ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow - Tylee Ryan - Tammy Daybell - Charles Vallow - *Arrests* #68

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Sorry if I seemed snippy... I only objected, because as indicolite chimes in above, the sole reason why I bring it up in the first place, is because LORI told (aka "tried to alibi herself") to CHARLES, via the statement "I am spending ___ hours a day at the temple"... which Charles in turn admitted (aside - as do I!) that he is a heathen who doesn't know enough about LDS to determine if that is plausible... which in turn begs the question:

if Lori indeed isn't doing that, then what in fact is she doing? AFAIK we have no idea, and nobody else has ever hinted anything otherwise... only perhaps "spending hours a day dancing in her mirrored studio"; but again, if and assuming that Charles was WFH during this same time frame and he was the one asking the questions; then clearly Lori wasn't doing that... and Chad wasn't anywhere near town/AZ to the point where she could have been literally spending time with him... then where is she for the whole day, if not at the temple?

If she's at the temple all day, what is she doing if not "simply dwelling in quiet contemplation, aka obsession about her fantasy world"?

Can she kaffeeklatsch instead? ...

Do LDS women meet there just as a social center/daycare?
She could spend that long there... but it would be weird. The Temple near me has sessions throughout the day. It's broken up into time blocks. Think of school periods. If she was spending eight hours there, she would be there all, day, long. Which, if someone's coming from a long way away, a couple of times a year, that would be fine! People do that, do a whole weekend, get a whole bunch of work in while it's their only chance. But if she's just hanging around and isn't one of the temple staff... would be kinda weird. Even the temple staff, who are mostly retirees, only go in a few times a fortnight, if my late stepfather's roster is anything to go by. Also, I don't know how much she would have been seen as monopolising the time. If she was helping out with other people's work - fine! There are always groups doing this work, not ever solo people doing their own thing. But if she was pushing for the work to be done for HER family, for the names SHE was bringing in all the time... she would probably get a talking to.

The temple is not a church or a community centre, it is a dedicated building for rituals. If you aren't doing temple work, then you aren't just allowed to hang around. You can sit in respectfully and watch some things in other parts of the Temple if your session you were participating in ended a little early, but hanging about all day would be strange.

(Also, any LDS kaffeeklatsch ANYWHERE would be strictly coffee-free.)

Contrary to what Iamsgadow21 said, temple is a place for contemplation and communion with God. It is also a place learning. You go to the temple to participate in “ordinance work” which are sacred religious ceremonies. If you want an accurate idea of temple work, there’s a YouTube channel called Saints Unscripted. They cover all topics LDS and are a more accurate source than the anti-LDS stuff that is so prevalent online.

Typically, when you go to temple you are there anywhere from one to three hours depending on what ordinance you are participating in. Attending temple daily and eight hours each day is very extreme. Not really sure what she was doing that whole time. IMO.
I was unclear, I apologise.

What I said was in response to the question asked. What I meant was, you don't just go hang out at the Temple like you might at a more conventional church. It isn't a mixed purpose space with casual prayer, bible study and community gatherings going on. You go there with a purpose, and the purpose is the work.

Summary of tweets for Trial Day 1, 4/10/23 - Opening Statements Lindsey Blake for the State.

Nate Eaton
We are in the courtroom. Every seat will be filled. Lori is wearing a cream blouse with a dark sweater jacket and

black-rimmed glasses. She is sitting between her attorneys and is actively chatting with them.

Fremont County Sheriff Len Humphries is here along with several Rexburg police detectives. John Prior, Chad

Daybell's attorney, is also in the courtroom.

Judge Boyce has entered the courtroom. The jury will sit on the right side of the courtroom, the defense team

faces them on the left side of the courtroom. The table for Fremont Co. Prosecutor Lindsey Blake, Madison Co.

Proseutor Rob Wood & prosecutor Rachel Smith faces judge.

Boyce is explaining the courtroom conduct order that is in effect for the courtroom and overflow rooms. Emphasizes

that no re-entry is allowed if people leave the main courtroom. Breaks will be scheduled in the morning and

afternoon along with lunch.

Defense and prosecution say they are ready to proceed with the case. Boyce asks for jurors to be brought into the


Ten men and eight women are on the jury. They walk in with notebooks and water bottles are placed at each of their

work areas. There are sitting in two rows and on each row, there are monitors spaced out between them so they can

view evidence.

Youngest juror appears to be in her 20s - a woman. Oldest appears to be in her 60s or 70s - also a woman. This is

just a guess. Most appear to be in their 40s.

Judge reading jury instructions including Lori Daybell's charges. Lori is looking at the judge as he reads the

charges and glances over at the jurors before looking down.

Judge tells jurors not to look up any information on the and do not speak with anyone about it. Clerk now swearing

in the jurors and putting them under oath. They all stand and raise their right hand while receiving the oath.

Boyce says the trial will be held daily from 8:30-3:30 with a lunch break. Breaks will also be held in the morning

and afternoon. Jurors will sit in their same assigned seat every day and Boyce encourages them to be punctual.

Boyce tells jurors they will be paid $10 a day based on Idaho law - joking says, "We encourage you not to spend

that all in one place."

Boyce giving jurors detailed instructions. Kay and Larry are holding hands and glance back and forth between

looking at Lori and looking at the judge.

One juror, a man who appears to be in his 40s, is taking detailed notes as Boyce speaks. The rest look at him and

listen. Boyce tells them not to speculate and stick only to what is presented in court.

