Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #5

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I think this may be Tylee’s. Shows a Wattpad join date of June 7, 2018.

It’s linked to a Facebook that is either private or removed.

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Also, AskFM. Last post “over a year ago”, one of her answers states

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?
over 1 year ago
netflix and instagram


Possibly an account on, too. Join date of July 19, 2016
typicaltylee | FanFiction

I really think there’s a good chance she got more discreet about usernames, and so we’re just not finding her more current accounts.

I recall a post in Thread #1 which indicated that after Charles was shot there were perhaps two "stories" provided (the post didn't indicate by whom). I got the impression (from the post) that maybe Colby was contacted by Lori first - prior to her contacting police - and that in fact Lori didn't even call the police until after she returned from first dropping JJ off at school.

To me, the post indicated that it was reported (either by CR or police, I couldn't tell) that Alex was found lying back (or sitting?) with some kind of bandage or towel on his head.

Again, according to the post (or the way I understood it) the first "story" was that somehow Alex had bumped his head during a struggle (I presumed that this may have been what was told to CR..). The second "story" (which I then assumed is what must have been told to the police) was that CV had hit Alex with a baseball bat.

Although I've since read several WS posts (and even the timeline) which indicate that Lori told police that the children were "out front" and therefore didn't witness the actual shooting. I think this information was perhaps gleaned from media reporting, not a police report.

I have also read posts since which indicate that after the shooting, Lori took JJ to school (which was supposedly CV's reason for coming to Alex's house in the first place). But other than the media's reported comment by Lori (about the children being "out front"), I have yet to find corroborated proof (i.e. from police) that Tylee was actually present. Media stories can sometimes include uncorroborated information. Can anyone substantiate/verify/prove that Tylee was actually there?

The reason it may matter is, IF SB was mistaken in his identification of Tylee in Rexburg (specifically, if that person was not Tylee, but Melani), and IF Lori somehow accessed Tylee's Venmo account from July/Aug through mid-Oct. to impersonate Tylee in an attempt to make it appear that Tylee was still alive (according to the timeline, after Lori last used her own account to send money to CR in June, on several occasions from July through October it was Tylee's account which sent money to CR), and since the grandparents only had a 30 second FaceTime with JJ, not Lori (sometime in August, post CV's death), and IF there's a possibility that Lori's statement that Tylee died "a year before her father's death" meant CV (not JR), then maybe Tylee truly no longer was alive after mid 2018 (though we still wouldn't know what happened to her)
LE have stated they were last seen in Sept 2019.

This article about Charles' death indicate that Tylee and JJ both live there with Lori.

Chandler Police identify man who was shot dead during family fight

"According to a statement, the victim, identified as Charles Vallow of Texas, was declared dead at the scene after he was found unresponsive with two gunshot wounds to the chest. Police were called to the 5500 block of S. Four Peaks Place, located near the intersection of Gilbert and Riggs Roads, at around 8:30 a.m. on Thursday.

Investigators, according to police, learned that Vallow's estranged wife lives at the incident scene with her son and daughter. Vallow was at the home to pick up his son and later engaged in an argument with his wife. Vallow's brother-in-law, who was also in the home, intervened on his sister's behalf due to fears the argument would escalate into a physical altercation between Vallow and the estranged wife. Vallow and the brother-in-law were later involved in a physical fight."

Article goes on to mention the baseball bat.
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I am curious- where is everyone reading about Tammy not being attacked by a paint ball? I went to that Twitter link, but I didn't see anything pertaining to this. Thanks!

I think it's from KW's newest interview but it says she is speculating (BBM):

The Rexburg Police Department has confirmed Tammy Daybell called 911 in the days prior to her death to report a man pointing a “paintball” gun at her.

“That wasn’t a paintball gun,” Kay Woodcock speculates.
“The fact that he pulled the trigger twice and it didn’t do anything is because it misfired. Otherwise she’d probably have been dead that day.”

“What makes me believe that is, first, (the gunman) was totally masked,” Larry Woodcock said. “He was in all black.”

Kay Woodcock said she believes the newlywed couple may have taken JJ and Tylee because they were witnesses to the shooting of Charles Vallow.

