ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow #3

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apparently the house is 3 levels with 2 bedrooms on each floor. maybe the roommates were cleared because they were either on 1 or 3 and the victims were on 3 or 1. but Id be shocked if they didn't hear what was going on or the assailant didn't check the full house.
If you go back and look at photos of the exterior of the house in earlier threads you’ll see that the house is built on a hill and the lower level is set off from the 2nd & 3rd floors, opening on to a parking lot. From the other side of the house, the 2nd floor is the grade-level main floor with sliding glass doors. Reports from LE indicate that the killer entered from the sliding doors on the main/2nd floor. It’s entirely feasible to see how housemates on lower level bdrms may never had heard a thing on 2nd and 3rd floors — and also how the killer may have overlooked the lower level bedrooms. From the main floor, the lower level may simply look like a utility level with a door to the parking lot.
Hopefully, they found some evidence transferred from the killer, around the victim(s) that struggled.

In my opinion, this is going to be a guy that hates women. Men that abuse, mistreat, beat and hurt women are cowards. They choose to prey on the weaker sex, because they are bullies.They don’t usually start off with murder. They work up to it.

I believe the boyfriend was collateral damage. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I believe that the killer would have chosen another house if he had any idea he would encounter a male. I would venture to say that he probably didn’t expect to find four females present. He probably had hoped for one or two.

I don’t think the killer is a student. I don’t believe any roommates or ex boyfriends are involved. I say that because those types have certainly been interviewed by now. They would have cracked. College students, from the suburbs, aren’t able to withstand an hours long interview, with a hardcore, tough as nails homicide investigator, and maintain composure.

Street wise, career criminals, that live by the law of the jungle, play tough and lawyer up, when an attempt to get an interview is made. Experience has taught them this. They’ve been handled by law enforcement, previously. You don’t find those types living in a student housing area. They are across town, in the bad neighborhoods.

The longer this goes on, the more I lean towards a serial killer. Maybe an up and coming serial killer.
I wonder if the police didn't inform her of the calls, asking if she knew who J was. If she had gotten the info from KG's phone records, she would see the number called, not a name. There are ways she could get the name associated iwth the number, but that would give her a full name of that account holder.
If the sister got the number from phone records (easy to do) she also may have called the number and heard the outgoing VM message with first name… that’s what I’d do, frankly.
"Speaking in an exclusive interview with, Thompson said..."

Does it seem weird to anyone else that a Prosecutor would give an exclusive interview? And more weird that the exclusive interview would not be with one of the local media outlets but to the DailyMail?
Like, IMO maybe the Prosecutor is giving the interview to DM strategically? Maybe to place disinformation in a bigger media source with farther reach etc? I might be reading too much 'three-dimensional chess' into this but it just seems odd to me that he'd go Exclusive to DM without there being a specific reason related to the investigation.
I've worked in that industry, so this is just my experience; I've never worked for DM. DM most likely approached him; he didn't go to them. DM has a lot of U.S. staffers and a deep reach, so it wouldn't surprise me if they had people angling for this before the small local outlets did. "Exclusive" in this context means DM was the first with the story, not that he can't speak to others if he wants or all future interviews (if any; I agree it's weird and terrible for a prosecutor to talk to the press when the local police, by their own admission, has not clues) need to be given to DM.
Edited to add: A reporter calls you first and you answer a question or two (enough to write a story around), you can call that an exclusive. Local outlets don't always have the staff to call over and over until the right person answers, but DM does.
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Assuming "he," as I write this. All unanswered questions.
Is he a student?
Does he live in the town?
Does he have community connections?
Does someone suspect a neighbor, a friend, a relative?
Was there a strange car around?
Did he leave fingerprints or footprints?
Where are his clothes?
Is he still in the area?
The murderer made a point to plunge his knife not only one time but at least two times into each of the victims for a total of eight stabbings, maybe more, and based on the autopsy results. Think about that. He was willing to double or more his time spent in an unknown environment to complete the job hence elevating his risk of getting caught. It’s crazy! That is why this was right from the get go considered a personal and targetted attack. It resembles a terrorist attack, personal cause with multiple casualties, and like terrorist attacks, that person knew the territory. No random attack in my opinion.

My first post and my apologies knowing how gruesome the above sounds.
One of the major questions I have is what the killer (or killers, although I'm leaning towards a single perpetrator) did after the murders. Did they leave immediately or did they try and clean up (either themselves or the scene)? Where did they go afterwards?

Based on how brutal the scene reportedly was, I don't think it's a stretch to assume the perpetrator was covered in blood––how and where did they manage to clean up?
You would think this suspect either lives alone or is from a different state . Everyone by now is on high alert in Idaho and if someone had wounds on them or was acting strange they would have immediately be suspicious. People the next days would be paying attention to people with scratches, wasn’t home that night , came home at a weird hour, acting nervous etc . If it was someone their age I’m sure they do not live alone . Moo
Plenty of loners out there who live alone at 22, 23 and don't raise alarm bells.

If it is someone who is entirely unknown to the town or the victims, could have been someone driving around just looking for a target home. Maybe they liked the seclusion of the back entrance compared to the apartment buildings and other houses around there. It offers a lot more privacy because of the lack of windows facing a street or neighbor. House is also set back from the street and trees obscure the side facing the apartment building.

