ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #6

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Local update here- no new thoughts/rumors/explanations being brought up by anyone who knows the family. I have been in direct contact with members of the family- official word is FBI is reviewing everything. This baby is out there and there are two explanations I'd buy at this point, one is a cougar. If you don't believe that a mountain lion could swipe up a 2 year old, boots and all, and silently run like hell I'd encourage you to google image "cougar hunt Idaho". These cats are easily 4-6 feet tall (hind legs) and likely over 200lbs. I can't imagine the majority of the wild cat population being unable to swoop in on a kid unsuspectingly. <modsnip>
Well geez Leweez Beezneez....I hope you didn't voice that one to the family members you're in contact with!
:thinking: My head hurts from trying to make sense of any of this........I am reminded of an incident that occurred in our family many years ago. My cousin and her husband were moving. They had one little boy, just a toddler at the time. Their house was full of people, family and friends, helping them move. It was a busy scene, and unfortunately during the madhouse, no one had their eyes on their toddler for a few minutes time. All of the sudden, my cousin turns around and says to my sister, "Where is Chad?" No one knew. For the next half hour at least, they ran around all over the house, yelling his name and searching. They searched the yard, everywhere. No Chad. It was complete panic and chaos. Just when they had decided it was time to call LE, my sister found him. He had gone into a closet, crawled into a big empty box, and fallen asleep inside it. He slept so soundly even with all the yelling and shouting his name it didn't wake him up!

So....could little DeOrr have been worn out after all the traveling, etc? The parents did say that it was near his nap time. In this scenario, he could have wandered off a bit and found someplace to crawl into and sleep like a hollow log or under a bush with soft grass. The sound of the creek may have lulled him to sleep. Then when the parents came back and shouted and screamed his name, he never woke up just like Chad did. My niece often takes naps up to one and a half to two and a half hours. If DeOrr did that, by the time he woke up, the search teams may have already been there, with many people running around.......perhaps he got scared....couldn't see his family..........okay, this is where my scenario comes to a screeching halt....... because I guess anything could have happened from there, especially if LE did not have the site secured. Just trying to make sense of this without any luck. Surely if he came out and started crying someone would have noticed him? I think I just debunked my own theory. LOL!!!!!

Aarrgghh...round and around and around.

Up to this point it all sounds workable. My conclusion is that after awaking, he walks deeper into the woods and that is when the mountain lion got him. I do not think the mountain lion came into the campsite to get him.

Unless the FBI can put pieces together that we are unaware of, I think this case will be another unsolved mystery. Too many children are vanishing off the face of this earth in unsolved cases. To me, the abductors have gotten pretty smart and it is getting easier for them to practice their trade! Absolutely unacceptable and a way to stop them must be figured out. We are smarter than these terrible perks!
BTW Beezneez. I tried to send their family my published newspaper article about how I tracked my daughter and found her within 5 days 2500 miles away. I have a lot of cross country networking info for them, but have no way to find out if it was received. Please pass along that every private investigator in Washington, Oregon and California was sent Deorr's Timeline and photo's last week. I've tried to be proactive in helping to find him and praying he is still alive.
Admin...I hope this communication is allowed.
Why would LE call them POIs instead of witnesses? Witnesses also have information that can help bring a case to resolution.

A POI is either someone who might have knowledge of what occurred, or it can mean a suspect. As for now as far as I know they haven't been declared suspects.
Your article is dated July 20th. From this article dated July 31st

Hundreds of tips have poured in from all over the globe suggesting the child has been seen as far away as Hong Kong, but Bowerman said he is ruling out a kidnapping.

"There is no evidence suggesting DeOrr was abducted," the sheriff said.

There is also no sign the toddler was attacked by the bears, mountain lions and wolves known to roam the area, he said.

what exactly were they doing with these "sightings as far away as Hong Kong"? Did they involve the FBI at that point? My guess is that the Idaho PD (or any local PD) was ill equipped to follow up on these tips from all over the world. Were they followed up at all?
Coincidences don't usually line up in such great numbers as in this case.
Odd is the word for this.
Someone dumping those cremains in the reservoir (and I know the sheriff said the person/s who did so were identified/unrelated) and contaminating all of the water is odd. Odd coincidence.
I hope LE got the info from them as to exactly who they belonged to and date of death, etc. It's crucial, IMO, that they did.
Believe it or not cremains are not that entirely difficult to acquire. It wouldn't take very much of a sample to cause this contamination.
Hospitals, morgues all have crematoriums.
So that caused LE to focus on the reservoir/creek. For days, even w/divers.
The fact that the scene was not secure. Odd negligence/coincidence.
DeOrr's monkey, blanket and cup left behind.
It just goes on and on. Yes it would take a conniving mind to scheme something like that up, but it could be done.
You would have to wonder if DeOrr was "awake" and "running around" @the campsite though.

