ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #13

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True. But then going by them only making one visit to the store, where does the man staring at Deorr fit in?

Is this store visit the Stage Stop? I want to have this clear before I say more.

I assume it's the Stage Stop - isn't that what's been reported? I am not aware of any other store visit? Someone up-thread asked if there were 2 clerks and/or 2 stores, though, so maybe I missed something?

As for the staring man, that is a very good question. I don't understand it, unless the man was possibly outside the store staring at Deorr sitting in the truck? It's a mystery to me, as is the story of the filthy bawling boy. I can't make sense of it.
The version that Sheriff Bowerman gave on the radio show is different from anything that DK, JM, or IR have portrayed to the public. DK and JM originally said they went exploring - no mention of fishing (the PI said they were scouting for a fishing spot, another version). DK and JM did not mention IR at all, ever. DK and JM never said they asked Deorr who he wanted to stay with and he chose his grandpa. IR's version has already been discussed to death but the bottom line is that regardless of the interview circumstances, it doesn't mesh with what SB said either. The story changes every time it's told. In a missing child case, I would think the timeline and all activity up to the child going missing would have been hammered out immediately. And it should not change and new details should not be emerging months later. What it means, I have no idea, but it doesn't sit well with me. MOO.
But wouldn't scouting for a fishing spot and exploring kind of be the same thing?
I assume it's the Stage Stop - isn't that what's been reported? I am not aware of any other store visit? Someone up-thread asked if there were 2 clerks and/or 2 stores, though, so maybe I missed something?

As for the staring man, that is a very good question. I don't understand it, unless the man was possibly outside the store staring at Deorr sitting in the truck? It's a mystery to me, as is the story of the filthy bawling boy. I can't make sense of it.

Sorry! That was me that asked about the possibility of 2 stores/2 clerks. My mind is racing here trying to work this out........

1 stop at a store. The Stage Stop:

PI Vilt was the first? to tell us about the staring man at the Stage Stop in his interview with EIN on Aug 11th. He also says French Fries were bought for Deorr.

Then we have what SB told us about the clerk in his latest interview.

So, yeah. Couldn't be clearer. I have thoughts about this but aren't sure I can go into them.
But wouldn't scouting for a fishing spot and exploring kind of be the same thing?

Possibly, but why didn't they just say that in their first interview - "we went down by the creek to see if there were any good fishing spots," or something along those lines? And why didn't they mention that IR was showing them the fishing spots? Were they told to be vague or did they choose to be vague? And why be vague about something as innocuous as fishing?
SB: Well, they’re…they’re cooperating 100% and anytime we’ve asked them to come in. Uh we had them come in and do some sketches on the person that was seen at the store that they felt looked at Deorr suspiciously. We had them come in and do sketches on the man and we showed him around the community and Leadore and didn’t come up with any positive ID,

This is such a small area where everyone probably knows everyone, I hope the clerk was asked who else was in the store that day. I wonder if they were interviewed and shown a picture of DeOrr? IIRC this is the only store in down that has groceries and the nearest bank is like 20-30 miles away so there is not much around. The clerk probably knows everyone.
IIRC DK said they saw minnows and wanted to go get lil DeOrr so they could show him the minnows.
Possibly, but why didn't they just say that in their first interview - "we went down by the creek to see if there were any good fishing spots," or something along those lines? And why didn't they mention that IR was showing them the fishing spots? Were they told to be vague or did they choose to be vague? And why be vague about something as innocuous as fishing?

Idk I guess its all personal preference IMO. The reason I brought it up is cause I always say adventure for everything. Doesn't matter if I'm going to the gas station or out on a hiking trail. Ive always done that but its increased now that I have a toddler and everything is an adventure.
I could see when being asked not really thinking about it and saying what one would normally say. They had a two year old. Everything would be exploring. I'm not sure if that's why he said it but it makes sense to me.
I think in that interview they had no idea what they were doing. I think they still thought he would be found. I dont think they had a clue that anybody would read so into it which could be a good thing for FBI when doing their behavioral analysis.
Everything about this case seems strange, but it may not be so much the actual case, but how it's been presented (or not presented) to the public. The news reporting has seemed "controlled" and not very informative - is that due to the family, LE, or the press? I haven't a clue. Things just seem off and I'm now beginning to doubt the integrity of the investigation itself. I don't know what to think anymore. I think I need to quit thinking about it so much.... but that poor little boy, what happened to him?

Speculation ahead ...

