ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 32

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I hope they can glean something useful from it.
I doubt it. The name "Adam" sounds familiar as having been mentioned and investigated a couple of weeks ago.

Regardless, we know who two of the victims were with as they walked to the food truck. What we don't know is what happened after they went to sleep at home at 3 AM, one hour and 30 minutes later, or maybe they were murdered at 4 AM ... 2.5 hours later.

Fox News CCTV says "hours" earlier, but if they were murdered at 3 AM, it was no more than 1.5 hours earlier.

Remember, the white car heading to the mass murder at 2:45 AM (Linda Lane). Maybe Fox News is mistaken ... 1 hour, not "hours" ?
I definitely hear the name of an individual being stated in that video sent to FOX news. I could not hear the reply clearly though. Does this have anything to do with the case?
I still feel the following:

1. I don't think we have enough evidence to decide K was a target
2. The movements of X & E that evening should be examined.
3. The white car is not a red herring- we need to find the car or the owner of the car

What is really bothering me is how K was also killed considering that she was just visiting for the weekend. Was it sheer bad luck? Or was there something that set off the perp that weekend who then in a fit of rage went in and killed everyone.

The other matter that is really weird is the position of the surviving mates! did they hear anything? were they drugged so they never heard anything? and what was their role in the 911 call? did they make it? who did they call before? or did they call someone else before
The killer was set off by info that was revealed that day. IMO
I agree, which then leads me to believe that there cannot be any footage LE have of the car from anywhere other than the side of it. By now, I’d have thought other cameras caught the car & we’d have a number plate or an identifying feature if it. MOO
Man, it’s been a long time ago, 20 years maybe, but I had a ticket mailed to me for a slow roll thru a yellow light when I was lost late one night while visiting LA, looking for a friend’s house in a Culver City neighborhood, in a rental car. There were no other cars anywhere.
They sent me a $500 ticket to Atlanta with photos of me approaching the intersection line with the yellow light and another with me in the intersection under the red light, showing the front and rear tag, and a shot with a very clear close up of my face behind the wheel, looking noticeably frustrated and lost.
The driver must have avoided traffic cams because, dang, they are precise.
If she texts an hour before she returns home - the night of her Death -
What did you tell Adam?
And that Text is published

The same people here attacking the Audio would be dedicating their lives to deciphering how that fits into the case.
It is more than obvious how it fits into the case. This is exactly what MPD was trying to avoid having happen by keeping everything so close to the vest.

Idaho Statute 18-6702, applies to the video release IMO. Section 18-6702 – Idaho State Legislature

IMO we will start seeing wreckage in the next 24-48 hours. Hope the whole case is not ruined and the families can still get justice somehow.
This is a serious question. Are LE asking the public to notify them if they own / know of someone who owns a white Hyundai Elantra?
If you know of or own a vehicle matching this description, or know of anyone who may have been driving this vehicle on the days preceding or the day of the murders, please forward that information to the Tip Line.

I wouldn't take that too literally. They probably don't want people reporting white Elantras in Florida without some additional reason to think it's relevant. Is it in or near Moscow, Idaho? Then you should probably report it. Use your judgment.
Because the downstairs roommates were not involved in what came to a head the night of the murders.
Did something actually come to a head on the night of the murders?
I'm not sure the murders were related to any event or encounter any of the victims had that particular night because unless it was a highly skilled trained mercenary the perp would have left a long line of clues and would have been arrested already.

It appears to have been a particularly vicious stabbing, well they all are, according to M's Dad.

But a vicious stabbing is not necessarily a rage killing, it can be carried out methodologically, almost surgically, it's intention to cause pain and death.

We talk about targeted but that could just as easily mean a group of students/females were targeted and their actual identities unknown to killer/s.

We simply don't know what we don't know.
Where is/are killer/s now?
Is the only question.
He got in, did it, got out clear and ne'er a trace since. IMO
The video was 2-3 hours before the murders. The video was taken as two of the victims and a young man walked 6 minutes from the pub to the food truck. The victims and the young man parted ways after the girls got food.

There is video from the food truck of the three arriving at the food truck, so the Fox video is 6 minutes earlier than video footage we've had for a few weeks.

Police have had the footage for weeks, and they are interested in a white car, not Adam.
Exactly. That’s why this whole thing is insignificant as I see it.
snipped for focus. @Dotta
(BTW, imo a person seriously deliberating killing another human, is not deterred by potential arrest or conviction for using an 'illegal weapon' to render a victim compliant before stabbing. But I have not yet researched legality of stun gun or taser posession or use in ID. May be legal there; IDK. )

BRIEFLY & oversimplified.
STUN GUN user deploys by putting device on/against a person & firing/pushing button. IOW, user must be at arms length to targeted vic or closer.
Civilian TASER holder can use it as far away from vic as 4.5 m (15 ft), because the device shoots two small, barbed darts at targeted vic, w each one remaining 'tethered' to the device. IOW Taser has longer range than stun gun, but user must have (some) skill in aiming.
W. either weapon, device typically becomes less effective thru thicker layers of clothing.
Tasers, waaaay pricier than stun guns. See amazon links below.
"An electroshock weapon is a less-lethal weapon that utilizes an electric shock to incapacitate a target by either temporarily disrupting voluntary muscle control and/or through pain compliance. There are several different types of electroshock weapons...."
"An electroshock is not a taser, though the two terms are often used interchangeably, stun guns and Tasers refer to two different devices. Stun guns administer an electric shock through direct contact, whereas a taser device administers the shock through thin flexible wires connected to two probes that are fired into the target.[1][2]


"...A stun gun is any weapon that incapacitates its target without killing.[1] Tasers, tranquillizer guns, and mace (spray) are all types of stun guns. Subcategories of stun gun include the electroshock weapon, an incapacitating weapon that momentarily disables either a beast or a person with an electric shock; and a directed-energy weapon that causes unconsciousness, a weapon that emits energy in an aimed direction without a projectile...."
Electroshock weapon - Wikipedia
See also Amazon Best Sellers: Best Stun Guns

TASER (a brand name, but often used generically like Kleenex)
"... an electroshock weapon used to incapacitate people allowing them to be approached and handled in an unresisting and thus safe manner....
"It fires two small barbed darts intended to puncture the skin and remain attached to the target,...
"Their range extends from 4.5 m (15 ft) for non-Law Enforcement Tasers to 10.5 m (34 ft) for LE Tasers...."
Further information: Electroshock weapon § Legality
Taser - Wikipedia
See also : Taser-Self Defense
Thanks! that was really informative.
True, the killer may have stuck around for a while. Joseph DeAngelo hung around in the homes of his victims and would sometimes open a beer or eat their food.

I wonder if the perp took any trophies from the crime scene.
LE said it wasn't a burglary gone bad. But I haven't heard if any personal items were missing, like cell phones, etc.
X's father is now from AZ. He visited a week before the murders to fix and fixed a lock.
Did he actually fix a lock and to which door? One parent said the front door had a key code and most people just went around to enter through the sliding glass door.

Even with a lock those sliding doors can be opened pretty easily. One of the neighbors commented that many people didn't lock their doors in the neighborhood. It's possible the perp easily walked in through an unlocked door.
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