ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 5

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E was the target. He fell in the hallway between the 2nd floor bedroom and the kitchen. X was aware of a situation , saw E fall, and retreated to the bed. She resisted and fought like hell. The girls upstairs were still awake but were vocal in the fist fight earlier, They were collateral damage. Theory only.

E was the target because of jealousy. Look at failed pledges of Sigma Chi. Why try to kill a wolf in the wolf's den? The wolf is far more vulnerable while outside the den on an escapade.
Seems unlikely he would be targeted at someone else's house at 3 am. IMO
My list of possible crime scenarios. MOO
1. Enraged neighbor unknown to any of the house residents that had reached a breaking point in regards to partying and noise late into night.
2. Acquaintance that couldn’t deal with what lay ahead for particular household residents, acting either on their own, or even paying a third party to commit the crime.
3. Enraged incel that may have had a passing interaction with one or more of the household residents.
4. Fundamentalist that disapproved of the lifestyle of the household residents.
5. Random mass murder.

MOO, hoping this is general enough to pass muster with the admins.
Ok, I find this interesting. They're looking for video between 3 and 6 am on the morning of the murders. The 3 makes sense, as they'd be able to determine the last phone activity from the survivors. The 6 is interesting though, especially considering the bodies weren't discovered until almost 6 hours later.

So what closes the gap? What happened at 6 that told them the murders had already occurred by then?

An autopsy determining time of death doesn't necessarily tell you when the suspect left the scene.

Something else is telling them that...
And why aren’t they looking at video from before 3am? Wouldn’t they want to see the perp staking out the house, going in the house, etc.? Or do they already know how they got there and just want to know when they left?
Not to harp on the house layout yet again but earlier I said that the zillow pictures did not show a door on the stairs leading up to the second floor, however the picture I was actually thinking of (attached below) was a picture that looks to be pre-renovation so there very well may be a door there now for all I know. The renovated zillow photos do not show the stairs at the same angle as the older picture. Just wanted to clarify.


  • stairs.png
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I just recently graduated high school and started college this year. It just makes me feel scared that this event can possibly happen anywhere. Even with people who are around my age.

Big hugs! I’m so sorry you’re hurting and scared @shortiepaulsimon. I’d imagine there are counselors on your campus who can help you sort through these very natural feelings. It’s totally normal to feel scared and it’s probably not much comfort for 76 year old me to tell you this kind of event is really rare, because these things do happen. Sometimes I feel vulnerable and scared at my age. But we can’t let fear paralyze us. Let’s do our best to live carefully and take reasonable precautions, but above all, let’s live! More hugs!
I just recently graduated high school and started college this year. It just makes me feel scared that this event can possibly happen anywhere. Even with people who are around my age.
Please don't live your life in fear. This is an extremely rare event. You are at a point in your life when you need to spread your wings, be aware of risks but still take measured risks. Find your way and live your life fully no matter where it leads you. Listen to people you trust but also think for yourself.

Edit to add: I am sure there are many people on this forum who would be happy to chat with you privately to reassure you but the bottom line is that you need to spread your wings and go out in the world on your own at some point. If you need help doing that then I'm sure there are many people here who will help you.
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My list of possible crime scenarios. MOO
1. Enraged neighbor unknown to any of the house residents that had reached a breaking point in regards to partying and noise late into night.
2. Acquaintance that couldn’t deal with what lay ahead for particular household residents, acting either on their own, or even paying a third party to commit the crime.
3. Enraged incel that may have had a passing interaction with one or more of the household residents.
4. Fundamentalist that disapproved of the lifestyle of the household residents.
5. Random mass murder.

MOO, hoping this is general enough to pass muster with the

Seems unlikely he would be targeted at someone else's house at 3 am. IMO
Unless he'd fought with an outsider during the after party....someone who already had beef.
Per this video, 1:45: “Moscow Police said they’ve conducted interviews with at least 30 people seeking more information and are still processing nearly 500 tips.


“Kaylee’s sister told Inside Edition she found the neighbor’s ring camera footage so she could verify that the Uber driver took them home.”

