ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #13

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It's not like the parents went into the convenience store for a pack of gum. According to the timeline from what we know, they were in this convenience store for awhile. Small place others from the area may or may not have noticed DeOrr or it is possible he may not have been in the store. It's not that complicated IMO.
Mickshawn, I really don't think anyone would remember a regular little boy with blond hair. Sure, he's cute, but most toddlers are. Unless something unique had happened involving DeOrr while he was in the store, what reason would anyone have to remember him being there? I think some just want to make more out of this than there really is. The only reason I can think of is because many here are so used to sleuthing that they have forgotten how to take things at face value.

I agree with that, ILOKL, except they did remember the parents. But maybe little Deorr was in the car and that would explain it? Or did they just remember the daddy and not mom ? Now I'm not sure if that was completely clear in the interview. :sheesh:

It wasn't from Nate it was Jessica's own words in the interview.

Hmmm, maybe someone saw that on FB and relayed it to Jessica. Maybe the ever so talkative SO posted on FB. I don't think Jessica made that up out of thin air, do you?
I agree with that, ILOKL, except they did remember the parents. But maybe little Deorr was in the car and that would explain it? Or did they just remember the daddy and not mom ? Now I'm not sure if that was completely clear in the interview. :sheesh:

I think she probably remembered the parents because she visited with the parents.
From the interview with SB:

TG: Well, that is very good to hear! Do you know if the FBI is completely finished or do you still keep in contact with them?

SB: No, we’re still in contact with the FBI. I would actually say Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office in Idaho Falls probably has more contact with them because they’re over in that part of the state and they’re keeping in real close contact."
  • Idaho Falls – The FBI Resident Agency of Idaho Falls, which is located on Riverwalk Drive, is responsible for overseeing the following Idaho counties:
    • Bonneville
    • Butte
    • Clark
    • Custer
    • Fremont
    • Jefferson
    • Lemhi
    • Madison
    • Teton

Maybe that's why SB mentions Bonneville County.
I too think, as some of you, that he is out there in woods somewhere... look at Chandra Levy's case; her body was found, what, 50 feet from where they were searching? I think they should expand the search area, and let a expert search group go in!


I don't think that will happen sad to say. The Sheriff would have to backtrack on his 'he's not here' and lose some face there. Would he have the courage to do that. Put DeOrr ahead of himself.

Then too it's been over three months and how safe is it now for searchers with snow coming and hunters in the area.

I really think that ship has sailed.
Children are soooo different. I understand exactly what you are saying. My youngest would not stop running. Put her down and off she went.

I remember one day I was so tired of chasing her I set her down and said off you go. She started down the street and never looked back even once. Down the sidewalk she ran.

Then reality set in and I thought what have I done and ran as fast as I could to get her. But had I not done that she would still be running.

We don't know what kind of child DeOrr is but the more this plays out the more I too think he is somewhere and just hasn't been found yet.

Which takes me back to the Sheriff. Why isn't he allowing those offering to come and search with their dogs to come? Why did he discourage that ******** group from coming in for the big search and why haven't they brought in any of the professional search groups.

This young couple that lost their child have depended on those in charge to do the right thing. But did they? No Amber alerts, no professional searches, no news conferences except one or two.

What's up? And to be true I don't think they have any idea what happened to this little child. They might suspect this or that but in the end there have been no arrests, no person of interest and nothing to show they have a theory in what happened.

This is a crying shame. Poor DeOrr and poor all of them.

Seriously Cardinal is so bad that this past summer I couldn't even take him to the park because every time I did he had no interest in playing and just ran usually trying to make it to the river that's right by. Its exhausting. I've done the same thing as you and have let him just go out of frustration only to have to run and I mean like actually run to catch him. And that's after letting him just go for no more then 30 seconds.
Its insane. The only place I can actually relax is at home where I've got everything toddler proof or the splash pad that's in the middle of a field.
Even then he will be the only kid that trys to make the mad dash out of the splash pad area. And I've seen my son run and face bomb right on the ground. He had a huge scratch one time that was bleeding and just got up like nothing and kept running.

