ID - Doomsday Cult Victims - Joshua Vallow, Tylee Ryan, Tammy Daybell, Charles Vallow *Arrests* #73

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I have been following this case too long.

Ha, ha, ha, I just hallucinated that Audrey B testified Lori would kill her and she wouldn't be found.

Even for this case; it can't be real.

Mind. Blown. To. Bits.

I didn't quite follow what prompted the threats. Lori laughed at her for being gullible and then out of the blue threatened to kill her? What was said in between? Did Lori sense that AB was leaving the group or questioning their teachings? Or was she jealous (AB is younger than her)?
I didn't quite follow what prompted the threats. Lori laughed at her for being gullible and then out of the blue threatened to kill her? What was said in between? Did Lori sense that AB was leaving the group or questioning their teachings? Or was she jealous (AB is younger than her)?
Pretty Lies & Alibis

This was October 2019. Audrey said she prayed and felt she needed to end the friendship. It was just her and Lori . Audrey said she was going to pack and go to bed early. She asked Lori is there anything weird going on and Lori said what do you mean #lorivallow

Aubrey says LV threatened to cut her up into pieces and said there would be blood & bleach & trashbags and it never came up in grand jury testimony or even on direct exam today but comes up at the last minutes of her testimony on cross? Really?

I couldn’t blame her for being scared of LVD back in 2019 or maybe even at the grand jury hearing but if she was going to share that today, why not on direct? I’m not sure the prosecution knew of this or perhaps they thought it too unbelievable to ask about since it wasn’t disclosed before???

I think my first step would have been to forget my things upstairs and get out of that house and to a police station asap…but even if I didn’t do that then, after all this time - after two dead spouse and two dead children, I’m certain I would have called and spoken to Rexburg PD about it by now.

I think I’d have a hard time believing this if I was on the jury and it might prevent me from believing anything else this witness said…maybe…or maybe I’m just in shock and have to think about that more later

Aubrey says LV threatened to cut her up into pieces and said there would be blood & bleach & trashbags and it never came up in grand jury testimony or even on direct exam today but comes up at the last minutes of her testimony on cross? Really?

I couldn’t blame her for being scared of LVD back in 2019 or maybe even at the grand jury hearing but if she was going to share that today, why not on direct? I’m not sure the prosecution knew of this or perhaps they thought it too unbelievable to ask about since it wasn’t disclosed before???

I think my first step would have been to forget my things upstairs and get out of that house and to a police station asap…but even if I didn’t do that then, after all this time - after two dead spouse and two dead children, I’m certain I would have called and spoken to Rexburg PD about it by now.

I think I’d have a hard time believing this if I was on the jury and it might prevent me from believing anything else this witness said…maybe…or maybe I’m just in shock and have to think about that more later

Yeah, I'm pretty torn on this. Like @Gardenista mentioned, I'm anxious for MP testimony
Summary of tweets for Wednesday, May 3rd - Day 16

State witness: Audrey Barattiero, friend of Lori's.

Nate Eaton
It's day 21 of Lori Vallow Daybell's trial and we are back in the courtroom. We ended yesterday with the defense playing a podcast Lori recorded with Melanie Gibb and others in 2018.

Chad Daybell's neighbors completed their testimonies so we expect to have a new witness on the stand first thing this morning. You can get caught up on what happened yesterday here.

Lori has entered the coutroom. She's wearing a navy blue long-sleeved shirt with a navy polka-dot puffer-type vest. Defense attorneys and prosecutors are at their tables.

Bailiff reminds everyone to turn off their phones and not to eat in the courtroom. All of the attorneys have left the courtroom to meet with Judge Boyce. Lori remains at her table with her back to the audience as she skims through a huge stack of papers.

Attorneys have entered the courtroom. Boyce is now on the bench.

Jurors are being brought in. Larry and Kay Woodcock are in the courtroom today. Audience seats are packed and many are watching from overflow locations in the Ada County Courthouse and Madison County Courthouse in Rexburg.

Prosecutors call Audrey Barattiero as their next witness.

Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tawnya Rawlings is questioning Audrey. Audrey lives in Missouri and was a friend of Lori's. They met at a conference in November 2018.

Audrey stayed at Lori's house at the end of the conference. Zulema, Chad and Melanie Gibb were also at the home. Rawlings asked Audrey if she observed Lori and Chad together. "Yes and no. I observed every once and a while they looked at each other. There was a vibe."

Audrey next had contact with Lori in February 2019. Chad asked Audrey to be Lori's friend. "He asked me to be her friend and that she needed a friend. He said that he couldn't talk to her all the time and that maybe I could be someone to uplift or be a friend. I said ok."

Audrey says she spoke with Lori every few weeks on the phone. "We talked about more spiritual things - not as much about things going on in personal lives." They saw each other in person in the summer of 2019 at a spiritual-based event in Utah.

Audrey was living in Utah at the time of the conference. Lori stayed in a hotel. Audrey spent time with Lori, Zulema, Melanie Gibb and some other women she didn't know. "At the end of being there, Lori brought up wanting to work on her husband at the time."

Rawlings asks what that means. "Some time close to that time when I had seen her again, she all of a sudden out of the blue brought up all of this stuff about zombies and people being possessed. I hadn't heard of that before and had to basis for that.

That's why she brought that up because that was something she was doing herself."

Audrey says she was uncomfortable with what Lori was saying. Lori first told Audrey about this on the phone a few weeks earlier and then again at the conference.

"She brought up saying she wanted to work on trying to get a negative spirit out of Charles. Everyone started holding hands and I didn't know what they were doing.

I thought maybe there was going to be a group prayer or something so they all held hands so I joined hands as well thinking there would be prayer. Then she started talking and said she was going to try & get a spirit out of Charles." Lori said things like "knives, fire, weapons."

Audrey didn't say anything when it was her turn in the group. She left afterward because she did not feel comfortable. She kept in touch with Lori on the phone. Audrey shares she first met Chad at a conference in St. George. She has read three of Chad's books.

Two months after she met him at the conference in 2018, Chad reached out to her on Facebook. Audrey responded and asked him some questions about his books.

Chad and Audrey then started to talk on the phone. She began chatting with Lori on the phone about religious things and spiritual experiences. Audrey recalls talking to Lori about her move to Rexburg.

"A few times in the fall, I asked her how her daughter was doing. When I stayed in her house in November 2018, I met her daughter for a few minutes so in the fall of 2019, I asked every once in a while,

'How's Tylee doing?' because she was at college. Lori said, "She doesn't talk to me much these days.'"

Audrey met JJ once and met Tammy once. Chad spoke to Audrey about Tammy and said he had a near-death experience years before when he was told by a deceased relative that Tammy would pass away before she turned 50. This was around the end of January 2019 or February 2019.

Chad told Audrey he felt he would get married again. He didn't tell Audrey for a while who he would marry but eventually said Lori.

Audrey said Chad told her that he had spoken to Tammy about his vision, plan to get re-married. Chad told Audrey he had been Methuselah and the apostle James. Chad indicated Lori and Chad had been married during the time he was James the apostle. Lori's name was Alaina.

Audrey moved to Missouri and in October 2019, Lori asked if she and her niece Melani could come to see church historical sites. "They said they had some free time and wanted to see the church sites. They had never seen them before."

Audrey met up with Melani and Lori. They went to the temple and Adam-ondi-Ahman. Lori and Melani also went to Liberty Jail.

Audrey says Lori told her when someone has a zombie they are possessed and "need to be taken out." Chad had an idea that if someone was light or dark it was based on whether they were predominately good or bad.

Lori told Audrey her husband was dark and later on said JJ and Tylee were dark. She also said Tammy was dark. Lori said one or two of Melani's children were also dark.

When Melani and Lori were in Missouri, they invited Audrey to stay in their hotel room so she didn't have to drive home. Audrey did and that night, Lori said Tammy had a spirit in her that needed to be taken out.

