ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #18

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I think the sheriff is tiptoeing around IR. If he comes out and says, "IR's not being truthful" or "we feel IR is off on his timeline", they may lose any chance of talking to him again. It may not seem important now, but if something major comes up and they need to ask questions, they don't want his lawyer shutting it down.

I'm a little scared that any information from IR and GGP that could help in solving this case would get thrown out by a decent defense attorney. It's now on record that GGP and IR both have issues that could effect their credibility as witnesses. IR can't pass a polygraph and GGP has memory problems.

I'm also not buying that GGP is so sick he can't talk. My gut says he's the key to solving this and someone/everyone knows this and is/are keeping him quiet.
Search & Rescue got there near 4:00 pm, referenced by Deorr in first video they were with S&R from around quarter to 4. Also in one of the very early articles it was said around 4:00.

So that is 3 hours from 1pm, which is what Sheriff said in the interview. Thanks.

I have the distance/time at 55 miles/1hr 23 but I agree in UK terms Lemhi County is vast (the same area as the whole of Yorkshire!), mountainous and only has ~8,000 people (Yorkshire 5 million+!)
I said from the beginning the baby never made it back from the store and i will stand by that.
Search & Rescue got there near 4:00 pm, referenced by Deorr in first video they were with S&R from around quarter to 4. Also in one of the very early articles it was said around 4:00.

Good point, but didn't the Sheriff say last night it took them 3 hours to get there. If the call was made at 2:30ish, them being there at 3:45 (as said by DK) doesn't work. So was it SAR/fire brigade who turned up about an hour after the call. And if there's any truth in JM's mum getting there first, how did that happen (she was a 2.5 hour drive away).

I am really confused. More questions than answers.

I have the distance/time at 55 miles/1hr 23 but I agree in UK terms Lemhi County is vast (the same area as the whole of Yorkshire!), mountainous and only has ~8,000 people (Yorkshire 5 million+!)

I edited already - I forgot there are 2 Timber Creek campgrounds and got the wrong one!
Good point, but didn't the Sheriff say this morning it took them 3 hours to get there. If the call was made at 2:30ish, them being there at 3:45 (as said by DK) doesn't work. So was it SAR/fire brigade who turned up about an hour after the call. And if there's any truth in JM's mum getting there first, how did that happen (she was a 2.5 hour drive away).

I am really confused. More questions than answers.

I'm wondering if JM's mom already had plans to join them at the campground, so she was on her way there anyway? Or, did she go to the campground after receiving a call to come help?? IDK.

As for the 3-hour time, I think Sheriff was counting from the time they arrived back at camp. 1:00pm + 3 hours = 4:00pm

But, yes, the timing is confusing.
Search & Rescue got there near 4:00 pm, referenced by Deorr in first video they were with S&R from around quarter to 4. Also in one of the very early articles it was said around 4:00.

I think he made that statement during the filthy, bawling child denial and meant he was with SAR/LE until 3:45AM. It would make no sense to claim he was with someone not even there yet!

So that is 3 hours from 1pm, which is what Sheriff said in the interview. Thanks.

Again the Sheriff must be talking about the time from 2:28PM when the 911 call came in. He couldn't have been aware of the 1PM thing until much later.

Or you all are just trying to confuse me more!?
Besides a convenience store run could there have been a stop for drugs? Could something have happened then? Baby dying in the car from the heat during a drug exchange or something along those lines? baby being abducted then?

Anything i write is just my opinion.
When was the report of the dirty, bawling kid? Was that 6pm Thursday at the store or 12:30pm Friday at the store?

And when was the candy-bar purchase?
Speaking to camping far away from police: I live in Eastern Idaho & am am pretty active camper/hiker/fisher etc. A lot of destinations I choose are pretty far out there and I take my kids. The experience is amazing. Idaho & all of the US Pacific & Northwest mountain ranges are truly magnificent.

I'm sure it is, until you need police/fire/ambulance and then I'd bet you wished you were nearer civilisation! I also camp very regularly but it's totally different here. When I look at maps of where they were I am staggered how disconnected it is. Small country naivety, maybe!
Good point, but didn't the Sheriff say this morning it took them 3 hours to get there. If the call was made at 2:30ish, them being there at 3:45 (as said by DK) doesn't work. So was it SAR/fire brigade who turned up about an hour after the call. And if there's any truth in JM's mum getting there first, how did that happen (she was a 2.5 hour drive away).

I am really confused. More questions than answers.

Maybe mom left when JM texted about the feminine products? Although not sure why unless whatever happened had already happened (making the mom an accessory) -- and in that case, it makes IR's later sighting impossible. I also remember seeing something about it being planned on being a family outing with extended family as well (consider that rumor because I have no idea where I saw it), so maybe she was already planning on being there?
I think he made that statement during the filthy, bawling child denial and meant he was with SAR/LE until 3:45AM. It would make no sense to claim he was with someone not even there yet!

Again the Sheriff must be talking about the time from 2:28PM when the 911 call came in. He couldn't have been aware of the 1PM thing until much later.

Or you all are just trying to confuse me more!?

I thnk Sheriff counted from the 1pm time. That is the window of time between when Deorr was noticed missing and when LE showed up. Of course, I don't think they really had 3 hours because who would call 911 before covering up (if they did cover up anything).

My stance remains the same. Even as I explore possibilities, I'm on the fence about the parents! It seems the only given is lots of confusion about the timeline.
My quick thoughts (after sleeping on it) based on SB's latest interview. All taken at face value and IMO.

Parents poly inconclusive on two specific points: What happened to Deorr and where Deorr is.
IR last saw Deorr at ~1:10PM-1:30PM.
Parents and IR go fishing leaving Deorr with GGP.
Parents return to camp 10/17/xx minutes later (note: Without IR who continues his fishing?)

The only missing point here that might be known but I can't remember is at what time/how long after the parents returned to camp was IR informed of the situation.

So my conclusion at this point is that what happened, happened at the campsite and the parents discovered it upon their return from fishing. There is then a ~3 hour window before LE/SAR start to arrive after the 911 call.

One other point I'd like to talk about is the 3 hours it took the first LE to get to the camp. That sounds awfully long to me. 1.5 hours would be my estimate coming from Salmon with SAR being longer understandable. Not having a go but do find it surprising. 3 hours would have been an agonising wait for anyone.

I'll be back later, but want to mention something that's been bothering me for a while. Bowerman has said that it was one of "his" rangers from BLM (Bureau of Land Management) that discovered the people spreading ashes in the reservoir. Did any other personnel respond to the emergency that day, and if so, when did they arrive at the campsite. Doesn't it "seem" like SOMEONE would have responded before the sheriff's department arrived?
6 pm Friday, iirc.

That was what was reported from the off. 6pm Friday. It was addressed by DK in the first interview when he said (paraphrased), "it wasn't us, can't have been, we were with SAR until quarter to 4, but here's the problem, I have a black truck".

(anyone got the actual quote to hand?)

Was the "filthy bawling child" incident the same incident as "buying candy bar, had black truck"??
Right but he said he was on the same page as the Sheriff, the Sheriff believes Isaac's statement about when he saw Deorr last.
Klein also sounded like he didnt find Isaac completely forthcoming when he spoke about Isaac's interview with EIN the other day.

Yes, but the sheriff hadn't spoke to Klein. JMO but Klein probably didn't know about Isaac saying he saw DeOrr until he heard it on the radio show like us.
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