ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #5

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BBM - And that problem is most likely bad reporting. Sounds to me that the author is taking creative license with how she interpreted information that was published elsewhere. How does she know what the parents told investigators? Prior to this the only place I have seen that they arrived Friday morning was the East Idaho News Timeline. She probably read that and repeated a factoid that might not be true to begin with.
OK I wondered about that because if the reporter is stating "parents told investigators", I would think the reporter would have to verify/confirm that.

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OK I wondered about that because if the reporter is stating "parents told investigators", I would think the reporter would have to verify/confirm that.

I hate bad reporting. It is so annoying They should be able to verify or confirm a statement like that. That article is so poorly written that I am not going to post it to the timeline and media thread.
BBM - And that problem is most likely bad reporting. Sounds to me that the author is taking creative license with how she interpreted information that was published elsewhere. How does she know what the parents told investigators? Prior to this the only place I have seen that they arrived Friday morning was the East Idaho News Timeline. She probably read that and repeated a factoid that might not be true to begin with.

I agree. Without an attributed source it's useless.
Did a mod ever answer if we could have a thread in the basement to discuss the fb news comments?

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I'm just curious how he was to keep Deorr from the fire while the parents were exploring. I don't recall for sure if it's officially been said he was on oxygen, though. I have searched and can't find the info now. I thought I read somewhere that he was on oxygen but I may be mistaken or it could have been unverified info.

Common sense tells me short of an emergency the GGF would tell Deorr to stay back from the fire. In an emergency, GGF would grab Deorr giving little, if any, concern for anything but Deorr's safety. Then of course there's Isaac.

Common sense tells me short of an emergency the GGF would tell Deorr to stay back from the fire. In an emergency, GGF would grab Deorr giving little, if any, concern for anything but Deorr's safety. Then of course there's Isaac.

Going only off my own experience (again), kids tend to listen to grandparents when a certain tone is used. I think it's because grandparents are so often indulgent that that sharper tone tells the kids, even toddlers, they mean business.
Maybe he works weekends and had not received time off for camping/searching?? Was this a spur of the moment or planned trip?

I don't really understand either how in 72 hours, rumors about his employer would have started. Unless he was talking about it - like man I'm supposed to go to work on such and such day I hope I don't get in trouble/fired for staying here to search for my lost son even though we think he was abducted. ??

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Someone else may have already said this, but I think it's important to keep in mind that at the time of that interview, DeOrr had been missing for less than 3 days. If I was his parent, I would be thinking (hoping) that he would be found any minute, so I would not expect to be away from work much longer. Also interesting that the crowd funding site, which was set up pretty quickly, listed one of its purposes as making up for lost wages for JM and DK. Why would the organizer assume the search would continue long enough that the parents would not be able to return to work soon?
It doesn't seem like anything that would be worth lying about, but I have no idea of the significance of it.

We cloth diapered, so we'd have a large supply of clean diapers and a tote/wet bag for the used diapers. But I'd think there'd be something similar for disposable diapers -- a supply of clean ones, and a trash bag or can for the used ones. Right? Why there was one thrown away separately from the others doesn't strike me as something worth mentioning unless the diaper wasn't changed by either parent or for some other reason can't be accounted for.

Then again, I know from experience when you're going through a traumatic experience, the weirdest, most random things get stuck in your brain for no obvious reason.

I don't understand the comments about the diaper either. At a campsite, you're generally collecting all of your garbage to take with you when you leave. Why is the diaper separate? And how is there only one dirty diaper by 1pm? Or is she commenting on finding one laying out? Perhaps Jessica had just changed DeOrr before they went exploring? I don't see how a 2.5 year old could have oh been changed once so late in the day. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, it's just confusing.
I don't understand the comments about the diaper either. At a campsite, you're generally collecting all of your garbage to take with you when you leave. Why is the diaper separate? And how is there only one dirty diaper by 1pm? Or is she commenting on finding one laying out? Perhaps Jessica had just changed DeOrr before they went exploring? I don't see how a 2.5 year old could have oh been changed once so late in the day. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, it's just confusing.

IMO, there's wet diapers and "dirty" diapers and they are not the same. A 2 1/2 yr old child normally would only have one "dirty" diaper per day (unless I'll). IMO, of course.
Thank you desert-blue for posting the Reuters link. That article clearly states the family which included father, mother, GGF, and Doerr plus the friend left on Friday, July 10th!

Hopefully that issue can now be put to rest. Thanks so much.

I think it might be a mistake on the authors part. JMO
I don't understand the comments about the diaper either. At a campsite, you're generally collecting all of your garbage to take with you when you leave. Why is the diaper separate? And how is there only one dirty diaper by 1pm? Or is she commenting on finding one laying out? Perhaps Jessica had just changed DeOrr before they went exploring? I don't see how a 2.5 year old could have oh been changed once so late in the day. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things, it's just confusing.

Maybe he's potty training and only wearing diapers periodically (such as during a long car trip or overnight). I don't know that that has any bearing on anything, though.

Poor little guy.
Maybe he's potty training and only wearing diapers periodically (such as during a long car trip or overnight). I don't know that that has any bearing on anything, though.

Poor little guy.

I was thinking the "dirty" diaper was found in the car. Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly though. ??
If you want to try to mold it into a mistake, that's up to you. Just don't know why you'd want to though. :(

Because there are also reasons to believe they arrived late on Thursday night. So I think the author s incorrect. But IDK
Because there are also reasons to believe they arrived late on Thursday night. So I think the author s incorrect. But IDK

I thought I had been following fairly close but I might have missed that. What reasons are there to believe they arrived late on Thursday night? TIA
The diaper issue has been somewhat clarified by TBC - apparently there was a church group at the campsite feeding volunteers and she placed a trash bag with the dirty diaper in it into the church's garbage on Sunday. Not sure how she would know it was from Friday morning, though, because as far as I am aware she didn't come up until after Deorr was missing (to help search). I assume from this also that the investigators/police did not inquire as to the whereabouts of any dirty diapers during the first few days he was missing (or ever, for that matter).
BBM - And that problem is most likely bad reporting. Sounds to me that the author is taking creative license with how she interpreted information that was published elsewhere. How does she know what the parents told investigators? Prior to this the only place I have seen that they arrived Friday morning was the East Idaho News Timeline. She probably read that and repeated a factoid that might not be true to begin with.
The East Idaho News has been on top of this story and doing a good job to date. I have no problem believing they have vetted their information before posting it on their site. If someone else uses the information in their story as it happens all the time, why is that at all a problem with the veracity of the information if it came from a respected site and reporter? Where the is questionable problem with the East Idaho News?
Hi Everyone,

Please don't discuss the Facebook comments supposedly made by the grandmother. We have no idea if this really was the grandmother also the page has been removed.

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