Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 16, Tammy Daybell, 49, Sept & Oct 2019 *Arrests* #59

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indicolite22 said:
NEW: Special Prosecutor Rob Wood files withdrawal of contest in case against Lori Vallow. He will not dispute the evaluation/report on Vallow’s competency. State does not object to a medical physician’s eval/diagnosis w/ treatment plan to restore competence.

State's own expert has reviewed the competency report.

@sds71 - so - no hearing for Lori on 6/16?? Since you have access to the court site - just want to make sure for my "notes". TIA! :)
@sds71 - so - no hearing for Lori on 6/16?? Since you have access to the court site - just want to make sure for my "notes". TIA! :)

Mark Means, Daybell’s defense attorney, requested a psychological evaluation for his client in March. A licensed clinical psychologist met with Daybell in the Madison County Jail on at least two days and, according to court documents filed last month, determined “the defendant was not competent to proceed.” Restorative treatment was recommended.

While District Judge Steven Boyce put a stay on the case, he still needs to legally declare Daybell is unfit for trial.

In order for Daybell to be competent for trial, Idaho law says she must understand the proceedings against her and be able to assist in her own defense. If Boyce rules she cannot, hearings are put on hold for 90 days.

Daybell will likely be placed in a facility for treatment with the goal of getting her competent. If that happens, court proceedings resume as normal. If not, the pause extends another 180 days, and she would continue to receive treatment.

A June 16 hearing to determine Daybell’s competency status will likely be canceled.

Chad Daybell is scheduled for his District Court arraignment on Wednesday.

Prosecutor no longer disputes the competency of Lori Vallow Daybell - East Idaho News
The one thing I remember us discussing on this forum is the responding officer came over to my house afterwards to let me know there was some cleaning to be done. I think you were here in February 2020? I was mulling that over considering how a police officer cleaned up after CV was shot. That still floors me. JMO

i DO remember.
I’ve had it. While I’m convinced Lori has just been spouting her “beliefs” to con people, Woods agrees Lori is crazy. Apparently if you pretend that you are chosen and killed people because you believed it was the right thing to do and just stick to your story you can avoid criminal culpability.

Meanwhile Chad’s defense can say even the prosecution agrees Lori is clearly off her rocker. And because she’s off her rocker she and Alex killed everyone without Chad’s involvement. Poor Chad’s is no more than a victim of Lori’s psychosis and must be set free. He may not get off scott free but the sentence if any will be a lot lighter be ause of Lori’s ploy.

If Lori can convince professionals she’s crazy she’ll also be able to convince them restorative treatment isn’t working. Until the dust settles, when she’ll be equally successful convincing whomever she needs to that she’s cured. And she’ll be released. Where she can rejoin Chad or Means or her shrink or whomever her sights are set on at the time.

Of course, a mental hospital is no picnic, if she recovers she’ll go to prison and blah, blah, blah. But I don’t like the odds that at the end of the day these monsters are going to get away with a few years in a facility, a slap on the wrist, sullied reputations and probably millions of $s in book and movie rights, podcast revenue, etc.. I envy the certainty of those comforted by the thought she’ll never see the light of day. I understand that logic but unfortunately I have more confidence in her ability to beat the system than I do in the system itself.

Karma’s a crock. Rightly or wrongly I’m convinced the prosecution is an unsuspecting (or cowardly) stooge who just handed Chad his get out of jail free card. Fearing there will never be justice for Tylee and JJ makes me feel sick. Not to mention the precedence this sets.

I know there are plenty of people who think poor Lori may really be crazy, but I don’t buy it. I’ll never buy it. If I continue to follow this case with my current mindset I’m just going to annoy myself and a bunch of other people too.

So unless and until I have a change of heart, or I’m wrong and Lori is someday actually brought to trial I’m afraid I’m done following this case. It’s not good for my disposition or the people who have to live with me.


hey.... i understand. For me, it is the constant reminder that Truth does not matter anymore. The systems are just more about "how to get around the system" than getting justice from the system.

I am feeling like "disappearing" for a while as well..... seems healthier!
Mark Means, Daybell’s defense attorney, requested a psychological evaluation for his client in March. A licensed clinical psychologist met with Daybell in the Madison County Jail on at least two days and, according to court documents filed last month, determined “the defendant was not competent to proceed.” Restorative treatment was recommended.

While District Judge Steven Boyce put a stay on the case, he still needs to legally declare Daybell is unfit for trial.

In order for Daybell to be competent for trial, Idaho law says she must understand the proceedings against her and be able to assist in her own defense. If Boyce rules she cannot, hearings are put on hold for 90 days.

Daybell will likely be placed in a facility for treatment with the goal of getting her competent. If that happens, court proceedings resume as normal. If not, the pause extends another 180 days, and she would continue to receive treatment.

A June 16 hearing to determine Daybell’s competency status will likely be canceled.

Chad Daybell is scheduled for his District Court arraignment on Wednesday.

