Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #50

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Actual Images of Chad Daybell preparing for his cult leader comeback tour, prision edition
I still have to catch up on this thread by about 25 pages but want to mention something that occurred to me when I saw the transcript of the Lori/Chad/MG phone call. Chad mentioned he knew for 3 years that Tammy was going to die and had been deteriorating and that a coroner (two coroners did he say) had been involved I think as soon as LE heard that, they had a very big reason for Tammy's exhumation, which happened within only 3 days of this call and then Alex died the day after the exhumation.
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DW did mention that Alex put JJ to bed in Lori's bedroom in the late evening of September 22.

Prior didn't take into account that MG was there since Thursday and DW arrived on Friday in the evening, so they would not have seen Chad at Lori's place the same number of times.

Good point. Prior made it sound like one of them was lying by neglecting to say that. Woods should have made that clear.
Yes, like call a witness?

The problem the defence has is the same one we have discussed on and off for months now.

CD and LV never presented any positive version as to where the kids were - e.g. when discovered in Hawaii. To make matters worse, we now know they told witnesses they had sent the kids away / hidden them (the MG recorded phone call). Once the kids were found at Chad's it becomes next to impossible to present a positive story to explain all this given they concealed that the kids were missing by lying about it to LE.

IMO the only real game in town is some version of a cut throat defence where they blame Alex for everything - but that kind of means admitting that they were part of the conspiracy after the fact.

Otherwise you are down to very passive defences - e.g. maybe the prosecution cannot show LV was ever at the dig, and maybe Chad can argue the same.

I am not very familiar with local law, but elsewhere, effectively being involved in a conspiracy after the fact to cover up murder, is very serious - you are essentially a party to murder.

And we also likely will see evidence of prior planning.

So maybe the Prosecutor simply says - we can't say who did the murdering, but this was a joint enterprise.

This is before we even consider Tammy.
Thanks to @Tortoise for linking the transcript of the MG recording.

This exchange strikes me as devastating for the defence.

Melanie Gibb
“I just wanted to ask you a question if you don’t mind, Lori.”

Lori Daybell
“Of course, honey.”

Melanie Gibb
“I wanted to know, remember we talked about JJ going to Kay’s [Woodcock, JJ’s grandmother and Lori’s sister-in-law from prior husband Charles Vallow] house? And he told me they went there. And now he’s not there. I was wondering what happened?”

Lori Daybell
“Well, I had to move in somewhere else because of her actions. So…”

Melanie Gibb
“Was she, was she doing something? Like was she trying to come get them or something or, like trying to kidnap them?”

Lori Daybell
“Well, she’s, yeah, she said that often times before, but, umm…”

Melanie Gibb
“Okay. Well, you know, when I asked Chad the other day, I was like, Hey, you know, where is JJ? And he said for my security, he didn’t want me to know. So is there a reason I should be in danger to know where he is?”

Lori Daybell
“No, it’s nobody. It’s his danger. It’s the danger that there’s people after me.”

Melanie Gibb

Chad Daybell
“We just thought if you knew, that puts you in a danger.”

Lori Daybell
“Well, just in a bad position.”

Chad Daybell
“Yeah, a bad position for her.”​
I just watched Scott Reisch on YouTube. I think he is allowed here. He is an attorney. Scott said a murder charge would require another preliminary hearing. But he also said he does not believe a murder charge will be filed because if the DA had enough evidence, he would have combined murder with the charges he had.

I am bummed about that. I hate thinking had or Lori could walk after five years.

I hate thinking that, too, but I've wondered about it given the charges. But, too many people have died, including the two former spouses, and even if they can't pin the childrens' murders on LV and CD, certainly they can pin at least TD's murder on CD?

It's so convenient that Alex died. Way too convenient. Unless someone in that inner circle cracks, like Melaniece or Zulu, Alex might go down for all the murders.

But certainly, there could be an accessory to murder charge, right? If CD gets out in five years, he's going to come out to a different world where no one respects him.
MP wasn't yet living in Idaho in September when the children were killed.
If she was involved in covering it up after the fact, she could be charged as well. However based on what we know so far, I dont see evidence of that. She does however seem deeply involved in some nefarious things. She may be looking at attempted murder charges of her ex-husband.
Anyone know where Prior was going by insinuating that MG and Tylee didn't get along? How is that relevant to the case?

Was that another attempt to throw her under the bus, if MG admitted she didn't really like TR? MOO

I assumed it was something more like ‘if you didn’t like each other, how is it you think you knew anything about Tylee?’

