Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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Since I sense everyone wants to move on from the service dog discussion, maybe we can refocus our efforts to figuring out what Lori might have done with JJ and Tylee or where Lori and Chad could be now. What does Lori do with people when she doesn't want them anymore? We know what happened to Charles but what about other people in her life? I feel like if we could get inside how her mind works, we could find the kids-- whether they are dead or alive, I don't know. It seems like she has a pattern of moving to new states when she doesn't get her way. She's lived in California, Texas, Arizona, Hawaii, and Idaho-- where would she move to next? And do we think Chad is with Lori or is he somewhere on his own?

How long can you live in an underground/hiding situation before you are go more nuts than you already are ? A week ago I listened to an attorney on a podcast that said something to the effect.. you have to worry about that one person who is hiding with you or helping hide you giving you up. If you are with more than just Chad, you have a probability of someone saying enough is enough. I think they wait for autopsy results and then that lawyer in Rexburg gets to see how good of a law school he attended with these 2 he is representing. MMO
How long can you live in an underground/hiding situation before you are go more nuts than you already are ? A week ago I listened to an attorney on a podcast that said something to the effect.. you have to worry about that one person who is hiding with you or helping hide you giving you up. If you are with more than just Chad, you have a probability of someone saying enough is enough. I think they wait for autopsy results and then that lawyer in Rexburg gets to see how good of a law school he attended with these 2 he is representing. MMO
Autopsy results is one thing, where the kids are is another. If adult is going to have a hard time in a hiding situation, what about a special needs child without his meds or his service animal? Which is why I have a hard time believing someone is hiding JJ.
Since I sense everyone wants to move on from the service dog discussion, maybe we can refocus our efforts to figuring out what Lori might have done with JJ and Tylee or where Lori and Chad could be now. What does Lori do with people when she doesn't want them anymore? We know what happened to Charles but what about other people in her life? I feel like if we could get inside how her mind works, we could find the kids-- whether they are dead or alive, I don't know. It seems like she has a pattern of moving to new states when she doesn't get her way. She's lived in California, Texas, Arizona, Hawaii, and Idaho-- where would she move to next? And do we think Chad is with Lori or is he somewhere on his own?

I wonder and I worry about Alex taking care of the kid situation for her. It seemed in the past he was her problem solver. I wonder if figuring out where his truck for work traveled to, or if he was driving a rental car, if that can be tracked. Alex maybe didn't tell Lori the what's and where's of the kids, and that her plan was to get rid of Alex so no one would ever know. I think studying Alex's whereabouts and usual hangouts could be helpful. MOO
Your link doesn't indicate there would be any issues with taking service dog to Hawaii, as long as it has it rabies vaccinations (which Bailey did).

Sorry I wasn’t more specific, it’s just very difficult to bring a dog to Hawaii with the quarantine laws. They are very strict about what they allow for passing of as a service dog. The Island of Oahu is the only port of entry for all dogs and cats entering Hawaii unless a valid Neighbor Island Inspection Permit is obtained. It’s just a lot of red tape.
That is just it. I don’t think the kids are with them. But if they are in a cultish group of people waiting for the end of the world.. does someone break from the group and go to LE ? I would hope so. MOO
*sidenote I continue to watch Justin Lum of Phx Fox10 Twitter like a hawk. When things come out, he will have it first
I have some jumbled thoughts.

I think Lori and Chad are together. I don't see how they can't be. Who in the world is going to be her Knight in shining armor and do her dirty work with Alex gone?

And this thing with Alex just bugs me. He's been her fixer for how long? Runs off to Idaho with her, runs away from Idaho with her, then gets married, is not attached to Lori's hip, and proceeds to die 2 weeks later.

