ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 31

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Yes... to me as well, this is a mistake. All families should have been asked before the public announcement. And all neighbors too.

But I do remain questioning the White Hyundai. Are there millions of these?
Though it is a daunting task, I would think that there are ways to get all that data relatively quickly. Am i really naive on this one???
I wonder if it was picked up on that Ring camera that saw the girls come home? Sloppy yes, but maybe it was seen earlier in the night driving by a few times so it peaked LE’s interest. Just throwing out ideas, and then it was picked up later in the important hours? Idk.
I would say the University has a very very vested interest in getting this crime solved as quickly as possible. Having it unsolved is a disaster to the University.
Absolutely. Yet I believe it’s a bit of a disaster either way. A month in and the trail begins to vaporize quickly. Even if, and when solved - this will decidedly impact enrollment. Safety, and the efficiency of the local LE office has always remained at the top on every parents list when vetting schools.
Yes, and if I am questioned by police about something, it doesn't give them the right to disclose my personal information to anyone outside any investigation that may be going on. I don't get why basic rights aren't understood.

It's frustrating. I don't understand the pile on of LE. If they don't have the information, they don't know what LE knows. Pretty simple. I know it's hard to trust LE but it's still so early. They need to give it some time. MOO

That’s also what profiler Dr. Casey Jordan said on Dr. Phil. The longer it goes, the more it reminds her of the Rollins case.

What throws me is the seeming familiarity of the house. Depending on if he went downstairs or not, which we don’t know.
I guess he could’ve cased it/broken in a few days before. Imo idk!
Question for anyone who has experience with/is familiar with the intricacies of LE - victim's family communication / sharing of details in an ongoing investigation ("OldCop" maybe?):

Would LE typically tell the victim's family members (in this case 4 families) what someone's alibi was "early on" in an investigation during the process of vetting multiple potential suspects?

Just curious, really, what would be a reasonable level of detail for LE to divulge to the families, and if it might depend on the family's preference?

Great question!
I do not agree that MPD walked that back. What MPD did is change the language to be more nuanced because people were misunderstanding the original. They never claimed with certainty that the perp is not a threat to the public, because that is obviously unknowable. Early and current official statements are in agreement: (1) MPD believes the murders were targeted (2) they do not believe any others will be targeted. Their rationale is [appropriately, imo] not public.

Below is what the MPD FAQ says today. The second sentence ('However') contrasts the first, i.e. MPD does not believe there is a serious threat to the general public. No walk back.

Is the public in danger?
Anytime there is a crime against a person, there is a potential danger to the general public. However, detectives believe these murders were targeted. As always, stay vigilant and look out for one another.
What strikes me is their removal of the word isolated. And then there is this:

"We remain consistent in our belief that this was indeed a targeted attack but have not concluded if the target was the residence or its occupants."

A reasonable person could easily conclude that if the residence was the target, and it is no longer considered an isolated attack, it was a target of opportunity. Are there more residences that can be targets?

Likewise, if the occupants were targeted, and it is no longer considered an isolated attack, are there occupants of other residences that can be targets?
It's frustrating. I don't understand the pile on of LE. If they don't have the information, they don't know what LE knows. Pretty simple. I know it's hard to trust LE but it's still so early. They need to give it some time. MOO
The wheels of Justice…move slowly. Especially in this preliminary phase. They want to get it right. If they have enough for an arrest, but not enough to truly HOLD or charge the defendant with murder…it would be all for naught. Therefore, they want to be sure it all sticks. That the dots connect, and the evidence reflects so. Remember, haste makes waste.
What strikes me is their removal of the word isolated. And then there is this:

"We remain consistent in our belief that this was indeed a targeted attack but have not concluded if the target was the residence or its occupants."

A reasonable person could easily conclude that if the residence was the target, and it is no longer considered an isolated attack, it was a target of opportunity. Are there more residences that can be targets?

