ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 38

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....I was part of a Greek organization -.... definitely a code of protect your brothers... I often wonder how we would have acted in this situation. I realize the severity of the crimes, but would we, being young men 18-22, have been forthright with info? I’d like to think we would have, but we also lived a code to always protect a brother. It would not have been so straightforward.
snipped for focus
Do you think that code would have immediately disintegrated if it was your brother that this happened to?
@Normamsmiley @Emerald1328 Interesting posts. Aside from fraternity loyalty code or personal moral compass, might there be another factor influencing a FratBro's decision to either stay silent or to provide LE w info he has?

If (hypothetically) FratBro has pending crim. charges or is on probation (minor drug possession, use, or even dealing, just an ex.), that he might decide on silence, but more for his own SELF INTEREST, than complying w Frat's loyalty code.

Not saying this is true, just a possible reason why a FratBro might hesitate to "come forward" to tell LE.

That ^ plus legal and practical advice given by the national organization,
local chapter officers might encourage all frat members to be silent. Maybe IDK. imo jmo moo
My 2 cents on the late night calls to J.…
I think J was legit sound asleep when KG’s and MM’s calls & texts came in.
He may have put his phone on sleep mode before falling asleep even or his ringer may have been off.
Worst case - he consciously ignored some texts or calls.
That would have been his prerogative.

J very obviously gave up his cell phone VOLUNTARILY AND IMMEDIATELY to KG’s family and to police after the crime.
He likely forwarded ALL of KG’s messages directly to her siblings/parents immediately after the crime because the content was known immediately in detail by her family and raised absolutely no red flags.

I feel so horrible for J.

He is not only suffering the loss of KG but the extensive persecution of strangers. The other players in this lost a loved one but they are not being accused of the crime. They are not being crucified on social media.
J is.

I implicitly trust KG’s mom’s intuition that J is 100% innocent.
I can’t emphasize this enough.
Mom’s intuition is NOT to be taken lightly.

Honestly I think it’s sinful and horrible what is happening to J.
I pray he has a strong faith and strong support.
God bless him.

Secondly I TRUST THE MOSCOW POLICE DEPARTMENT who has stated FOR THE RECORD that J is not involved in this heinous crime.

They are holding a lot of cards close to their chest but when the Moscow Police Department (with great support from seasoned state police and numerous expert FBI agents) clears someone-I believe them!

Thirdly, J was ill equipped (on many levels) to carry out a crime of this magnitude. He was interviewed and cleared. I trust the system.

Often, police departments don’t clear the innocent publicly (even if they know internally they are clear.) In this case I COMMEND THE MOSCOW POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR DOING SOMETHING NOBLE AND RIGHT AND NOT ALWAYS DONE.
They are publicly clearing some of those who the unknowing public is condemning.
Kudos to them & prayers for J.
A thrill kill is probably the closest I would describe my theory as - at this stage, and considering the very little information we as the public have been provided.

I posted a few threads back that it’s my opinion that the house/occupants were targeted due to who they were/who they represented, that being young, attractive, popular college kids. The house IMO was likely somewhere he had been before (likely for a party) meaning he had an idea of the layout, knew the occupants or at least the type of occupants and saw it as a good place to scope out in the lead up.
My thought is, is this a person who at some point was rejected by the college scene? Maybe they attended for a short amount of time before dropping out due to not fitting in. I wonder if after dropping out, he (I’m assuming male in this case IMO) somehow found his way back into the scene and even felt he was accepted by the same popular kids (non specific person/s here, just talking popular college kids in general) who once shunned him. That could be due to him being a little older and having access and the ability to supply illegal items (drugs, alcohol if underage, that type of thing). IMO there was still a trigger that unleashed the years of pent up emotions due to being rejected and an outsider and in my opinion that could’ve been something such as him finally feeling confident and accepted enough to make a move on one of these college girls (not necessarily one of the victims or even someone in their circle) only to find himself rejected once again and realising he was being used all along. A possible trigger like this may have cemented the idea and belief to him that he’s had all along - that ‘popular’ kids are selfish, self-centred, nasty, etc. I’m sure his list could go on.

IMO it wasn’t just the feelings of rejection and a potential trigger that caused him to carry out such a horrific crime. I believe he has always had dark, underlying fantasies and been a bit ‘odd’ to others and this has all come together at the right (or wrong, really) time for him to act on both his urges and his beliefs.

My above theory is also why IMO there isn’t another crime committed by this individual for us to be able to compare it to. I think it was their first, and yes, what a first it would be if that turns out to be true, but stranger things have happened… they always have and they always will!

Editing to say: As for a possible sexual aspect to this crime, I believe there was definitely a sexual component though not in the traditional sense our minds may all first go to (sexual assault). IMO the act of the stabbing was the sexual element of this crime - the knife was chosen due to the up close encounter the weapon provided him with. He ‘got off’ on the killing itself, rather than sexually assaulting a victim/s. IMO he never had an intention of committing a sexual crime as it’s not his M.O.

All my own personal opinion based on what we know/don’t know so far.

Very close to one of my pet theories. You laid it out nicely. I do feel there is a definite connection to one or more of the individuals who were murdered. It's possible there's a connection to the surviving roommates as well, but maybe their doors were locked (or, the assailant(s) had to get out of there faster than anticipated).
Can we talk about what constitutes a party house?

We've heard a little about prior parties. But how long has this been a "party house"? How do you brand a property a party house? It isn’t like this is a sorority or frat house. We know this current round of tenants belong to sororities. Did previous tenants all belong to sororities or frats?

It seems to me if this particular house has been loud and disruptive for years someone might have taken matters in their own hands prior to this. So, new neighbor?

Disclaimer. I'm still clueless and have 10 or 12 ideas.