Court documents: Mother of missing Rexburg children believes she is a reincarnated God chosen for Christ’s second coming | East Idaho News

I don't think KW has been told anything about the gun by LE but it's her opinion and the opinion of many of us here too that the gun was real and probably the same gun used to shoot at Melani's husband BB. One thing I disagree with, however, is the theory that the gun misfired/jammed. The location at the Daybell house where LE spent time with the metal detector and raking through the snow was in front of the house near the driveway and in the driveway. I believe they were looking for casings/bullets that may have missed Tammy. I think it's possible Tammy saw a gun that looked similar to a paintball gun and the sound it made sounded like a paintball gun to her. When the gun fired and she didn't see any paint balls come out, she assumed it jammed/was empty. I think it was actually a real gun with a silencer and someone was a really bad shot and missed her like they missed BB. Google the sounds a paintball gun makes, then Google the sounds a small pistol with a silencer makes. Both have sort of a hollow bang sound when fired IMO. If Tammy had no experience with real guns with silencers (and no reason she would have) then she may have mistaken a gun with silencer for a paintball gun. MOO.
I think this may be Tylee’s. Shows a Wattpad join date of June 7, 2018.
Tylee Ryan (@TyleeRyan) - Wattpad

It’s linked to a Facebook that is either private or removed.

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Also, AskFM. Last post “over a year ago”, one of her answers states


Possibly an account on, too. Join date of July 19, 2016
typicaltylee | FanFiction

I really think there’s a good chance she got more discreet about usernames, and so we’re just not finding her more current accounts.

Wow, great finds! I'm adding these to the media thread along with the prezi I found for her the other day.
'Do the right thing:' Lori Vallow's son begs her to reveal the location of his missing siblings

*sidenote..I spent better part of this evening reading down a rabbit hole on AVOW and LDS Freedom Forum. I can see the End of Times discussions from 2013 moving forward with some of these same key players in this case arguing the same topics of dreams and visions, publishing books for a certain audience, and the money $$$ being made doing so. How this group of people got to this point has a nice digital footprint for everyone to see. I am not sure I can wrap me head around the obsession of it all. MY own opinion

yes I think that’s the place to go if you want to figure out the nuance of people supporting this group of authors w end world visions. There’s an obvious and deep split of LDS right wing freedom forum types on if they support this stuff or not, and within the supporters there’s a scale of fringe/Lori as well.
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Does this right to decline an autopsy vary from state to state? When my father died unexpectedly from a stroke, we had no choice in the matter because his death was unexpected.

I'm just curious as to how she could cough, vomit, fall out of bed and die, and no autopsy was done.
Yes, I believe it's different from state to state. This is a small town in Idaho. The coroner is an elected position, and doesn't have to have medical training. My understanding, if there was a belief that no foul play was involved, autopsy wouldn't be done, unless family requested one at the time. And I don't think Chad would have requested one at the time. It would also appears she would have to be moved from Rexburg to some bigger city where they actually have ME to do autopsies.
Section 19-4301B – Idaho State Legislature

The coroner, which is an elected official. The coroner determines if an autopsy is necessary, based on information from the police.

As I stated previously, in small towns, everyone knows everyone else, they all "know" each other from church. It is the "Old Boys Network" on steroids. Especially if they have all gone on LDS missions, it is a very exclusive club, not unlike the same sort of bond that veterans have. It is hard to explain to someone who is not LDS, how it works.

They probably patted "Poor Chad" on the back. Sad. So sad...his wife died at home.

I voiced a nearly identical thought just yesterday while discussing this bizarre case with my more experienced WSleuths daughter !
Greetings. I am a new member and have a question regarding the marriage of Lori and Chad. From Gardner1850 excellent timeline:

Nov 2019 – Only a couple weeks after Tammy’s death, Chad Daybell marries Lori Vallow.

How do we know that they are actually married? I missed where they related this to anyone.

Greetings. I am a new member and have a question regarding the marriage of Lori and Chad. From Gardner1850 excellent timeline:

Nov 2019 – Only a couple weeks after Tammy’s death, Chad Daybell marries Lori Vallow.

How do we know that they are actually married? I missed where they related this to anyone.


We don't have any physical proof, such as a marriage license or photos, but Chad definitely told members of his immediate family that he had married Lori.
Does this right to decline an autopsy vary from state to state? When my father died unexpectedly from a stroke, we had no choice in the matter because his death was unexpected.