If DeOrr was abducted, knowing the *correct* time of arrival could help bring in tips. If someone saw something hinky or strange on Thursday evening, they might blow it off since as far as anyone knew, the family wasn't even there until Friday. So clearly, according to this imaginary witness of mine, there could be no connection between weirdo creepy stalker person and that little boy who went missing Friday. No, DeOrr wasn't taken on Thursday, but that doesn't mean a predator wasn't lurking somewhere that evening or doing something strange.

I don't think it matters what DK and JM were off doing (fishing, finding minnows, exploring, whatever), and I don't think it matters all that much whether GGPA sneezed or closed his eyes or fell asleep in the grand scheme of things. The parents weren't there with DeOrr for a brief period, and GGPa wasn't watching him for whatever reason, and that's what we need to know as far as that goes (moo). But it absolutely does matter -- imo -- when they arrived and it absolutely did matter -- imo -- to the public if LE wanted tips from the public.

That's a lot of speculation and what-ifs. And tbh, I think that stranger abduction is about the least likely scenario -- but on this point, I believe very much that their time of arrival should have been corrected immediately. I can't help but wonder why LE didn't do that. By their own admission, they are not ruling out a stranger abduction, so why not correct the timeline and maybe get more tips? *

*Although as I say that, I wonder if it had something to do with them being snowed under a blizzard of nonsensical tips ...

This is exactly what I said a few days ago (or pretty dang close). I agree 100%. There is NO WAY that information shouldn't have been released if abduction was thought to be a possibility. Even if the sheriff overlooked its importance, the parents should've corrected that immediately, especially since they've suspected abduction very early on. Immensely important information that could've helped solve the disappearance very quickly for all we know.
Yesterday we were in a restaurant and this morning after reading about who saw who and when I tried to remember who I saw there...YESTERDAY.

I remembered only one couple and their children. Other than that I could not tell you who else was there in a room full of strangers.

I only remembered that family because as they were leaving the store the dad wanted to pick up the child because the mother warned of heavy traffic outside. So they made an impression. If not for that I never would have remembered them either.

My point is we have no idea how long after DeOrr disappeared these people were asked to identify total strangers while they were probably busy doing five jobs.

With campgrounds I am sure they see locals and strangers every day but remember who, what and when well no way.

Sometimes we expect too much out of folks.
This is exactly what I said a few days ago (or pretty dang close). I agree 100%. There is NO WAY that information shouldn't have been released if abduction was thought to be a possibility. Even if the sheriff overlooked its importance, the parents should've corrected that immediately, especially since they've suspected abduction very early on. Immensely important information that could've helped solve the disappearance very quickly for all we know.

I think they were inexperienced working with any kind of official person and I think they expected LE to do the right thing for their son.

Remembering too they were being overwhelmed with social media indicating they were guilty.

What if little DeOrr IS out there and just hasn't been found yet?

I remember seeing pictures of tall grasses. Maybe 3 or 4 ft high. Could he be in there? Like a corn maze.

I have the strangest feeling he might just be up there and not discovered yet.

This is one strange case.
Everything about this case seems strange, but it may not be so much the actual case, but how it's been presented (or not presented) to the public. The news reporting has seemed "controlled" and not very informative - is that due to the family, LE, or the press? I haven't a clue. Things just seem off and I'm now beginning to doubt the integrity of the investigation itself. I don't know what to think anymore. I think I need to quit thinking about it so much.... but that poor little boy, what happened to him?

It does seem to be "controlled" to me as well. I have no idea what to think.
To me it seems like a lot of other missing child cases. I've seen some where the police don't even make a statement and the parents don't know the first thing about what to do and are kinda stuck or so it seems. And they can't get the media to pick up on it. Then you have cases like this and Bella Bond, the Ramseys, and many others where the whole world cares. When at the very same time another child is missing and nobody could care any less.

In other cases from my prospective it seems like when a parent is involved really damaging info would of come out by now. I know there has been a few glitches here but nothing all that incriminating just confusion to me. Like if they were trying to cover up an accident wouldn't physical evidence have been found? Idk it just always seems things start to fall apart on parents who did hurt their child and LE starts doing things to make it clear how they feel like aressting the parents for neglect when they don't got enough for a murder charge.

I do feel that some of the confusion is directly from bad reporting and saying things with out knowing facts. Like it being said they arrived Friday when really it was Thursday among many of other small details.

I keep reminding myself that the FBI is involved and they know things but don't feel like we need to know much. They've got to know what they are doing or at least I'd think.

DeOrr is some where. Idk where but he didn't vanish into thin air. Even of the parents did anything he'd have to be some where. Its all just sad.
But wouldn't scouting for a fishing spot and exploring kind of be the same thing?

