ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #18

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Wasnt there a story that little deorr was playing in the dirt with is trucks when he was left with ggpa before he disappeared? What happened to that story?
• At some point in the afternoon DeOrr Kunz Sr. and Mitchell go for a hike leaving the then 2 1/2-year-old in the care of his great-grandfather, Robert Walton. Walton later tells investigators he thinks the child went over the bank to meet with his parents.
• About 15 minutes later the parents make their way to a part of a creek where friend, Isaac Reinwand, was fishing for minnows.
• The parents go to grab DeOrr and show him the minnows, but cannot find him.
Interesting, I wonder where they got their information since that little detail had not been reported before. Also note that they mention the Jeep Rubicon in their timeline and we all know that that was a figment of somebody's imagination. Maybe a little too much creative writing.
Yes, fishermen and fisherwomen DO fish for minnows. Of course they don't use a rod and reel. They use seines and nets. If you want to fish in a creek in the mountains you're probably going to catch or own bait or use artificial bait.

Isn't that essentially what I said?

I don't know much, but I do know fishing. :)
IIRC correctly Klein has said he thinks a reconstruction will have to be done. Given what has come out the last week or so and the debate that has ensued, that can't come soon enough IMO.
Rumors are not allowed here. Discussing it as rumor is simply perpetuating rumor. If something was discussed in earlier threads and was removed, we don't continue to discuss it.
Just to clarify, IR did not say in his interview that he saw DeOrr AFTER the store, it was she Sheriff who said that. IR just said he had seen him but didn't specify when.

I thought Nate had asked the question that way. I may be remembering incorrectly. I believe sometime during that interview Reinwand specified when he saw DeOrr. IMO
Another lie that Vernal apparently told - his lawyer said that he hired and paid Klein. Klein says that is not true. Did Vernal lie, or did the lawyer make it up?
As to why they would cover an accidental death, they could have been concerned about being judged for negligence (even if they weren't charged) or some other reason.

I can't imagine what concern would make me quickly hide the body, concoct a story and then call 911. If my little son died (as in gone...forever), by some accident or even unintentional stupidity on my part, the thought of planning a cover up would not even enter my mind. I would be so distraught that I'm not sure I would even be able to move. Concerns for what might happen to me just wouldn't even be on my radar. If any thought entered my mind it would be guilt, even if it wasn't my fault. If anything, that guilt would cause me to not care what happened to me. But I think that wouldn't even occur till some time later.
I have to say my red flag that went up early on was during the long interview with the parents by Nate Eaton, when the dad said he was 3. As a mom, I would never round up like that when speaking of a young boy. There is a huge difference between 2.5 and 3.

And if I am in a situation where my child is vulnerable and I want people to understand the gravity of the situation, I would round DOWN to 2. To me, that would emphasize his plight, he's little and missing and no resources would be too few to help find him. So that immediately took me aback when he said that. JMO.

I never thought of that, but I have certainly noticed that they rarely use his name... Personally, I find all the "Lil man!" stuff nauseating.

Plus they never bothered to change the false information that he had blue eyes, and they never publicised his birthmark... They never sought out the national press, and they never bothered to arrange for billboards to be put up.
I thought Nate had asked the question that way. I may be remembering incorrectly. I believe sometime during that interview Reinwand specified when he saw DeOrr. IMO

The transcript to the interview is right here. No IR did not specify when he last saw DeOrr.

EATON: Do you remember the last time you saw little DeOrr?

REINWAND: No comment.

EATON: But he was up there?

REINWAND: Yes, he was.

EATON: He was up there, you saw him, you know he was there.

I can't imagine what concern would make me quickly hide the body, concoct a story and then call 911. If my little son died (as in gone...forever), by some accident or even unintentional stupidity on my part, the thought of planning a cover up would not even enter my mind. I would be so distraught that I'm not sure I would even be able to move. Concerns for what might happen to me just wouldn't even be on my radar. If any thought entered my mind it would be guilt, even if it wasn't my fault. If anything, that guilt would cause me to not care what happened to me. But I think that wouldn't even occur till some time later.