I'm just curious as to how she could cough, vomit, fall out of bed and die, and no autopsy was done.
The law does vary from state to state. In most states there are two main categories of deaths; they are either an attended death (under the direct care of a doctor who will sign a certificate as to cause of death) OR unattended death where there is no physician caring for the deceased. For a physician to sign on an attended death, they would have to have a medical reason to attribute to the death. Anyone who is not in a stage of advanced aging or who isn't diagnosed with a chronic illness won't likely have a doctor willing to just sign "natural causes".

In Idaho, the law on unattended death (Section 19-4301 – Idaho State Legislature) states that the local law enforcement agency must "Must refer the investigation of the death to the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of the city in which the incident causing the death occurred". It does not state that an autopsy must be done, so it is probably a matter of policy in the county or city.

One thing we don't know is Tammy's medical situation. It is possible that she had some disease that was attributable to her death and a doctor signed the certificate. That's possible even though she may have appeared to be in good health to the outside observer.

If she died "unattended", an investigation was conducted, but we also don't know how thorough the investigation was. More to come, I'm sure.
Greetings. I am a new member and have a question regarding the marriage of Lori and Chad. From Gardner1850 excellent timeline:

Nov 2019 – Only a couple weeks after Tammy’s death, Chad Daybell marries Lori Vallow.

How do we know that they are actually married? I missed where they related this to anyone.

There are many MSM sources who have mentioned it. This is one that actually has a friend of Lori confirming the fact.

Former friend of missing woman, kids speaks of her complicated marital past, with two husbands dead

"We're hearing from a former friend of Lori's, who is remaining anonymous, about her infatuation with her new husband's beliefs. She witnessed Lori become obsessed with Chad's books, she said.

He writes books about the end of the world and how to prepare for it. This happened about four years before Lori would eventually marry the author.

Her old friend says she can't wrap her head around what's happening as Vallow's two kids haven't been seen since September. She remembers Lori as an amazing mother who devoted herself to Tylee and Joshua"
Thank you, @TinaK, for chiming in. Just before the last thread closed, you said, "I knew Alex and just don't believe he was capable of being a mass killer as this opinion suggests." I'm sorry I can't quote it properly since it was in the last thread.

I'm sorry for your loss. This whole thing must be a shock. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind....

Do you believe Alex killed Charles in self defense?

Do you believe Alex was being framed for any or all of the deaths by Lori and/or Chad?

Do you think (especially in light of his sudden marriage into the group, etc.) that Alex could have been talked into causing any of the deaths?

Within our terms of service (as I understand it), without being a Verified Insider, you can give your opinions as long as you don't provide inside information or statements presented as fact without a msm source. Please someone set me straight if that doesn't sound right. TYIA
The law does vary from state to state. In most states there are two main categories of deaths; they are either an attended death (under the direct care of a doctor who will sign a certificate as to cause of death) OR unattended death where there is no physician caring for the deceased. For a physician to sign on an attended death, they would have to have a medical reason to attribute to the death. Anyone who is not in a stage of advanced aging or who isn't diagnosed with a chronic illness won't likely have a doctor willing to just sign "natural causes".

In Idaho, the law on unattended death (Section 19-4301 – Idaho State Legislature) states that the local law enforcement agency must "Must refer the investigation of the death to the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of the city in which the incident causing the death occurred". It does not state that an autopsy must be done, so it is probably a matter of policy in the county or city.

One thing we don't know is Tammy's medical situation. It is possible that she had some disease that was attributable to her death and a doctor signed the certificate. That's possible even though she may have appeared to be in good health to the outside observer.

If she died "unattended", an investigation was conducted, but we also don't know how thorough the investigation was. More to come, I'm sure.

I don't think Tammy had any medical diseases. She visited her parents couple weeks prior to her death. Her father describes her as being in good health and in good mood. She was taking a zumba class. People should remember Rexburg is a small town. I think investigation consisted of some officer walking around the house. Coroner is an elected position, doesn't need medical degree and doesn't need to have a medical pathology training. If foul play was not suspected originally, an autopsy didn't have to be done. Relatives would have to request one. I am pretty sure Chad wouldn't want to request one.
So what I am pretty sure happened Tammy's death was declared natural causes without much of any investigation or any autopsy being done.
While we are talking about "great" police work, just read an article how funeral home found a gunshot wound on a body of a man police said "overdosed." Not related to this case, but just illustrates what can happen with police "investigation."
Of course by the time they realized the victim was shot, the crime scene was already cleaned up. So I presume the case will go nowhere.
Which is what happens when proper steps aren't taken right away after somebody dies.
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