But I'm interested in the impact of a party house in a mixed residential (student/non student) neighborhood.

It is near by the Frat and Sororities. The likelihood that a few rooms are available to those leaving while some remain keeps the party routine going. Provides a sense of privacy outside the Frat and Sorority structure. Consider searching Moscow, Idaho dail
I don't think any prosecutor in his right mind would release the 911 call before a trial. For what earthly reason? There are too many unstable people out there desperate for LE to release any tiny scrap of information about this case. One can only imagine the lengths they would go to to identify and track down the callers and proceeding to make their lives a living hell.

I love Chief Fry but I think he would really benefit from taking a short vacation away from this case.

So interesting how we all have different reactions. If I were the prosecutor, I'd release it at some point before the arrest was made, in order to renew public interest and give the State of Idaho (the people of Idaho) a sense of how the case began, how emotional it is for the survivors (who are also victims) and how hard it was for first responders. Get that public sentiment where it should be - focused on how terribly horrific these murders were.

People are asking for it - particularly local residents. Fry is dealing with a bit of citizen sleuthing, himself (and the citizens have a right to talk to each other, they do not have to just talk to police). People are talking in Moscow, ID, every day. The 911 call could be a milestone in people processing their grief, fear and outrage.
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If we are to believe those who have said this type of blade in this type of situation can dull quickly as I tend to believe….
KG may be the only one that didn’t have any defensive wounds at all.
Subsequent stabbings with a duller blade would have been different.
I see no chance that a high carbon steel blade would become dull from simply stabbing four people. None. The whole point of high carbon steel knives is their ability to retain an edge. Go on YouTube and search for videos of bushcraft devotees hacking up logs and batoning, and then shaving their arms. There are dozens, even hundreds of them.

This, hardness, however, comes at a cost compared to stainless steel blades. High carbon steel blades are far more brittle and prone to break or chip. I would say there is a decent chance that a piece of the murder weapon was left behind.


After watching Chief Fry’s latest update, it makes me think they are about to arrest someone. He didn’t ask for more tips to keep coming. He thanked everyone for the help that was given them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the arrest quietly takes place while the media is busy over at the house while it’s being cleaned. Obviously, just my thoughts, all MOO.
I felt the same. *fingers crossed*
@10ofRods Regarding Advanced Placement. That isn’t what I was suggesting. I was wondering if K might have arrived as a Freshman with enough Advanced Placement credits to clear out some General Ed requirements and be a half year ahead of the game, right from the start of her college time. (That would have given her more opportunities, not less, to follow her special interests.)

That wouldn’t be at all impossible, from what I know of modern HS AP opportunities. I was responding to people who couldn’t understand how she might be graduating a half year early. Lots of other possible reasons for that, of course.

All my speculation
My granddaughter recently graduated from a college in Florida. She entered in the fall of 2019 as a freshman but because she received credit for taking college classes in her last two years of high school, by the end of that school year, she entered the second school year as a junior. She also took classes over the summer. LSS, she graduated in May of 2022 with a Pre Law degree and certification in Advocacy. I'm sure it is different state to state but it's doable.
I can see it as a possibility.

What if someone couldn't get to sleep on a particular night because of their partying? What if (for instance) that person overslept for a job interview or failed an important exam, and he blamed the occupants of the house? What if his girlfriend left him because they were arguing all the time, and he blamed it on his continually being tired because of is disrupted sleep due to the noise from the party house?

I can see someone committing this crime and feeling totally justified in doing so if the inconsiderate noise from the partying ruined his life.
And what if that 'irate neighbor' was mentally unstable to begin with? What if the neighbor crashed a party at the house and was kicked out or humiliated in some way?
I think there would have to be more to it than just being irritated/awakened by the party noises but that could further infuriate this neighbor, particularly if he felt rejected by them.
Its strange to me that these are somewhat party girls (nothing wrong with that, young in college and keeping up their grades, good for them) K has been gone a a couple of weeks, she is graduating, heading to Europe, starting a her career 2k miles away, new car to show off, leaving her lifelong BFF behind, students are about to take the holidays off. This is her last Hooray as a collage student. Why no party at the house? Why were they not hitting the party circuit Saturday night and saying her goodbyes? They went to the Corner Club and were extremely casual, they didnt get dolled up and dressed real pretty as the have in the past. Wonder why on kinda a special occasion it was such a bland Saturday night for K&M?
MOO. We don't know that there wasn't a get together earlier in the night. They could have had friends over + the roommates, to Pre-Game before going their separate ways for the evening. Ik my daughter & her friends Always Pre-Game before going out to a bar, concert, another party, etc.. jmo
Not sure if thought has been brought up, the threads are impossible to keep up with.

I'm curious if LE has already approached owners of white Elantras to question and any car owners have refused to provide any info without a warrant and/or lawyer.

Or maybe LE aren't legally allowed to ask owners of Elantras anything without a warrant and that's why LE is expecting owners to come forth themselves.
I thought he was only a couple of hours away. Maybe on vacation, but not that far away. You wait two hours here, for a LEO, if you hit a deer ten miles from the center of town.
Thanks! I read that he lives in Troy but that's pretty close to Moscow.

The whole late night call situation just reeks to me. I wonder what was really happening through those 15min in question.
I think we have a good idea of what was happening. Look, I'm not buying nobody heard anything. Six people are in the house. The victims were in pairs. Even with an inability to scream or otherwise vocalize, there probably was rustling or thrashing about. There was a struggle as evidenced by defensive wounds. When the first pair were being killed, the other 4 could or should have heard something .

What do you do when you hear something like that? Maybe nothing. Maybe you suspect something but aren't sure. Maybe 911 isn't your first reaction. Maybe you call an ex. I think X and E were being killed and one or both of them were fighting for their lives during those calls. They were first.
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