"I told her I did not want to help and did not want to participate. She (long pause as Audrey starts to cry) highly pressured me saying you're supposed to be my friend, you're supposed to help me. I reiterated I didn't want to and she kept on."

Audrey says later in the night, she said a prayer. "I said a prayer to Heavenly Father. I don't know what's going on. If there is something going on with Tammy and it needs to be taken out, I ask for Thee to help her.

I asked that she would be able to feel the love of God and I ended the prayer."

Audrey says if getting rid of dark spirits didn't work, Lori would come up with another idea - another spirit got in, we need to try again, etc. "It just kept going and going and going."

Rawlings asks Audrey if she remembers getting a text from Lori saying they had done a lot of work but it didn't work and another one got in (speaking about zombies). Lori asks Audrey if she had any suggestions to help, it would be appreciated.

Audrey didn't know why Lori was asking her for guidance. Lori said Tammy's spirit was in a cage or jail and it needed to be freed because "some person has overtaken her body."

Audrey: "When I heard Chad Daybell say something to the effect of why is the body still alive or something like that, I realized that they must have taken things even further. They didn't intend for the person to be helped - they didn't want the person to live."

Toward the later end of October 2019, Audrey went to Hawaii. Melani and Lori picked Audrey up. They all stayed in a hotel. Rawlings asks Audrey what she recalls about her stay in Hawaii. "It's very uncomfortable," Audrey says.

She says Lori told Audrey Melani was going through a very hard time and Melani needed a friend. Audrey said she could be a friend. Audrey is crying. "Shortly after getting there, Lori told me Tammy had passed away.

I asked her when and she said it had been about a week. I asked her how she passed away. She said in her sleep."

While in Hawaii, they went on bike rides and spent time at the beach. Audrey says Lori's behavior was different. Some moments she was irritated with Melani, other times she was swinging and laughing. "At that time, she seemed agitated or snippy."

Audrey said Lori often got phone calls and she would leave for a long time. Audrey would stay with Melani to keep her happy. Audrey was starting to get uncomfortable and said she was going to go home. Lori said she was going to leave.

Melani said she wasn't ready to go and didn't want to stay alone. So Audrey stayed with her. Lori bought a ticket to go to Idaho on a Wednesday. Audrey then left with Melani on Sunday and flew with her to Idaho so Melani wouldn't be alone.

Audrey said she would pay her condolences in person to Garth because "I knew he had been very close to his mom."

Audrey stayed at Lori's apartment in Rexburg. Chad and Lori were there kissing and hugging. He often came back late at night to stay at the apartment. Melani stayed in one of Lori's rooms.

While in Rexburg, Audrey, Chad, Lori and Melani went to the Rexburg Temple. Rawlings has no further questions for Audrey.

Jim Archibald will cross-examine Audrey. First question: "If I take this right, you spent time with Lori and Chad in five different states. Utah, Missouri, Hawaii, Idaho and Arizona. Is that right?" Audrey says yes.

Archibald asks Audrey how old she is. She's 34 and single. She works remotely for a customer service job. Archibald asks about the Preparing a People seminars Audrey attended. "Preparing a people for what?" Audrey says for the end of the world.

"I was interested in learning about that subject."

Archibald asks about Chad's books. "He said they were fictional but they were based on spiritual experiences or impressions he or other people had." Chad spoke with Audrey about his near-death experiences.

Archibald asks if preparing for the end of the world is going to be a happy or sad event. "The scriptures say it will be both." Archibald: "What's the point of preparing to be happy when Jesus comes again? What's the point?"

Audrey: "To be with God and be with your family and to live among people who want to be with God." Archibald: "What do you need to do to prepare for a happy event?" Audrey: "Be living the commandments and living the best you can."

Archibald asks Audrey if she ever met Alex Cox. She says one time in Idaho at the end of her friendship with Lori. Archibald asks if Audrey ever met Charles Vallow. She says once in November 2018.

Archibald asks if he looked like he had a demon or was possessed. Audrey says not when she met him.

Archibald asks Audrey if she's familiar with the concept of Jesus casting out evil spirits. She is. Archibald asks if the casting out prayer circles were unusual to her. Audrey says yes, it was. Archibald asks who Audrey was praying to during the casting.

