Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #49

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When MG said AC came back later that night carrying a sleeping JJ, was he sleeping, drugged, or deceased? Curious what you all think?

If they can identify the PJ's and Black Sketcher socks, that's pretty damning eye-witness testimony, since no one saw him after that night.

One comment about CD's attorney. He reminds me of the whiny kid on the playground that no one wants to play with. He's got his work cut out for him, what we saw today will likely be his MO throughout the trial. Crucify LE's protocols in order to create reasonable doubt in the jury members.
IMO it's being saved for either this trial or hopefully, eventually, the murder/conspiracy trial. IMO RW wants to save CD and LVs reactions to this info for a jury. Also, I think by sharing ACs, he is testing out what the defense will do with this type of info. ACs phone info is a safe bet because IMO even if it gets thrown out somehow, he will know better how to play his hand with the other co-defendants cell phone data and yes, I do 100% believe he has the data from all the 60+ phones and is going to drop that info and make a crater sized hole in both their defense plans.

Agreed. Thank you for the insight! Makes total sense. I’m inpatient for it all lol... this is going to be a long road.
Do prosecutors have to provide all the evidence they have for the entire trial to the defense prior to the preliminary, or only the evidence they're going to produce at the preliminary? If the latter, then I'm hoping they're sitting on CD's and LV's phone records, thinking they have enough evidence already to satisfy the judge that there's enough to go to trial. Because there can't possibly be any way they don't have those records, right?

But a question for the lawyers: are Prior's opportunity today/tomorrow to object to evidence being entered into record the only time he can object to that piece of evidence being used for the entire trial? Like the MG recorded call, could Prior later argue that the call should not be heard by jurors because it's overly prejudicial (I can't imagine hearing him talking about predicting his wife's death for years beforehand would go over well with a jury who are deciding if he's involved in the burials of his new wife's kids)?
Do prosecutors have to provide all the evidence they have for the entire trial to the defense prior to the preliminary, or only the evidence they're going to produce at the preliminary? If the latter, then I'm hoping they're sitting on CD's and LV's phone records, thinking they have enough evidence already to satisfy the judge that there's enough to go to trial. Because there can't possibly be any way they don't have those records, right?

But a question for the lawyers: are Prior's opportunity today/tomorrow to object to evidence being entered into record the only time he can object to that piece of evidence being used for the entire trial? Like the MG recorded call, could Prior later argue that the call should not be heard by jurors because it's overly prejudicial (I can't imagine hearing him talking about predicting his wife's death for years beforehand wouldn't go over well with a jury who are deciding if he's involved in the burials of his new wife's kids)?
Great questions! Thanks for putting into words what was in my mind.
IMO it's being saved for either this trial or hopefully, eventually, the murder/conspiracy trial. IMO RW wants to save CD and LVs reactions to this info for a jury. Also, I think by sharing ACs, he is testing out what the defense will do with this type of info. ACs phone info is a safe bet because IMO even if it gets thrown out somehow, he will know better how to play his hand with the other co-defendants cell phone data and yes, I do 100% believe he has the data from all the 60+ phones and is going to drop that info and make a crater sized hole in both their defense plans.

I hope so. IMO he seems to have a confidence about him concerning the case, despite his nerves. I think the case is rock solid and he knows it. MOO.
Agreed. Thank you for the insight! Makes total sense. I’m inpatient for it all lol... this is going to be a long road.

And remember, this is just the preliminary hearing. The prosecutor just needs to show enough evidence to proceed with a trial. I think he’s waiting to bring out the “big guns” for the real deal!

I have this same question! For instance if they are going to try to claim Chad wasn’t there when the children were horrifically disposed of, wouldn’t his cell phone data show otherwise?
Or maybe that’s why the defense spent so much time trying to establish that devices present don’t mean person present. Just some thoughts. It’s a lot to digest.
Sure - the phone location is going to be important.
CD looks cocksure. He is going to fight and enjoy it because, the court and the police are all dark zombies. He will be writing a book about his martyrdom.
What is the worst thing one Mormon can call another Mormon? Find out tonight on Websleuths YouTube Live.
Tonight we Welcome Ellen Killoran from Crimeonline .com. Ellen will discuss the info revealed in the hearing today. Plus our own Red Vines joins us to explain exactly what is the worst thing one Mormon can call another Mormon! You will never guess!
Haha I picked up on it immediately .. Korihor /Anti Christ (Mormon Lingo). It totally triggered Lori.. Good grief this is going to be a wild when it goes to trial. MOO
Agreed. Thank you for the insight! Makes total sense. I’m inpatient for it all lol... this is going to be a long road.

