ID - DeOrr Kunz Jr, 2, Timber Creek Campground, 10 July 2015 - #6

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I would think that even without the cremains "issue", that LE wouldn't want random people entering the search area and wandering around, potentially messing up evidence. Since the cremains were dumped during the search, it leads me to believe the person or people dumping them were not even aware a search was underway (if they did know a search was underway and dumped them anyway, they are complete wackos).
Apparently it's incompetence, Jules. I'm surprised they don't actually park some of the vehicles on top of the corpse while they're setting up the command center.

Now, now. Lol. Always enjoy your input Steelman.
I would go back to square one and start over. Search the entire area, again, for 5 miles out and bring in more cadaver dogs. If nothing is found after that, then hammer on the POIs.

Didn't they say they were searching again, but out to a 10 mile radius this time? 10 miles = distance to the Stage Stop.
Here is a fairly recent article on a mountain lion attacking a dog and sounds like they have quite a few lions around that area..It was in March, but the threat is still there. People have no clue how many attacks occur on missing Children etc in state parks and forests, cause if they are never found you cannot make the connection. JMO
Saw this one a while ago. The dog that went missing was about the size of a child. Not a trace was found.
On the sheriff's office fb page it said they are going to "redirect the investigation" ... it'd be nice to know where they are redirecting to ... so frustrating.

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What date was that posted?
I would say the FBI and the Sheriff's office must have found some evidence to direct their investigation in a different way besides animal attack because they have dismissed it as a possibility. Doesn't mean an animal attack in that area may not be possible, but it does mean if they do have evidence of something else did not happen to DeOrr. They know what is going on and we do not so I am going with their impression of the case.

According to this article where it was announced they were going to "redirect the investigation" they clearly did NOT rule out an animal attack. Which article has said otherwise?
According to this article where it was announced they were going to "redirect the investigation" they clearly did NOT rule out an animal attack. Which article has said otherwise?

Your article is dated July 20th. From this article dated July 31st

Hundreds of tips have poured in from all over the globe suggesting the child has been seen as far away as Hong Kong, but Bowerman said he is ruling out a kidnapping.

"There is no evidence suggesting DeOrr was abducted," the sheriff said.

There is also no sign the toddler was attacked by the bears, mountain lions and wolves known to roam the area, he said.
Deorr Kunz commented on the Idaho Alert Facebook page 3 hours ago , under the top post with the flyer of little Deorr.
Nothing startling but I found it interesting

ETA He posted in a reply under a comment by JP 6 hours ago
I agree that they need to go back to square one and search the area again. Each day I hope this little boy is found and the speculation can be put to rest. I REALLY want to believe that his family had nothing to do with him disappearing. I still feel he is in the water or in the area of the campground.

There has been a lot of talk about this case around my area -- as we are in Idaho. There are a lot of campers & hikers in our circle of friends and family. We know all too well about Mountain Lions -- they have even come into the city. Last year, one attacked a mountain bikers dog on a very popular trail that my husband rides 2x a week.

Makes me nervous as heck -- as a family,we have camped, hiked and backpacked all over this state. I am always much more nervous about bears (seeing their scat and prints), but neither my husband and I have ever seen a mountain lion. My husband takes each of the kids on a special backpacking trip each year and boy has he REALLY heard from me this week!! Our dinner conversation with the kids was spent reminding them about what to do if you see a mountain lion, but I'm not even sure that would help because they strike so quietly and quickly.

My husband and I joke about our dog being "bait". Of course we love our dog to pieces, but when it comes down to it -- it is more likely that an animal would attack our dog and not our children. Our dog is pretty tough though -- he has scared away hundreds of deer in his lifetime. Haha!
I agree and I have stated all along I have no faith in the SAR teams due to what I have seen in the past in so many cases. Not that they don't try ..I'm not taking credit away from them but most the time from what I've seen the searches suck.

If the searches suck, it's probably due to LE not securing / preserving the crime scene properly, not due to the SARS themselves. JMO
I would go back to square one and start over. Search the entire area, again, for 5 miles out and bring in more cadaver dogs. If nothing is found after that, then hammer on the POIs.