"The method they were using didn't seem like a prayer." They were not calling upon Father in Heaven, she says. "The words that were used were aggressive things," Audrey responds when asked if the ladies in the hotel room were calling upon the Devil.

Audrey was uncomfortable with the casting. Archibald asks if she was worried about Charles Vallow and if she called the police. Audrey says no. Archibald asked if she had called church headquarters.

She says no. "If you thought they were a bunch of weirdos, you'd never want to hang out with them again, right?" She says she wasn't sure what to think. Archibald mentions that she kept getting back together with Lori and Melani.

Audrey says she was not in communication with them but she was in communication with Chad. Audrey says she first learned about zombies from Lori. Archibald asks where Lori got that information. "Chad, right?" Audrey doesn't remember.

Archibald asks if Audrey ever thought Chad was a "weirdo" who was leading her astray. She replies at the end their friendship - in October 2019. "So in the summer of 2019, you were still a fan, a follower of his?"

She replies, "I thought he had information and was doing good things at that time."

"At that time I thought he was someone who could help understand," Audrey says. Archibald says because she was following him, is it safe to say other women wanted to follow him too - like Lori, Melanie Gibb, Zulema. Audrey says, "Yes" after each name.

When Chad told Audrey about previous probations/lives, Audrey thought they could be something to it. Audrey says she believed Chad when he told her that he had been Methuselah. She says she believed that Chad had been an apostle of Jesus in a prior life.

Chad told her he had lived "multiple" lives over millions of years. "He was regenerating as all these great people, right?" Archibald asks. "Yes." Audrey says. Chad never said he was a "loser" in the 1700s - he was always someone great, someone cool.

Chad told Audrey he had been Jesus's brother in a prior life. Chad was married to Lori, who was named Alaina, and they walked in Palestine with Jesus. Chad told Audrey she was married to Jesus. Her name was Joanna when she was married to Jesus.

"When Chad DAybell told you in a previous life your name was JKoanna and you had been married to Jesus, what did yo think of that?" Audrey: "At the time I thought it could be true because I trusted him."

Archibald asks if Audrey thought it was pretty cool because she had been married to Jesus. She says yes. "So you thought if Chad Daybell is telling me about my past, he can probably predict the future too?"

Audrey says yes. "This gave you a feeling of 'I'm somebody, right?'" Audrey says yes.

Archibald asks Audrey why she moved to Missouri. She said she did after she prayed about it. Archibald asks if she believes Jesus is going to come to Missouri when he comes back to earth. "That is a teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

Archibald asks about church historical sites and what Audrey means by that. She says pioneer historical sites. He asks about Adam-ondi-Ahman, Liberty Jail and the other sites Lori, Audrey and Melani visited.

Archibald asks about the casting that she participated in while in Missouri. She says she wasn't sure what was going on and didn't want to participate in the casting so that's why she said her own prayer asking God to help Tammy if there was something wrong.

Audrey says she, Lori and Melani were not holding hands during this particular casting. Audrey doesn't remember where the zombie teachings came from but had never heard of them before she met Lori.

Audrey says the light and dark scale came from Chad. Archibald asks Audrey what her score on the light/dark scale was. She doesn't remember the number but she remembers she had a good score.

Archibald asks if Audrey ever thought to call the police about Charles or Tammy being in danger. She says not until she decided to dissolve the friendship. Archibald asks why she didn't go home after she felt so comfortable on the beach in Hawaii - instead she went to Idaho.

"Because I have a big heart and try to help those around me," Audrey replies while crying.

Archibald: "And that's what friends do. They try to help each other, right?" She says yes. He now asks why they went to the temple in Rexburg when she arrived. She did. It's a place she can go "to serve others. It's a place of peace."

Archibald has no further questions. Rawlings will now follow up on some questions. She clarifies that Chad was not with Audrey in Hawaii or Missouri.

Rawlings clarifies that the castings took place in Lori's hotel rooms, Lori organized them, Lori picked the target - it was all under the direction of Lori.