Prosecutor no longer disputes the competency of Lori Vallow Daybell - East Idaho News

She sure wasn’t crazy ordering, wearing & dancing in wedding attire , getting a tan, highlighting her hair, buying & wearing little skirts & yoga wear, pulling her luggage whilst flipping her hair & purchasing travel. Renting a place in Hawaii (stating I have NO children in the agreement). She didn’t look bat- bananas crazy when found in HI.
And that’s the most recent “picture” pre arrest.
Not crazy. Defiant , self absorbed & enjoying herself.

She can’t have it both ways!
She knew they were going to be dead.
She knew they were in fact dead.
She rented & hid their belongings in a storage locker.
Planned, with many opportunities to abort the plan.
She had the aforethought to tell Mel to lie that the kids were there, with Mel.

It’s not like she snapped and drown them in the bath tub.
She wanted them out of her new life with CD.
She wanted and did keep using the children’s SS death benefits.
Crazy like a fox.

Lori is a master manipulator and I believe Prior and Means are working in tandem to get separated trials. Means can convince Lori her best bet is to go to a State psychiatric facility until Chads trial is over. She plays it well. Could be there a year or more to be “restored”.

Prior can get a trial blaming everything on Alex and Lori. Maybe get a reduced sentence for Chad, if he can somehow convince the jury that Tammy died of natural causes.

Then Lori comes back and pleads her case that she has a psychosis because of Chads books. Chad cannot be tried twice so she too gets a reduced sentence because she was “crazy” at that time. In fact, she may never be “restored” for years.

In my opinion, the entire justice system is becoming soft on criminals and always giving them an out due to their past. Always the fault of “someone else”. The criminal becomes the victim.
Lori is a master manipulator and I believe Prior and Means are working in tandem to get separated trials. Means can convince Lori her best bet is to go to a State psychiatric facility until Chads trial is over. She plays it well. Could be there a year or more to be “restored”.

Prior can get a trial blaming everything on Alex and Lori. Maybe get a reduced sentence for Chad, if he can somehow convince the jury that Tammy died of natural causes.

Then Lori comes back and pleads her case that she has a psychosis because of Chads books. Chad cannot be tried twice so she too gets a reduced sentence because she was “crazy” at that time. In fact, she may never be “restored” for years.

In my opinion, the entire justice system is becoming soft on criminals and always giving them an out due to their past. Always the fault of “someone else”. The criminal becomes the victim.
MOO sounds more like Prior thought up the scheme.
He intends to suppress evidence, shred witnesses and present an alternative theory for a hung jury.
Best not to have contidictory evidence emerging in a seperate simultaneous trial.
If you subtract Lori’s religious beliefs from her crazy equation, she is totally sane otherwise. So that leaves us with religious beliefs being crazy, which is a slippery slope because all religions demand a degree of faith in what some would call outrageous beliefs. Or superstitious beliefs. I am Catholic and consider my religion pretty mainstream. Some of our beliefs could be considered crazy….that we are actually eating the real body and blood of a Christ. That Christ rose from the dead. Etc. I am not being disrespectful, just pointing out how religion and insanity are difficult to sort out. Faith means suspending disbelief in the otherwise impossible. My ex was from LDS or Mormon stock. They have many beliefs others would find crazy, as do all religions. I wonder how Lori’s psychiatrist will sort through this issue.
MOO sounds more like Prior thought up the scheme.
He intends to suppress evidence, shred witnesses and present an alternative theory for a hung jury.
Best not to have contidictory evidence emerging in a seperate simultaneous trial.
But...he and Means know each other well and this works for Means too. Otherwise, Lori would be fried. IMO.
She sure wasn’t crazy ordering, wearing & dancing in wedding attire , getting a tan, highlighting her hair, buying & wearing little skirts & yoga wear, pulling her luggage whilst flipping her hair & purchasing travel. Renting a place in Hawaii (stating I have NO children in the agreement). She didn’t look bat- bananas crazy when found in HI.
And that’s the most recent “picture” pre arrest.
Not crazy. Defiant , self absorbed & enjoying herself.

She can’t have it both ways!
She knew they were going to be dead.
She knew they were in fact dead.
She rented & hid their belongings in a storage locker.
Planned, with many opportunities to abort the plan.
She had the aforethought to tell Mel to lie that the kids were there, with Mel.

It’s not like she snapped and drown them in the bath tub.
She wanted them out of her new life with CD.
She wanted and did keep using the children’s SS death benefits.
Crazy like a fox.

The claim is that she is not competent at the moment (or since March), not that she was crazy the entire time, including when she committed the crimes.
I have a question(s).

On Wednesday, CD has a hearing. Prior of course will be there with his client, CD. Since LV is incompetent at this time and where ever she is, she will not be attending hearings until she is competent…because “LV does not understand”.

Prior will be sitting with CD at the defense table on Wednesday. Means may be allowed to attend and sit at the defense table until the Judge separates CD and LV trials.

