ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #2

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Penner and Bowerman don't seem to be on the same page regarding the drone.

(Bowerman) confirmed they did take a polygraph test but didn't know when or if the results of the test would be released to the public.

If they don't want people accusing the parents, then releasing the results of a passed polygraph does the trick. Results are kept confidential when they are not positive, in my experience.

Some additional thoughts:

1. There are several ways DeOrr could have died accidentally with at least one person present and it not be "foul play" (ie this is NOT accusing the parents of foul play):
Not strapped down and hit his head on the truck cab ceiling due to rough terrain
Succumbed to heat while napping in closed cab
Snake bite
In these and similar scenarios where there is no 3rd party to blame such as a berry or snake, the witness is almost definitely going to cover it up out of self preservation. It does not mean they are murderous, or evil, or not horribly devastated by the event. They just believe dealing with it and then letting others believe the person "disappeared" is the best choice. That is just how human psychology works.
2. The 4 individuals present went back to Idaho Falls before returning to the site, correct?
3. Were the cadaver dogs taken the full 3mi radius ? I am unclear on how LE can be confident he is not underground or buried.
4. An object moving 5mph travels 15 miles in 1 hour.
5. IMO no one believes he was abducted by a stranger. Everything and everyone has been focused on the campsite and surrounding area.
6. Why isn't there a namus profile ? Deorr is in the NCIC.

BBM. I 100% disagree with this. I think 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of people wouldn't begin to think of covering up an accident. They would be calling 911 in a panic. Why would the parents need to cover up a snake bite? I mean, accidents happen.

Also, it's not one person, but four who would be covering up some sort of an accident. Unless some hard core drug use was being done by all of them - and I see zero evidence that any of that is occurring with these people, plus they called pretty much right away and it doesn't seem they were intoxicated at the time -I see no reason they would cover up an accident.

That is totally against typical human nature.

As an earlier poster said, it is nice to see that mom has put up "posters" on her FB now of Little D. since there were days of silence, BUT am I the only one who thinks its weird that the search posters have the dads pic on them and his pic is the same size as baby's? Plus, the poster with baby w/different hair color and implication that he could be dressed as a girl is just bizarre IMO.

I didn't see anything wrong with her FB. I know the parents want to holds out hope that their child is alive - hence a possible abduction, but if that were a possibility, than putting it out there that someone could've changed the child's hair coloring or is dressing them as the opposite sex, is darn smart. Because that kind of thing happens quite a bit in abductions of children.

Frankly, I would be surprised if in first few days of the search, the mom had the energy or wherewithal to immediately be jumping on social media or the ability to even think about posting a missing person's poster. All her FB friends no the kid is missing anyhow.

I find nothing suspicious whatsoever about the pair. They seem very family oriented people and nothing weird. No criminal backgrounds, nothing to suggest the police believe they did something, etc.
I am so very worried that Deorr may not have been @that campsite.
They are looking into backgrounds of those closer to "home".
In my thoughts, I can't help wondering if this boy is closer to home of Idaho Falls.
But not actually in Idaho Falls.
This just gets odder by the moment.
None of the statements add up.
It's just my opinion but I think a rather defenseless person is being somehow scapegoated.

We seem to agree on this. Nothing adds up. IMO
I am so very worried that Deorr may not have been @that campsite.
They are looking into backgrounds of those closer to "home".
In my thoughts, I can't help wondering if this boy is closer to home of Idaho Falls.
But not actually in Idaho Falls.
This just gets odder by the moment.
None of the statements add up.
It's just my opinion but I think a rather defenseless person is being somehow scapegoated.

That was my main concern from the start (in my view no evidence that he was at the campsite) so my question still stands. Who places baby Deorr at the campsite besides family?
IMO if an area is difficult to access on foot, it's likely not an area that a drone is going to get a really close-up look at. This is a little boy who could have crawled into a log or under a dead tree, or have been dragged off into an area obscured by foilage. A small shred of clothing or a camo colored jacket is hard enough to find looking on foot. So weird to me.

Does this below show a hint that maybe the Sheriff could be biased about this case?