GSK used to target a specific model of home in CA known for having most of the windows facing the back of the home and the kitchen in the front. Many houses had drainage ditches behind them or large backyards. Easy to come and go on foot without being seen. If you use Google Street views for the Moscow home, there's a kind of ridge that you climb behind their patio area and you come upon another road (Walenta). Anyone could park up there or in a nearby spot and walk over that ridge and come down through the treeline to their back patio and I doubt anyone ever would have seen.
"Speaking in an exclusive interview with, Thompson said..."

Does it seem weird to anyone else that a Prosecutor would give an exclusive interview? And more weird that the exclusive interview would not be with one of the local media outlets but to the DailyMail?
Like, IMO maybe the Prosecutor is giving the interview to DM strategically? Maybe to place disinformation in a bigger media source with farther reach etc? I might be reading too much 'three-dimensional chess' into this but it just seems odd to me that he'd go Exclusive to DM without there being a specific reason related to the investigation.
Even a prosecutor who should know better can be easily flattered by attention from a widely read newspaper, especially one that focuses on sensational stories. He has probably never dealt with a case like this and this is his "15 minutes of fame" moment.

On the other hand, there has been pressure from the families and the public to be "transparent" and to share whatever the authorities know, so maybe he is trying to respond to the pressure. He is damned if he does talk and damned if he doesn't. Also as others have noted, there seems to be no one person in charge of communicating with the press and public, so individuals and agencies are going it on their own. It's a mess.
There is a couple small ponds in the Botanical garden, appears to be dense vegetation between crime scene and Botanical garden/University Golf Course per Google Earth aerial. I mentioned earlier thread and I would have to guess and HOPE that LE has searched this area extensively with dogs and dive team. AMOO
Thank you for mentioning that again. It seems to be a natural escape route under cover of vegetation. I agree, the ponds could be a disposal site.
That poor friend who she called . Not only did all of his friends get killed but he probably will forever be wondering why she called him so many times and wishing he would have answered .
Wonder if she left a voicemail during any of her repeated calls and if it contained anything relevant.
I don't think on-line phone records are "LIVE" - I think you can see all the numbers called but only after a bill is crated. But what do I know.. I believe what she says now that she somehow knows she called multiple times during a short like 14 minute period.

Something terrible was up.

You don't call someone repeatedly unless there is an emergency or other conflict going on.
If there was an emergency why would she not have called 911?

Found these if anyone interested. Someone posted about reports of peeping Tom's etc, @Diddian I think?

The 2nd link on the MPD press log 11/17/2022 has a report of a male at 03.11 acting strange and throwing things in a dumpster. Probably not related, but was interesting.

Eta - there's other suspicious person/circumstances further down - not sure how near they are to this property though
I don't think on-line phone records are "LIVE" - I think you can see all the numbers called but only after a bill is crated. But what do I know.. I believe what she says now that she somehow knows she called multiple times during a short like 14 minute period.

Something terrible was up.

You don't call someone repeatedly unless there is an emergency or other conflict going on.
I just confirmed that on my Verizon service I can view calls made and received as of a few hours ago.

Kaylee would appear to have had T-Mobile
If you go back and look at photos of the exterior of the house in earlier threads you’ll see that the house is built on a hill and the lower level is set off from the 2nd & 3rd floors, opening on to a parking lot. From the other side of the house, the 2nd floor is the grade-level main floor with sliding glass doors. Reports from LE indicate that the killer entered from the sliding doors on the main/2nd floor. It’s entirely feasible to see how housemates on lower level bdrms may never had heard a thing on 2nd and 3rd floors — and also how the killer may have overlooked the lower level bedrooms. From the main floor, the lower level may simply look like a utility level with a door to the parking lot.
This is all MOO

If the killer didn't know about other levels or possibly about other people being there, then maybe this person was only a distant known to one or more of the victims. I'd think that someone like an ex, a one time friend, or even someone that was just an acquaintance who maybe had been there for a party or to hang out with one of them would have known maybe somewhat of the layout and how many people lived there. I'd say this person wasn't familiar with the house then and didn't know any of them more than from afar. Either that or the person got spooked and didn't kill everyone that would be there or didn't know that everyone that lived there was home.

1. "Potentially they are witnesses,

2. potentially they are victims,” Snell said in an interview with ABC’s Kayna Whitworth.

3. “Potentially they’re the key to this whole thing.

4. "Snell said no one has been “included or excluded as a person of interest and/or a suspect."

5. Investigators hope the roommates will help them “figure out what occurred and why. That’s their story to tell,” he said.

One of the major questions I have is what the killer (or killers, although I'm leaning towards a single perpetrator) did after the murders. Did they leave immediately or did they try and clean up (either themselves or the scene)? Where did they go afterwards?

Based on how brutal the scene reportedly was, I don't think it's a stretch to assume the perpetrator was covered in blood––how and where did they manage to clean up?
I have thought a lot about this too. I have been against the ideas of a misfit ex-BF or a surprise intruder who was just looking to rob, was perhaps on drugs, because I don't think someone that scattered/spontaneous would be able to handle cleaning themselves up and disposing of clothing without getting caught or raising alarms somewhere.

This honestly feels heavily planned and carefully carried out. I would not be shocked if they prepared for cleanup and disposal. Maybe not head to toe Dexter plastic but enough forethought to not leave anything behind.
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