Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #53

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Do you think Lori would have killed her children before she met Chad? I agree, she was a horrible human, but Tylee made it to 16 years old, and I'm not sure she would have killed those children if Chad had not entered the picture. Shocked that I wrote that, because she was the epitome of a horrible mother and a complete waste of a human.

marriedto CV for 11 yrs...
Lori Vallow arrested in Hawaii: Deaths tied to missing Idaho kids' mom

end of this article says that CD was told by LVD that she had "an angel to help her dispose of his body"
Im not sure if this has been discussed, I know what CD was considered a religious leader since he was a teen, but is there any evidence of him kind of forming his own cult within the church or having a light/dark rating system prior to meeting LV? Part of me wonders if she encouraged him to get more power within the church or maybe he'd always had these beliefs and just held back sharing them. Its the whole chicken or egg debate

My understanding is that Chad was religious as a teen and at the top of his seminary class, but I don't believe he was ever a leader of any group, now or then. Eric Smith, in this Court TV interview, says that women especially seemed drawn to Chad and his past life readings, and that there always seemed to be a little group of them hanging around:

Research Associate Christopher Blythe, in this article from The Salt Lake Tribune, states that Chad was "an important voice in certain LDS prepper communities", but left him out of his own thesis published by the Oxford University Press, because he "didn't think he was as interesting" as some of other apparently visionary writers, such as Julie Rowe. Blythe's article traces some of the teachings that Chad espoused while saying that it is the first he has ever heard of the so-called zombie teaching within the Mormon church:

Jana Riess: Chad Daybell’s strange end times beliefs are not Mormon theology, says historian

Julie Rowe, in a podcast interview on the Year Of Polygamy podcast states that the light/dark scale was copied from someone else on a website called pure revelations.
Ballpark ranking of LDS leaders and members was given under his rubric:

Most LDS members were rated 2L, most Bishops and ward leaders 3L, stake presidents and General Authorities 4L, most apostles 5L and some 6L.

As I read through the list again, I'm struck by the thought that CD actually made this list, and I have to wonder what he was thinking as he made it. Did he think he would convince LV that he was a great prophet? Did he honestly believe what he was writing down?

Part of me thinks he's just pure evil and that he did it all to manipulate those who were gullible enough to believe hm, mainly MP and LV, although maybe MG in the beginning--to an extent.

But then, given that he was dumb enough to put (or let Alex put) the bodies in his backyard, another part of me thinks he really was delusional enough to believe his own bs.

Some people (very few, I think) actually hear voices in their heads. Could that be CD?
As I read through the list again, I'm struck by the thought that CD actually made this list, and I have to wonder what he was thinking as he made it. Did he think he would convince LV that he was a great prophet? Did he honestly believe what he was writing down?

Part of me thinks he's just pure evil and that he did it all to manipulate those who were gullible enough to believe hm, mainly MP and LV, although maybe MG in the beginning--to an extent.

But then, given that he was dumb enough to put (or let Alex put) the bodies in his backyard, another part of me thinks he really was delusional enough to believe his own bs.

Some people (very few, I think) actually hear voices in their heads. Could that be CD?
Some people believe that Chad borrowed most of his ideas from others. Previous post indicates that he might have copied the light/dark rating system from someone else. He did take it to another level by introducing zombies. If I had to pick who was a greater believer between Lori and Chad it would be her.
@Gardener1850 I just wanted to say that anytime you want to take your baby back, (the timeline :D) please just tag me in a post to let me know. Also feel free to change anything about the way I've done it, since I'm a novice and I found that was the only way I could organize such a beast, you probably have a different method. (Sorry to call your baby a beast, but that's what it became while your back was turned!!)

I'll continue keeping notes until you tell me you're back, but during this lull before the next developments I've only got one new entry ready for the next update, from Annie Cushing's recent youtube video, where she said CV and LV moved from Queen Creek to Gilbert AZ on 1st Jan 2019. She said they'd lived in Queen Creek for about a year and she thought the moving date was odd being in such close proximity to Christmas. AnC also says their bishop GB lived very close by to the new house, and in fact on the bodycam footage from the purse incident MG says she bumped into JM visiting GB, whether before or after the visit isn't clear. This seems odd to me since GB was at the house with Charles in the early hours that morning. I don't see why JM would have told MG to go to the police, unless he knew LV was there already and knew about the purse incident too. Sounds like secret communications to me if CV had LV's phone, how did any of them communicate with her? TR asked MG if she had the text CV sent her from LV's phone and MG quietly says, 'I don't have it on my phone'. I think they would see she had been texting with LV so she didn't want to get her phone out to show them.

