Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *Arrests* #57

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Rewatching this today
First, and we all already know this, ZP's son calls Alex his Mom's "boyfriend" not even knowing they were married. HINKY
Second--His mom calls him (her son) , which we already knew, but said go check on him, he is on floor. I am taking that to mean that ZP did NOT say he was on floor, only her son telling LE that he was on floor.
Also this, very hinky to me--
"“Zulema asked me why she was being questioned, and if she was considered a suspect in the death of her husband,” a detective wrote in his report. “I assured her she was not a suspect, but I needed information from her regarding what happened at her house when Alex was discovered.”

Why would a spouse even ask that I a suspect ??
I mean, if my hubby died, I would never ask that.
When my dad passed away, my mom never asked that.
Who asks something like this, unless there is something suspicious.
Just trying to figure this out.
Agree. Who asks if they a suspect for a death due to a medical emergency?
With his "blessing" right after MG telling him she was talking to LE and them finding out TD's body was exhumed the day before, I bet AxC did feel he needed a blessing, right before he used one of those little torch things to assist with his pulmonary issues.
LVD supposedly called ZP to check on AxC so ZP called her son.
If CD is the one who gave AxC the "blessing", then yeah, both LVD and ZP would probably have known about it, per CD telling them. Hence...the "we should check on him" call.

Things I wonder about:

Was the blessing on speakerphone, in the same manner as when MG spoke with Chad and Lori on the recorded call? Somehow, I think that Chad and Lori had no secrets between them at this point.

Where does Chad's phone call to Samantha line up with this day? I am referring to Samantha saying on Dateline that Chad called her and wanted to know if she'd heard anything about Tammy being exhumed. Samantha knew nothing about it and she and her husband went to the cemetery to see if it was true. Apparently the Daybell children knew nothing about it, either. So who informed Chad that Tammy had been exhumed?
Things I wonder about:

Was the blessing on speakerphone, in the same manner as when MG spoke with Chad and Lori on the recorded call? Somehow, I think that Chad and Lori had no secrets between them at this point.

Where does Chad's phone call to Samantha line up with this day? I am referring to Samantha saying on Dateline that Chad called her and wanted to know if she'd heard anything about Tammy being exhumed. Samantha knew nothing about it and she and her husband went to the cemetery to see if it was true. Apparently the Daybell children knew nothing about it, either. So who informed Chad that Tammy had been exhumed?
Probably Alex did when he was talking to CD during his "Blessing"
I think and I do not know for sure, but I think Alex heard of TD being exhumed and this right around the time MG told him she was speaking with LE.
I think Alex panicked, called CD for his "blessing"
then the phone lines chattered
CD tells LVD to check on Alex, to which LVD calls ZP, who then calls her son
At that time CD calls Samantha to see if it is true and she knew nothing about it either.
The following is my opinion only.

Wow. I feel like this is telling. This could indicate that AC knew that he was going to die. Like many, I speculate that the cause of death for AC will end up mirroring the cause of death for TD (if something other than natural causes is determined). If TD were poisoned, it would make sense for AC to “take one for the team” and ingest whatever remained of the poison to dispose of evidence, especially the day after TD’s exhumation.

Again, that all is my opinion only.

Trust me: if you are experiencing symptoms of late-stage bilateral PE, you definitely think you might be dying. If I hadn’t called 911 when I went through that, I would not have lived even two more hours. I thought I was having a heart attack, though. Like Alex (AFAIK), I was unaware of having a genetic blood clotting condition, let alone PE. I just thought I was overweight and out of shape. If a pulmonologist hadn’t happened to be in the ER when I arrived, and caught signs of PE in some test they were doing, they’d have continued treatment for heart trouble and I might well have died.

So really, I think AlC’s final day was spent feeling horrible — after weeks of feeling increasingly horrible — and wondering what was wrong. He apparently paid some attention to his health, thus the trek to Mexico for cheaper prescription drugs, though prescribed by whom, we know not.

The only evidence of foul play comes from others we can justly side-eye for their response to his death.

