Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, arrested* #20

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Wishing an old school friend of Lori's would come out of the woodwork and share their memories of knowing her growing up. I cannot believe she suddenly changed in these last years - her personality would be the same as it always was. The only thing we can't take away from her is her physical looks - she is a good looking woman and I think she used this to her advantage from an early age.
hm yes we've heard from no one from Lori's childhood or teen years, right? given how self-isolating and mistrustful of govt etc her parents are alleged to be, its entirely possible Lori was home-schooled and had no close friends in her early years. Speculating, moo

The story about the dog is heartbreaking but I was considering a possible, more practical reason why the dog had to go away. LV had been asked to move out of the Chandler rental by the landlord after CV was killed. I think whatever plans had been made were accelerated by having to vacate by the end of August. Is it possible the new rental in Idaho was not pet friendly? Just exploring different angles...MOO

JJ's dog would be protected by the ADA, though, so I am unsure if a landlord could deny a service animal.
So, out of curiosity; if Chad had actually said something like "I felt led to offer you this job", you would still think it weird?
I know you're addressing someone else, but It wouldn't feel weird to me because it's speaking to your own feelings, instead of trying to say God told you to. Even if the origin of the feeling was a hunch, intuition, logic, or even God... at least it's more ownership.
I'm very familiar with this tactic of his and it's NOT normal. He often talked people into it. He did not often have them come to him. I guess this is his way of soliciting business? It has always creeped me out that of the 4 authors (besides himself) that I know of... 3 of them I know were approached just like this. He hunted them down.

How creepy indeed. I wonder if there were many other people he approached about writing books that turned him down flat or didn't even let him in the door to talk? I'm aware that the LDS church sends out missionaries to go door-to-door, so I suppose cold-calling people wouldn't be new to Chad. And in some regards I don't find that part very strange. I have personal experience going door-to-door for my church simply to pass out flyers inviting people to special church events (Christmas plays, VBS, etc). From my experiences I know that very few people actually open their doors for strangers these days, let alone invite them inside. Those that did invite us in, it wouldn't happen after dark and for over an hour chat (although we never went out after dark anyway). Back to Chad and his unusual way of drumming up business: I guess what mostly bothers me is that he seemly targeted his authors and they seemingly accepted Chad's proposal without much hesitation. What made Chad choose those particular people or what made those people more vulnerable to being taken in by Chad?

How creepy indeed. I wonder if there were many other people he approached about writing books that turned him down flat or didn't even let him in the door to talk? I'm aware that the LDS church sends out missionaries to go door-to-door, so I suppose cold-calling people wouldn't be new to Chad. And in some regards I don't find that part very strange. I have personal experience going door-to-door for my church simply to pass out flyers inviting people to special church events (Christmas plays, VBS, etc). From my experiences I know that very few people actually open their doors for strangers these days, let alone invite them inside. Those that did invite us in, it wouldn't happen after dark and for over an hour chat (although we never went out after dark anyway). Back to Chad and his unusual way of drumming up business: I guess what mostly bothers me is that he seemly targeted his authors and they seemingly accepted Chad's proposal without much hesitation. What made Chad choose those particular people or what made those people more vulnerable to being taken in by Chad?

I know that my friend had another friend who was approached by Chad after she talked a little bit about my friend (sorry, she asked me to try as much as I can to keep her name out of this so it sounds confusing. I won't deny who she is if directly asked though.) I do know HS the author in question here, was reluctant at first and had to be literally talked and conjoled into it. Now he's an avid supporter and fan, but he started out not wanting to write a book at all. He told me this personally. JR... I don't know much about that, but I think Chad approached her due to AVOW. I think AVOW is how he heard a lot of these experiences to approach people about. Both HS and JR were members of AVOW and shared a bit about their dreams/visions/NDE's thus making them targets for Chad.
I know that my friend had another friend who was approached by Chad after she talked a little bit about my friend (sorry, she asked me to try as much as I can to keep her name out of this so it sounds confusing. I won't deny who she is if directly asked though.) I do know HS the author in question here, was reluctant at first and had to be literally talked and conjoled into it. Now he's an avid supporter and fan, but he started out not wanting to write a book at all. He told me this personally. JR... I don't know much about that, but I think Chad approached her due to AVOW. I think AVOW is how he heard a lot of these experiences to approach people about. Both HS and JR were members of AVOW and shared a bit about their dreams/visions/NDE's thus making them targets for Chad.