I was interested because it suggested to me that some time after Tylee called the Internet link Charles sent her ‘weird’, Tylee may have looked deeper into what was going on around Lori and all these weird podcast people, which might have been why she had to go.
I hate thinking that, too, but I've wondered about it given the charges. But, too many people have died, including the two former spouses, and even if they can't pin the childrens' murders on LV and CD, certainly they can pin at least TD's murder on CD?

It's so convenient that Alex died. Way too convenient. Unless someone in that inner circle cracks, like Melaniece or Zulu, Alex might go down for all the murders.

But certainly, there could be an accessory to murder charge, right? If CD gets out in five years, he's going to come out to a different world where no one respects him.

The trouble with this case is that it seems clear that CD and LV are involved in a murder spree, but it is not clear exactly what role LV and CD had in each, and I think it is a strong possibility that it was AC who did the actual killing.

This is why I wonder if the eventual case has to be that this was all a joint enterprise and it is not required that the prosecution prove who did exactly what

They all planned and carried out the scheme.
I am not sure if Lori calls Chad every morning but I find it very odd and strange that she called Chad at that exact moment he was sitting in his car the morning of the search.

Is it possible he texted Lori?

Of course we would believe that a raccoon just happened to be buried on the exact same day that one of the kids was buried. He is grasping at straws!

IMO, Prior was trying to build a foundation for thinking Chad buried the raccoon but not the children; and that the children were in fact buried by Alex without Chad knowing about it. The raccoon skeleton is necessary to help prove this theory.

This is just a guess though, considering that if I remembered the fact of Alex’s phone pinging multiple times at CD’s, then so will CD’s attorney.
IMO, Prior was trying to build a foundation for thinking Chad buried the raccoon but not the children; and that the children were in fact buried by Alex without Chad knowing about it. The raccoon skeleton is necessary to help prove this theory.

This is just a guess though, considering that if I remembered the fact of Alex’s phone pinging multiple times at CD’s, then so will CD’s attorney.

I think its kind of a passive "throw mud on the wall" approach - as burden of proof is on the prosecution to show Chad's involvement. Can they show Chad was physically present?

IMO this is why the conspiracy charges were added. If the prosecution cannot show Chad was doing the burning and the digging, it surely is beyond argument that Chad was a knowing participant in the conspiracy around those actions, if not a physical participant in the digging.
I wonder if they have phone pings for alex at the time somebody shot at tammy.
IIRC they did say they have digital evidence linking him to Tammy's death, but have not given detail.

Thanks to @Tortoise for linking the transcript of the MG recording.

This exchange strikes me as devastating for the defence.

Melanie Gibb
“I just wanted to ask you a question if you don’t mind, Lori.”

Lori Daybell
“Of course, honey.”

Melanie Gibb
“I wanted to know, remember we talked about JJ going to Kay’s [Woodcock, JJ’s grandmother and Lori’s sister-in-law from prior husband Charles Vallow] house? And he told me they went there. And now he’s not there. I was wondering what happened?”

Lori Daybell
“Well, I had to move in somewhere else because of her actions. So…”

Melanie Gibb
“Was she, was she doing something? Like was she trying to come get them or something or, like trying to kidnap them?”

Lori Daybell
“Well, she’s, yeah, she said that often times before, but, umm…”

Melanie Gibb
“Okay. Well, you know, when I asked Chad the other day, I was like, Hey, you know, where is JJ? And he said for my security, he didn’t want me to know. So is there a reason I should be in danger to know where he is?”

Lori Daybell
“No, it’s nobody. It’s his danger. It’s the danger that there’s people after me.”

Melanie Gibb

Chad Daybell
“We just thought if you knew, that puts you in a danger.”

Lori Daybell
“Well, just in a bad position.”

Chad Daybell
“Yeah, a bad position for her.”​

This sounded like a veiled threat to MG from this demonic pair IMO.
Justin Lum published another document last night (BBM):

A “newsletter” allegedly written and sent out by Chad Daybell on 3/7/19. It talks about his vision of “a night of fire” couple months after a St. George Church burned in Utah. The document says characters in his books are based on his kids & the villains are based on real people too.

“I believe our most isolated communities are going to feel the heat soon, due to government tactics and the rising up of groups that have different moral standards than the Church.”

Justin Lum Fox 10 Phoenix

Chad says in the newsletter (published on AVOW?) that his novels are based on his actual visions that have been fictionalized. The main part of the newsletter is his (and HS's) vision of Christians being persecuted by the government and their churches being destroyed.
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That’s what it sounds like. All this over raccoon?
It's easy to find the racoon. Ask Chad where he buried it and get him to locate the spot. He will then probably send them to the July racoon he supposedly shot and buried. But how did he not see Alex burying and burning Tylee while he was dealing with the September racoon?
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