ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 36

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That's strictly enforced, too. I live in Idaho and my husband got his car windows tinted. The company doing it explained the law to him and said they could go as dark as he wanted, but the tinting company's liability would be absolutely ZERO if my husband got pulled over due to windows that were too dark.
I noticed the Elantra has dark tints and the neighbor from queens st w the Subaru that was broken into also had dark tints. Wonder how many Elantras w window tint tickets
IIRC, some of the Tylenol murders were so a wife could "safely" sneak in her husband's murder as well??? But I think, JMO, that this is more like the Closs case-- almost random glance, following up, crazy murder.

Many friends aren't following this crime, so extrapolating, many others don't even know about the Elantra. I think if someone would see the appeal about the car, some progress could be made. LE needs to expand the area to reach much further out, within 4 hours. MOOoooOoooo

Tylenol murders were never solved, so no, there was no murder of a husband by a wife.

How many series of Tylenol murders have there been, btw? Maybe you and I are thinking of a different one.

Oh, okay - so MSM, but unverified. I thought the official story was that it was a sorority rideshare service, but now it's an uber.

That driver was put on the "not believed to be involved list," hopefully because the camera also caught him driving away. No LE mention of any of this. I hope that if they have DNA, they also used that to clear him (he's also been giving anonymous interviews, but no mention of Uber.

Uber makes some sense, though, because whoever ordered it up should have gotten a driver's first name/initial, car model and plate as part of the receipt.

Also, U of I apparently has a contract with Uber to provide free rides to students (as of Dec 2021), so that may be where the rumor that the sorority had such a service arose. It's 2 free rides per student per day, according to this article:

Includes rides about town. U of I should begin the new semester by making sure this is well-publicized.
From my POV, it's a short amount of time. Turnaround time on separating the bio evidence from the forensic vacuum collection was running 45-60 days in Idaho before this, and even with some rush element to it, there is no way to just acquire brand new lab workers right away - this is the kind of thing that's done at the state lab. Idaho has a perfectly good state lab - if the FBI is helping to speed all that up, great, but it changes the chain of possession for evidence and is probably best done by ISP labs.

Then, the DNA has to go for analysis (FBI could assist - indeed, must assist IMO, if there is touch DNA - they need a couple of DNA reconstruction experts). If the initial analysis is done at ISP, that too takes an additional 45-60 days. dou

And, I do not think DNA is going to solve this, anyway.

I do agree that the longer this goes on without the public having a better sense of who did it, the more Moscow, ID and the U of I will suffer, the students and the community. I do think they have a good idea who it is, btw.
In your opinion, what is going to solve this case?
This is why I don't get involved in trying to figure out the motivations of psychopaths.
In this case, there is no way of knowing whether or not it was a psychopath, so there could actually be a motive that makes some kind of sense.

According to the FBI, you're doing that right:

Serial Murder | Federal Bureau of Investigation

IMO - and JMO - IF this killer is not in the circle of close or extended but known acquaintances, if they're someone more random (even though not a SK) then 'motive' would be difficult for LE to determine, it seems, and the killer would potentially have the benefit of more time potentially JMO IMO. I would think that would be true. IDK but if anyone does, please share b/c I'd like to know how that works.

I also wonder why, if LE knows who the killer is and/or thinks they know and is just waiting for DNA etc., then why is FBI BAU still on scene? As of today, they're still listed: King Road Homicides | Moscow, ID

What would their role be?
With regards to DNA in this case.

One would hope forensics would concentrate hard for DNA swabs on the four victims bagged hands/under fingernails from resistance struggles to build a profile, rather than get lost in the various DNA rabbit hole which would be all over the 'party house'

I do have faith in moder day forensics, they have come light years with advancement.

Damn straight:

Idaho victim Maddie Mogen's grieving dad says he is convinced the killer made a mistake at the scene that will lead to their capture, but admits he is surprised he is 'still waiting' for answers.

'From the very beginning, I've known that people don't get away with these things these days,' Ben Mogen said as the case reaches its six week mark,The Spokesman-Review.

'There's too many things that you can get caught up on, like DNA and videos everywhere. This isn't something that people get away with, that goes unsolved.'

And then there's the Unabomber.

IMO all those who wrote letters or sent files, whether to LE or the media, craved the notoriety and that's what compelled them to "brag" about their crimes and to taunt LE with how they were getting away with it. As the Zodiac Killer has.

