Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #53

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This should be able to be handled by a judge through a simple phone call to one of CD's multiple phones. Any phone will do:
"Denied" hangup. :)

I suppose all defense attorneys try to get their cases thrown out any chance they get. I am afraid this is one of many attempts the defense will try. JMO
Umm. Isn’t the whole purpose of a preliminary hearing to determine if there’s enough evidence to go to trial? The judge heard the evidence and said “yes there is”. So now, weeks later, Prior wakes up from some secret coma to contest the decision. Is that common? IANAL but hasn’t that ship sailed?.
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Dear @Tortoise ,

The baby beast is officially yours until it leaves the nest, lol! :D
I expected more love from a mother... :D

Seriously, I'm planning on giving it a bit of an overhaul but it might not happen until about October time. There's probably some stuff that can be culled now that we're getting more clarity on some of the early information.
Hi, apologies if a) this has been said before, and b) if an answer has been given before - I am just too tired and lazy to read the last gazillion posts. But I can't help but notice the difference between those poor kids' bodies. JJ's was intact, but Tylee's in pieces - unless I'm wrong. Why the huge difference? Was Tylee particularly hated? Or what? It can't be all down to resistance, can it? Those poor kids.
Yes, the difference in treatment of the bodies has been addressed a few times on the thread. IIRC the prevailing theory was that the perps learned from Tylee's case that it takes too long to burn a body so they didn't try again with JJ. Another possibility is that JJ's body was smaller and easier to conceal. IMO there could have been resentment towards Tylee if she confronted Lori about anything, especially related to Chad and their beliefs. It's also possible that they tried to cover up a violent manner of death by burning. Some people might speculate that a ritual was involved, but I don't find that likely.

ETA: I wonder if Tylee knew the true reason why they were moving to Rexburg. Not the part about being murdered, of course. I mean Lori's attraction to Chad.
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I wonder what he has to say to his children now. Is he still trying to manipulate them? No doubt when it comes to Tammy, but what about Tylee and JJ? Would any relative in a similar situation believe that their loved one has been framed?
Prior is banking on convincing a jury Chad was framed so I’m sure that’s the story Chad is telling his kids. Deep down inside most and maybe all of them know that’s ridiculous, but I bet one or more are in deep denial and buy it.

With that many kids it’s likely they aren’t all on the same page anymore. I wonder how that will play out. Can they agree to disagree? That’s hard to imagine.

They’ve just lost their Mother and Daddy is in the slammer. Their relationship w/their Mother’s family is strained. And now some sibling relationships may be fractured. Then there are Chad’s Grandkids. Being a Daybell in that small town must be awfully, awfully hard for a kid.

It’s just so sad. For the sake of everyone but himself Chad should be beating himself up over what he’s done. Instead he’s professing his innocence. Pure pond scum.
Yes, the difference in treatment of the bodies has been addressed a few times on the thread. IIRC the prevailing theory was that the perps learned from Tylee's case that it takes too long to burn a body so they didn't try again with JJ. Another possibility is that JJ's body was smaller and easier to conceal. IMO there could have been resentment towards Tylee if she confronted Lori about anything, especially related to Chad and their beliefs. It's also possible that they tried to cover up a violent manner of death by burning. Some people might speculate that a ritual was involved, but I don't find that likely.

ETA: I wonder if Tylee knew the true reason why they were moving to Rexburg. Not the part about being murdered, of course. I mean Lori's attraction to Chad.

Thank you very much for your answer, you have offered several believable possibilities. And yes, Tylee was of an age to question and confront, and maybe even scoff at their beliefs.
Thank you very much for your answer, you have offered several believable possibilities. And yes, Tylee was of an age to question and confront, and maybe even scoff at their beliefs.
Before they moved to Rexford I wonder if Tylee knew Chad was married. And once she found out I wonder if she was OK with it. Could the motive for killing her been as simple as preventing her from disclosing the affair?

I know it would seem not since Chad and Lori apparently were comfortable walking around holding hands, but they were smug enough to believe they wouldn’t be caught. A teenager who could rat on them might be a different story.

I am wondering if this is more tactical - to force amendments to the indictment to particularise more specifically, the precise acts CD is accused of - to open up opportunities for the defence.

I haven't looked a the indictment to see exactly what specific conduct they charged him with. But even this seems like thin sauce, as the prosecution can't be expected to know exactly when and how he did this, or who carried the shovel so to speak. To my mind it seems to be enough that he has conduct before and after the burial, that indicates he knew the bodies were there, and sought to conceal the same.

