Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #19

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They said they believed the kids "could be in serious danger." That means that even the top brass thinks there is a chance the kids are still alive.

A chance, sure. That tells us that they don't have a body and based on the behavior they've seen (or had seen when they first started the public search for the kids) they can't say that Lori's actions definitively show that she knows they are dead. But if she doesn't come up with some kids pretty soon, that assumption is, IMO, going to disappear.
But it takes days to die from. And it is a hideous dying process.

Eta: all it takes is one too many pills in 24 hours to have a misadventure. It doesn't take much at all.
I know. I am not suggesting that tylenol is a good drug to kill someone. Not that it won't kill if taken in a large dose, but it will take a while.
IMHO, there is just one very easy way for LV to make this legal mess go away....TELL authorities where your children are!!!!! I think there is a part of her that enjoys all this attention and control.... Sadly, I don’t think the children are still alive... I think once she found out that she wasn’t going to get the life insurance $$$ and Kay did she was going to get revenge by never letting Kay see J.J. ever just blows my mind that she pretends to be so religious but yet has no problem committing horrible sins...
Sadly I don't believe telling authorities where her children are will make her legal mess go away. If anything it will make it that much worse because then she'll likely be facing even worse charges. That's why she's been keeping her mouth shut. MOO.
I agree with your point that she did not seem to care that much for him.

But something bothers me about the pills. If the prescription was filled in January 2019 I doubt they would have given more than a 3 month supply at the very most. So he would have stopped getting his meds in March timeframe. Charles was still alive, he was in school. You would think someone would have noticed a change in behavior when he was taken off his meds. Unless he perhaps did not need them any more. I know virtually nothing about ASD but is it possible he improved and no longer needed meds?
I seem to recall that after Jan 19 (?), during the time Lori disappeared (HI with Tylee), Charles had JJ in Houston? Perhaps he had JJ's prescriptions filled in Texas and then when Lori came back, and Charles rented the house, Lori was also into the emotion-code healing (ZP, Alex Cox's wife) and withheld medication?
100% agree. Yesterday I said I was at 90% dead, 10% hidden. The news today about 2 people knowing where they are was somewhat encouraging but still only took me to 80/20.

The thing is, tight knit religious groups can do weird stuff. When I was young I lived near one. They had their own "compound" and did some crazy stuff. They were not dangerous but they were incredibly secretive toward outsiders. Most of the members moved from elsewhere drawn by their charismatic leader. The kids went to my school but they pretty much did not speak of anything that happened in the compound. They were not LDS either although there were a lot of LDS in the area as well. They were a mainstream christian, protestant denomination that just as a group took things much farther than most. After a few years they just kind of disbanded, maybe because prophesies did not come true. I don't know. But they fizzled out with a whimper, no blaze of gunfire or mass suicide luckily.

So it is not hard for me to believe that Lori would keep the information about the kids' whereabouts a tightly held secret and even be willing to sit in jail for a bit to protect that information. I can't imagine her time is pleasant but I suspect she is being protected. The last thing Kauai wants is for the world to see her in court a week from tomorrow with a black eye or cast.

But as others have said, all she has to do is get whoever is holding them to show them to the police and pretty much everything goes away. She still has the misdemeanors but they truly are minor. Even a short video of Tylee mentioning a current event would be enough to let the prosecutor know that while they have not fully complied with the court's demand, they CAN and his case would fall apart at some point. It's hard to believe he would continue to use limited resources to pursue her.
You have raised two good questions:
1. Why would the kids be in hiding? What does it get LV? Especially now that it is costing LV her freedom. She has been so self centered, I can't imagine any reason she would farm them out. I cannot imagine she would ever go back and retrieve them. And at the risk of sounding blunt, who could or would take on a autistic child that has had every survival aid taken away from him?
2. I wouldn't call this group in Rexburg a tight knit group. They share a lot of the same end of days beliefs, but they don't live in a compound or have on charismatic leader. Although some looked up to Chad, he was not a cult leader. What was clear to me after reading and watching the EIN article was that these are bunch of people looking for something to fill voids in their life. Turning to pseudo leaders like Chad doesn't seem to have helped anybody. Maybe even caused damage as evidenced by Jessica's interview.
So this Parret guy claims Chad and Lori called him and told him what's going on with the kids. Hope he's paid a visit by the FBI asap.