Autopsy results is one thing, where the kids are is another. If adult is going to have a hard time in a hiding situation, what about a special needs child without his meds or his service animal? Which is why I have a hard time believing someone is hiding JJ.
I have only known a couple of hard core prepper types in my life, both were very reticent to call attention upon themselves for anything. I don't see endtimers, even Chad and Lori followers, excited about being long term babysitters. I have no doubt the FBI can gain access to the list of people Chad and Lori knew, and who were behind the paywall. I don't see them as wanting to be the ones with the kids in their basement. MOO.
We are coming up on 4 months since JJ and Tylee were last seen... Under very disturbing circumstances. Where have they been hidden?!?
I don't know. But it's been haunting me and I've been following this case daily since I first learned about CD being a POI in it. I've been stressing out about it to the point that I really think I need to take a break for a few days. And yet I can't help but feel like I'd be turning my back on trying to help find out what happened to the kids if I were to do so. And then I realize if this is affecting me this much, someone who isn't closely connected to the people in this case, how much more it must be affecting the grandparents, parents, siblings, children, and other family and friends of those involved? Same goes for LE - I'm sure it's affecting them as well. I really hope we can start finding answers soon, for the sake of everyone involved, especially the innocent victims - children and adults alike - and to bring an end and resolution to this insanity. MOO. :confused:
I don't know. But it's been haunting me and I've been following this case daily since I first learned about CD being a POI in it. I've been stressing out about it to the point that I really think I need to take a break for a few days. And yet I can't help but feel like I'd be turning my back on trying to help find out what happened to the kids if I were to do so. And then I realize if this is affecting me this much, someone who isn't closely connected to the people in this case, how much more it must be affecting the grandparents, parents, siblings, children, and other family and friends of those involved? Same goes for LE - I'm sure it's affecting them as well. I really hope we can start finding answers soon, for the sake of everyone involved, especially the innocent victims - children and adults alike - and to bring an end and resolution to this insanity. MOO. :confused:
Not taking care of yourself won't help those kids. Remember, this could end up in Susan Cox Powell territory if we don't find out what Alex did. It's horrible and tragic, and so sad. This could be a very long term thing. MOO
I find it hard to believe that strangers would have an easy time dealing with JJ who has no meds, no service dog and nothing else he is used to in order to calm down. I also have concerns with Lori dealing with him under the same conditions as she's a loose cannon. When was the last time the dog was seen?
Since I sense everyone wants to move on from the service dog discussion, maybe we can refocus our efforts to figuring out what Lori might have done with JJ and Tylee or where Lori and Chad could be now. What does Lori do with people when she doesn't want them anymore? We know what happened to Charles but what about other people in her life? I feel like if we could get inside how her mind works, we could find the kids-- whether they are dead or alive, I don't know. It seems like she has a pattern of moving to new states when she doesn't get her way. She's lived in California, Texas, Arizona, Hawaii, and Idaho-- where would she move to next? And do we think Chad is with Lori or is he somewhere on his own?

My LONG thoughts- MOO

She has always moved on to the next person with “more”. More money, or “more” of whatever she was attracted to.

She seems to move based on need, escape or help.

Hawaii - because she wanted to and because it could escape joe ryan. Personally, I’ve always thought Hawaii. Maybe it has something to do with me, or my avatar. But my question with Hawaii is why Kauai? I’ve personally been there and to Maui. I’m not sure why someone chooses to live on Kauai over a bigger island. Yes it’s gorgeous, yes there is lots to see and yes it is probably the most lush, with hidden waterfalls, canyons, trails, and gorgeous coastline. Things are more expensive there. But I think there is a reason she chose Kauai. I’m not sure what it is, but knowing her, it was that SOMEONE could do something for her. Did she know people living there? Did Tylee? Did they have a great deal on a rental or did they just like the ward/stake, or did they even attend? Did she have a history there? Did she go there as a child? Does she have people that can help her there?

Have her doomsday beliefs taken over and they are in a bunker somewhere? I’m pretty sure I heard a famous author talking about a nonprofit foundation and having some bunkers. What I don’t get about this though is that there aren’t “others” missing. If they truly believe they are to gather the 144k, why aren’t they? Honestly, I just don’t know what to think. I don’t know if this is about beliefs or running from crimes.

I do think Lori and Chad are together. Lori is NEVER without a man. BUT— I’m confused by IF LE know where they are. I don’t understand why there isn’t a warrant for their arrest yet LE says they believe the kids are in danger.

I do not think the kids are alive. I don’t think they could be brainwashed this long without contacting someone. The only way that could happen- them not contacting someone- is if they are being held in not great conditions. Otherwise, I see one or both running away, sneaking out, sneaking a phone, etc. Think about it, in order for them to be ok with not contacting anyone or being seen and reported this long, 4 months, is that they are completely sold on the idea, or completely prevented from doing so. IMHO both of those ideas would be very difficult to accomplish with these kids. How do you sell them on staying quiet-threats, promises, fear and worse? And preventing them would have to be something like restraining them. Locking them in a cellar or bunker, without escape. Both ideas are horrid to think about.