To me it sounds like he just contradicted himself.

He first indicates Twin Falls is going to cover areas where the boy disappeared and are difficult to search on foot. And then says it is not really for searching for the boy but could be for future criminal investigation. WTH?

"A remote-operated drone will be used Wednesday to help with the search in the area where the two-year-old disappeared. Bowerman said the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office will fly their drone in an effort to cover areas that are difficult to access on foot.

“They are just photographing the area in case this should ever turn into a criminal investigation,” Bowerman said. “They are not looking for anything in particular, just a photo of the area in general.”"
Man, I am reading some stuff in some FB pages and I am just screamingggggg inside with a big WTHHHHH inside me.


I need a short vacation right now in the Caribbean...:( Wait...I live here. Nevermind. :facepalm:
Has it been reported anywhere that none of the adults on this camping trip had criminal backgrounds?
Just asking because I don't know and I think I might have missed that. TIA.
Yeah for sure, but what I'm getting at is........obviously one or both did NOT pass their test.....or got inconclusive and why inconclusive?

But what if one or both are 'inconclusive?' That is like opening a :worms:
Has it been reported anywhere that none of the adults on this camping trip had criminal backgrounds?
Just asking because I don't know and I think I might have missed that. TIA.

They didn't report anything about criminal backgrounds.

I want the results of the polys!!
Man, I am reading some stuff in some FB pages and I am just screamingggggg inside with a big WTHHHHH inside me.


I need a short vacation right now in the Caribbean...:( Wait...I live here. Nevermind. :facepalm:

I'm wondering if we read the same thing because...whoa. How about I come visit you in the Caribbean? :eek:hwow:
~~respectfully snipped by me for relevancy~~
I find nothing suspicious whatsoever about the pair. They seem very family oriented people and nothing weird. No criminal backgrounds, nothing to suggest the police believe they did something, etc.

Sorry Gitana I was wondering if you had read somewhere that there were no criminal backgrounds.
Hope you can help me on this.
I'm thinking very few people closely associated w/this precious little boy's case, including the Sheriff, is finding it easy to sleep tonight.
In all honesty, how could you in such a circumstance?
If this case doesn't bust wide open soon I'm afraid the pressure will become unbearable...
Man, I am reading some stuff in some FB pages and I am just screamingggggg inside with a big WTHHHHH inside me.


I need a short vacation right now in the Caribbean...:( Wait...I live here. Nevermind. :facepalm:

Name of FB site?
Okay, let me state clearly that I do not believe in psychics. I think most of them (if not all) are just a bunch of charlatans. BUT there is this woman I heard and read about for a VERY long time and I was really impressed with. She helped the police MANY times and helped put killers behind bars. Her name is Rosemarie Kerr.

I wonder if the family or the LE would be willing to contact her??
The store clerk?

The store clerk placed them in town, 40 minutes or so from the site, 5 hours after they said they were at the store and 3.5 hours after he was reported missing, right?
The store clerk?
And even that is in question.
I believe the clerk claimed the sighting she reported was around 6pm?
Which was said to be an "unsub" male in a black truck w/a blonde boy of the general description of Deorr.
The sighting was said to have been impossible because the search team was there at the camping area around 6. IIRC
jmo and :(
There seems to be a big push to not search the area, but instead look for a little girl who is really a boy.
2 year old Gage Wayment did it.

This is one of the most heart-breaking beginning to end accounts I have ever read. The author did a wonderful job.

That is what I was going to say. This is local to me and I remember it very well.
My girls didn't get out of their seats or open the car door at that age.

However, it is also important to remember not everyone uses car seats.
Unless we've seen a picture of the inside of the truck, we don't know there was one.

If he was not in a car seat then opening just the truck door would have been much easier.
Though, I wouldn't exactly expect every 2 year old to close it behind them all the time.
Now that information is starting to come out about ggpas friend, can we speak about it here, as it may be that LE is disguising what they may be doing. Or do we have to wait for the police to identify this person?
I've been playing catch up but I must have missed it. What info has come out about ggpas friend?

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