, they will be taking tunnel vision to the evidence by deciding ahead of the game what the case is about.
I believe they have the idea of who the killer or killers are. The last press release again indicated that there was no specific threat to the public which is the only reason why I don’t think this was random/a serial killer.

MOO the killer/killers have been interviewed and they have alibis that LE is having a hard time disproving. This is why they want to speak to the Elantra owner.
Thanks- first answer I believe-me far removed from what folk wear and deem attractive these days --back in the day - we did not hide our looks with a hat- just saying--whether a greaser or a hippie or a disco kid--so I gotta believe you.
I started running in the 1970s. I almost always wore a hat to keep sweat off my face and hair out of my eyes.
Thanks- first answer I believe-me far removed from what folk wear and deem attractive these days --back in the day - we did not hide our looks with a hat- just saying--whether a greaser or a hippie or a disco kid--so I gotta believe you.

I'm solidly Gen X, and I don't think a baseball hat has left my head since 1989. High School, College, right now in my office ... ball cap.
IMO it was four guys who fantasized about pulling off a group murder and did it. One in one. Four different knives. 5 minutes. In and out. Maybe had been at parties there before separately so knew layout of house, had excuse for dna being there, if it was discovered. Gave each other alibis. Sociopathic. Made, not born, killers. Friends.
Ego driven not sexual. Bonding ritual.
Interesting theory, but I don't think 4 people could pull it off without leaving a ton of physical evidence behind. LE hasn't indicated there are any signs of a clean up. And maybe there is a ton of evidence left behind that they haven't made public. It does seem to be an awful lot of horror for one person. thinking out loud!
I would still think, even if it were a random stranger, that he had to have at least attended some parties at this house, to be familiar with the layout.
If he WASN'T familiar with the layout, that might explain why he didn't kill the 2 people on the "ground floor," which is a type of walk-out basement. He may not have know it wasn't just a basement. Just a thought.
Lol you should write movies!
Should add: one or all incel. Obsessed with media gore, murder, violence. Book smart but socially inept. Poor parental attachment. Flew under the radar despite brilliance. Violent and secretive group activity prior to murders involving animals. Adrenaline junkies for the anticipation, not the act. Act equals intimacy equals libido exhaustion. Must be stopped before identifying next target(s).

Kaylee Goncalves' parents hunt for answers 3 weeks after college student slayings

FIRST ON FOX: The father of Idaho victim Kaylee Goncalves has hired a local attorney amid a souring relationship with police and concerns over missteps in the quadruple homicide probe.

The family recently retained Shanon Gray, of Gray Law Criminal Defense, whose cases have ranged from kidnappings to drunken driving arrests.

Gray, who began his career as a prosecutor in the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, recently moved from Portland, Oregon, to Moscow, Idaho, Kaylee's father Steve Goncalves told Fox News Digital.
I agree, and that is just one example. Dysfunctional Group Think gets dangerous. I saw a video on the link below, it's obvious which line drew on a piece of paper is the longest, but if the paid actor was first to answer the opposite, others would follow with the same obviously false answer for group conformity.

So sad to me that the outliers on the Bell Curve of conformity are so few. We need to encourage character development that causes young people to question the benefits of conformity to group think. But maybe I am asking too much of human nature. To be an outlier takes great strength & often great perseverance.
Totally agree, I feel like we've been waiting for information like this to come out!

All I can come up with is a very very bitter, unhinged, strong and confident young male. Frat? (MOO)
When I listened to the piece what I heard was that E got into a heated moment with someone. They never used the word “fight”.
That's a lot of collateral.

Someone wanted them all dead is the simplest solution in my way of thinking based on what we know. JMO
It's really not. Say the killer wanted to kill either Kaylee or Maddie. He goes in the room, finds them both in the same room. At this point he either aborts or just kills them both since he can't just ignore the other one. Either Ethan and Xana wake up from the sounds upstairs, go check it out and run into the killer going down the stairs in the living room (police seemed to be inspecting that area pretty heavily and stepping over something big). Now he has no choice but to kill them both because they might have recognized him. Or at the very least would have made his escape far more difficult.

The moment he goes up top to kill K and M, he is kind of forced to deal with everyone because there is really no escape from that house via the kitchen if you haven't dealt with the roommates on the second floor.
Husband and I were discussing today , how if you knew somebody in that area,that drove a white Elantra , that year and model, wouldnt you sort of question if they had something to do with it? Even if it seemed totally farfetched for that person , the thought would cross my mind.
I believe eventually someone is going to crack about the car, if they havent already.
I think the Elantra must have been a stolen vehicle, otherwise police would have identified it by now.
I’m wondering if anyone has listened to the Nancy Grace or True Crime Garage podcast episodes related to this case? There was an interesting point made on Nancy Grace (I normally cannot stand her but I think the guests she had on were knowledgeable and respectful). One of her guests, David Leroy, speaks of the street accessibility around the house.

Segment begins around 20:00

• David Leroy - Attorney at Law (Boise, ID); Former Idaho Attorney General; Former Idaho Lieutenant Governor & Former Prosecutor (Ada County)
Leroy makes a great point that King Street is not easy access from a main artery. Any car there at or near the time of the murders would have to have a reason to be there.
These are only some of my guesses:

1. Seems somewhat hard to believe that the hometown murderer's arrest is unrelated.
2. Seems like the Sharon Tate murders in that it's so gruesome. Was the killer high on drugs?
3. Was this a hit, since the murderer was so skilled at killing and so cruel?

4. This wasn't a Ted Bundy functioning college student, but a truly disturbed psychopath.
5. I understand that Kaylee's dad is overcome with grief and anger, and is lashing out at the police. He is frustrated that this hasn't been solved.

6. I think this is a lone man who is a hometown person and was filled with fantasies about Kaylee. He had been watching her in her house. Did he first try to make contact at the Corner Club or just was ignored and that through him in a rage? The police should be looking in detail at that bar's security videos.
7.Everyone saw what appeared to be the Elantra pulling out of a parked spot on the street below the house on the body cam of the police in the field dealing with underage drinking, right? That was at 3 am I believe.
LE says the car in the band field/underage drinking video is not the Elantra they are looking for. I think the correct Elantra is actually in the food truck video.
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