Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #50

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It's easy to find the racoon. Ask Chad where he buried it and get him to locate the spot. He will then probably send them to the July racoon he supposedly shot and buried. But how did he not see Alex burying and burning Tylee while he was dealing with the September racoon?

He can't be asked at trial unless he testifies

Of course the prosecution is free to point out that the matter is within the knowledge of the defence, so the defence could easily locate and produce the racoon remains into evidence
That’s what it sounds like. All this over raccoon?
It's easy to find the racoon. Ask Chad where he buried it and get him to locate the spot. He will then probably send them to the July racoon he supposedly shot and buried. But how did he not see Alex burying and burning Tylee while he was dealing with the September racoon?
I do not believe that report was ever corroborated by an official document. The search warrants that were served on Chad and Lori in Hawaii turned up two iPads but no phones. of Probable Cause.pdf paragraphs 36 and 38.
I believe it was Tylee's phone number that was shown on the telephone bill in the Cox/Shifler interview as proof JJ was alive in October, which is now particularly shot to pieces. I am surprised they have not been charged with providing false information as it would have been impossible to talk to JJ in October clearly. As has already been suggested, that number could have been transferred to another phone. It may also be a good idea to recap the dates of the Venmo transactions. MOO.
He can't be asked at trial unless he testifies

Of course the prosecution is free to point out that the matter is within the knowledge of the defence, so the defence could easily locate and produce the racoon remains into evidence
I meant the attorney should ask his client to pinpoint where he buried it not ask him in court.
Prison phone call, LV to CD, June 9th. I’ll indicate where it wasn’t discernible. Given the quality of the audio, I’ll note this is what I believe was said, not what was definitely said. Ellipses indicates delay, not missing words. Italics indicate I’m not sure if i heard it correctly.

LV: Hi babe
CD: Hello
L: are you OK?
C: they’re searching the... property
L: The house? Right now?
C: Yeah. Yeah. My house
So...Mark Means will be talking to you.
L: ok. Well, are they in the house?
C: No, they’re at the property.
L: are they seizing stuff? Again?
C: they’re searching...
L: Mmhmm
C: [not discernible... sounds like it ends with “I don’t think I can handle this, with the kids]
L: ok
C: I tried to [not discernible] I’m glad you called.
L: yeah.
C: so.. they see the tombstones
L: great. Do you want me to pray?
C: [talked at the same time as L, can’t make out what he said, mostly mumbling] what?
L: what do you want me to do? Pray?
C yeah, pray
L: ok. What can I do for you?
C: You do [not discernible, and sounds possibly coded to me] I’ll [again, not discernible, possible coded]. Just talk with me
L: Have you talked to [Marty?? Harding? No clue. Didn’t sound like Mark Means to me. Still seems coded]
C: I did call him, yes.
L: ok, that is what you are doing. [see what I mean by coded?]
C: yes. It’s like it’s hard from somebody else, sometimes, you know. I love you so much.
L: ok, I love you. Should I try to call you later?
C: hmm. I don’t know. I don’t know. You can try, yeah. I’ll answer if I can.
L: ok
C: I love you and talk soon
L: ok [Pet name or something?]. We love you.
C: ok. Love you.
L: bye.

MOO: C sounded devastated and terrified, L sounded completely unaffected after the initial shock.
Possibly "my attorney" not "Marty Harding". "My attorney" would be Means, at that time.
There's also a satellite photo published by MSM and taken a few hours after Chad's text to Tammy, which clearly shows disturbed ground where Tylee's remains were later found.
Oh I haven't seen that. Has it been posted on the thread ? Could you please point me to it ? It should show the "racoon" burial too shouldn't it? :)
You are right, and I do realize prisoners can make calls, but what bothered me, (It is much easier for me to depict in spoken word lol) was how easily she was able to just call him.

I just pictured in my head, him getting in his car and putting a call into the jail saying "have Lori call me". She is able to return his call right away AND it just happens to be at the very moment the search is going on. idk It just bothered me. o_O

Is it that easy to make a call anytime of the day while you are incarcerated?

Maybe Chad calls Means and tells him about the search and asks him to call Lori to tell her to call him. I guess attorneys can call or visit clients whenever they want.
Can they not do an add on as a superseding indictment? The child was murdered, feet and hands bound.
What do they need to get this charge secured?
I don’t know the law. I was just repeating was Scott Reisch has said. He surprised me. I cannot imagine the DA going forward without murder charges. Five years is like letting them go free. It reminds me of Krystal Kenney in the Frazee case. A totally different case, yet she is a murderer/accomplice/conspirator and she got three years and only has to serve one year and is writing a book.
Lori is so psychotic anyway. She would laugh about getting away with it. Sitting in a cell for months hasn’t changed her yet!