7:02 in bodycam footage:
MG: "So I was sitting there in the, you know, coming out of her neighborhood after he conned me to go to the house and I pulled over you know by that [pool?] and then I see this guy that I know like just like...
LV: Our good friend, he's a police officer
MG: ...just right in front of me on the side of the road and I'm like 'that looks like Jason', I'm like 'hang on, that's Jason! He's police guy! I'm gonna go...', so he goes, I'm like 'Jason, what are you doing over here?' he goes 'I was just going visiting Gabe.' I'm like 'hey, I just want to know what's going on' he goes 'yeah go down to the police office now'. I'm like 'okay'.

BODY CAM: Gilbert PD asks Lori Vallow to go to CBI
As I read through the list again, I'm struck by the thought that CD actually made this list, and I have to wonder what he was thinking as he made it. Did he think he would convince LV that he was a great prophet? Did he honestly believe what he was writing down?

Part of me thinks he's just pure evil and that he did it all to manipulate those who were gullible enough to believe hm, mainly MP and LV, although maybe MG in the beginning--to an extent.

But then, given that he was dumb enough to put (or let Alex put) the bodies in his backyard, another part of me thinks he really was delusional enough to believe his own bs.

Some people (very few, I think) actually hear voices in their heads. Could that be CD?
these are all great questions, and to add to it i wonder if he was grabbing ideas from previous prophets because he original ideas or because he liked their beliefs. How can someone manipulate masterfully manipulate the community around him one minute but then make such crucial and careless errors the next? Ive done some research on delusions (and im by no means saying CD suffered from actual delusions) but here are cases were people can go in and out of states of psychosis. So maybe it was something like that? Or maybe it was being pushed by LV, but then I question which one of them is the true mastermind and its a real rabbit hole from there
I'm not LDS either. This isn't a church ranking, it's Chad's own designation to separate good (L-light) from evil (D-dark) people. Dark people were in danger of becoming zombies and getting killed. That's how he justified all the murders. He ranked LDS representatives according to their status in the church (6L was the highest level).
So Chad, the self-proclaimed prophet, visionary, or deity came up with this whole bullcrap rating thing on his own.

This is a man who twisted LDS beliefs into his own warped and perverted agenda, cheated on his wife, ran off to Hawaii to marry a nut case just days after his wife's death, threw his new wife's friend under the bus, knowingly lied to police, is accused of felonious crimes, is highly suspected of murdering people, had his new wife's children's bodies found buried on his property in unbelievably horrible condition, ran off when LE found the bodies, got caught and now sits in jail. The list could go on but it would fill this post to the point of overflow.

Since he enjoyed rating people, I wonder how he would rate himself.
So Chad, the self-proclaimed prophet, visionary, or deity came up with this whole bullcrap rating thing on his own.

This is a man who twisted LDS beliefs into his own warped and perverted agenda, cheated on his wife, ran off to Hawaii to marry a nut case just days after his wife's death, threw his new wife's friend under the bus, knowingly lied to police, is accused of felonious crimes, is highly suspected of murdering people, had his new wife's children's bodies found buried on his property in unbelievably horrible condition, ran off when LE found the bodies, got caught and now sits in jail. The list could go on but it would fill this post to the point of overflow.

Since he enjoyed rating people, I wonder how he would rate himself.
Well, as a prophet he likely rated himself 6L (we know that Lori was 4.3L). Everyone they killed was deemed dark and/or a zombie. The two detectives that performed the initial welfare check (Hermosillo and Hope) were labeled as dark translated beings.
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@Gardener1850 I just wanted to say that anytime you want to take your baby back, (the timeline :D) please just tag me in a post to let me know. Also feel free to change anything about the way I've done it, since I'm a novice and I found that was the only way I could organize such a beast, you probably have a different method. (Sorry to call your baby a beast, but that's what it became while your back was turned!!)

I'll continue keeping notes until you tell me you're back, but during this lull before the next developments I've only got one new entry ready for the next update, from Annie Cushing's recent youtube video, where she said CV and LV moved from Queen Creek to Gilbert AZ on 1st Jan 2019. She said they'd lived in Queen Creek for about a year and she thought the moving date was odd being in such close proximity to Christmas. AnC also says their bishop GB lived very close by to the new house, and in fact on the bodycam footage from the purse incident MG says she bumped into JM visiting GB, whether before or after the visit isn't clear. This seems odd to me since GB was at the house with Charles in the early hours that morning. I don't see why JM would have told MG to go to the police, unless he knew LV was there already and knew about the purse incident too. Sounds like secret communications to me if CV had LV's phone, how did any of them communicate with her? TR asked MG if she had the text CV sent her from LV's phone and MG quietly says, 'I don't have it on my phone'. I think they would see she had been texting with LV so she didn't want to get her phone out to show them.