Say the Judge separates the trials. At that point does Means have to leave the defense table and either leave the court room or sit in public viewing area (Covid rules).

Now comes other hearings and the trial for CD, Means wants to attend the hearings and trial, is he allowed to sit at the defense table or does Means have to sit in the public viewing area (if Covid rules allow.)

Just how much is Means out of the loop now? How much behind the scenes info is Means allowed to have now? I would think he would be like another lawyer watching the proceedings and he gets no information until he hears it at trial.

I always felt Means was sticking close to Prior because Means is not up on these types of cases. Means was hoping Prior would help Means get through this. I am thinking Means is out of the picture as far as being at the defense table and in the loop because of separate trials. Right?

JMOO but LV will not be happy for 2 different trials, not happy her attorney may not be able to get all the information she/they would like, and if I am right she will blow when CD flips on her. I think CD will try and save himself.
IANAL but I believe Means will get discovery whether the trials are separated or not. As long as he represents Lori, he’s entitled to everything that pertains to her and her charges.

As for sitting in the courtroom for Chad’s trial, Covid rules or not, it wouldn’t be the best use of his time. If he can’t defend Lori without leaning on Prior, he needs to step away and let a more experienced attorney take over.
If you subtract Lori’s religious beliefs from her crazy equation, she is totally sane otherwise. So that leaves us with religious beliefs being crazy, which is a slippery slope because all religions demand a degree of faith in what some would call outrageous beliefs. Or superstitious beliefs. I am Catholic and consider my religion pretty mainstream. Some of our beliefs could be considered crazy….that we are actually eating the real body and blood of a Christ. That Christ rose from the dead. Etc. I am not being disrespectful, just pointing out how religion and insanity are difficult to sort out. Faith means suspending disbelief in the otherwise impossible. My ex was from LDS or Mormon stock. They have many beliefs others would find crazy, as do all religions. I wonder how Lori’s psychiatrist will sort through this issue.

It is not unwise to consider her beliefs got her to where she is. No one can blame LDS. LDS did not commit these horrendous crimes.
But her beliefs, or Chads, are an offshoot of the LDS religion. It gives me pause knowing the jury are all LDS and may sympathize in some way with either Chad or Lori, for the sake of their church. Hope I am making sense, without insulting anyone.
It is not unwise to consider her beliefs got her to where she is. No one can blame LDS. LDS did not commit these horrendous crimes.
But her beliefs, or Chads, are an offshoot of the LDS religion. It gives me pause knowing the jury are all LDS and may sympathize in some way with either Chad or Lori, for the sake of their church. Hope I am making sense, without insulting anyone.
BBM. You could also argue that LDS jurors might resent them more for twisting their religion and using it for criminal purposes.
If you subtract Lori’s religious beliefs from her crazy equation, she is totally sane otherwise. So that leaves us with religious beliefs being crazy, which is a slippery slope because all religions demand a degree of faith in what some would call outrageous beliefs. Or superstitious beliefs. I am Catholic and consider my religion pretty mainstream. Some of our beliefs could be considered crazy….that we are actually eating the real body and blood of a Christ. That Christ rose from the dead. Etc. I am not being disrespectful, just pointing out how religion and insanity are difficult to sort out. Faith means suspending disbelief in the otherwise impossible. My ex was from LDS or Mormon stock. They have many beliefs others would find crazy, as do all religions. I wonder how Lori’s psychiatrist will sort through this issue.
I agree religion is at the core of this. In your example, that Christian beliefs and practices appear strange to non-believers, you would still participate in your defense (or admit guilt) if charged with crimes. My hunch is that Lori's beliefs are so off-kilter that she refuses to participate in her own defense, thus, making her incompetent.

I wish we knew what the findings were based on, but I guess that is confidential?

It is not unwise to consider her beliefs got her to where she is. No one can blame LDS. LDS did not commit these horrendous crimes.
But her beliefs, or Chads, are an offshoot of the LDS religion. It gives me pause knowing the jury are all LDS and may sympathize in some way with either Chad or Lori, for the sake of their church. Hope I am making sense, without insulting anyone.
Is the jury really all LDS. That is fantastic. They may be the only people qualified to sort this out. I trust them as wholesome, law abiding, people as a whole and think they’d do the best job. Amazing that they are all LDS. LV and CD are giving the Mormon church a bad name. Nothing they have done would be acceptable to LDS members so I truly doubt they will find sympathy there.
I expect that when the trial actually happens, most of the religious stuff won't matter. The prosecution will have forensic and circumstantial evidence of who did what when, and it will be clear and convincing, and mostly about financial motivations.
Is the jury really all LDS. That is fantastic. They may be the only people qualified to sort this out. I trust them as wholesome, law abiding, people as a whole and think they’d do the best job. Amazing that they are all LDS. LV and CD are giving the Mormon church a bad name. Nothing they have done would be acceptable to LDS members so I truly doubt they will find sympathy there.
100% agree.
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