Can someone tell me what they see in Chad’s array of descriptions of Tammy’s alleged illness and death that would suggest AlC was dealt with in the same way? I grant you his death is mighty convenient for the Chadster and his Lollipop.
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I'll have to listen again, doesn't ZP have a full blown panic attack requiring medical assistance when they ask for Alex's documents?
Ohhh... I need to listen again also, I missed that.
then whole AlexC death is suspicious to me.
(and, yes, I am fully aware of the ME report, etc but I think they missed something important that contributed to his death and could be why ZP is talking to LE now, especially with TD new autopsy processed)
It doesn't make sense that Alex would call Chad for a blessing, on the floor, and not call for an ambulance. He knew today was the day. He called MBP and gave her advice she wrote down, before he was on the floor in that condition.
Didn't someone say that Alex didn't trust doctors? He trusted Chad instead. Maybe he thought Chad's blessing could cure him. Alex was supposedly complaining about health issues for a week before his death. MBP said that she spoke with him every day (I wonder why), so she would have also heard of it. His illness started before they knew that Tammy would be exhumated. Did Chad and Lori know from the start that he was ill? When did they all learn about the exhumation?
@Spartygirl Mini Transcript (might contain errors) starts at 15:01 in Tricia's youtube below -

Q. Has he been sick lately?
ZP: No he's just been shortness of breath, um

Q: When he's walking or when he's sleeping, shortness of breath?
ZP: Um,

Q: Can he go for a walk without getting short of breath?
ZP: Like he'll go up the stairs and he will get short of breath going up the stairs, and then the last couple of days he's been, once he gets up, he's 'oh I feel so winded..'

Q: He hasn't gone to a doctor for that, nothing like that?
ZP: No we asked him for that...

Q: Does he see a doctor on a regular basis?
ZP: No he doesn't, I mean he's just the healthiest person that you can imagine (little laugh) I mean he's just so healthy!

Q: Okay. My name's Mike, this is Dave, I'm gonna get you some information, so I'm just going to be as honest as I want someone to be with my wife, I'm just going to get some information, do we have his license at all? Does he have a wallet anywhere?
ZP: (gasps of breath, tears)

Okay that's fine (whispers to colleague...go see if you can find that) ... I know this is a lot coming at y'all at once, you're doing good, just keep breathing, okay?
ZP: (crying...okay...)
...Mike is probably one of our best paramedics,
ZP: (mutters something)
Q: What's that?
ZP: He was blue when I walked in, and so I started doing compressions, (shouting) he was blue on the face...

Q: When was the last time you talked to him?
ZP: He was talking...I was at work and he was talking to one of my friends on the phone, because he said that he wasn't feeling well so my friends said that they would give him a blessing, so they were giving him a blessing over the phone and then my friends texted me and said 'you better get home now'

Q: They were giving him a blessing over the phone?
ZP: Giving him a blessing over the phone and then my friends texted me and said 'you need to get home now he's not doing well, he's on the ground in the bathroom', so I called my son and I said 'go over there and make sure he doesn't pass out, I'm on my way home. And then I just had the impression that he needed to call 911 so I just I said stay on the phone with me and then I said no, hang up and call 911 right now.

Q: Okay what time was the blessing over the phone? Do you know?
ZP: I have it right here. I can't guess right now. 3:18.
Q: 3:18?
ZP: Yep. And I called my son at, oh I called him at 3:15. So it was around, 3:15. (little cough) .

Q: Okay. And then what made them tell you to come home immediately?
ZP: They said that he wasn't, that he wasn't,

Q: Someone was here with him?
ZP: No, on the phone, they were on the phone.

Q: Okay. Was he talking to them?
ZP: coughing. He was talking when I called him. And he was talking to Joseph. He was talking to you right?
Joseph: No, when I walked in he was passed out Mom, and I called 911.
ZP: So what happened when you said don't get up? Remember you said don't get up?
Joseph: No he was trying to move and stuff, he was like trying to like, going 'haaaa'

Q: Did you guys ever do any chest compressions on him at all?
Joseph: No, no.
ZP: I did when I walked in,

Q: So when you got here you did CPR?
ZP: Yes. I started compressions as soon as I walked in.


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Rewatching this today
First, and we all already know this, ZP's son calls Alex his Mom's "boyfriend" not even knowing they were married. HINKY
Second--His mom calls him (her son) , which we already knew, but said go check on him, he is on floor. I am taking that to mean that ZP did NOT say he was on floor, only her son telling LE that he was on floor.
Also this, very hinky to me--
"“Zulema asked me why she was being questioned, and if she was considered a suspect in the death of her husband,” a detective wrote in his report. “I assured her she was not a suspect, but I needed information from her regarding what happened at her house when Alex was discovered.”

