ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow - Tylee Ryan - Tammy Daybell - Charles Vallow - *Arrests* #68

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Summary of tweets for Trial Day 1, 4/10/23 - Witness: Kay Woocock

Nate Eaton
Recess about over. Larry Woodcock told me he and Lori made eye contact eight times during opening statements. Lori remained at her table during the break and took notes.

New thread following break: Court is back in session. Boyce says some jurors have complained there is loud typing from the audience (group of reporters with laptops) so judge asks people to keep noise down. John Thomas, Lori's attorney, asks for a sidebar conference.

Kay Woodcock is called as state's first witness.

Rob Wood is questioning Kay.

Wood asks Kay how many children she has and if any of them have ever had a child they could not care for. Kay responds yes - her son and his girlfriend had "issues" when she got pregnant with JJ. When JJ was born, he had drugs in his system.

Kay says JJ was born at 30 weeks and was in the NICU for weeks. After JJ was released from the hospital, he went home with Kay and Larry because the state took custody of the baby due to drugs in his system. The Woodcocks were deemed as JJ's caregivers.

JJ's parents never gained custody of the baby. Lori is looking at Kay as she speaks and Rob Wood asks Kay to point at Lori and describe what she is wearing today. Kay does this.

Kay says Charles and Lori approached Kay and Larry saying they would love to adopt JJ when JJ did not go back to his biological parents. Kay said he and Larry thought about it - and ultimately agreed to have Lori and Charles adopt JJ.

Kay says Charles and Lori had a much better lifestyle for raising a child than what Larry and Kay had. When JJ was adopted, he moved to Arizona with Charles and Lori. JJ's name was Canaan but was legally changed to Joshua JJ Vallow when he was adopted.

A condition of the adoption was that Larry and Kay remain involved in JJ's life. Kay says they saw JJ "every chance they could." After JJ originally moved to Arizona, Kay & Larry went to Arizona within a month because they had a hard time detaching from him.

Kay says they visited him about every three months from Louisiana.

After JJ moved to Hawaii with his parents, Kay and Larry visited less frequently but still maintained contact through the phone and Facetime. "Charles and I were very close - we always got along. And Lori - "she was just a doll. We were good friends."

Kay recalls meeting Lori's parents, other family members and her brother Alex Cox at family gatherings.

After Charles, Lori and JJ moved back from Hawaii to Arizona, Kay recalls seeing Tylee "being her good sister self to JJ." Kay says Tylee often went to her grandparents while they were there and ask she got older, Tylee was busy with her friends.

Kay says Lori was a good mom to JJ. She says Charles was hands-on and engaged with his son.

Kay recalls staying at Charles and Lori's house in Chandler for two weeks in 2019. Charles reached out to Kay and said Lori was gone. He was very distraught so Kay went to help him with JJ.

Kay went to Arizona and says she and Charles did not know where Lori was. Kay did not see Lori at all while she was there. Kay then brought JJ home to Louisana with her because Charles needed to work. JJ was with Kay and Larry for 1-2 weeks.

Between Feb - March 2019, Kay and JJ were back & forth between AZ and Louisiana. Charles and JJ then moved to Houston. Kay said they still didn't know where Lori was. Houston was good for Charles's work - plus it had good schools for JJ and Kay's house is about 2.5 hours away

Kay says Charles was a financial planner and she began helping Charles with his business in Feb. 2019 because he was distraught over his separation from Lori. Because Kay helped him, she had access to his emails and banking information.

Lori moved to Texas in April 2019 but then she and Charles moved to Chandler in June 2019. Kay says in Feb. 2019, Charles approached her about having her named as beneficiary on his $1 million life insurance policy and take Lori off.

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