How can a site be secured when you have 200 random volunteers showing up to help search? Some may be specialists in searching but the vast majority are just people who want to help. Then again, if the old adage is true that the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime, you could even have an abductor who goes back to watch the "action". There is always a subset of nutsos who are attracted to crime scenes, searches and the like. It is the adrenalin rush..the feeling that they were "there" and somehow have the inside track, LE wannabees etc etc. There is no way to vet the volunteers.. You show up.. get your marching orders and "search". Look, we have all misplaced things in our homes..we search and search.. and we cant find it. and it is our HOME! We are familiar with it! Imagine a bunch of volunteers, in a remote setting, kicking aside leaves while they fend off bugs and effective do you suppose that really is? JMO
I do not dispute the fact that mountain lions or cougars could have taken the child. We all know they are capable. BUT
IMO It was not an animal that caused this little man to vanish off the face of the earth.
Rule out the humans then move on to animals.

:thinking: My head hurts from trying to make sense of any of this........I am reminded of an incident that occurred in our family many years ago. My cousin and her husband were moving. They had one little boy, just a toddler at the time. Their house was full of people, family and friends, helping them move. It was a busy scene, and unfortunately during the madhouse, no one had their eyes on their toddler for a few minutes time. All of the sudden, my cousin turns around and says to my sister, "Where is Chad?" No one knew. For the next half hour at least, they ran around all over the house, yelling his name and searching. They searched the yard, everywhere. No Chad. It was complete panic and chaos. Just when they had decided it was time to call LE, my sister found him. He had gone into a closet, crawled into a big empty box, and fallen asleep inside it. He slept so soundly even with all the yelling and shouting his name it didn't wake him up!

So....could little DeOrr have been worn out after all the traveling, etc? The parents did say that it was near his nap time. In this scenario, he could have wandered off a bit and found someplace to crawl into and sleep like a hollow log or under a bush with soft grass. The sound of the creek may have lulled him to sleep. Then when the parents came back and shouted and screamed his name, he never woke up just like Chad did. My niece often takes naps up to one and a half to two and a half hours. If DeOrr did that, by the time he woke up, the search teams may have already been there, with many people running around.......perhaps he got scared....couldn't see his family..........okay, this is where my scenario comes to a screeching halt....... because I guess anything could have happened from there, especially if LE did not have the site secured. Just trying to make sense of this without any luck. Surely if he came out and started crying someone would have noticed him? I think I just debunked my own theory. LOL!!!!!

Aarrgghh...round and around and around.

I think it depends on when he woke up as to whether he'd come out crying or not. When my husband was a FF, they'd have demonstrations at local schools because children can and did hide from firefighters in fires -- a kitted-out firefighter is kind of scary-looking to little ones. I can see him waking up to all kinds of chaos, the chaos associated with a search, with strangers calling his name. He might have been disoriented as it was from sleeping out in the open, and then to wake up to LE calling him -- that could be really scary to a little guy, especially if his parents didn't seem to be around. I can see a two-year-old either hunkering down and hiding or darting off even further into the grasses. You'd think someone would have seen him, but with that camo ...
Would very much like to read but locked out of FB...Unpatriotic patriot act again.

If you click on the link it wants you to log in. If you just go into your regular FB page and search for "Idaho Missing Alert" you can get right in, it's a public page.
I do not dispute the fact that mountain lions or cougars could have taken the child. We all know they are capable. BUT
IMO It was not an animal that caused this little man to vanish off the face of the earth.
Rule out the humans then move on to animals.


Right now I can't rule out anything, if you can that's to bad. A closed mind catches nothing.
I could buy the idea of Deorr wandering off and hiding out somewhere like a hollow log, except in that case why wouldn't tracking dogs have traced his scent to the hollow log, and wouldn't that be somewhere SAR might look if it was close by? I am starting to lose my faith in the reliability of SAR and tracking dogs, if this sort of a miss is possible.
Okay, I have read everything and I have a question. Is there a gate at the entrance with a park ranger checking for stickers or collecting camp fees that could say they did or did not see Little Deorr?

