Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #46

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I read last night it’s scheduled for 1:00 pm today mountain time. It’s not the preliminary hearing though, just a hearing where they’ll read his new charges—similar to the hearing held for his co-conspirator wife yesterday.

This case just gets weirder by the day. Nothing would surprise me. Hell, Proir could ask the court to address his client as Chad Vallow (a la Alex Pastenes) and I don't think I'd bat an eye.
This was my biggest take-away from the whole thing!!
I smiled every time he did that..

I actually felt both.... Definitely wants the Daybell and not Vallow ever ever again..but want the MRS to be clear as well.

What I found interesting was that the Judge totally "forgot" about the Mrs.... but still got a few Vallows in--He was still quite clear to call her Vallow on acts before she married chad.

I think he only called her Vallow when reading the criminal complaint. That’s how she’s referred to in the CC.
<Respectfully snipped for focus>

Something just occurred to me. If Lori and Chad are not legally married, maybe Lori’s insistence on being called “Mrs. Daybell” has something to do with their not being required to give damaging testimony against each other. Is that a real thing or something I absorbed from old TV shows as a kid?

No spousal privileges with cases involving minor children so nothing would change
<respectfully snipped for focus>
I personally suspect she is a sociopath with multiple forms of delusions and facetious disorders, something that sociopath and psychopaths will claim to not be possible but lack the self-awareness to self-identify disordered cognition likely blinds them to it and is part of their delusions of being hyper rational.

It’s my understanding that “sociopath” is not a recognized diagnosis. Antisocial Personality Disorder would be close, I guess. Source, DSM-5. Not available to read online but buyable here and lots of other places:
(PDF eTextbook) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition DSM-5

ETA: I am not a psychiatrist or other mental health specialist.
If he admits to representing Daybell he’s attached to him for life even when that representation ends. I used to work for a divorce lawyer who would get his clients to go around town and pay a nominal retainer fee to the lawyers he thought challenging or difficult to deal with. That insured his clients soon to be ex couldn’t hire the supposed bad *advertiser censored* lawyer to represent them.

My brother did similar so his wife couldn't hire the only other top lawyer in the area (small town).
So the prosecutor is just being kind until the real defense attorney shows up?

I deleted mine because I saw someone had a similar reply. If I understood @vislaw correctly, addressing the potential conflict in the court now eliminates them from using it as a reason for an appeal down the road.

I don't think the prosecutor is worried about MM. It's like Lebron James playing 1 on 1 with a 10 year old.

In my opinion, I don't think MM will last very long
Regarding the conflict of interest.

The judge asked each party to "submit what their request is regarding the issue so the court can make a decision based on that issue" (loose quote).

It seems (to me) both parties would want to move quickly on this issue. Shouldn't we see these requests soon? Anyone know?
I read last night it’s scheduled for 1:00 pm today mountain time. It’s not the preliminary hearing though, just a hearing where they’ll read his new charges—similar to the hearing held for his co-conspirator wife yesterday.

That will be great anyway to be able to watch him digest and hear the new charges.
Hoping it will be live streamed like Lori's was.

There is so much non-verbal communication going on that you miss if trials and proceedings are only tweet only ones.

Back during the Frazee trial we had a big discussion on how advantageous it is to be able for the public to witness court proceedings. In his trial, it was not allowed to be videod live for the public and you dont get to see the reactions or even get to hear perfectly accurate reporting from the different reporters tweeting.

The non-verbal communication going on is very important and you get a much better understanding of how things went down.
I have a question and I apologize if posted about already. Now that both Chad and Lori have conspiracy charges they in no way can communicate with each other, is that correct?
Interesting timing on this, I feel they are working on them for one to crack. Someone else said that Lori insisting on being called Mrs Daybell is code for I know my dead kids were buried in your backyard but I am still with you Chad waiting on end times. Good times (sarcasm) I know I'm on a rant today but I cannot believe as a mother that killing and burying my 2 kids is ok ever. She seems ok with this imo:mad:
It’s my understanding that “sociopath” is not a recognized diagnosis. Antisocial Personality Disorder would be close, I guess. Source, DSM-5. Not available to read online but buyable here and lots of other places:
(PDF eTextbook) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition DSM-5

ETA: I am not a psychiatrist or other mental health specialist.