Boyce tells jurors if they take notes, rely on their own memory and don't rely on the notes of other jurors. When

they go home for the night, they will leave their notebooks at the courthouse.

Clerk now reading the indictment against Lori Vallow Daybell along with her not guilty plea.

I see 2 female jurors and 2 male jurors taking notes as the clerk reads the indictment. There are 18 jurors here -

12 will serve on the jury and six will be alternates. They do not know (and neither do we) who the alternates are

until the judge informs them before deliberations.

Fremont County Lindsey Blake will be giving opening statements on behalf of the state. She moves to a lectern in

the courtroom and has a presentation she will be presented. "Money, power, and sex -- that's what this case is


Blake: "The defendant used money, power, and sex to get what she wanted. It didn't matter what it was."

"Tylee had money, Lori wanted it, Tylee's gone."

Blake: "JJ took time and he also lost his father. When he lost his father, he became much more difficult to care

for. He was entitled to social security benefits. The defendant didn't want to have to take care of JJ anymore, he

had money, JJ's gone."

Blake: "Tammy had a life insurance policy. Lori wanted Chad all to herself. Tammy's gone."

Blake describes how Tylee's remains were found. "You will hear it described as a mass of bone and tissue. That's

what was left of this beautiful young woman. The defendant's daughter. Her DNA was found on a pick ax and a shovel

later located on a shed on Chad's property."

A picture on the screen shows Tylee's remains - pieces of flesh and bones.

Blake describes how JJ was found and on the screen appears a black plastic bag wrapped in plastic and a cut in the

bag. Larry Woodcock is wiping away tears and he is distributing tissues to family members. Kay Woodcock is crying.

Blake show an autopsy photo of Tammy Daybell as she says Lori and Chad are in Hawaii getting married.

"The missing children, the sudden death of Tammy, teh quick marriage of Chad and the defendant left so many

questions for those still grieving the loss of Tammy and those still wondering 24/7 about the whereabouts of the


Blake describes financial transactions that occurred with money being moved from accounts. "This case actually starts in October 2018. That's when the defendant met Chad Daybell for the very first time."

Blake says jury will hear from Melanie Gibb and Zulema Pastenas during the trial - two of Lori's friends who were there when Lori and Chad met for the first time.

Blake tells jurors they will hear about Chad and Lori's religious beliefs - that Chad and Lori called themselves "James and Elaina" and believed they were religious figures.

Blake: "At the time they met, they were both married to other people. Their spouses were both alive and well when they first met. Remember - the defendant will remove any obstacle in her way to get what she wants - and she wanted Chad Daybell."

Blake: "You will hear about a rating system of light and dark. The defendant told others that with the help of Chad, she could rate people as light and dark. Pretty soon this system evolved." Lori does not appear to look at jury or prosecutors at all - she is looking down.

Blake: "The defendant used 'casting' that involved prayer and energy work. Often this casting didn't work and the beliefs evolved to zombies. A common theme was the body had to be destroyed."

Blake now talking about Alex Cox and how Alex would do anything for Lori. He moved to Rexburg to be closer to Chad. Alex quit his job - "If Chad and Lori asked it, Alex did it."

Blake: "Alex's purpose was to protect Lori. He was a warrior and that was his job."

Blake says the defendant took no action when Tylee and JJ disappeared. "What you won't hear when JJ went missing is that the defendant did anything to find him."

Blake says we will hear from April Raymond, Lori's friend, during the trial. "Defendant was telling people she was here on a religious mission to gather the 144,000 so she needed to spend her time and energy there."

Blake: "The defendant told others because she was translated, she didn't have to repent." Blake says when Alex first moved to Rexburg, he texted Lori and set the wifi password to "too many kids." Lori responded, "Funny."

Blake talking about the day a gunman approached Tammy Daybell in her driveway on Oct. 9, 2019. Originally thought to be a paintball gun.

Blake says Lori was mad that night after incident -- and said/texted someone, "He can't do anything wrong" referring to Alex. More details on the driveway gun incident here:

Kay Woodcock has been staring at Lori for at least three minutes straight.

Blake says after Tammy died, Lori met Chad's kids and they were "all over each other." Chad told his kids that Lori had a young daughter who recently died but there was no mention of JJ and Lori never said anything.

Blake talks about the malachite wedding rings that were ordered before Tammy died and how Chad and Lori exchanged those rings on the beach in Hawaii.

Lori now looking at Blake as she addresses the jury. Many jurors intently listening while others take notes. One has been writing nonstop since Blake started.

Police got involved in the investigation for the missing kids in November 2019. Blake says when Lori spoke with Melanie Gibb after the kids were reported missing, Gibb asked Lori where JJ was. Lori responded, "I know exactly where he is."

Blake says Tammy Daybell died "at the hands of another and died of asphyxiation," according to Utah medical examiner. After Tammy died, Alex Cox said, "I hope I'm not their fall guy" (referring to Chad and Lori). Alex died the day after he said that.

Blake: "The defendant is charged with multiple crimes" and then lists each charge. After saying Tylee Ryan's name, Blake adds, "her daughter." After saying JJ Vallow's name, Blake adds, "her son."

Blake says when you talk about first degree murder, the defendant personally didn't have to end someone's life to have committed the crime.

A photo is shown of JJ Vallow's arm wrapped in duct tape after he died and Tammy Daybell's hands after she died. Blake says those hands will never do anything again -- then a photo is shown of Chad and Lori holding hands on the beach in Hawaii.

Blake concludes her opening statements. Jim Archibald will be giving an opening statement for Lori's team.

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