Audrey says she terminated the friendship with Lori in October 2019 after praying about it. She was in Lori's house and Audrey told her she was going to go upstairs and pack her bags.

Audrey: "I asked her the question, 'Is there anything weird going on that I don't know about? And she said, 'What do you mean?' and I said 'I don't know anything.' I took her at her word because I'm a trusting person."

"As soon as I turned to go upstairs, she started laughing - like if you were laughing at someone. She said, 'You're so naive and too trusting. You're like a little child. You think the world is all unicorns and rainbows. You go around helping people and serving them.

Well I've got news for you. Not everyone is a good person and not everyone can be so kind. Then she threatened to kill me. She said she would cut me up and wasn't in the mental place to do it but would get herself in a place to do it.

There would be blood and bleach and something about trash bags. She would bury me in a place nobody would ever find me."

Archibald now questioning Audrey and reminds her that she promised, under oath, to tell the whole truth. Archibald said none of this testimony came up in the grand jury proceedings.

"Nothing of this sort was talked about. You want the jury to believe that you just didn't make this last crap up?" Audrey says, "I did not make it up."

Audrey says she did not ever mention this before because she was scared. Archibald forcefully pushes Audrey that this never came up in previous testimony and she stands by her claims.

He has nothing further. Rawlings asks if she can ask one more question. Boyce says no. We are now headed to a morning break. Back around 10:40 a.m.

Summary of tweets for Wednesday, May 3rd - Day 16

State witness: Audrey Barattiero, friend of Lori's.

Nate Eaton
It's day 21 of Lori Vallow Daybell's trial and we are back in the courtroom. We ended yesterday with the defense playing a podcast Lori recorded with Melanie Gibb and others in 2018.

Chad Daybell's neighbors completed their testimonies so we expect to have a new witness on the stand first thing this morning. You can get caught up on what happened yesterday here.

Lori has entered the coutroom. She's wearing a navy blue long-sleeved shirt with a navy polka-dot puffer-type vest. Defense attorneys and prosecutors are at their tables.

Bailiff reminds everyone to turn off their phones and not to eat in the courtroom. All of the attorneys have left the courtroom to meet with Judge Boyce. Lori remains at her table with her back to the audience as she skims through a huge stack of papers.

Attorneys have entered the courtroom. Boyce is now on the bench.

Jurors are being brought in. Larry and Kay Woodcock are in the courtroom today. Audience seats are packed and many are watching from overflow locations in the Ada County Courthouse and Madison County Courthouse in Rexburg.

Prosecutors call Audrey Barattiero as their next witness.

Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tawnya Rawlings is questioning Audrey. Audrey lives in Missouri and was a friend of Lori's. They met at a conference in November 2018.

Audrey stayed at Lori's house at the end of the conference. Zulema, Chad and Melanie Gibb were also at the home. Rawlings asked Audrey if she observed Lori and Chad together. "Yes and no. I observed every once and a while they looked at each other. There was a vibe."

Audrey next had contact with Lori in February 2019. Chad asked Audrey to be Lori's friend. "He asked me to be her friend and that she needed a friend. He said that he couldn't talk to her all the time and that maybe I could be someone to uplift or be a friend. I said ok."

Audrey says she spoke with Lori every few weeks on the phone. "We talked about more spiritual things - not as much about things going on in personal lives." They saw each other in person in the summer of 2019 at a spiritual-based event in Utah.

Audrey was living in Utah at the time of the conference. Lori stayed in a hotel. Audrey spent time with Lori, Zulema, Melanie Gibb and some other women she didn't know. "At the end of being there, Lori brought up wanting to work on her husband at the time."

Rawlings asks what that means. "Some time close to that time when I had seen her again, she all of a sudden out of the blue brought up all of this stuff about zombies and people being possessed. I hadn't heard of that before and had to basis for that.

That's why she brought that up because that was something she was doing herself."

Audrey says she was uncomfortable with what Lori was saying. Lori first told Audrey about this on the phone a few weeks earlier and then again at the conference.