Yeah, I think so.

I also think it's probably pretty normal for more details to come out each time the story is told -- memory is a funny thing. It'd be weirder, imo, if the story never deviated at all -- when my kids all tell the Exact. Same. Story, I know something is up.

But some of these changes are just baffling. If he was filthy and bawling in the truck while mom and dad were in the store, it's no wonder someone was staring at him. But if it happened in the store and he was filthy/bawling there, you'd think the clerk would remember him. But at the same time, the idea that he wasn't there at all perplexes me too because I don't understand why IR and GGPa would go along with such a story, especially when it implicates or casts shade on them. It just doesn't make sense.

It's getting more rather than less confusing. DeOrr is missing. Where is he?!? What happened to this sweet little boy who was just starting out with his life? And why? I feel like not only are we no closer to finding him but are actually further away than on the first day he went missing.
I think they were inexperienced working with any kind of official person and I think they expected LE to do the right thing for their son.

Remembering too they were being overwhelmed with social media indicating they were guilty.

What if little DeOrr IS out there and just hasn't been found yet?

I remember seeing pictures of tall grasses. Maybe 3 or 4 ft high. Could he be in there? Like a corn maze.

I have the strangest feeling he might just be up there and not discovered yet.

This is one strange case.

This is why I'm wondering if they are going to expand the search zone. IF he wandered off and someone or something grabbed him, he might be further out than they imagined. Personally, I suspect very strongly that he's up there somewhere -- just not in the search zone. And I wish they'd start moving out a little bit. At least even if it's too late, they can still bring him home to his family, and they'd have closure.
This is why I'm wondering if they are going to expand the search zone. IF he wandered off and someone or something grabbed him, he might be further out than they imagined. Personally, I suspect very strongly that he's up there somewhere -- just not in the search zone. And I wish they'd start moving out a little bit. At least even if it's too late, they can still bring him home to his family, and they'd have closure.
Me too!!!!! I was thinking now that they've searched all over in the area then why not start out and work into where they first searched.

I have a strong feeling he is out there and farther then we think because I have a son who is a month older then DeOrr and I'm telling ya my child could run five miles if he wasn't stopped. I think little DeOrr is being underestimated because he had on boots that might have been to big. Toddlers are not as helpless as we think. They can run, jump, and climb better then I'd of ever guessed. They have no consept of danger. Going into water wouldn't of scared him. Seeing a wild animal wouldn't of scared him. Being lost might not have even scared him for the first few miles. If it was my son he wouldn't of even cared he was lost or couldn't find me till he was hungry and even then he'd find something to eat I'm sure.
October 17th, 2015

"SALMON – The Lemhi County sheriff says the FBI is unable to analyze some evidence in the case of a missing Idaho Falls toddler."

"Next week, Bowerman says, he will be traveling to Idaho Falls to meet with Bonneville County detectives to determine the next steps to take in the case."

A question for those of you who think the search area should be expanded at the campground:

Why is Sheriff Bowerman meeting with Idaho Falls/Bonneville County detectives as the next step in the investigation? That's over two hours away from where Deorr was allegedly last seen. :thinking:
October 17th, 2015

"SALMON – The Lemhi County sheriff says the FBI is unable to analyze some evidence in the case of a missing Idaho Falls toddler."

"Next week, Bowerman says, he will be traveling to Idaho Falls to meet with Bonneville County detectives to determine the next steps to take in the case."

A question for those of you who think the search area should be expanded at the campground:

Why is Sheriff Bowerman meeting with Idaho Falls/Bonneville County detectives as the next step in the investigation? That's over two hours away from where Deorr was allegedly last seen. :thinking:

Bonneville County is where all the POIs live. Not sure what that means as far as the investigation, though...
Just a random question that popped into my head... Have DK and JM ever made a statement saying that they had nothing to do with their son's disappearance?
October 17th, 2015

"SALMON – The Lemhi County sheriff says the FBI is unable to analyze some evidence in the case of a missing Idaho Falls toddler."

"Next week, Bowerman says, he will be traveling to Idaho Falls to meet with Bonneville County detectives to determine the next steps to take in the case."

A question for those of you who think the search area should be expanded at the campground:

Why is Sheriff Bowerman meeting with Idaho Falls/Bonneville County detectives as the next step in the investigation? That's over two hours away from where Deorr was allegedly last seen. :thinking:

BBM - I am wondering if this could have something to do with cell phone tracing or tracking because of the remote area and lack of strong signals. Just a thought.
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