Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 #8

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You're right. That's true. Even people making 6 figures might manage their money poorly and live paycheck to paycheck. Or they might have a spouse who frequently "borrows" money from the business payroll.

The main takeaways for me from the dog info:
1. JJ doesn't have his service dog.
2. Lori wanted money for the dog/wanted to get rid of the dog.
3. Lori's priorities are messed up.

The dog is just a small piece of this messed up case-- it reveals how little Lori cared about JJ, IMHO. Dogs are a little extra work. Even well trained service dogs. Dogs also cost extra money to feed and care for properly. I can't imagine Lori wanting to take care of the dog after CV died. And if she felt that way about a trained service dog that was supposed to make her son's life easier-- how did she feel about taking care of JJ and his special needs? Charles was dead less than a month and Lori was listing the dog for sale. I don't care what her reasoning was for getting rid of JJ's service dog. It's a small part of a bigger picture that reveals who she really is and her priorities, just like not reporting JJ and Tylee missing and not cooperating with the police. It's one more big blinking neon-colored red flag. MOO.
It is likely that it was being paid for by instalments I guess and she couldn't keep up payments and pay rent on the apartment etc now that Charles was gone. She had already drained his bank accounts. Hence her trying to sell the dog to raise cash, whether it was paid for or not.

Sorry I am late to the service dog issue but just wanted to add my two penn'th :)

ETA this links explains costs and quarantine regs to fly a dog to Hawaii.
Moving Pets to Hawaii: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Hawaii Real Estate Market & Trends | Hawaii Life
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I find it hard to believe that strangers would have an easy time dealing with JJ who has no meds, no service dog and nothing else he is used to in order to calm down. I also have concerns with Lori dealing with him under the same conditions as she's a loose cannon. When was the last time the dog was seen?
Why wouldn't Lori just let JJ stay with his grandparents if she could not cope? I do not believe they would take the kids with them if they did not want them or she wanted them dead. If there is any foul play in the deaths of AC and TD then I may rethink that.
We are coming up on 4 months since JJ and Tylee were last seen... Under very disturbing circumstances. Where have they been hidden?!?

Additionally, the Rexburg police put out a missing and in SERIOUS danger notification and then go essentially silent. The info the public is getting is from Justin Lum’s outstanding investigative work along with the Woodcocks keeping the story above the fold as best they can. Weirdly, the Daily Mail is regularly reporting, but undoubtedly because of the sensationalism of it all.

LE appear to be waiting for ME results on Tammy and Alex before giving any announcements, but to your point, the most significant point, of all of this, is the children’s safety. Does LE still think these children are in serious danger? Not giving briefings doesn’t help if they do.

On 11/14 Melani and Alex went back for her children. WHY?
On 12/2 she remarried. WHY?
On 12/2, Alex marries. WHY?
Is something eminent going to happen?
What are the exact circumstances surrounding Alex’s death? How is this being investigated-are detectives assigned? Is the FBI investigating this?

I can’t find a court appearance date for Melani. Will she skip it? There is no warrant in Utah for her yet. I don’t think there are warrants for anyone. The legalities of this case are nuts. There was a law student who posted a while back, who I hope still follows along - are LE mum due circumstantial evidence and not wanting to be sued? Is this a strategy? Should MSM start hounding Sean Bartholick, the family’s attorney for a statement. I mean his profile states: Sean believes that the heart of any family dispute is the best interest of the children. He encourages clients to focus on how best to achieve their goals while never losing sight of the long term effects of divorce on children.

If LE truly believes these children are in serious danger we the people need updates. You can’t ask for our help with a BOLO and then ask us to have a seat. These are children we are talking about. Also, we spent most of yesterday talking about a golden doodle, so there’s that too.

Sorry for the rant but I want these kids to be safe.
Yea, I agree. LE is mostly silent on the matter. Do they think children are in danger or do they think children are dead? If children are in danger, Chandler LE has a video of Tylee on the day Charles was killed, but her face is blurred in the video. Which wouldn't be a good idea if LE is hoping for somebody to recognize her. Doesn't seem like much is being told to the public by LE to help find the children.
Well perhaps whoever has the golden doodle has some info about Lori's plans. And when there is no news that is the sort of thing we talk about. She got rid of it for a reason after all. The owner was dead she stated in the ad. That is ominous especially as Chad also said Lori had no minor children.