"She brought up saying she wanted to work on trying to get a negative spirit out of Charles. Everyone started holding hands and I didn't know what they were doing.

I thought maybe there was going to be a group prayer or something so they all held hands so I joined hands as well thinking there would be prayer. Then she started talking and said she was going to try & get a spirit out of Charles." Lori said things like "knives, fire, weapons."

Audrey didn't say anything when it was her turn in the group. She left afterward because she did not feel comfortable. She kept in touch with Lori on the phone. Audrey shares she first met Chad at a conference in St. George. She has read three of Chad's books.

Two months after she met him at the conference in 2018, Chad reached out to her on Facebook. Audrey responded and asked him some questions about his books.

Chad and Audrey then started to talk on the phone. She began chatting with Lori on the phone about religious things and spiritual experiences. Audrey recalls talking to Lori about her move to Rexburg.

"A few times in the fall, I asked her how her daughter was doing. When I stayed in her house in November 2018, I met her daughter for a few minutes so in the fall of 2019, I asked every once in a while,

'How's Tylee doing?' because she was at college. Lori said, "She doesn't talk to me much these days.'"

Audrey met JJ once and met Tammy once. Chad spoke to Audrey about Tammy and said he had a near-death experience years before when he was told by a deceased relative that Tammy would pass away before she turned 50. This was around the end of January 2019 or February 2019.

Chad told Audrey he felt he would get married again. He didn't tell Audrey for a while who he would marry but eventually said Lori.

Audrey said Chad told her that he had spoken to Tammy about his vision, plan to get re-married. Chad told Audrey he had been Methuselah and the apostle James. Chad indicated Lori and Chad had been married during the time he was James the apostle. Lori's name was Alaina.

Audrey moved to Missouri and in October 2019, Lori asked if she and her niece Melani could come to see church historical sites. "They said they had some free time and wanted to see the church sites. They had never seen them before."

Audrey met up with Melani and Lori. They went to the temple and Adam-ondi-Ahman. Lori and Melani also went to Liberty Jail.

Audrey says Lori told her when someone has a zombie they are possessed and "need to be taken out." Chad had an idea that if someone was light or dark it was based on whether they were predominately good or bad.

Lori told Audrey her husband was dark and later on said JJ and Tylee were dark. She also said Tammy was dark. Lori said one or two of Melani's children were also dark.

When Melani and Lori were in Missouri, they invited Audrey to stay in their hotel room so she didn't have to drive home. Audrey did and that night, Lori said Tammy had a spirit in her that needed to be taken out.

"I told her I did not want to help and did not want to participate. She (long pause as Audrey starts to cry) highly pressured me saying you're supposed to be my friend, you're supposed to help me. I reiterated I didn't want to and she kept on."

Audrey says later in the night, she said a prayer. "I said a prayer to Heavenly Father. I don't know what's going on. If there is something going on with Tammy and it needs to be taken out, I ask for Thee to help her.

I asked that she would be able to feel the love of God and I ended the prayer."

Audrey says if getting rid of dark spirits didn't work, Lori would come up with another idea - another spirit got in, we need to try again, etc. "It just kept going and going and going."

Rawlings asks Audrey if she remembers getting a text from Lori saying they had done a lot of work but it didn't work and another one got in (speaking about zombies). Lori asks Audrey if she had any suggestions to help, it would be appreciated.

Audrey didn't know why Lori was asking her for guidance. Lori said Tammy's spirit was in a cage or jail and it needed to be freed because "some person has overtaken her body."

Audrey: "When I heard Chad Daybell say something to the effect of why is the body still alive or something like that, I realized that they must have taken things even further. They didn't intend for the person to be helped - they didn't want the person to live."

Toward the later end of October 2019, Audrey went to Hawaii. Melani and Lori picked Audrey up. They all stayed in a hotel. Rawlings asks Audrey what she recalls about her stay in Hawaii. "It's very uncomfortable," Audrey says.

She says Lori told Audrey Melani was going through a very hard time and Melani needed a friend. Audrey said she could be a friend. Audrey is crying. "Shortly after getting there, Lori told me Tammy had passed away.