“All four were stabbed to death between 3 and 4 in the morning.”
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At 9:37 this morning, someone posted an article that adjusted the time to 2-5. I, again personally, was trying to figure how they got so tight a window with the 3-4. That is really hard to do. If K left a voice-mail for J at 2:52 that would get the 3 am, but no one has said such happened. If there is no proof it was K or M calling J with their phones, anyone could have been calling using those phones for the 26 minutes of calling, imo.
Kaylee’s mother has said she called ex-boyfriend J. Did not say much about the calls other than Kaylee wanted J to come over and made some appeal to him about them having a dog together. I don’t know if this info was in voice messages she has heard personally or whether the info was relayed to her. Also don’t know if Kaylee spoke with J directly or left voice messages or both. That was not specified in the Fox interview I saw.
Kaylee’s mother has said she called ex-boyfriend J. Did not say much about the calls other than Kaylee wanted J to come over and made some appeal to him about them having a dog together. I don’t know if this info was in voice messages she has heard personally or whether the info was relayed to her. Also don’t know if she spoke with J directly or left voice messages or both. That was not specified in the Fox interview I saw.
Yes in this Fox interview her parents talk a lot positively about her ex boyfriend and basically say they were on just a short break and the parents fully expected they would marry someday. Also say that Kaylee had been at home for a week and a half and went to Moscow on Friday the main point of the trip was to show Maddie the new vehicle she had. They also said Maddie’s fam do not want to do media so the Goncalves family are speaking out for both families.
They stress that Kaylee was very safety savvy and would film or take pictures if she felt something or someone was creepy.

There is a law that requires certain words and language be used in police statements? Say it ain't so. Source?
Too many court decisions to cite up to the US Supreme Court. A particularly relevant one is Gutierrez de Martinez v. Lamagno, where the court said shall = may. We are talking about thousands of decisions clarifying English usage in law and law enforcement. Does the chief need to be cognizant of all of these? No. Does he need to comply with them and have lawyers on staff to ensure he does? Yes. Not my opinion. It is the law he swore to uphold. At this point he does not seem to be complying with the law and is undermining his own investigation through ineptness. Worst case is the killer gets free and the county gets sued. Someone needs to wake him up.
The point is, it is NOT their choice. The law defines the language to be used. They seem to be ignorant of it. Not a good sign of competance. I'm actually hopeful they see my posts and get the people on board to tighten up their act.

Agree to disagree.

What law of language?

And yes it IS their choice, this is THEIR investigation. They can choose to release or not release whatever they want to. That’s how these investigations roll. It also perfectly within their realm if they should choose to ruse, it’s done all the time.

I see no problem with their “competence” at this point.

Who is anyone here at this point to tell them to “tighten up their act”? Seems pretty tight to me.
the US Supreme Court have long upheld that public statements by officials must adhere to legal definitions.
Where is this decision/ruling and does it apply to LE press releases for ongoing investigations that are exempt from public disclosure?
Too many court decisions to cite up to the US Supreme Court. A particularly relevant one is Gutierrez de Martinez v. Lamagno, where the court said shall = may. We are talking about thousands of decisions clarifying English usage in law and law enforcement. Does the chief need to be cognizant of all of these? No. Does he need to comply with them and have lawyers on staff to ensure he does? Yes. Not my opinion. It is the law he swore to uphold. At this point he does not seem to be complying with the law and is undermining his own investigation through ineptness. Worst case is the killer gets free and the county gets sued. Someone needs to wake him up.
There is no such law, the case you cite is a TORT, has nothing to do with regulating police statements. There is no language law. What the charging code? What's the penalty?
Per this video, 1:45: “Moscow Police said they’ve conducted interviews with at least 30 people seeking more information and are still processing nearly 500 tips.”

Eta: “All four were stabbed between 3 and 4 in the morning”
I have to take the "between 3-4 in the morning" with a grain of salt. I think msm is just repeating what the Mayor said in the beginning. This article says:

Sometime between 1:45 a.m. and the call to police around noon Sunday, police say the four college students were violently attacked, while two other female roommates were left unharmed.

And yet the video with it says 3-4. I've seen a few others with 2-5 (posted here somewhere) and others with "sometime after 1:45 am"

I don't believe there is an accurate timeframe at this point. How anyone could get it to 3-4 still confounds me with the information given.
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