Okay... I am way behind on reading this thread...

but CarolynV raises a question I have had...

Most, if not all, campsites at which DH and I have camped have monitored visiting campers... And requested the number of people camping... Even asking about pets (dogs)...

therefore... this, IMO, would be very interesting to find out what was written on the campground host/ranger records for the Kunz camp...

But wouldn't it also be a coincidence if a hungry mountain lion happened to be lurking, without being seen by anyone else?

No, of course not, because that's where they live and that's what they do. For them it's normal behavior. They are "elusive" and very seldom seen.
Okay... I am way behind on reading this thread...

but CarolynV raises a question I have had...

Most, if not all, campsites at which DH and I have camped have monitored visiting campers... And requested the number of people camping... Even asking about pets (dogs)...

therefore... this, IMO, would be very interesting to find out what was written on the campground host/ranger records for the Kunz camp...


Sadly I don't believe that they have any recording of who was in the camp area, I have never seen anyone say that there are entrance gates, like you I have only camped where there are gates and information taken on the party entering the camp ground. If there is an emergency how would they know if people were in a area to warn them.

It really is sad 4 weeks and we still can't rule anything out, not one scenario can totally be ruled out,

lil man where are you
Okay... I am way behind on reading this thread...

but CarolynV raises a question I have had...

Most, if not all, campsites at which DH and I have camped have monitored visiting campers... And requested the number of people camping... Even asking about pets (dogs)...

therefore... this, IMO, would be very interesting to find out what was written on the campground host/ranger records for the Kunz camp...


Primitive campsites are not like that, in the Northwest USA anyway. No ranger stations, no full time park rangers, nothing like that. If there are fees, they are paid online/remotely. There was no cost for this camp, therefore not even that paper trail exists.
Local update here- no new thoughts/rumors/explanations being brought up by anyone who knows the family. I have been in direct contact with members of the family- official word is FBI is reviewing everything. This baby is out there and there are two explanations I'd buy at this point, one is a cougar. If you don't believe that a mountain lion could swipe up a 2 year old, boots and all, and silently run like hell I'd encourage you to google image "cougar hunt Idaho". These cats are easily 4-6 feet tall (hind legs) and likely over 200lbs. I can't imagine the majority of the wild cat population being unable to swoop in on a kid unsuspectingly. <modsnip>

What is the other explanation that you'd buy?
Okay... I am way behind on reading this thread...

but CarolynV raises a question I have had...

Most, if not all, campsites at which DH and I have camped have monitored visiting campers... And requested the number of people camping... Even asking about pets (dogs)...

therefore... this, IMO, would be very interesting to find out what was written on the campground host/ranger records for the Kunz camp...


This has been brought up many times before. The campground is very rustic. There are no fees, no registration logs, no ranger station or campground hosts. It is just a pit toilet and 5 primitive designated campsites in the middle of nowhere. The campsites each contain a fire ring and a picnic table. Here is the Forest Service link about the campground:
I can't believe we're on our sixth thread with barely any more information than day one of the first thread. This is so sad. :(

Sounds like a good idea to me. Keep in mind, law enforcement would've completely shut everybody out during their search efforts. Only "qualified and trained" personnel would have been allowed in (and people spreading ashes). Unfortunately, those people always seem to come up empty during their searches.

It's the morning jogger, the old man out walking his dog, the hunter trying to break in a coon hound, or the driver that pulls over to pee, that appear to be the "most qualified and trained" to find dead bodies lying out in plain sight. Unfortunately, none of those people are allowed on site while LE is on the scene of their exhaustive searches.

Sure, get a 100 people together and send them out in every direction from the campsite. Don't worry about trampling evidence or who is going to walk in what grid, just get out there and walk around. Climb up on top of things, climb down under things, look inside of every crack big enough for a chihuahua to get into.

They'll probably have him located before dusk on the first day out.

After the public goes out and finds the poor little guy, it will be entertaining to watch the authorities stammer and sputter and get frustrated when the reporters ask them why they missed him during the searches. It happens a lot, and they never really offer up a good explanation as to why or how.
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