Understand, that's why I think for charges....LE will stick with conspiracy for charges now and in the future. I just hate that some jurors in cases have demanded to know how someone was killed. Blows my mind, and I would definitely hang a jury vs. e.g. the Casey Anthony case. That's probably why now I would never be seated on a jury (ha! but I have been seated 2 times out of 4 calls... but they were contract law and drugs vs. murder for which I think I would be kicked during voire dire MOO)
Hi, apologies if a) this has been said before, and b) if an answer has been given before - I am just too tired and lazy to read the last gazillion posts. But I can't help but notice the difference between those poor kids' bodies. JJ's was intact, but Tylee's in pieces - unless I'm wrong. Why the huge difference? Was Tylee particularly hated? Or what? It can't be all down to resistance, can it? Those poor kids.

I've thought of that, now you have made me really *think* of that. We had discussed timing to bury and hide etc... and now considering method of murder required for one to be burned to cover the method (a la why some folks do arson, to destroy the evidence?)

Doubt we will ever ever know.

And hopefully the jury can overcome having to KNOW the way they died to make a decision. I have never understood why some juries give acquittals actually stating to the media that this was the reason they acquitted. Just is dumbfounding to me... key word... dumb!
Umm. Isn’t the whole purpose of a preliminary hearing to determine if there’s enough evidence to go to trial? The judge heard the evidence and said “yes there is”. So now, weeks later, Prior wakes up from some secret coma to contest the decision. Is that common? IANAL but hasn’t that ship sailed?.

And, a way to pizz of the judge! SMH
I expected more love from a mother... :D

Seriously, I'm planning on giving it a bit of an overhaul but it might not happen until about October time. There's probably some stuff that can be culled now that we're getting more clarity on some of the early information.

I think that you two have contributed so much in the past, and in the future, for so many media, LE, family member who is following this case etc etc. There is nothing like it anywhere, and has been so very key MOO.

Thank you and @Gardener1850 for all your efforts on such a big case. Your efforts are recognized here, and you may never know how instrumental it has been. Significant in my opinion!
Umm. Isn’t the whole purpose of a preliminary hearing to determine if there’s enough evidence to go to trial? The judge heard the evidence and said “yes there is”. So now, weeks later, Prior wakes up from some secret coma to contest the decision. Is that common? IANAL but hasn’t that ship sailed?.

I can sort of understand the defense saying "this is not specific enough for us," but if prosecutors were forced to state "a time," they do know that the time is between the last sighting of the children and when CD and LVD left for Hawaii. Maybe CD is hoping to say that "things happened at the ranch" while he was away, but the drone photo of the disturbance to the property and the phone evidence and the raccoon scenario are all earlier. Maybe a jury would find CD more credible than LVD and AC, but as a property owner, you always have some residual responsibility for what happens on your land IMO, and the evidence of the bodies will horrify a jury, IMO.
Yes, the difference in treatment of the bodies has been addressed a few times on the thread. IIRC the prevailing theory was that the perps learned from Tylee's case that it takes too long to burn a body so they didn't try again with JJ. Another possibility is that JJ's body was smaller and easier to conceal. IMO there could have been resentment towards Tylee if she confronted Lori about anything, especially related to Chad and their beliefs. It's also possible that they tried to cover up a violent manner of death by burning. Some people might speculate that a ritual was involved, but I don't find that likely.

ETA: I wonder if Tylee knew the true reason why they were moving to Rexburg. Not the part about being murdered, of course. I mean Lori's attraction to Chad.

Do we know if the children ever actually met CD? That is another weird aspect of this story.
Thank you very much for your answer, you have offered several believable possibilities. And yes, Tylee was of an age to question and confront, and maybe even scoff at their beliefs.

I wonder if her death, while planned, actually happened quicker than anticipated. Maybe Tylee was getting ready to jump ship. And that couldn't happen!
Prior is banking on convincing a jury Chad was framed so I’m sure that’s the story Chad is telling his kids. Deep down inside most and maybe all of them know that’s ridiculous, but I bet one or more are in deep denial and buy it.

With that many kids it’s likely they aren’t all on the same page anymore. I wonder how that will play out. Can they agree to disagree? That’s hard to imagine.