7:02 in bodycam footage:
MG: "So I was sitting there in the, you know, coming out of her neighborhood after he conned me to go to the house and I pulled over you know by that [pool?] and then I see this guy that I know like just like...
LV: Our good friend, he's a police officer
MG: ...just right in front of me on the side of the road and I'm like 'that looks like Jason', I'm like 'hang on, that's Jason! He's police guy! I'm gonna go...', so he goes, I'm like 'Jason, what are you doing over here?' he goes 'I was just going visiting Gabe.' I'm like 'hey, I just want to know what's going on' he goes 'yeah go down to the police office now'. I'm like 'okay'.

BODY CAM: Gilbert PD asks Lori Vallow to go to CBI
Lori reportedly met MG in 2018 in church. Did Lori stay in the same church ward after moving from Queen Creek to Gilbert at the start of 2019?

MG said that she confided in her bishop after Alex's death. Was that bishop GB?
@Gardener1850 I just wanted to say that anytime you want to take your baby back, (the timeline :D) please just tag me in a post to let me know. Also feel free to change anything about the way I've done it, since I'm a novice and I found that was the only way I could organize such a beast, you probably have a different method. (Sorry to call your baby a beast, but that's what it became while your back was turned!!)

I'll continue keeping notes until you tell me you're back, but during this lull before the next developments I've only got one new entry ready for the next update, from Annie Cushing's recent youtube video, where she said CV and LV moved from Queen Creek to Gilbert AZ on 1st Jan 2019. She said they'd lived in Queen Creek for about a year and she thought the moving date was odd being in such close proximity to Christmas. AnC also says their bishop GB lived very close by to the new house, and in fact on the bodycam footage from the purse incident MG says she bumped into JM visiting GB, whether before or after the visit isn't clear. This seems odd to me since GB was at the house with Charles in the early hours that morning. I don't see why JM would have told MG to go to the police, unless he knew LV was there already and knew about the purse incident too. Sounds like secret communications to me if CV had LV's phone, how did any of them communicate with her? TR asked MG if she had the text CV sent her from LV's phone and MG quietly says, 'I don't have it on my phone'. I think they would see she had been texting with LV so she didn't want to get her phone out to show them.

7:02 in bodycam footage:
MG: "So I was sitting there in the, you know, coming out of her neighborhood after he conned me to go to the house and I pulled over you know by that [pool?] and then I see this guy that I know like just like...
LV: Our good friend, he's a police officer
MG: ...just right in front of me on the side of the road and I'm like 'that looks like Jason', I'm like 'hang on, that's Jason! He's police guy! I'm gonna go...', so he goes, I'm like 'Jason, what are you doing over here?' he goes 'I was just going visiting Gabe.' I'm like 'hey, I just want to know what's going on' he goes 'yeah go down to the police office now'. I'm like 'okay'.

BODY CAM: Gilbert PD asks Lori Vallow to go to CBI

We have several indications that LV carried three phones. One had her "public" number, which she published in the ad for the sale of JJ's dog, and which her mother showed MSM in the claim that JJ spoke to her on Oct 1.

The second was the phone she used for private communication with Chad.*

The third phone was the one whose purpose MG artfully dodged in the EIN interview. It is possible this phone was used for private communication with MG. If this was the phone that CV took with the purse and used to text MG, it would explain why MG wouldn't want to expose its number to LE. (It's plausible that if MG was accompanying LV, it would be the dedicated MG phone LV would leave in her purse, and the Chad and "public" phones she'd have on her person.)

Pretty heavy-duty communications security. Do we really think CD/LV/MG could cook that up on their own?

*As an aside, I believe that Chad told LE during the welfare check that he didn't know LV's phone number because he couldn't remember her "public" number -- he never called her on that phone. And he didn't want to give them the number of their private link.
I was searching for the audio of when police talked to Chad. Does anyone have a link handy as I cannot find after searching for more than 15 minutes, and know some here are organized! TIA

I was just listening to Lori with the two instances of the police going to her door and knocking looking for JJ, then back after they could not reach MG. She also stated to police that Tylee lived there, and that she went to BYU. And setting up to them that she was moving to live with MG. (As they were leaving the next day, assume the house was all packed up, and a reason why bodycam wasn't shown in court is ???) Also on reslistening she stated that her brother that lives in Kansas had come by in Rexburg... the one "that is trying to kill me". He's been quiet since the start of this case.

I'm like others, in that they both put a jab of the truth in everything as did Casey Anthony many times but twisted it as a double entendre kinda thing. Makes me cringe to even think about her reference to "Frozen 2"..... -->> frozen too?... I can assume that the ME could tell in the short term if a body had been wrapped up tightly with plastic and duct tape and put in a freezer wrapped like many folks wrap meat, and then pulled out of a freezer to bury, (sorry to say that..don't know how to say to get thought across) and buried afterwards as that has specific pathology of cells. But after being in the ground for so long... dunno.

