If we’re talking about an accidental or unintentional death, (if that’s what happened) here are the most likely possibilities, by statistics.
For children aged 1-4, the ten most common causes of unintentional
injury death are 1. Unintentional Drowning 2. Unintentional Motor Vehicle Traffic 3. Homicide Unspecified. 4. Unintentional suffocation 5. Unintentional fire/burn 6. Unintentional pedestrian/other 7. Homicide other specified, classifiable. 8. Homicide firearm 9. Unintentional struck by or against 10. Unintentional environment/natural.
Interesting that Homicide takes three of the top ten causes.
Here’s the website that data is from, it’s a helpful site:
We’ve been given information about and have been discussing the possibility of something happening with the truck. I was shocked to learn that there are 50 back-over incidents per week –per week!- involving children. I had to double source that before I believed it. Of those, there are about 100 fatalities per year. That’s more than hot car deaths, which is about half that. And, the 100 deaths per year are just backovers! In 2015, there were 64 “frontovers.” However, for children aged 1-5, backovers are more likely. This is an excellent website with everything you could want to know about children and cars and safety.
As has been speculated by others, maybe one of the suspects backed over little Deorr. A homicide can be either murder or manslaughter, including voluntary and vehicular manslaughter. Maybe the driver was drunk/high and so was the parent who was supposed to be watching him.