ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #19

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I'm convinced that when we finally get information on the time line, evidence, etc., there will be an "a-ha" moment for us regarding this! There was absolutely something strange about VDK's interview, in general, but that part really stood out to me.

The way I see it, if you think your child was abducted and you hear of a possible sighting after you last saw your child, you'd be all over investigators to follow up on it. Why would you want to disprove it instead?

This just occurred to me randomly, but could he have feared that the possible sighting might lead to a search near the store?

We need the man with the "Master Time Line." I'd pay good money to see that now...
No problem! I wonder the same. Maybe one of the ID locals can tell us how they treat snow on their roads? Do they use salt? Not everybody has summer and winter cars here though. Typically here, the people that have sports cars and restored or built classics have winter cars so they keep the prized cars in the garage or in storage. Idk if it is the same in ID? Idk if it even matters? Just a fleeting thought?

Most places in Idaho use sand, not salt, on the roads... (snow plows and sanding trucks are the norm)
That could go well with the planned abduction/adoption theory. Except here's the problem...

Which why I was really shocked when Deorr Sr was insistent that it was not a valid sighting. My first thought was..Hmm, your boy is missing and now someone says they saw your boy with a man in a black truck and he was dirty and crying and you are dismissing it right away? WHY? I would have been to that store right away to see what was going on. How was he so certain that it was not his boy? Or that someone had not taken his boy and stopped there?
Most places in Idaho use sand, not salt, on the roads... (snow plows and sanding trucks are the norm)

Same with here in Montana, at least where I live only sand and plows. I wish we would use that sugar beet juice spray like Omaha uses. I mean we get plenty of snow, and we have tons of sugar beets, stupid to not use it IMO. That stuff works great.
Hi Onebest, I thought that was a story initially reported by the store clerk that Vernal was addressing in that interview. He seemed more than unnerved by it and responded to it in a way that was totally off, IMO ... i.e., according to him, the reported time of the sighting was wrong, and it was him in his black truck at a different time. He showed no interest that it might be a lead in his son's alleged abduction. Strange, yes.

So did it not really happen ? I have no idea... but if not I wonder why would he bring it up in such an awkward way? Did I just miss something? :help:

Why did VDK say something like (re the dirty baby) "Yes, and there is the problem. I drive a black truck."
I think it's possible that he made the comment so potential witnesses would think there were two black trucks in the area that day. Less of a chance they'd pinpoint Deorr driving because they could not say for certain that it was HIS truck in the area, that it could've been the other black truck. IMO I think he did it to throw them off.

I'm convinced that when we finally get information on the time line, evidence, etc., there will be an "a-ha" moment for us regarding this! There was absolutely something strange about VDK's interview, in general, but that part really stood out to me.

The way I see it, if you think your child was abducted and you hear of a possible sighting after you last saw your child, you'd be all over investigators to follow up on it. Why would you want to disprove it instead?

This just occurred to me randomly, but could he have feared that the possible sighting might lead to a search near the store?

STOP posting rumors.

If you CANNOT link it, then you CANNOT post it.
Tbh I've never heard a person called "solid" before, unless it refers to their body-type... If someone said to me "This man is solid" I wouldn't be exactly sure what they meant... But since he referred to the two parents together as "solid" I thought he might mean "sticking together".
In hindsight, he probably did mean sticking together, same story or backing each other up no matter what the other said??

In German that "solid" would mean something like "respectable, correct".
I wonder if LE tried the dogs at various points along the road all the way into town. I remember at some point, LE mentioned extending the search area to 10 miles... which is the distance to the Stage Stop.

Great idea. Take the dogs to all the stop off places along the road. Give them a whiff of french fries/ketchup and tell them "go find it!"
In German that "solid" would mean something like "respectable, correct".

I think it depends, it could be solid, as in their resolve. Or "solidified" in their position, whatever that might be. It seems rather ambiguous in this context though, IMO.
Which why I was really shocked when Deorr Sr was insistent that it was not a valid sighting. My first thought was..Hmm, your boy is missing and now someone says they saw your boy with a man in a black truck and he was dirty and crying and you are dismissing it right away? WHY? I would have been to that store right away to see what was going on. How was he so certain that it was not his boy? Or that someone had not taken his boy and stopped there?

Because that rumor was already checked out and found to be just that, a rumor?
The part of the first unedited interview where Deorr speaks of the store clerk's sighting of the filthy child eating candy in a black truck. Deorr Sr. says, "That's the problem, *I* drive a black truck. This was discussed at 7:08 minutes into the video.

Yes, and we learned later that the clerk didn't even remember if a kid had been in the store or not, never mind a "filthy, bawling" one.
I think it depends, it could be solid, as in their resolve. Or "solidified" in their position, whatever that might be. It seems rather ambiguous in this context though, IMO.

Even back then, I took it as "solid" as in cooperating. I think he followed up that statement by saying they had given him everything they asked for. (Who wouldn't if their child was missing?) The sheriff always seemed cool and cautious, but I never got from him that he felt the parents had no involvement. To me, he seemed to be holding something close to the vest.

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So IIRC, they went to the store Friday early afternoon? And the store clerk is saying she saw them at 6 pm that night? Deorr's response is that it's a problem, because the other gentleman also had a black truck as well.

I think I stated something that made NO sense. I suggested that Deorr wanted to make certain everyone knew there were two black trucks in the area at the time, to throw any witnesses off that may have seen his (or another black truck) in the area. BUT it was the store clerk who brought it up, not Deorr Sr. But for reason unknown Deorr Sr. tells us the problem is that he has a black truck. Why does he think that is a problem? What if he drove a red truck and there was a similar sighting of man and boy? Would he consider that a lead? I think so. But for some reason he made the 2 same colored trucks somehow seem important. I would be more concerned about the toddler seen in the store matching Deorr's description, than talking about the similar truck.

Is this considered a rumor? I honestly don't know. Did LE ever address the 6 pm sighting? Did the store clerk end up recanting her story?

The 6 pm reported sighting really makes my head spin.
Yes, and we learned later that the clerk didn't even remember if a kid had been in the store or not, never mind a "filthy, bawling" one.

Yes we did.
Perhaps the parents heard this rumor, or read it, and did react immediately by notifying LE. about it. Asking that they check it out right away.
Which they do, immediately. The clerk tells them, No, I didn't say that, I don't even recall or know if this child was in here on Friday. . I don't even recall these people being in here.
L.E. relays that to the parents. Telling them, it must be a rumor.
That's possible, IMO.

Then at a later time VDK wants to go back and see the clerk because they were there on Friday, and hopes to jog her memory. ...and does it seems.
But then, if there was no sighting of a filthy bawling Deorr in a black truck and it was just a rumour, why did Vernal say the sightings of him?
.What Mr. Kline had to say about the dirty, crying child incident.

Question.. Why was the dirty crying child that was supposedly seen at 6:00pm not investigated? If Deorr jr. Was abducted per his parents wouldn't it be important to identify that child's identity?

Klein Investigations and Consulting
Klein Investigations and Consulting I have no idea regarding this. Staff states that this was a rumor and not fact. If you have a specific witness that saw this please send OL
And then we have different conflicting stories. Either the lady at the store said and saw this or she didn't. How hard is it to get answers? This whole case has been this way IMO Nothing is as it seems and it seems no one has a clear answer for anything. Guess we can understand how LE feels to some extent. 2 black trucks should not be a problem, lots of people have black trucks. I mean right away I was like, hey maybe Deorr was kidnapped and was seen at the store...
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