Me too!!!!! I do think the defense, somewhat discredited the first detective unfortunately though, so that might be an issue. With him only being a detective for 1 year and making so many mistakes is going to be difficult. I wish the RPD had some way to know at the time of Kay's call that this was going to be a HUGE case and put a more experienced detective as the lead detective. I hope RW can find a way to turn that part around.

Jmo and all that.
Me too!!!!! I do think the defense, somewhat discredited the first detective unfortunately though, so that might be an issue. With him only being a detective for 1 year and making so many mistakes is going to be difficult. I wish the RPD had some way to know at the time of Kay's call that this was going to be a HUGE case and put a more experienced detective as the lead detective. I hope RW can find a way to turn that part around.

Jmo and all that.
I admit, the rookie could’ve done better, but I think when this does go to trial, we will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of evidence LE has collected. Look at that recorded phone call. I think we were all surprised by that one!

Sometimes it’s so hard to be patient!

MG said that Chad wasn't there. It was a late Sunday evening, the same night when JJ was presumably killed. That podcast was seemingly never published. A tree part series with only MG and DW (they are the only two mentioned in the episode descriptions) came out in early December.

Thanks! Yes, you're correct... it appears that particular podcast was never published.

Three September 2019 podcasts published:
September 4, 2019
September 7, 2019
September 16, 2019 - which included Chad, Lori and MG. This is the one I remain most curious about.

All episodes of Preparing A People Podcast Network
I admit, the rookie could’ve done better, but I think when this does go to trial, we will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of evidence LE has collected. Look at that recorded phone call. I think we were all surprised by that one!

Sometimes it’s so hard to be patient!


I agree. This is just the very pin head sized tip of the iceberg. I just really wish he had recorded everything. It would make all of his statements better if there was a way to see/hear exactly how some people worded certain things. I just want every single bit of the prosecution's evidence to be airtight. JMO
Observations not in any particular order.

Chad evidences contempt for the name of "Detective K." I have been wondering if this offshoot had the usual racism Mormon cult offshoots tend to have, and it looks like it does.

When remembering and describing JJ's burial the detective was gutted. He was professional and still gutted. Chad had nothing. The difference between a depraved man and a decent man who has dealt with plenty of death right there.

The juxtaposition of these two men is testimony.

The entire interplay about CD not disavowing knowing Lori was just his lawyer helping Chad tell Lori he didn't. It was just communication between CD and LVD. CD was pleased with his cleverness. Then Prior made a point she was not a Daybell and CD didn't live with her. So clever.

I think LVD actually thinks she sees Jesus. Or as I have speculated CD channels The Savior so she means CD or there is an actual real person in this group who claims to be Jesus or is The Savior ( Jesus and the Savior could be two different people.) I think LVD either sees a hallucination/demon who she thinks is Jesus, or there is a real person in this group who they think is Jesus.
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It’s at this point I think it’s super important bc chads distancing from Lori and blaming Alex as we thought would happen she has and needs to be called Lori Daybell. From today forward. We knew they’d blame Alex for it all. The end of the world didn’t occur exactly the way Chad foresaw it . Also chads attorney every two seconds objecting
who could she have saved? Tylee was already dead by he time MG got to Rexburg. JJ was dead by the time the police called, and so was Tammy.
I think it’s all in hindsight seeing , hearing all of Lori and chads weird stuff in hindsight she has to feel like omg I should’ve realized or said something to them and others that it seemed odd and weird and at the very least if nothing was done then at least she would’ve tried but no one did. Not until Kay came looking for JJ . Colby in the text knew something was off and asked Tylee to call him so he could hear her voice and know she was okay. But geez when really not one person was wondering and checking on Tylee . If Kay hadn’t checked on JJ then they would still be missing and murdered and no one would know or care. It makes me so sad to think of Tylee
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