ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #72

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Summary of tweets for Tuesday, May 2nd - Day 15

State witness: Dr. Erik Christensen, Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Utah. Back on stand for cross-examination.

Nate Eaton
It’s day 20 and Utah Medical Examiner Dr. Erik Christensen will be back on the stand for cross-examination. Yesterday he testified about bruises found on Tammy Daybell’s body during her autopsy. You can read about his testimony and other developments from Monday here.

Courtroom gallery is full again. I'm sitting next to a man who drove six hours from The Dalles, Oregon to be here. He was shocked he was able to get a ticket to be in the actual courtroom. Plenty of seats remain open every day in the Ada County and Madison County overflow rooms.

Bailiff giving instructions to the courtroom - phones must be silenced, no photos or video, no eating. Larry and Kay Woodcock are here. Defense attorneys and prosecutors are at their tables. Lori Daybell is dressed in black today and is chatting with lawyers.

She walked into the courtroom carrying a manilla envelope.

John Prior is in the courtroom today dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. He is sitting in front of me on a row reserved for the defense. John Thomas' daughter and a friend are also here observing.

Judge Boyce has entered the courtroom and the jury is being brought in.

John Thomas will be cross-examining Dr. Erik Christensen. He begins by asking about his educational background.

Thomas asks for clarification on what pathology is and what anatomic pathology is. "It's learning to diagnosis cancer and it's focused on the examination of disease and tissue."

Thomas asks if the frothy substance on Tammy Daybell's mouth was ever collected or tested. Christensen says he's not aware of any testing. Thomas asks if that's normal.

Christensen says testing is not done on it - "I don't know what testing you would do." Thomas pushes back that maybe there was poison or substances in the frothy substance that could be tested.

Christensen says there probably wouldn't be enough to test and there are better samples to use from the autopsy for testing - like tissues or blood.

Thomas asks if Tammy's mouth was inspected. Christensen says he doesn't specifically recall but imagines he would have because it's what he typically does. Christensen says there was nothing abnormal on Tammy's x-rays.

Thomas asks about seizures and if there is any way to check if there were abnormal electric issues in the brain after they died. "It's kind of like a car because after the car dies, you can't check to see if there was an engine problem because the car is dead."

Christensen responds "it's very unlikely" Tammy suffered from a seizure given her medical history and his experience in conducting exams.

Thomas mentions that Tammy was on Fluoxetine - a generic version of Prozac. "Isn't it true that a side effect of Fluoxetine is seizures?" Thomas asks. Christensen says perhaps - he isn't aware of all the side effects.

But Christensen stresses he does not believe Tammy had a seizure - although he can't be 100% sure.

Christensen mentions that Tammy's brain was thoroughly inspected by a doctor who specializes in brains. The brain was dissected and he looked for medical abnormalities associated with seizures. "It's possible he could have missed something?"

Thomas asks. "It's possible," Christensen responds. "And it's possible she could have died from a seizure?" Thomas asks. "It's possible," Christensen says.

Thomas asks about the vitamins and natural medications they found in Tammy's house. He asks Christensen if it's possible to overdose on vitamins or natural medications. Christensen says it's possible to overdose on anything.

Thomas asks if Christensen tested for vitamin poisoning. Christensen says he did not. Thomas asks if they tested for essential oil poisoning. Christensen says he's unaware of a test for that.

Thomas asks Christensen why he tested for heavy metals. Christensen says it's possible to die from heavy metal poisoning. The tests were sent to a lab in Utah and it was determined Tammy did not have heavy metals in her system.

Thomas now talking about Christensen's external review of Tammy's body. Christensen says some bruises showed more hemorrhage than others. Thomas asks if the bruises were consistent with someone falling or being hit with something --

or more consistent with someone behing held down. Christensen says he cannot determine how the bruises were caused and someone could fall down and get them.

Thomas asks Christensen why he associated the injuries with asphyxia. The doctor responds it was based on the locations of the bruises.

Thomas asks about Tammy's time of death. "It's possible Tammy had been lying dead in her bed for a number of hours prior to her discovery?" Christensen: "That's certainly possible."

Thomas asks to admit an exhibit but then says he's going to withdraw it. He has no further questions.

Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake has further questions. The coroner determined Tammy's cause of death as pulmonary edema but Christensen says that's not a cause of death. It can be associated with a death but is not a cause, he says.

Blake asks Christensen to clarify why he ruled out seizures as Tammy's cause of death. He explains that most people who have seizures have normal brains. "A normal brain in and of itself does not exclude seizures and she certainly had a normal brain."

Christensen says Tammy's age and her lack of history of seizures helped him rule it out. He says people who are 49 don't usually start to have seizures.

Christensen rules out intoxicants as a likely cause of death because of "the exhaustive nature of the testing that was done." He says hundreds and hundreds of medicines and drugs were not found in Tammy's system.

Blake: "While you can't say for sure, did those bruises appear consistent with someone who was restrained?" Christensen: "They are consistent with that."

Blake: "Would you expect a dead person to roll out of bed?" Christensen: "Not without some sort of force." He says he has seen dead bodies shift positions but it's usually from decomposition and after the person has been dead for quite some time. Blake has no further questions.

Dr. Christensen leaves the courtroom. Next witness called by the state is Fremont County Sheriff's Office Det. Bruce Mattingly. He has been on the stand before.

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Holy moly! Off topic, but my minor child who had not yet completed HS made $4 more per hour sulkily filling orders for burgers fries and sprite at a drive through than Tammy made as a school librarian with a degree and a fantastic attitude.

(Estimated at 180 days of 6 hours per day. And, a witness testified that she was expected to check email weekly over the summer.)

Edited to add: now the dude made more than she did working fewer than half the hours she did parking cars while in college. Not fair!

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Holy moly! Off topic, but my minor child who had not yet completed HS made $4 more per hour sulkily filling orders for burgers fries and sprite at a drive through than Tammy made as a school librarian with a degree and a fantastic attitude.

(Estimated at 180 days of 6 hours per day. And, a witness testified that she was expected to check email weekly over the summer.)

'Women's work' ;) ( LDS school?)

Yes, I thought it was worth adding the 10K detail
iirc Lori was receiving circa $6k monthly Soc Security/survivor benefits ( ' She's hot & loaded' he told an acquaintance)

and we can go back and look at Chad's financials because that was in a previous day's testimony ( incl expenses Lori paid for him)
and helps towards motives ( LI policies )
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