All I know is if DeOrr was even just as half as bad as my son then he didn't wonder off. He ran off and didn't stop running. Trip, slip, falling and still going. To big of boots wouldn't stop him either. I have no idea what to think but I just know its very possible he is in there and farther then we would think.

Makes me sad because as a mom of a true runner this is one of my biggest fears. I can't help but to be heart broken for these parents. But I get how it could happen. I really do. And I agree they depended on those in charge to do the right thing. I know I'd find comfort in them being there. But I can't help but think maybe Deaorr was taken. Especially now with the news of other campers and they had visitors. And how can a missing EMT bag be shrugged off. What if someone had him and he was hurt or something? That seems kind of a big enough deal it was worth following up on.
I've just been thinking about the other couple that was in the upper campground. Sheriff B. had stated that no one had been seen or heard coming or going in the area, yet this couple was there and had other family members coming up to visit. How is it then that no one was coming or going in that area. According to this information at the link, that upper campground is just .5 miles past the lower campground, and is accessed via the same road. By zooming out just a little the locations for both campgrounds can be seen.
My heart sank when SB said there was other campers. And that they had their kids up there. That means there had to of been activity going on and nobody noticed. That's not a good at all.
My heart sank when SB said there was other campers. And that they had their kids up there. That means there had to of been activity going on and nobody noticed. That's not a good at all.

Yes, me too.
I can't finish all the posts yet, but I had to jump in here.

Either it was busy at the store OR no one came into the area. It can't be both. The town has 70 people. Even if people are just passing through, and stop for gas and a soda, they are, by default, in the area and we can assume they used - roads - to get there and to leave. If the store was busy, so were the camping areas, hiking areas and lots of people coming and going and not locals of Leadore.

Sheriff, you need to show the sketch of the creepy eyed guy to more folks than just those of Leadore. If he was that creepy, someone else might remember him too.
I am a little shocked that LE apparently did not interview the people camping at the other end of the lake, even if they had nothing at all to do with Deorr's disappearance, wouldn't you want to know if they had seen any other people in the area, or seen any vehicles pass by that day, or if they had seen or heard any wild animals in the area while they were there?
Seriously Cardinal is so bad that this past summer I couldn't even take him to the park because every time I did he had no interest in playing and just ran usually trying to make it to the river that's right by. Its exhausting. I've done the same thing as you and have let him just go out of frustration only to have to run and I mean like actually run to catch him. And that's after letting him just go for no more then 30 seconds.
Its insane. The only place I can actually relax is at home where I've got everything toddler proof or the splash pad that's in the middle of a field.
Even then he will be the only kid that trys to make the mad dash out of the splash pad area. And I've seen my son run and face bomb right on the ground. He had a huge scratch one time that was bleeding and just got up like nothing and kept running.

All I know is if DeOrr was even just as half as bad as my son then he didn't wonder off. He ran off and didn't stop running. Trip, slip, falling and still going. To big of boots wouldn't stop him either. I have no idea what to think but I just know its very possible he is in there and farther then we would think.

Makes me sad because as a mom of a true runner this is one of my biggest fears. I can't help but to be heart broken for these parents. But I get how it could happen. I really do. And I agree they depended on those in charge to do the right thing. I know I'd find comfort in them being there. But I can't help but think maybe Deaorr was taken. Especially now with the news of other campers and they had visitors. And how can a missing EMT bag be shrugged off. What if someone had him and he was hurt or something? That seems kind of a big enough deal it was worth following up on.

I know what you mean about 'runners.' It makes me exhausted just thinking about it. I'd like to send you a :hug: because I know how scary and difficult it can be. My friend's son was like that too. When we took our kids someplace I spent half the time helping her chase him around too. He was fast. And in high school he was a track star, so there is something good that can come from it. LOL

But DeOrr's parents said he was not a runner. I think they said he was clingy and stayed near them and so I don't know if he would have just run for it for miles. But who knows?
My heart sank when SB said there was other campers. And that they had their kids up there. That means there had to of been activity going on and nobody noticed. That's not a good at all.