I would react the same way as you. I think almost everyone would. But maybe these parents, for whatever reason, panicked (if that actually happened) and there was a cover up. We obviously don't know at this point but I find an accident more likely than the idea that they deliberately harmed him -- although, of course, anything is possible.
Do people really fish for minnows? With a fishing pole?

Not with a fishing pole but maybe a net or bucket. I do it with my kids just goofing around when camping.

This whole IR was with them, he was off on his own, he was here or there, seems to me a key part of the "story changing" IMO
Isn't that essentially what I said?

I don't know much, but I do know fishing. :)

I didn't think so which is why I replied. You said fishermen don't fish for minnows but they might scoop them up. I simply wanted to clarify (for those who DON'T know fishing :) ) that fishermen do indeed fish for minnows and they generally use seines, nets, and minnow traps. I certainly didn't mean to offend a fellow fisherperson :)
I never thought of that, but I have certainly noticed that they rarely use his name... Personally, I find all the "Lil man!" stuff nauseating.

Plus they never bothered to change the false information that he had blue eyes, and they never publicised his birthmark... They never sought out the national press, and they never bothered to arrange for billboards to be put up.

Yes - I've often thought the same. Smacks of disassociation. Not normal parenting response at all . IMO
My opinion is not the favorite but I am not that suspicious of the parents. Out of the 4 POI the only person I am remotely suspicious of is and continues to be IR. At least to me he seems like the smartest one of the whole group and his consistent account from that day almost seems coached which is in part due to him being smart enough to hire a lawyer from day one.

Whatever happened that day to that poor little boy I just hope he is one day recovered so those that loved him can finally stop the torture of wondering and waiting for answers. I can't imagine going through life never knowing what happened to someone I loved.

Dang, serioulsy? how would he pull all that off without a clue in a MUCH smaller time frame and the parents not being all over him?
Not with a fishing pole but maybe a net or bucket. I do it with my kids just goofing around when camping.

This whole IR was with them, he was off on his own, he was here or there, seems to me a key part of the "story changing" IMO

Like maybe they're trying to place him not where he was but somewhere that would be advantageous to them. JMO
Still reading. Saw some posts about the parents wording changing about fishing and whatnot.

At first, this would make me go "hmm...."

But then I thought about my husband. He and I will be somewhere together, say our son's doctor's appointment or something. Later, we'll be talking to my parents about it. My husband will start to say things that didn't exactly happen. Or he'll tell them the doctor said this or that...but it didn't REALLY happen quite like he says. I'll have to correct him. He has no known brain problems or whatever. It's just that for some reason, he doesn't remember the details well. Or the conversation well. I think he also infers (if that's the right word?) things from what is said and then he thinks those things were ACTUALLY said. But they weren't.

Anyway...not sure if I'm explaining that example very well. But basically...I often tell my husband that it's like he has false memories or something.

So because of that...I try not to analyze if the parents have slight variations of their stories. Like first saying DeOrr wanted to go fishing. Or that he just saw the fish. Or whatever. I wouldn't necessarily read into slight variations of stuff.

Sorry if that makes no sense.

I understand and I dont think it matters if it was going fishing, looking at fish, catching fish or catching minnows, whatever. IMO The whole thing that revolves around this is where IR's location seems to change. There are variations of where he was.
Originally- IR was off "fishing" and they came up to him (DK)
Vilt interview- they asked him to show them where the minnows were.

The Vilt one is curious to me because it would imply they tried to get IR away from GGP. IMO !
Not sure if this has been posted yet..

"Lemhi sheriff: I just pray little DeOrr will be found"

Still catching up, sorry if someone's brought this forward already.
From the article:

Eaton: But we do know DeOrr was up there?

Bowerman: I’m fairly confident DeOrr was there. I can’t find anybody that says they’re 100 percent positive he was there, but I feel fairly confident he was there at one time.

I think what's really missing here is ggp stating, "He was right there!" On film.
Perhaps THEN we might have a real starting point for where or what happened.
But we won't get that because ggp mind is muddy.
So we wait for more tidbits.
Poor Deorr.
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