No sociopath is not official, but is a useful regular people distinction between two variants of a similar diagnosis which I find quite useful despite it not meeting the dsm's needs for classification. These two variants also seem to be colloquially used by those with ASD diagnoses quite regularly for ease of use and self-identification of their variances. Younger people with these seem to be more likely to identify as ASD unless they are pretty pure on their psychopathy, then they just plain own it as psychopathy so the same self-categorization is in effect but instead of them identifying as sociopaths and psychopaths younger people are more likely to put themselves into the ASD or psychopath buckets, making ASD identification more commonly people who would identify as sociopaths. Psychopaths like being psychopaths.

There is some possible brain structure reasons why these two categories seem to continue to exist to those who fall into this diagnostic criteria, which those who know they are like this seem to acknowledge between each other. It is also why those same two groups would not possibly identify CD - he has traits that don't fit. (I suspect he is a malignant narcissist, meaning that some of the same issues are present and possibly his association with other people in this exacerbated his symptoms.) This is a self-sorting distinction that people who fall into this overarching set of symptoms use themselves and identification that they recognize the distinction in others.

Just a general observation, as this is just one of my many areas of interest not one in which I have a degree. I bet finding out that there is psychopathy sub-culture won't sit well with people (and no I don't think these people would know about it .... well except JM. He might.)
I have a question and I apologize if posted about already. Now that both Chad and Lori have conspiracy charges they in no way can communicate with each other, is that correct?
Interesting timing on this, I feel they are working on them for one to crack. Someone else said that Lori insisting on being called Mrs Daybell is code for I know my dead kids were buried in your backyard but I am still with you Chad waiting on end times. Good times (sarcasm) I know I'm on a rant today but I cannot believe as a mother that killing and burying my 2 kids is ok ever. She seems ok with this imo:mad:

From my understanding, when CD was arrested and bond set, it was stated he could not have contact (even via 3rd party which I would assume include his/her lawyer) with any of the victim's family. I don't think we've seen any verification of this but it seems most have agreed

@KonaHonu brought up a potential legal issue with the above but he was unsure as well.

I would love clarification from any lawyers out there
I have a question and I apologize if posted about already. Now that both Chad and Lori have conspiracy charges they in no way can communicate with each other, is that correct?
Interesting timing on this, I feel they are working on them for one to crack. Someone else said that Lori insisting on being called Mrs Daybell is code for I know my dead kids were buried in your backyard but I am still with you Chad waiting on end times. Good times (sarcasm) I know I'm on a rant today but I cannot believe as a mother that killing and burying my 2 kids is ok ever. She seems ok with this imo:mad:

JMO (for whatever it's worth, lol) But, no... I don't think Chad and Lori can communicate, but I DO believe there is communication between Means and Prior.

This case has enraged me from day 1, but I think Lori has to maintain the "show" that she strongly believed (and still believes) in this zombie mumbo-jumbo as an "excuse".

I believe it's always been a manipulated-religious "show" for Lori and Chad.
Can we look into both of their childhoods? What happened to make people do this? Is it just bad seeds?

If you are looking for originating traumas it may not be apparent. Their social and familial networks would wash over or see these as good things so I don't know you would be able to identify these in their lives. First of all some of their lack of emotional response in the context of their religious upbringing would be seen as them being faithful, such as a lack of normal grief. They'd just be seen as being very faithful for not wallowing in it, when in reality they cannot wallow in it, they don't have the object permanence to do so. Basically the traits they have been displaying in their cultural milieu of choice makes these traits look like righteousness or politically aligned properly.

LVD's family is clearly contrarian, rejecting paying taxes, so the familial normal conduct disorder in which they actively seek out social groups that embrace that will likely wash out any originating trauma being obvious. CD's family being seen as the best of people will also likely mask any originating traumas.
Can we look into both of their childhoods? What happened to make people do this? Is it just bad seeds?

I ask my self this question in every case, I also always ask my self, if this person was adopted at birth by my family would they have turned out to have the same evil traits? If so then its genetic and technically not their fault, If not it could be environmental in which case again is it really their fault? Any of us could have been born as LV or CD and gone on to do these things, Thank fully we were not, But i often wonder can you ever really blame anybody in this crazy life? Why do some people end up making such evil choices and others do not. Its always just sad all the way around for everybody involved.
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