Likewise, if the occupants were targeted, and it is no longer considered an isolated attack, are there occupants of other residences that can be targets?
Could this have been a robbery gone wrong? The assailant looks out the bedroom window, sees the police presence and bails?
It's frustrating. I don't understand the pile on of LE. If they don't have the information, they don't know what LE knows. Pretty simple. I know it's hard to trust LE but it's still so early. They need to give it some time. MOO
Any time you communicate with a public agency, you may ask if you may be anonymous in your report. No name, #, etc. The online reporting will most likely require a contact # to confirm information. With an anonymous request, a typical response is, "We will add that to our records, Thank you" or "We will get someone out to that location as soon as possible." Once an action is recorded in the public security database with your name and phone contact, it becomes a matter of public record. So, that is the transparency that allows the public oversite of our public institutions.
Its a well known fact that is small towns, the LE are obliged to the big businesses/institutions in the town- as these organizations are their benefactors. This crime when unraveled may put the U of I in a bad light and as a result we may never find the perp if the Uni has been implicated in some way.
<snipped for focus>

We have seen no evidence in the current case, nor evidence of any history, of the the Moscow Police Department or the University of Idaho wanting to cover up the perpetrator, or any other motive that you imply is at work in "small towns."
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Could this have been a robbery gone wrong? The assailant looks out the bedroom window, sees the police presence and bails?
That strikes me as unlikely. The police presence was not exactly in front of the residence. And the car was apparently unmarked, several people here even thought the police car was the much sought-after white Hyundai. :p
I'd love to know the number of local white Hyundai owners who actually called LE to expedite clearing themselves. JMO
It would be helpful if they did. If not, this will be a very very long process. They never got a partial plate, that I know of, so could be anywhere and registered to any state potentially.
It would be helpful if they did. If not, this will be a very very long process. They never got a partial plate, that I know of, so could be anywhere and registered to any state potentially.
I wonder how wide the net is that LE cast for this. It would be helpful, but I guess people have their reasons for not contacting LE - aside from the killer(s), of course! JMO

Edited by me for clarity
Yes... to me as well, this is a mistake. All families should have been asked before the public announcement. And all neighbors too.

But I do remain questioning the White Hyundai. Are there millions of these?
Though it is a daunting task, I would think that there are ways to get all that data relatively quickly. Am i really naive on this one???
This was discussed quite a bit. My response is that compiling a list of matching cars may be simple (or not, I'm not sure), but following up on said list is much more difficult and time consuming. You have to contact owners, perform interviews, confirm alibis, etc.. Some records will have outdated contact info, some owners will not respond or refuse to cooperate for various reasons. Also, it is difficult to verify alibis for a time period when most people were home asleep.

It's possible LE is doing all those things right now. I would not expect them to provide public updates, barring a major break.
Excellent reminder from the official Moscow press release:

"Detectives are also seeking additional tips and surveillance video of any unusual behavior on the night of November 12th into the early hours of November 13th while Kaylee and Madison were in downtown Moscow and while Ethan and Xana were at the Sigma Chi house. Anyone who observed unusual behavior near these areas or has video surveillance is asked to submit their tips."
We have seen no evidence in the current case, nor evidence of any history, of the the Moscow Police Department or the University of Idaho wanting to cover up the perpetrator, or any other motive that you imply is at work in "small towns."
I agree, and I must say I am personally impressed by the way they have handled things so far. This is not Mayberry.

Aside from my suspicions that they were initially sold lock stock and barrel on the idea that the perp was a close associate of one or more of the victims, (which still may be the case, btw), it strikes me that if they suffered from tunnel vision they pivoted away rather smoothly.

And that is possibly the most convoluted sentence I have ever typed...
Could this have been a robbery gone wrong? The assailant looks out the bedroom window, sees the police presence and bails?
Honestly, unless they were absolutely desperate, they would've done what happened when I was in college living in a six-person house: waited for semester break in a few weeks when they'd know all the off-campus students were likely home for the holidays, then clean out house after house.
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