ETA I wouldn't think there would be a warrant for MB ( now MP ) because it was only trespassing and she was bailed. (Maybe check the court under her married name now.) AC really was the family fixer wasn't he?
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Additionally, the Rexburg police put out a missing and in SERIOUS danger notification and then go essentially silent. The info the public is getting is from Justin Lum’s outstanding investigative work along with the Woodcocks keeping the story above the fold as best they can. Weirdly, the Daily Mail is regularly reporting, but undoubtedly because of the sensationalism of it all.

LE appear to be waiting for ME results on Tammy and Alex before giving any announcements, but to your point, the most significant point, of all of this, is the children’s safety. Does LE still think these children are in serious danger? Not giving briefings doesn’t help if they do.

On 11/14 Melani and Alex went back for her children. WHY?
On 12/2 she remarried. WHY?
On 12/2, Alex marries. WHY?
Is something eminent going to happen?
What are the exact circumstances surrounding Alex’s death? How is this being investigated-are detectives assigned? Is the FBI investigating this?

I can’t find a court appearance date for Melani. Will she skip it? There is no warrant in Utah for her yet. I don’t think there are warrants for anyone. The legalities of this case are nuts. There was a law student who posted a while back, who I hope still follows along - are LE mum due circumstantial evidence and not wanting to be sued? Is this a strategy? Should MSM start hounding Sean Bartholick, the family’s attorney for a statement. I mean his profile states: Sean believes that the heart of any family dispute is the best interest of the children. He encourages clients to focus on how best to achieve their goals while never losing sight of the long term effects of divorce on children.

If LE truly believes these children are in serious danger we the people need updates. You can’t ask for our help with a BOLO and then ask us to have a seat. These are children we are talking about. Also, we spent most of yesterday talking about a golden doodle, so there’s that too.

Sorry for the rant but I want these kids to be safe.

Very thoughtful posting.
An additional thought is that the attorney who says he speaks for both Lori and Chad (Sean Bartholick) is with a law firm that has very Idaho roots. He is an attorney with the practice of, which is Rigby, Andrus & Rigby, PLLC.
Andrus is a big name in Idaho and especially in Eastern Idaho. One of our past Governors was Cecil Andrus and one of the largest trucking firms is Doug Andrus Transportation.
But the law firm and the trucking firm are both well respected and both have been around for some time. Just odd that a reputable law firm would be affiliated with such a pair.
Why wouldn't Lori just let JJ stay with his grandparents if she could not cope? I do not believe they would take the kids with them if they did not want them or she wanted them dead. If there is any foul play in the deaths of AC and TD then I may rethink that.

I also find this very concerning and have to wonder if she felt that letting him stay with KW & LW would possibly lead to probing questions about his father's death.
Yea, I agree. LE is mostly silent on the matter. Do they think children are in danger or do they think children are dead? If children are in danger, Chandler LE has a video of Tylee on the day Charles was killed, but her face is blurred in the video. Which wouldn't be a good idea if LE is hoping for somebody to recognize her. Doesn't seem like much is being told to the public by LE to help find the children.
This is what I am concerned about:
Doomsday Desperation
Hopefully I'm not taking this out of context, but I don't completely agree that "autopsy results is one thing, where the kids are is another". I agree that the autopsy results won't pinpoint the kid's location, but they may imply a good deal about what happened to them.

If TD was poisoned, it would possibly implicate one, two, or three persons: CD, Lori, and/or AC

If AC was poisoned, it would possibly implicate one, two, or three persons: AC, Lori, and/or CD

If it turns out that both TD and AC were poisoned using the same poison (jmo, but both exhibited symptoms of cyanide salts poisoning: coughing, vomiting, foaming at the mouth, quick death) I think it would possibly implicate at least two and maybe all three persons (slim chance L alone), and that wouldn't bode well for the kids.

I think AC's autopsy results are perhaps the most important when it comes to helping determine what may have happened to the kids. If AC was poisoned, regardless of whether it was suicide (remorse) or murder (knew too much about CV's death, TD's death, what happened to the kids, or all three), I think it diminishes the likelihood that the kids will be found alive.

I admit that AC still could've committed suicide or been murdered over his involvement in (or knowledge of) only the first two incidents mentioned above (and the kids could be hidden away somewhere), but I consider both scenarios (suicide, murder) less likely than if he had also committed a crime involving the kids.

