Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #53

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Family Court Case Information - Case History

Case Number: FC2019-095384
Brandon Boudreaux
Melani Boudreaux

Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party

8/27/2020 REL - Reply 8/28/2020


8/25/2020 REL - Reply 8/27/2020

I obviously cant say for sure without the case file, but i think this is a tactic being intentionally used to pressure the prosecution. in the article Prior states "the prosecution has yet to present evidence to support when the alleged acts is (sic) supposedly to have taken place and if the defendant acted in any manner to support the allegations." Im guessing the defense hasnt received the results of any of the forensic testing done yet (most likely because the prosecution hasnt gotten it back) and this motion is a way for the defense to get the judge to pressure the prosecution or maybe set a hard date to have everything turned over to them. However, this case is wild so you never know. JMO
Completely agree, I think the defense is trying to see some of the cards that the prosecution is holding so they have time to build a reasonable defense, if they can spin one...
As to draining funds.... don't we have one lawyer who is at the lock up most days..?? Ca-Ching! Hourly rate!

Hmm, any updates as to visiting in the last week as to the lawyer visiting in town ( from @RexburgSleuth or other locals ) as we had beforehand?
Sorry I haven’t updated much as there really hasn’t been too much of a change. Jmo
Completely agree, I think the defense is trying to see some of the cards that the prosecution is holding so they have time to build a reasonable defense, if they can spin one...
i checked the case event and the defense filed a motion asking to get discovery on 6/12/20 and again on 8/17/20 and they still havent received it, Id be pissed to if I were the defense attorney. I gotta give Prior a pass on this one
i think its link to a pdfs internet URL rather than an upload of a pdf
Thank you. On PC and just lately wants to download the attachments. Don't know why. Sometimes it's just a link I can link open but most are downloads. Weird. Thank you for your reply. Sorry for the o/t.
yes but the standard for trial and a preliminary hearing are difference. at the preliminary hearing they only presented personal testimony and circumstantial evidence. to date theres been nothing forensically linking chad to this case as far as i know

The whole purpose of the preliminary hearing is to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial. The question was already decided.

Furthermore, forensic evidence is circumstantial evidence.

I mean how much better "forensic evidence" can you get that the bodies buried on your property to link you to the crime?
JP is probably just doing what he's supposed to do. He's throwing out a one in a million chance that the judge will say, "You're right, Mr. JP. With a search warrant, local law enforcement and the FBI found the two dead kids they've been looking for buried on your client's property. They have been there for the last nine months with the obvious intent of hiding them, but there is no forensic evidence at all. Our mistake. Sorry".

C'mon, JP. You can do better than this.

It's literally that stupid.
"Prior claims the accusations against Daybell made in the criminal complaint filed by Wood are “vague and broad.” Prior says that Daybell’s constitutional rights are being violated because he can not be “fairly notified and apprised of when, how and what he is accused of doing.”


I am wondering if this is more tactical - to force amendments to the indictment to particularise more specifically, the precise acts CD is accused of - to open up opportunities for the defence.

I haven't looked a the indictment to see exactly what specific conduct they charged him with. But even this seems like thin sauce, as the prosecution can't be expected to know exactly when and how he did this, or who carried the shovel so to speak. To my mind it seems to be enough that he has conduct before and after the burial, that indicates he knew the bodies were there, and sought to conceal the same.

Justin Lum

NEW: Chad Daybell’s attorney filed a motion for a judge to dismiss his client’s case. Last month, Daybell pleaded not guilty to 2 counts of concealment, destruction or alteration of evidence & 2 counts of conspiracy to commit concealment, destruction or altering of evidence.

I mean the prosecution case is Chadders either physically did it himself, or was part of a conspiracy where someone else did the physical acts. One or the other must be true.

This seems very very dumb.
@Gardener1850 I just wanted to say that anytime you want to take your baby back, (the timeline :D) please just tag me in a post to let me know. Also feel free to change anything about the way I've done it, since I'm a novice and I found that was the only way I could organize such a beast, you probably have a different method. (Sorry to call your baby a beast, but that's what it became while your back was turned!!)

I'll continue keeping notes until you tell me you're back, but during this lull before the next developments I've only got one new entry ready for the next update, from Annie Cushing's recent youtube video, where she said CV and LV moved from Queen Creek to Gilbert AZ on 1st Jan 2019. She said they'd lived in Queen Creek for about a year and she thought the moving date was odd being in such close proximity to Christmas. AnC also says their bishop GB lived very close by to the new house, and in fact on the bodycam footage from the purse incident MG says she bumped into JM visiting GB, whether before or after the visit isn't clear. This seems odd to me since GB was at the house with Charles in the early hours that morning. I don't see why JM would have told MG to go to the police, unless he knew LV was there already and knew about the purse incident too. Sounds like secret communications to me if CV had LV's phone, how did any of them communicate with her? TR asked MG if she had the text CV sent her from LV's phone and MG quietly says, 'I don't have it on my phone'. I think they would see she had been texting with LV so she didn't want to get her phone out to show them.

7:02 in bodycam footage:
MG: "So I was sitting there in the, you know, coming out of her neighborhood after he conned me to go to the house and I pulled over you know by that [pool?] and then I see this guy that I know like just like...
LV: Our good friend, he's a police officer
MG: ...just right in front of me on the side of the road and I'm like 'that looks like Jason', I'm like 'hang on, that's Jason! He's police guy! I'm gonna go...', so he goes, I'm like 'Jason, what are you doing over here?' he goes 'I was just going visiting Gabe.' I'm like 'hey, I just want to know what's going on' he goes 'yeah go down to the police office now'. I'm like 'okay'.

BODY CAM: Gilbert PD asks Lori Vallow to go to CBI

You can write a book on it mate!

I expect 5 shoddily written PDFs on amazon for $2.99 before we go to trial
Hi, apologies if a) this has been said before, and b) if an answer has been given before - I am just too tired and lazy to read the last gazillion posts. But I can't help but notice the difference between those poor kids' bodies. JJ's was intact, but Tylee's in pieces - unless I'm wrong. Why the huge difference? Was Tylee particularly hated? Or what? It can't be all down to resistance, can it? Those poor kids.
As I read through the list again, I'm struck by the thought that CD actually made this list, and I have to wonder what he was thinking as he made it. Did he think he would convince LV that he was a great prophet? Did he honestly believe what he was writing down?

Part of me thinks he's just pure evil and that he did it all to manipulate those who were gullible enough to believe hm, mainly MP and LV, although maybe MG in the beginning--to an extent.

But then, given that he was dumb enough to put (or let Alex put) the bodies in his backyard, another part of me thinks he really was delusional enough to believe his own bs.

Some people (very few, I think) actually hear voices in their heads. Could that be CD?
Take the religious aspect out of it and Chad’s rankings sound like something Jr. High “mean girls” do. Chad and Lori felt superior as they discussed and judged everyone they could think of.

In addition to their myriad of other character flaws, it seems they both peaked before they were old enough to drive.

So Chad, the self-proclaimed prophet, visionary, or deity came up with this whole bullcrap rating thing on his own.

This is a man who twisted LDS beliefs into his own warped and perverted agenda, cheated on his wife, ran off to Hawaii to marry a nut case just days after his wife's death, threw his new wife's friend under the bus, knowingly lied to police, is accused of felonious crimes, is highly suspected of murdering people, had his new wife's children's bodies found buried on his property in unbelievably horrible condition, ran off when LE found the bodies, got caught and now sits in jail. The list could go on but it would fill this post to the point of overflow.

Since he enjoyed rating people, I wonder how he would rate himself.
Clearly he’s a misunderstood victim and martyr.
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