I didn’t put those two images there but I’m typing from my cell phone. I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry!


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I'm hesitant to argue with the words of an attorney, but I'm not entirely sure that's accurate. There have been several cases in which additional charges are added through the course of a trial when the evidence supports it -- the trial itself won't stop to allow for another, costly, preliminary hearing for those charges.

A prosecutor might not make a final decision on what charges to file until after a preliminary hearing: Criminal Charges: How Cases Get Started

Is it possible that a second preliminary trial could happen, but isn't required?
Scott was certain a preliminary was required but, like you, I’m dumbfounded by his statement.
This entire case is so disturbing.

I don't for one minute believe the crap about LVD believing that dear JJ and Tylee were 'zombies', end of the world, etc. I believe that to be part of their scam personna.

Both LVD and CB were caught up in an affair and did unspeakable things in order to be free of the respective spouses and her children. Selfish, evil, narcissistic, uncaring murderers IMO, and I hope they never see the light of day as a free person again.

Those children deserved so much more!

This is not accurate, I double checked and In Idaho a prosecutor can legally amend a defendants charges any time prior to a plea being submitted - Source Idaho Statutes and Court Rules - § 19-1420. Amendment of indictment
Good for you. Please ask Scott Reisch to correct himself on his next video. He is an attorney. It made my head spin. I won’t argue with an attorney.
Scott is a smart guy and I enjoy listening to him. Even though he is an attorney he doesn’t know any more about this case than we do. He doesn’t know what evidence has been gathered or what the autopsy results for Tylee, JJ and Tammy will reveal. As others have mentioned, this is not a TV trial, it will not be wrapped up neatly in a short amount of time. He doesn’t have special insight into what the DA is thinking. The FBI and all the other LE did not hang out in Rexburg for 6 months, so Chad and Lori could each be sentenced to 5 years and then walk. They may not be charged for months or years. What’s the hurry?
All Scott did was answer a question from a viewer as to whether a preliminary would be REQUIRED for a murder charge. He said yes.

He NEVER said he knew what evidence the attorneys have in this case or what they are thinking.

For you to say he doesn’t know more than you or me is kinda funny. IANAL.
I hate thinking that, too, but I've wondered about it given the charges. But, too many people have died, including the two former spouses, and even if they can't pin the childrens' murders on LV and CD, certainly they can pin at least TD's murder on CD?

It's so convenient that Alex died. Way too convenient. Unless someone in that inner circle cracks, like Melaniece or Zulu, Alex might go down for all the murders.

But certainly, there could be an accessory to murder charge, right? If CD gets out in five years, he's going to come out to a different world where no one respects him.

I am not concerned with whether anyone respects Chad. Lol. That’s over!

And all the other murders, we don’t know about yet.

I’m only concerned that Tylee and JJ not get lost in all this! They were murdered. And I want murder convictions for Lori and Chad.

Forget Alex. They got rid of him.
I agree with Prior about conspiracy. There has been no evidence that places Chad at the property at the relevant times.
Doesn't the text to Tammy place him at the property at the same time as Alex's phone places him there too?

Wasn't there a forensic witness listed too? Maybe I have missed some testimonies.
It's easy to find the racoon. Ask Chad where he buried it and get him to locate the spot. He will then probably send them to the July racoon he supposedly shot and buried. But how did he not see Alex burying and burning Tylee while he was dealing with the September racoon?
I love your post. Mr Prior looked um, not too smart chasing the raccoon story. You just solved his problem. Way to go!

Chad Daybell
“We just thought if you knew, that puts you in a danger.”

Well there it is from the horses mouth.
Danger from CD and LV themselves.

Threatening others that had knowledge about their evil doings.

They were eliminating everyone and anyone that could testify against them about any of the other killings.

Some killed for money or revenge and others killed to prevent witnesses from testifying against them. JMO​
I’m wondering if you all would agree about another observation I made.

During the phone call between Chad and Lori, he sounds terrified. She sounds calm and happy. I’m starting to believe she is so psychotic she will never be the one to confess. But it sounds like Chad might break.

So does anyone think Lori may turn on Chad and blame everything on Alex and Chad?

Seriously, she may be scouting for her sixth husband about now.
Well there it is from the horses mouth.
Danger from CD and LV themselves.

Threatening others that had knowledge about their evil doings.

They were eliminating everyone and anyone that could testify against them about any of the other killings.

Some killed for money or revenge and others killed to prevent witnesses from testifying against them. JMO​
Oh good catch! And that’s exactly what they were doing. I will always wonder how they got rid of Alex.
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