I hate this case and where it makes my mind go. As so many victims families state... I want to know the truth as what I'm imagining may be even worse iykwim.
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I was searching for the audio of when police talked to Chad. Does anyone have a link handy as I cannot find after searching for more than 15 minutes, and know some here are organized! TIA

I was just listening to Lori with the two instances of the police going to her door and knocking looking for JJ, then back after they could not reach MG. She also stated to police that Tylee lived there, and that she went to BYU. And setting up to them that she was moving to live with MG. (As they were leaving the next day, assume the house was all packed up, and a reason why bodycam wasn't shown in court is ???) Also on reslistening she stated that her brother that lives in Kansas had come by in Rexburg... the one "that is trying to kill me". He's been quiet since the start of this case.

I'm like others, in that they both put a jab of the truth in everything as did Casey Anthony many times but twisted it as a double entendre kinda thing. Makes me cringe to even think about her reference to "Frozen 2"..... -->> frozen too?... I can assume that the ME could tell in the short term if a body had been wrapped up tightly with plastic and duct tape and put in a freezer wrapped like many folks wrap meat, and then pulled out of a freezer to bury, (sorry to say that..don't know how to say to get thought across) and buried afterwards as that has specific pathology of cells. But after being in the ground for so long... dunno.

I hate this case and where it makes my mind go. As so many victims families state... I want to know the truth as what I'm imagining may be even worse iykwim.
It wasn't recorded per Det. Hermosillo's testimony at the preliminary hearing (first question by Prior on cross). They talked with him twice on the 26th (per affadavit) but since Hermosillo's answer was that it wasn't common practice for the detectives to wear body cams I assume neither encounter was recorded.

Ummm, wasn't Prior there at the time to state such? Some attys are quick on their feet, others aren't (Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't) I guess him asking to the transcript will save the rest of MSM and others from having to pay to transcribe :p

"Prior claims the accusations against Daybell made in the criminal complaint filed by Wood are “vague and broad.” Prior says that Daybell’s constitutional rights are being violated because he can not be “fairly notified and apprised of when, how and what he is accused of doing.”

"Along with the motion, Prior asked that a transcript of the preliminary hearing be produced and that a hearing to dismiss the charges be pushed out long enough for him to review the evidence and the transcript."

Anyone have link w/ screenshot? to this actual submission yet other than the overview article?
I do hope that the prosecution puts up a board with this confusing timeline to the jury! In addition MOO it will be VERY important to let the jury know that this is a demonstrative exhibit, and will NOT be allowed in the jury room.. same as the cell phone presentations that will be done.

That MOO was an error that happened in the Dan Markel case and another one.. where the jury asked for and the judge then told them ... No, cannot send back as it's not the original confusing technical jargon which the jury was lost on - some had depended/thought they would have access to in the jury room.

Hoping prosecutors during trial can let the jury know when this happens so they can take really good diagrams and notes!

Snipped your excellent post for focus and hope one of our attorneys can weigh in on this.

So important. I assume the Prosecution can mention this in opening and closing. Is there anything else they can do or say during the actual testimony to stress the importance to the jury?
Yes, I think Lori's life on the run, since she was old enough to leave home and get married at least, using whatever name suited her at the time for herself and her children, set her up into believing she was invincible. I can hardly believe she abandoned Colby, but she did. But it doesn't sound so unbelievable, with the knowledge Tylee and JJ were murdered. Didn't care she had a new granddaughter. No loyalty to, or love for, anyone, ever.

Yet she has family that remained loyal to her at least up until the bodies were found. Now...crickets. It remains to be seen whether they’ll still be backing her at her trials but it will not surprise me if they are. I figure she had to have been raised to feel she was pretty special and deserving of whatever she wanted in life, regardless the cost to anyone else. I’d like to know if that loyalty was out of love for her or fear of her.
iCourt Portal - Online records & payments for the Idaho courts

Case Information

CR22-20-0755 | State of Idaho Plaintiff, vs. Chad Guy Daybell Defendant.

  • 08/27/2020 Notice

    Notice of Compliance

  • 08/27/2020 Request

    Request for Preliminary Hearing Transcript

  • 08/27/2020 Motion to Dismiss

    Motion to Dismiss

  • 08/27/2020 Motion to Enlarge

    Motion to Extend Time to Hear 12(b) Motions
Chad Daybell's attorney asks for case to be dropped | East Idaho News

In article: Wood has not responded to Prior’s motion, and as of Tuesday, a hearing had not been set on the motion to dismiss.
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