I asked her when and she said it had been about a week. I asked her how she passed away. She said in her sleep."

While in Hawaii, they went on bike rides and spent time at the beach. Audrey says Lori's behavior was different. Some moments she was irritated with Melani, other times she was swinging and laughing. "At that time, she seemed agitated or snippy."

Audrey said Lori often got phone calls and she would leave for a long time. Audrey would stay with Melani to keep her happy. Audrey was starting to get uncomfortable and said she was going to go home. Lori said she was going to leave.

Melani said she wasn't ready to go and didn't want to stay alone. So Audrey stayed with her. Lori bought a ticket to go to Idaho on a Wednesday. Audrey then left with Melani on Sunday and flew with her to Idaho so Melani wouldn't be alone.

Audrey said she would pay her condolences in person to Garth because "I knew he had been very close to his mom."

Audrey stayed at Lori's apartment in Rexburg. Chad and Lori were there kissing and hugging. He often came back late at night to stay at the apartment. Melani stayed in one of Lori's rooms.

While in Rexburg, Audrey, Chad, Lori and Melani went to the Rexburg Temple. Rawlings has no further questions for Audrey.

Jim Archibald will cross-examine Audrey. First question: "If I take this right, you spent time with Lori and Chad in five different states. Utah, Missouri, Hawaii, Idaho and Arizona. Is that right?" Audrey says yes.

Archibald asks Audrey how old she is. She's 34 and single. She works remotely for a customer service job. Archibald asks about the Preparing a People seminars Audrey attended. "Preparing a people for what?" Audrey says for the end of the world.

"I was interested in learning about that subject."

Archibald asks about Chad's books. "He said they were fictional but they were based on spiritual experiences or impressions he or other people had." Chad spoke with Audrey about his near-death experiences.

Archibald asks if preparing for the end of the world is going to be a happy or sad event. "The scriptures say it will be both." Archibald: "What's the point of preparing to be happy when Jesus comes again? What's the point?"

Audrey: "To be with God and be with your family and to live among people who want to be with God." Archibald: "What do you need to do to prepare for a happy event?" Audrey: "Be living the commandments and living the best you can."

Archibald asks Audrey if she ever met Alex Cox. She says one time in Idaho at the end of her friendship with Lori. Archibald asks if Audrey ever met Charles Vallow. She says once in November 2018.

Archibald asks if he looked like he had a demon or was possessed. Audrey says not when she met him.

Archibald asks Audrey if she's familiar with the concept of Jesus casting out evil spirits. She is. Archibald asks if the casting out prayer circles were unusual to her. Audrey says yes, it was. Archibald asks who Audrey was praying to during the casting.

"The method they were using didn't seem like a prayer." They were not calling upon Father in Heaven, she says. "The words that were used were aggressive things," Audrey responds when asked if the ladies in the hotel room were calling upon the Devil.

Audrey was uncomfortable with the casting. Archibald asks if she was worried about Charles Vallow and if she called the police. Audrey says no. Archibald asked if she had called church headquarters.

She says no. "If you thought they were a bunch of weirdos, you'd never want to hang out with them again, right?" She says she wasn't sure what to think. Archibald mentions that she kept getting back together with Lori and Melani.

Audrey says she was not in communication with them but she was in communication with Chad. Audrey says she first learned about zombies from Lori. Archibald asks where Lori got that information. "Chad, right?" Audrey doesn't remember.

Archibald asks if Audrey ever thought Chad was a "weirdo" who was leading her astray. She replies at the end their friendship - in October 2019. "So in the summer of 2019, you were still a fan, a follower of his?"

She replies, "I thought he had information and was doing good things at that time."

"At that time I thought he was someone who could help understand," Audrey says. Archibald says because she was following him, is it safe to say other women wanted to follow him too - like Lori, Melanie Gibb, Zulema. Audrey says, "Yes" after each name.

When Chad told Audrey about previous probations/lives, Audrey thought they could be something to it. Audrey says she believed Chad when he told her that he had been Methuselah. She says she believed that Chad had been an apostle of Jesus in a prior life.