They’ve just lost their Mother and Daddy is in the slammer. Their relationship w/their Mother’s family is strained. And now some sibling relationships may be fractured. Then there are Chad’s Grandkids. Being a Daybell in that small town must be awfully, awfully hard for a kid.

It’s just so sad. For the sake of everyone but himself Chad should be beating himself up over what he’s done. Instead he’s professing his innocence. Pure pond scum.

If their childhood experience of their father was good, they may still love him despite everything and hope for his acquittal. It might be easy for them to see LVD as the cause of everything. If they have had doubts about CD in the past or found his book writing and travel alienating and if they suspect he had something to do with their mother's death, they might feel guilty for not 'protecting her." IMO.
Do we know if the children ever actually met CD? That is another weird aspect of this story.
We don't know that, but Tylee knew that Lori carried several phones with her ("Mom, you look like a drug dealer"), so she might have overheard her talking to Chad. Lori's sister said in her interview that she only met Chad once, so perhaps Tylee met him, too.
I really think Tylee was killed for threatening to call the police about Charles death. From all we have heard about Tylee, she was not one to blindly follow Lori. I think she may have threatened to reveal the truth which set Lori off. I believe Tylee was actually murdered by lori not Alex or anyone else. I feel lori was in a rage and they got into a physical fight.

I know how crazy it sounds but this is something that happens. I have actually only been in one physical altercation in my life and sadly, it was with my own mother. She was in a rage because I said something she didn't like and like Tylee, I was a 17 year old that didn't hold back with my opinion or calling people out on their bs.

So, with all that said, I think Lori was so angry with Tylee that she was able to kill her. I know we haven't heard the kids autopsy results but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Tylee was strangled.

JJ I think was overmedicated so that he wouldnt bug Lori and MG &DW while they did their cult-y stuff and was taken to ACs apartment to sleep and that it was there that AC realized he was unconscious or dead. His death seems less rage filled. I think all the excess packing of his body was so that no fluids would leak while they figured out how to dispose of him once the guests left. I think JJs death was atleast partly accidental but also very convenient for Lori to be able to move on with her Hawaiian life.

Charles was definitely set up to be murdered and I am grateful that his death is finally being investigated.

Joe Ryan, I'm not convinced one way or the other. He may have just been a lucky death for Lori.

Tammy.... I find her death very confusing... but I wonder if she was coming down with a cold (not anything that would cause death) and Chad gave her something for her "cough" but it was something much more lethal than nyquil. I don't know what drug would cause that but it had to be something very strong (fentanyl? Oxy?) because I can't see Chad handing her 50 pills and her being like oh ok, I guess I will take all these, nothing suspicious here... so it had to be something that could kill in a minimal dose of like 2 capsules or something. I came to this conclusion because I feel there is a little truth in every lie and Chad spoke of her coughing. And the pink foam implies something to do with the lungs, so I think what ever she was given to take for her cough was something that would be a major respiratory depressant.

Alex's death is the one that is the most baffling to me. The timing with Lori being told that MG had spoken to him and him giving up info about JJ is extremely convenient. But as we know, his autopsy only showed blood clots in his lungs... is there a drug that can cause that but also won't show up on an autopsy? Either Lori has the best luck ever or they did some research to find a drug that won't show up on a regular autopsy and somehow they (lori or ZP) got him to take it. It's been said he wasn't feeling well the days before his death, so did he succumb to the same thing as Tammy? Or was he under major stress from Tammy being exhumed and the stress caused his death? I wonder if he wasn't the one who provided whatever drug may have been used on Tammy. He is the most likely one to have access or know where to find drugs. I have known many truck drivers in my life and they seem to have access to many drugs, mostly coke to allow them to drive longer and faster but I imagine the dealers have access to more than one drug and would be easy to get something stronger from them. Sorry for the crazy run-on sentences.

I may be 100% wrong, but these are just my feelings and opinions. So JMO and all that.
JJ I think was overmedicated so that he wouldnt bug Lori and MG &DW while they did their cult-y stuff and was taken to ACs apartment to sleep and that it was there that AC realized he was unconscious or dead. His death seems less rage filled. I think all the excess packing of his body was so that no fluids would leak while they figured out how to dispose of him once the guests left. I think JJs death was atleast partly accidental but also very convenient for Lori to be able to move on with her Hawaiian life.
BBM. JJ told his Rexburg neighbor that he and his sister were going to visit grandma soon, so to me this points to premeditation. In the meantime Lori was ignoring Kay's emails and had no intention of giving her access to JJ.
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