I took SB to mean that the older couple camping at the upper reservoir sent their kids up to meet with SB after they had gone back home and were then contacted by local LE. MOO.
Mickshawn, I really don't think anyone would remember a regular little boy with blond hair. Sure, he's cute, but most toddlers are. Unless something unique had happened involving DeOrr while he was in the store, what reason would anyone have to remember him being there? I think some just want to make more out of this than there really is. The only reason I can think of is because many here are so used to sleuthing that they have forgotten how to take things at face value.

I tend to disagree. It is a convenience type store, right? I know when I'm in convenience stores (they're pretty small) I'm always wedging through people and often a child or two to get through the aisles. Somebody should have noticed if the store was busy. Also, I don't know about you, but when I'm waiting in the checkout line I can't help but notice who is in front of line, or getting in line, or wherever. I get bored and look around, and notice people as opposed to candy bars or something, because I'm already done shopping. JMO
I tend to disagree. It is a convenience type store, right? I know when I'm in convenience stores (they're pretty small) I'm always wedging through people and often a child or two to get through the aisles. Somebody should have noticed if the store was busy. Also, I don't know about you, but when I'm waiting in the checkout line I can't help but notice who is in front of line, or getting in line, or wherever. I get bored and look around, and notice people as opposed to candy bars or something, because I'm already done shopping. JMO

It's one thing to "notice" (I do that also) and quite another thing to remember you had noticed. If there's no reason to remember, then your mind probably won't, otherwise you would remember every single person you ever noticed and I doubt that you do. There has to be something that would cause your mind to differentiate between everyone you noticed and someone in particular. IMO
Could be something or SB could genuinely be stumped. One question I have is has it ever been stated when and where the last independent sighting of Deorr was?

I have seen this question asked many times but I have not seen an answer.
It's one thing to "notice" (I do that also) and quite another thing to remember you had noticed. If there's no reason to remember, then your mind probably won't, otherwise you would remember every single person you ever noticed and I doubt that you do. There has to be something that would cause your mind to differentiate between everyone you noticed and someone in particular. IMO
Fair let's explore this further if you want? Given the timeline, how long do you think it is possible either the family or the parents were in the store?

ETA - The longer the time a 2 1/2 yr. was in a small store the more people may remember IMO. Clerk remembered the parents, even though the store was busy. Yes, maybe other people were there traveling through, but it is also the only store in town that had groceries (thinking locals too).
I know what you mean about 'runners.' It makes me exhausted just thinking about it. I'd like to send you a :hug: because I know how scary and difficult it can be. My friend's son was like that too. When we took our kids someplace I spent half the time helping her chase him around too. He was fast. And in high school he was a track star, so there is something good that can come from it. LOL

But DeOrr's parents said he was not a runner. I think they said he was clingy and stayed near them and so I don't know if he would have just run for it for miles. But who knows?

I finally said screw it a few months ago and went and a got a hiking backpack that can hold toddlers up to 50-60lbs. Its almost even more of a workout but 10x less stressful for him and I both. So we just go on hikes now threw the woods. He likes that. Chills him out and gives him stuff to look at.
And I finally understand them leashes they make for toddlers. I use to think they were mean and borderlined on child abuse. But those for some can be huge for the safety of runner that refuses to sit in a stroller.

I know the parents said he was clingy and usually stayed by them but then they also said he was a mover and a goer. And that's all hard for me to figure out how to take. He could be a little bit of both. I'd consider my wild child to be clingy as well. He's always on me and wants to do and be part of anything I do unless if we step outside or really go anywhere. But then when people and not just DeOrr parents say they've got a goer I never know what they mean. Like do you mean you have a typical two year old or are we talking a high energy runner. And I guess I wouldnt really have no clue how a typical toddler moves or wonders because my only experience has been what the doctor told me was a high energy toddler.
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