However, the Unabomber apparently did NOT want to be discovered, but after years and years and years he felt compelled to send his lengthy manifesto to the FBI. There was a debate as to whether or not it should be published, but eventually it was decided to do so, which led to thousands of tips from the public.

One tip was the jackpot---the Unabomber's brother recognized the writing style, and linguistic analysis proved Ted Kaczynzki was the Unabomber.

This lust for attention or making their grievances known often leads to the guilty person.

I can only hope that this murderer gives himself away. So far it doesn't seem like it, but we don't know if LE has received anything of the sort.

I imagine running down every tip, which probably involves tracking down and interviewing every person named, is a very tedious and time-consuming task. That's to say nothing of sorting through literal years worth of DNA in an off-campus student house with an ever-shifting population.

I feel LE is working very diligently and that this doesn't happen as quickly as we would all like.

Israel Keyes sent a photo of one of his victims to her family. Tres creepy!

Odd makings of a pattern. moo
I thought the official story was that it was a sorority rideshare service, but now it's an uber.
A said they called an Uber from the beginning. She also said they called an Uber to take them to the Corner Club. She has the phone records, so I'm inclined to believe her. It was their father, SG, that later said it was a sorority designated driver.

But as you alluded to, it could have been both. It's possible that not only the university had a contract with Uber, but also either M or K's sorority.
In your opinion, what is going to solve this case?
IMO, this person has made “mistakes” and will continue to do so. Dogged police work will identify him/her. Every criminal leaves a trail. In this case, LE will not stop until each and every individual error reveals the killer. The amount of LE resources invested in this case will find the killer. There is no alternative for them professionally, and they know it.
In your opinion, what is going to solve this case?

Witnesses. Patterns of people talking about things. That is, if the murderer is anywhere in the region.

If this is a cross-country serial killer, I have no clue. We would have to wait. One would expect that some fragments of trace DNA belonging to no known subject would be a clue - but if the person has never been a felon, it will take time to find them (GedMatch/genealogy - maybe).

Touch DNA often does not contain a full profile. Almost never does, so even genealogical DNA analysis might not work.

Someone knows something. I personally believe this is someone who hung around the neighborhood/the town, had good knowledge of the in's and out's of the roads and paths in the area, and was probably watching the house. But if not, if it's truly just the work of some random psycho who suddenly got into a killing mood that evening (without skulking around), it's going to be hard to solve.

BTW, I hope the dogs (more than one) that we've seen in the early crime scene photo led them to some evidence of someone at least hanging around outside (maybe relieving themselves) in the hours before. I can't imagine that a killer would just drive into town late at night, jump out, kill 4 people, and be on his way.

But this is a very strange case, so far. Since it is a mass murder, we would expect that the killer targeted the community (of students? sororities? college students? people who party?) and therefore, is familiar with and part of the community.
IMO, I take the “sloppy” to mean messy-blood dripping down the walls, blood spatter/backsplatter on the walls, pools of blood on the carpet or floor. If on the floor, the blood was slippery, handprints in blood, shoe prints in blood, fingerprints in blood, blood possibly washed off in a sink or blood within a shower. I know this is really gross.
I did not see lE describing it using the word 'sloppy' or 'messy'
I do not believe for a moment that any reference made to the parents by LE included a lurid description of the crime scene.
I think whatever adjective they used implied simply 'complicated'.

It is a highly complicated scene to process because so many people allegedly hung out there over an extended period of time.
That complicates everything and lengthens investigations that are only DNA focused.

We don't actually know killer/s left DNA.
It is within the realm of possibility they did not.

I think a house of students was targeted and the attacks were not personal.

Somebody wanted to do this for whatever reason, went there, did it, left and is still awol.

We've explored almost every possible motivation since threads began.

I think there is a slim possibility that the dark web might be worthy of exploration if there is any suspicion or clue that killer or accomplice filmed the murders.

Gangs might have bizarre requirements for initiations and that might be another place to search but it's a very broad area and most of them are not published under their club rules.
There's lots of information online from reputable and fake news sites..
LE have not presented any open source evidence that this is a factor here.

It's been a party house for years.
A person who had lived close to it at one point may well have known of the building's vulnerabilities for access.
May have told somebody, dared somebody or decided to go there and do it themselves?
Just a question. Is it normal to clear as many people as quickly as LE did in this case? I'm not saying any of these people are involved in any way. Just curious about the time frame.
I would ask @OldCop that question.
I think, in this case, the appalling plethora of online rumors have forced them to work quickly, perhaps more quickly than usual.
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