Hopefully both autopsy results will come back indicating natural causes (though that seems less and less probable each day) and the kids are in a prepper community somewhere. I think maybe that's the best scenario we can hope for at this point.
My thoughts.. “when” autopsies come in, depending what they are, LE can make a move an pick up both Chad and Lori and bring them in. Right now we are waiting for those results to have an impact to take 2 people into custody.
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This is what I am concerned about:
Doomsday Desperation

A whole lot of scary stuff there. In the long lists of deaths at the top the family from Springville, UT jumped out at me. Not that there is any legitimate reason to think it is directly related to this case, but it did strike close to "home" in that it is Chad and Tammy's old home.
How easy would it be to purchase property under an LLC? It can't be that hard. Buying a little run down home with some acreage (privacy) can't be hard if you find one. Funnel $ into the LLC, trust, shell Corp, whatever to pay utilities and such. Even with what we know, I can't see them having that much $$ squirreled away. Unless they're hiding in some secluded digs as a "guest". Jmo
I'm wondering how involved Alex's new wife and Melani's new husband are in the case. Do they know what happened to the children or were they duped by Lori and Chad? What about Melani? These people aren't hiding. Brandon publicly accused Melani of being behind the October 2nd attack on him. If she's a part of the conspiracy, she could know the fate of Lori's children.
Yea, I agree. LE is mostly silent on the matter. Do they think children are in danger or do they think children are dead? If children are in danger, Chandler LE has a video of Tylee on the day Charles was killed, but her face is blurred in the video. Which wouldn't be a good idea if LE is hoping for somebody to recognize her. Doesn't seem like much is being told to the public by LE to help find the children.

They got Al Capone on tax evasion. I'm surprised LE isnt playing the same game here to bring Chad and Lori in for anything they can find and then using that charge as leverage for finding the kids.
I'm wondering how involved Alex's new wife and Melani's new husband are in the case. Do they know what happened to the children or were they duped by Lori and Chad? What about Melani? These people aren't hiding. Brandon publicly accused Melani of being behind the October 2nd attack on him. If she's a part of the conspiracy, she could know the fate of Lori's children.

ZP's been in the energy healing game for a long time from what I can tell, long before she heard of Lori or Alex. I would chalk her up as more part of the Chad/doomsday side. MOO is that the marriages had some sort of significance to "the plan". Melani's new husband seems to come from the doomsday side too. I've heard his dv charge was "demon" related. Anyone found any materials that might give a clue to why doomsdayers are marrying each other? Does it translate your being EVEN MORE? ;)
IF the children are not alive, what are Lori's possible motives for disappearing them?

a) They got in the way of her marriage to Chad
b) She doesn't want anyone else to have custody of them
c) She benefits financially from their disappearance
d) She wanted to spare them the suffering in the apocalypse
e) She saw them as dark spirits

If the kids are alive, likely only a), b) and c) apply.
They got Al Capone on tax evasion. I'm surprised LE isnt playing the same game here to bring Chad and Lori in for anything they can find and then using that charge as leverage for finding the kids.
Michael Avenatti was just arrested last week by IRS agents as well. He had been ripping off millions from all kinds of people... it took tax cheating to get him cuffed. They arrested him at a CA Bar hearing (to suspend his license finally) IRS waltzed in, cuffed him and whisked him away. Now in El Chapo's cell in the MCC in NYC. A few doors down from Epstein's cell.
ZP's been in the energy healing game for a long time from what I can tell, long before she heard of Lori or Alex. I would chalk her up as more part of the Chad/doomsday side. MOO is that the marriages had some sort of significance to "the plan". Melani's new husband seems to come from the doomsday side too. I've heard his dv charge was "demon" related. Anyone found any materials that might give a clue to why doomsdayers are marrying each other? Does it translate your being EVEN MORE? ;)
Wouldn't doomsdayers who aren't preppers just kill themselves (and their familes) when the end of the world is imminent? I imagine the preppers wanting to survive for as long as possible. Would they harm their children a long time in advance? What if the prediction fails?
Man. What a tangled story. I really didn't want to have to start at the beginning but I don't think there's any other way of figuring out who's who in this one.

From just the little bit that I've heard about it, I don't think there's any way those poor kids are still alive.
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