Chad told her he had lived "multiple" lives over millions of years. "He was regenerating as all these great people, right?" Archibald asks. "Yes." Audrey says. Chad never said he was a "loser" in the 1700s - he was always someone great, someone cool.

Chad told Audrey he had been Jesus's brother in a prior life. Chad was married to Lori, who was named Alaina, and they walked in Palestine with Jesus. Chad told Audrey she was married to Jesus. Her name was Joanna when she was married to Jesus.

"When Chad DAybell told you in a previous life your name was JKoanna and you had been married to Jesus, what did yo think of that?" Audrey: "At the time I thought it could be true because I trusted him."

Archibald asks if Audrey thought it was pretty cool because she had been married to Jesus. She says yes. "So you thought if Chad Daybell is telling me about my past, he can probably predict the future too?"

Audrey says yes. "This gave you a feeling of 'I'm somebody, right?'" Audrey says yes.

Archibald asks Audrey why she moved to Missouri. She said she did after she prayed about it. Archibald asks if she believes Jesus is going to come to Missouri when he comes back to earth. "That is a teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."

Archibald asks about church historical sites and what Audrey means by that. She says pioneer historical sites. He asks about Adam-ondi-Ahman, Liberty Jail and the other sites Lori, Audrey and Melani visited.

Archibald asks about the casting that she participated in while in Missouri. She says she wasn't sure what was going on and didn't want to participate in the casting so that's why she said her own prayer asking God to help Tammy if there was something wrong.

Audrey says she, Lori and Melani were not holding hands during this particular casting. Audrey doesn't remember where the zombie teachings came from but had never heard of them before she met Lori.

Audrey says the light and dark scale came from Chad. Archibald asks Audrey what her score on the light/dark scale was. She doesn't remember the number but she remembers she had a good score.

Archibald asks if Audrey ever thought to call the police about Charles or Tammy being in danger. She says not until she decided to dissolve the friendship. Archibald asks why she didn't go home after she felt so comfortable on the beach in Hawaii - instead she went to Idaho.

"Because I have a big heart and try to help those around me," Audrey replies while crying.

Archibald: "And that's what friends do. They try to help each other, right?" She says yes. He now asks why they went to the temple in Rexburg when she arrived. She did. It's a place she can go "to serve others. It's a place of peace."

Archibald has no further questions. Rawlings will now follow up on some questions. She clarifies that Chad was not with Audrey in Hawaii or Missouri.

Rawlings clarifies that the castings took place in Lori's hotel rooms, Lori organized them, Lori picked the target - it was all under the direction of Lori.

Audrey says she terminated the friendship with Lori in October 2019 after praying about it. She was in Lori's house and Audrey told her she was going to go upstairs and pack her bags.

Audrey: "I asked her the question, 'Is there anything weird going on that I don't know about? And she said, 'What do you mean?' and I said 'I don't know anything.' I took her at her word because I'm a trusting person."

"As soon as I turned to go upstairs, she started laughing - like if you were laughing at someone. She said, 'You're so naive and too trusting. You're like a little child. You think the world is all unicorns and rainbows. You go around helping people and serving them.

Well I've got news for you. Not everyone is a good person and not everyone can be so kind. Then she threatened to kill me. She said she would cut me up and wasn't in the mental place to do it but would get herself in a place to do it.

There would be blood and bleach and something about trash bags. She would bury me in a place nobody would ever find me."

Archibald now questioning Audrey and reminds her that she promised, under oath, to tell the whole truth. Archibald said none of this testimony came up in the grand jury proceedings.

"Nothing of this sort was talked about. You want the jury to believe that you just didn't make this last crap up?" Audrey says, "I did not make it up."

Audrey says she did not ever mention this before because she was scared. Archibald forcefully pushes Audrey that this never came up in previous testimony and she stands by her claims.

He has nothing further. Rawlings asks if she can ask one more question. Boyce says no. We are now headed to a morning break. Back around 10:40 a.m.


I've been waiting for this !! :)
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