I think it’s possible that Lori poisoned the kids and Alex took them to the desert after. I think that would be a logical explanation for Alex to either be killed or to commit suicide.

One thing I feel certain about- MOO Lori will not get gray roots. And, honestly as “the conquest exhilaration” fades, I see her quickly tiring of Chad. If I were Chad, I would be very concerned.
Autopsy results is one thing, where the kids are is another. If adult is going to have a hard time in a hiding situation, what about a special needs child without his meds or his service animal? Which is why I have a hard time believing someone is hiding JJ.

Hopefully I'm not taking this out of context, but I don't completely agree that "autopsy results is one thing, where the kids are is another". I agree that the autopsy results won't pinpoint the kid's location, but they may imply a good deal about what happened to them.

If TD was poisoned, it would possibly implicate one, two, or three persons: CD, Lori, and/or AC

If AC was poisoned, it would possibly implicate one, two, or three persons: AC, Lori, and/or CD

If it turns out that both TD and AC were poisoned using the same poison (jmo, but both exhibited symptoms of cyanide salts poisoning: coughing, vomiting, foaming at the mouth, quick death) I think it would possibly implicate at least two and maybe all three persons (slim chance L alone), and that wouldn't bode well for the kids.

I think AC's autopsy results are perhaps the most important when it comes to helping determine what may have happened to the kids. If AC was poisoned, regardless of whether it was suicide (remorse) or murder (knew too much about CV's death, TD's death, what happened to the kids, or all three), I think it diminishes the likelihood that the kids will be found alive.

I admit that AC still could've committed suicide or been murdered over his involvement in (or knowledge of) only the first two incidents mentioned above (and the kids could be hidden away somewhere), but I consider both scenarios (suicide, murder) less likely than if he had also committed a crime involving the kids.

Hopefully both autopsy results will come back indicating natural causes (though that seems less and less probable each day) and the kids are in a prepper community somewhere. I think maybe that's the best scenario we can hope for at this point.
Just having strange personal beliefs is likely tolerated, as long as they don't teach them in church or go trying to convince other people to adopt their eccentric beliefs, but Chad, his Authors etc. have been crossing a line for a while. The AVOW website has been private so it's not viewed to know what's going on, but the vision stuff started to go public with Chad's author's book in May 2014. With the publishing of their books, speaking on radio programs and promoting their visions as something that other people should listen and take heed, that was the problem. LDS believe in stewardship--only the Prophet of the church can receive revelation for the entire church, and some of these end times authors were using their visions to try to tell members of the church what they should be doing to prepare for the end times. Also, I think Chad's books were first put out as fiction, a sort of science fiction/fantasy then he started claiming the NDE's--I'm not certain of this, but while I'd heard of him, I didn't hear that he was also claiming to be a visionary till just a couple of years ago.
Ok so why is one organisation seemingly tolerated but another is not when they both promote the same stuff?
I’m going to use this moment to share a tip with all of you and answer this question just in case some aren’t aware. It’s helpful to know that everything we post lives on.

You can click on the name of any poster, click on messages and see every post anyone has ever made. So in this case, take a look back to first post and see if this poster introduced themselves- many do. I find this kind of thing imperative to do when someone is posting as a local and you want to understand more.
ID - ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #2
Thanks for the link. Locals can explain their basis for what they post. If they decide not to then I often doubt what has been stated. Especially with posters who have only been registered a short time. If it is just opinion like the rest of us then pinch of salt as always.
Makng significant money as an author is tough to do for all but the upper tier of best sellers (Stephen King, et al). Chad and his stable of authors might be top in their niche, but I agree it is a small niche. At one time at least some of their books were available at Desert Book and Seagull Books if I remember what I read on one of the early threads, but when the big author got in trouble I think her books and maybe others were dropped by both those chains that specialize in Mormon literature. I looked at sales ranks of a random sampling of books on Amazon, and he's moving barely more than nothing there. I think you're right that the publishing business isn't doing great and all signs are it has taken a turn for the worse. Taking Tammy out of the equation can't have been good either.
Chad used to work for Deseret Books IIRC. Also, I believe Tammy wanted him to keep writing the books but he wanted to get out of it. That could have caused a conflict between them and a reason for what has happened IMO.
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