Why would a spouse even ask that I a suspect ??
I mean, if my hubby died, I would never ask that.
When my dad passed away, my mom never asked that.
Who asks something like this, unless there is something suspicious.
Just trying to figure this out.

Very hinky and a sure way to make yourself a suspect.

I’ve come to the realization that there’s just no figuring out how anyone in this group operates because they’re all so far outside the boundaries of normal behavior. In the autopsy report, the ME said that it was reported that Alex was not taking any regular medications. Why then did he go to Mexico to pick up their prescriptions? If he was complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains the week prior to his death, why would Zulema send him or let him go to Mexico alone?

I don’t think I’ll ever be convinced that Alex wasn’t, at the very least, hastened to his death.

Very hinky and a sure way to make yourself a suspect.

I’ve come to the realization that there’s just no figuring out how anyone in this group operates because they’re all so far outside the boundaries of normal behavior. In the autopsy report, the ME said that it was reported that Alex was not taking any regular medications. Why then did he go to Mexico to pick up their prescriptions? If he was complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains the week prior to his death, why would Zulema send him or let him go to Mexico alone?

I don’t think I’ll ever be convinced that Alex wasn’t, at the very least, hastened to his death.

Good perspective on a situation we’ve rehashed so many times it’s hard to know what to make of it.
Trust me: if you are experiencing symptoms of late-stage bilateral PE, you definitely think you might be dying. If I hadn’t called 911 when I went through that, I would not have lived even two more hours. I thought I was having a heart attack, though. Like Alex (AFAIK), I was unaware of having a genetic blood clotting condition, let alone PE. I just thought I was overweight and out of shape. If a pulmonologist hadn’t happened to be in the ER when I arrived, and caught signs of PE in some test they were doing, they’d have continued treatment for heart trouble and I might well have died.

So really, I think AlC’s final day was spent feeling horrible — after weeks of feeling increasingly horrible — and wondering what was wrong. He apparently paid some attention to his health, thus the trek to Mexico for cheaper prescription drugs, though prescribed by whom, we know not.

The only evidence of foul play comes from others we can justly side-eye for their response to his death.

Can someone tell me what they see in Chad’s array of descriptions of Tammy’s alleged illness and death that would suggest AlC was dealt with in the same way? I grant you his death is mighty convenient for the Chadster and his Lollipop.

As @nyvictoria points out in her post, nothing was ever said about Alex going to Mexico to pick up prescriptions for himself. They just said he went to pick up some prescriptions.

Also, his brother Adam has been pretty plain that he and his father have a reported history of diagnosed pulmonary blood clots; but Alex never had any such diagnosis.

Which of course doesn't preclude Alex having such precondition; but it does indicate fairly strongly that no doctor ever told him so, because it certainly sounds like Barry and Adam discuss(ed) their own diagnoses between themselves and maybe with other family members; and that Adam's finding it hinky is because he would expect that Alex would ask their counsel if any doctor had ever told Alex "hey, you have a predisposition to lung clots".
ZP called her son before she got the text from Chad/Lori to get home. Both times taken off her phone. She knew 3 minutes before she got the text.

Also, notice how she doesn't say he called his sister, or his sister's husband, it was "one of my friends". Why would she be hiding his relationship to them? So that police wouldn't contact them and get a trace on Chad's (burner) phone?

I know we have the time of the 911 call somewhere, just need to find it.
From one of Zulema's interviews -

12:58pm - ZP texted Alex to make a holiday basket. He responded "sure".
3:02pm - ZP texted Alex to find out how he was doing. No reply.
*? - no time in this report. ZP received text from redacted (Chad?) stating he wasn't doing well and she should go home.
3:09pm - ZP called Alex. He was having a hard time talking to her.
3:15pm - ZP called her son. She told him to check on Alex, stayed on the line, heard him telling Alex to stay on the floor. She then told him to call 911.

* we have a time of 3:18pm for this text from the other interview, but it's included in the sequence above before the 3:09pm event. they also told her he was on the floor.


From Joseph's interview -

Alex was awake and JL had a call from ZP to go check on him. The call ended. A few minutes later ZP called him again and told him to call the cops.


The times aren't adding up around ZP's communications with Chad and Lori.

Still looking for the time of the 911 call.
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