I suspect all of AVOW is under the microscope right now.

I'm curious if the motels in Rexburg and surrounding areas seem unusually busy right now. The FBI agents need a place to sleep.
Very unlikely. Risperidone is very hard to OD on apparently. Only one person has died from it in the US so far, and it's OD effects are pretty reversible. You'd have a better chance killing someone with aspirin or table salt.
oh ok, thats good. i squeaked when i saw that becoz had family member who was allergic to Risperdal and it was not great
Girl, I heard that. I just had jaw surgery two weeks ago and the idiots tried to give me hydrocodone (which has acetaminophen)... Which I can't have due to a drug interaction with another med I take, and risk to my liver. I asked for non acetaminophen containing pain pills and they wouldn't give me any... until my psychiatrist called the office and reamed the surgeon out for being irresponsible about drug interactions. In a week I go back for bone grafts and this time, I get oxy at a very low dose, and my liver will be fine.

Long story short, acetaminophen is no joke.
So why are they still called a Tabernacle? If you are going to a conference in a Tabernacle it gives the impression it is sanctioned by the church. Seems to me like a blind eye is being turned against these activities.
My guess would be twofold - the culture in the area (strong pioneer heritage) and the historicity of the site (it's listed in the National Register of Historic Places). Just my guess, no actual knowledge.
They said they believed the kids "could be in serious danger." That means that even the top brass thinks there is a chance the kids are still alive.
Or they could be stating this carefully to not tip Lori off that they have any information about the kids demise before they get her extradited back to Idaho.
You have raised two good questions:
1. Why would the kids be in hiding? What does it get LV? Especially now that it is costing LV her freedom. She has been so self centered, I can't imagine any reason she would farm them out. I cannot imagine she would ever go back and retrieve them. And at the risk of sounding blunt, who could or would take on a autistic child that has had every survival aid taken away from him?
If Chad and Lori think they will lead the 144000 into the end times, and we have heard that, they probably didn't need the distraction of the kids. They could very well have stashed them with one of the 144,000 who is not called to lead but is instead called to care for the children of the leaders. But I admit this is probably just wishful thinking at this stage.

2. I wouldn't call this group in Rexburg a tight knit group. They share a lot of the same end of days beliefs, but they don't live in a compound or have on charismatic leader. Although some looked up to Chad, he was not a cult leader. What was clear to me after reading and watching the EIN article was that these are bunch of people looking for something to fill voids in their life. Turning to pseudo leaders like Chad doesn't seem to have helped anybody. Maybe even caused damage as evidenced by Jessica's interview.
I wouldn't know how close knit they are. But we have heard so many stories from the article and even a member here about people doing some pretty extreme things, throwing away spouses, etc. Look what Lori did, Melani too. Someone is encouraging them to do those things. It may not be a charismatic leader and compound. It could just be an echo chamber in an internet forum. There seems to be some very potent Kool-aid being served somewhere.
Very unlikely. Risperidone is very hard to OD on apparently. Only one person has died from it in the US so far, and it's OD effects are pretty reversible. You'd have a better chance killing someone with aspirin or table salt.

It could have been used with another drug to cause a deadly interaction. I just looked it up on for the first time and some of the drugs that cause major interactions (red dots) are also common or easy to get prescribed: Risperidone Drug Interactions -

Mix it with an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication and you could get dangerous side-effects that look like a heart attack:
Citalopram and risperidone Drug Interactions -
Lexapro and risperidone Drug Interactions -

It's scary. :eek: I wouldn't be surprised if someone in this case had access to anti-depressants. Actually, did someone say Joseph Ryan was depressed before his death? Or did that info come from Lori? And the step-son who called 911 when Alex died told the operator he suffers from depression and anxiety...

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