Now I don't remember how many miles out the search area was. Was it far enough ? I doubt it, but I don't remember precisely. Many of the missing are found much further out than expected. I guess I'll have to go back and check, unless someone else remembers. Anyone? :please:
Does that mean but for those four persons being named Persons of Interest you wouldn't believe they had anything to do with Little Deorr's disappearance? Just trying to understand the reasoning.

I would think LE didn't think they had anything to do with DeOrr's disappearance. Since they have way more info that we do, I'd think they had reasons to "clear" the adults on the trip.
Absolutely not! I've followed a fair amount of cases myself - and I've been privy to the mindset of many when it comes to the parents. I'm speaking of THIS case and the FACTS surrounding it.

I'm not trying to be difficult. I don't think we have been privy to many facts in this case. I keep meaning to go back to the interview to outline exactly what facts were established by the parents. LE has not given us the benefit of their experience and knowledge in a consistent way. I will try to get to it tomorrow. Meanwhile, has anyone else already created a list of facts confirmed by LE?
I would think that even without the cremains "issue", that LE wouldn't want random people entering the search area and wandering around, potentially messing up evidence. Since the cremains were dumped during the search, it leads me to believe the person or people dumping them were not even aware a search was underway (if they did know a search was underway and dumped them anyway, they are complete wackos).

I hope you're right, but honestly, has it ever happened, could anyone imagine it happening, that some one would be dumping cremains in a reservoir in the wilderness, at the exact same time that a major search is going on for a missing two year old boy in the same wilderness ? It's completely beyond bizarre.

ETA: deleted double post
I think anything is possible at this point/ I know many are very skeptical and speak much about the unknown out there... I didnt think it exist and thought same thing. Missing 411... Too much of it makes sense about this book and website and stories, and green barae coming in on the one person that was missing. Im not saying that this has happened to this baby, I am saying anything is possible. Nothing else is making sense so this just adds to the rest of the ideas to entertain. I know where my thoughts and beliefs lay, and its with close people. I will be careful how I word that, bc I cant make speculations... Its not spec its my heart and gut. I dont think he was ever there... honestly. I want him found so bad... I can see that smile in my head..
I apologize if that was unclear. What I meant was that in the interview, the parents did not mention a fifth person. LE did not mention him right away either IIRC. When they did announce there was a fifth person, he was just referred to as a "family friend." His age, sex, and name were withheld for several days, perhaps a week or more? My memory may be incorrect on this, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I wasn't announcing anything new.

ETA: I wasn't implying that LE never mentioned a fifth person, just that it took them awhile. Also, I just checked and it was July 28th that IR's name was released, so 2.5 weeks after Deorr was reported missing. HTH.

ETA, part 2: The earliest article I can find where it mentions a family friend being at the campsite is July 13th. Prior to that, every article just states that Deorr was camping with his family.

So, from July 10-12th, the news only reported that Deorr was missing from a family camping trip. On July 13th, it was added that a friend was also there. On July 28th, the friend's name was released.

I swear I'm not trying to confuse anyone... There were 5 people camping. I was only commenting on how long it took them to release the details. They (LE and/or news stations) were not very forthcoming with the fact that a friend was also there.

Nor were the parents forthcoming about the "friend" in their only interview. What could their reason be to not mention him at all?
I have to wonder if any and all connections to the folks dumping the cremains were vetted. And I mean better than LE did in securing the scene.
Of course they didn't necessarily know it was a scene @that time. It was a missing child in a remote location.
The parents say they thought the child was w/ggp and ggp (we haven't heard from him) apparently thought DeOrr was w/them.
That's another touchy detail. As far as senility or other things, it doesn't keep one from fishing, especially if they love it.
My dad is in his 90's and has advanced dementia. Doesn't know who I am @times. I still take him occasionally to fish. On one of his good days.
Now back when he was becoming disabled in his early 80's he needed care in the home. But most days he knew exactly what was up. Remembered his Latin from years ago. Disabilities that may limit driving and such and memory come and go for periods of years most times.
The cremains are odd. The fact that ggp still loves to camp but was left w/DeOrr yet has no recall of that, hmmmm.
I'm not pointing fingers @anyone. I'm just saying when it comes to things that just make you have hairs standing up on the back of your neck, it might be for a reason.
Things aren't what they seem @times. Far from it.
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