ID - DeOrr Kunz, Jr., 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #28

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I've always had a feeling about the Snake River from the very first interview with the parents....

Yes, I recall WS'ers picking up on that! I was not one of them....I thought he fell into the creek at the campsite or had wandered off. I don't think that any more.

Yes, I recall WS'ers picking up on that! I was not one of them....I thought he fell into the creek at the campsite or had wandered off. I don't think that any more.


I've had so many theories go through my head, I can't keep count....
So according to Klein, no one had seen Deorr since at least Thursday AM. And they took pics of scenery at the campground area, but none of Deorr. Ok, now I don't think there's even a remote chance of him wondering off, or a ML taking him. I wonder if someone saw him Wednesday , or even Tuesday. It now is starting to look as though it's sure that something happened to him before that elaborate hoax of a camping trip, IMO.
wait refresh my memory - when did TC say she saw them, packing up and going off to 'camp'...drawing a blank...
I am trying to think of a nice way to say some people are bananas .

For example .... they first say IR or GGF must have done something at the campground .... then in the next sentence say Deorr was not even at the campground.

Or people fault VK and JA for being lousy parents , plus point out the disabilities of the grandfather and his buddy IR .... then in the next sentence try to say those 4 misfits planned a perfect coverup that has fooled everybody including the police and FBI.

Then you look at the absolute venom and hatred toward the family , especially on facebook , and it is 99% women spewing it , and for what reason ??? .... at this point nobody knows what happened to the young boy .... why all the venom ???? there is still the remote chance the boy wandered off , or it could be something accidental , but now to suggest it was an intentional homicide planned and covered up by 4 or more people just does not add up.

I think women are spitting venom because they are mothers and are disgusted with Jessicas behaviour.

And "people" aren't suggesting it was intentional homicide, the INVESTIGATORS are... you know, the people with all the evidence.

They only share with us a small fraction of what they know. If they have told us this much, think how much they must have stashed away for trial. They aren't stupid.
wait refresh my memory - when did TC say she saw them, packing up and going off to 'camp'...drawing a blank...

My memory is saying Wednesday around 5 pm BUT if this was a last minute trip would that indicate it was Thursday? What time did they say they left IF to head to Leadore area? Crap. Lol. Where's the timeline?
Can someone local please go and honeytrap Isaac and Grandpa? I feel like the only way this will get properly resolved is if one of them spills. Just a few beers and a bit of flattery should do it. Go on, take one for the team...
Can someone local please go and honeytrap Isaac and Grandpa? I feel like the only way this will get properly resolved is if one of them spills. Just a few beers and a bit of flattery should do it. Go on, take one for the team...


If I lived there I would totally do it! Lmao
I think women are spitting venom because they are mothers and are disgusted with Jessicas behaviour.

And "people" aren't suggesting it was intentional homicide, the INVESTIGATORS are... you know, the people with all the evidence.

They only share with us a small fraction of what they know. If they have told us this much, think how much they must have stashed away for trial. They aren't stupid.

Boom goes the dynamite! Thank you KatieLiz.

This whole scenario has stunk from the beginning. I don't like to play this "card" too often but I know what it's like to have a missing child. From the first interview I saw with them I felt something was dramatically wrong. I wanted to hit Vernal while he was talking and say "tell us about your son you ****head". From my own experience with my missing son as well as a couple of other parents I've spoken to (as a favor for NCMEC) these parents never have behaved like they "lost" their son. They have behaved more like parents who are trying to play a part. The pain of a missing a child is raw, desperate, literally breath stealing. No parent I know of who has a missing child takes time to tell you how tired they are or how great the search has been. I call Bullhit to the highest degree with these 2.

People may be flip flopping on who is involved or what happened, but many of us have been saying from the start foul play is afoot. I am not sure which of our side players have what guilt on their souls, but in my mind Vernal and Jessica walk among the damned already.
I am trying to think of a nice way to say some people are bananas .

For example .... they first say IR or GGF must have done something at the campground .... then in the next sentence say Deorr was not even at the campground.

Or people fault VK and JA for being lousy parents , plus point out the disabilities of the grandfather and his buddy IR .... then in the next sentence try to say those 4 misfits planned a perfect coverup that has fooled everybody including the police and FBI.

Then you look at the absolute venom and hatred toward the family , especially on facebook , and it is 99% women spewing it , and for what reason ??? .... at this point nobody knows what happened to the young boy .... why all the venom ???? there is still the remote chance the boy wandered off , or it could be something accidental , but now to suggest it was an intentional homicide planned and covered up by 4 or more people just does not add up.

Not directed at you specifically, Arnie M, but regarding the 99% women spewing venom:
I wonder:
1) what percentage of WSers following Deorr's case are women?
2) what percentage of Facebook users are women?

If both of the above are predominantly female (not saying that it is), then 99% of folks spewing venom being female wouldn't surprise me.

IMO the venom, regardless of who is spewing it, stems from the inconsistent stories. Maybe he wandered off. If so, why don't the stories line up? And why stop searching so soon? Maybe there was an accident? If true, then why cover it up? Why is the parents believed he was abducted did they not take advantage of the reward offered and seek as much media help as they could in finding their child? All MHO

As for me, I've been following this case from the beginning. There have been so many twists and turns in this case that I haven't been able to fully form one theory before having to abandon it for another.
Cough, cough, I'm a guy. I have followed on Facebook to some extent but I do not like to post "public" stuff on their as I am using my real name and don't need any weirdo's looking me up personally or professionally. I would say more women seem to be involved in missing children cases but there are plenty of men who are concerned with missing children also. If I had to guess I'd put the percents at 75% women 25% men. Plenty of men work with NCMEC and the excellent organization Team Hope. I don't see the relevance of gender when it comes down to justice for children, there are enough people of all genders involved one way or another.
Boom goes the dynamite! Thank you KatieLiz.

This whole scenario has stunk from the beginning. I don't like to play this "card" too often but I know what it's like to have a missing child. From the first interview I saw with them I felt something was dramatically wrong. I wanted to hit Vernal while he was talking and say "tell us about your son you ****head". From my own experience with my missing son as well as a couple of other parents I've spoken to (as a favor for NCMEC) these parents never have behaved like they "lost" their son. They have behaved more like parents who are trying to play a part. The pain of a missing a child is raw, desperate, literally breath stealing. No parent I know of who has a missing child takes time to tell you how tired they are or how great the search has been. I call Bullhit to the highest degree with these 2.

People may be flip flopping on who is involved or what happened, but many of us have been saying from the start foul play is afoot. I am not sure which of our side players have what guilt on their souls, but in my mind Vernal and Jessica walk among the damned already.
Exactly this. Thanks button wasn't enough.

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Klein just posted a statement on facebook 10 mins ago saying they have been contacted by a reporter to comment on an apparent civil suit filed against the firm in the Kunz case. Klein says he has no knowledge of such a case.

I'm not convinced the family believes they're innocent. In fact, I think JA and VDK's parents either know or suspect the truth but are trying to protect their children. I think people like JA'S sister suspect them (she is no longer tied to Jessicas FB page). In fact, jessica has less than 50 friends left on FB. Seems a lot of people may suspect the truth. The thing I find strange is that the sister cut ties with JA but is now BW's caregiver... she must not suspect him of being involved?

Or thinks she can get some info/the truth out of him?

Re: the calls to TC before 911. First off, we know that Jessica was comfortable texting her mom, as she had the night before and that morning. TC stated in her 2016 interview that her phone was "always" on silent, so why did JA even call her in the first place? Why did she repeatedly call TC instead of sending another text? Wouldn't it be smarter to just text "Please call me asap emergency" or something like that?

The only texts sent that day to TC was the one at around 9:30 am to tell her JA had started her period and needed to go into town to get feminine products and a charger, then again at around 12:30 pm stating they were on their way back to the campsite, and the last one was at 2:28 pm (which was obviously seconds before she actually called 911) which simply read "911".

Texts would be easy to trace word for word. The only info you can get from a call would be what time the call was made and how long the call lasted. If I wanted to tell someone something under the radar, I'd most certainly call.

I'm having a really hard time believing there are only 4 people who knew what went on in the days prior to the trip through the time 911 was called.
Klein just posted a statement on facebook 10 mins ago saying they have been contacted by a reporter to comment on an apparent civil suit filed against the firm in the Kunz case. Klein says he has no knowledge of such a case.

BBM Actually, that's not quite what he says. He says:

As of today we have not been served a copy of the formal complaint. We do not comment on pending litigation other than to say the truth is the Ultimate Defense.
Cough, cough, I'm a guy. I have followed on Facebook to some extent but I do not like to post "public" stuff on their as I am using my real name and don't need any weirdo's looking me up personally or professionally. I would say more women seem to be involved in missing children cases but there are plenty of men who are concerned with missing children also. If I had to guess I'd put the percents at 75% women 25% men. Plenty of men work with NCMEC and the excellent organization Team Hope. I don't see the relevance of gender when it comes down to justice for children, there are enough people of all genders involved one way or another.

I don't reply to most Facebook threads for the same reason (because I too use my real name). I agree with you that neither gender has a monopoly on caring about justice for children.

I was merely wondering whether if there are statistically more women posting (whether here on WS or on FB), it might be more logical we'd see more negative posts (venom spewing, someone called it) from women. My own personal musing.
I don't reply to most Facebook threads for the same reason (because I too use my real name). I agree with you that neither gender has a monopoly on caring about justice for children.

I was merely wondering whether if there are statistically more women posting (whether here on WS or on FB), it might be more logical we'd see more negative posts (venom spewing, someone called it) from women. My own personal musing.

Nothing to see here, I agree with you! Your line of thought was and is valid, if the control group is predominately made up of one gender than they would be over-represented in all manner of statistics. I was more addressing my musings to another poster who said basically Facebook is filled with venomous women's comments. I think THAT statement was wrong as I've seen some pretty ornery comments from the men folk as well. I fall back on my original estimates probably more women are interested in missing children but no one gender has a monopoly on interest. That original comment (not yours) falls under the category of "sideshow" to quote Klein, in my opinion.

"UPDATE: 9/09/16 7:30 p.m.

Philip Klein issued this statement Friday evening about a civil suit filed against his firm and its investigation into the case of missing Deorr Kunz Jr.

This evening a reporter emailed our firm for comment regarding a civil suit filed against this firm in the Kunz case.

As of today we have not been served a copy of the formal complaint. We do not comment on pending litigation other than to say the truth is the Ultimate Defense."

Link includes article and video.

Document: Kunz vs Klein.
I can't help but think that they aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed for suing Klein, if that's the case. If they choose to do that, won't all of the evidence be fair game in discovery? I'm far from an attorney, but what are they thinking? What is their LAWYER thinking?

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