I suspect this was more about pushing his agenda and money over anything. Jmo
Yes, they could do that... but that's kind of like holding your own wedding without anyone officiating and having it be non-legal. Does that make sense? You can certainly do that, but it doesn't make it a real thing.
When the temple seal deceased people, how is that done? Do the same rules apply? Eg. Do the sealers have to find a marriage certificate?
Regarding the death of CV and TD, will they now be unsealed from Lori and Chad or left sealed to them? Sorry for all the questions.
When the temple seal deceased people, how is that done? Do the same rules apply? Eg. Do the sealers have to find a marriage certificate?
Regarding the death of CV and TD, will they now be unsealed from Lori and Chad or left sealed to them? Sorry for all the questions.
There has to be a marriage license/certificate, or record made by clergy that they were married, I believe. There has to be a record kept about that particular marriage before it's sealed. If someone seals two people that weren't really married, then the sealing is invalid. So basically even in the event of a mistake or error, or even deception in this case... it's not valid. Because the whole point of the sealing is that we believe it is binding to God.. He has the ultimate say over that. He's not going to bind people together purely because they performed a ceremony that was not with proper authority or with legitimate reason to do so.
When the temple seal deceased people, how is that done? Do the same rules apply? Eg. Do the sealers have to find a marriage certificate?
Regarding the death of CV and TD, will they now be unsealed from Lori and Chad or left sealed to them? Sorry for all the questions.
I do not believe that Lori or Chad are sealed to each other. That said... IF they did a legitimate sealing, Chad could remain sealed to Tammy as a deceased wife (but we believe God won't force her to remain with him forever if she doesn't want to), but Lori would have to receive a cancelation of sealing (if she was in fact sealed to charles) before she could be sealed to Chad.

Women can only be sealed to one man at a time, dead or alive.
Men can be sealed to only one living woman at a time, but can also be still sealed to deceased wives.
Bottom line on the sealing - They want to believe that they are authorized by God and approved of by God as a couple and in the work they think they are doing. It doesn't matter in the end because they've broken commandments let alone laws. I think for them it's a fantasy they play into for each other to make themselves feel special and therefore above normal people's rules and laws, and commandments of God because then they aren't bound by anything and can mentally justify it all to themselves and especially to the others that they want to keep up appearances with.
Well with regards to membership records of Lori...
Flights, church record changes, warrants and more: Events this week that led up to Lori Daybell's arrest | East Idaho News

Pause the video on 0.18 and you'll see what that record looks like to members in the ward where her record is located.

What I saw in another location was the same screenshot that Nate shows in this video, only I saw the actual screenshot, not just a video of the screenshot. However, since this is MSM sourced, then I can show you this.

Oh look, those are the same coordinates East Idaho News had on the Dateline episode. I wonder if she transferred her records earlier than we think she did. This may be how their anonymous source was able to locate her.
Oh look, those are the same coordinates East Idaho News had on the Dateline episode. I wonder if she transferred her records earlier than we think she did. This may be how their anonymous source was able to locate her.
BINGO! I thought the same thing when I saw those coordinates. GO Kauai peeps! I seriously have to get to this island someday.
Did the authors have to pay an upfront fee to Chad to be published by him?


I'm going to guess no, but curious if @LHS indicates their friend had a different experience. As a rule, if a publisher expects an author to pay them money for virtually anything, run far and run fast. The publisher's profit should come from your book selling well and them taking a cut of those profits for their investment. (Your investment was the time to write the book). There have long been companies out there (called "vanity publishers") that take advantage of naive authors in this regard.

The problem with that rule which used to be straightforward is that self-publishing has changed things because if you're self-publishing you're both the publisher and the author. There are plenty of scam artists working that side of the fence now too and it isn't as straightforward to decide what makes sense.
More like, he knew that these people would be receptive to his cult beliefs, so he cold called them, not unlike LDS missionaries visit people who indicate an interest in the LDS church.

Which I think was the first sales job Chad had, so the comparison seems apropos. MOO
So, out of curiosity; if Chad had actually said something like "I felt led to offer you this job", you would still think it weird?

If it was someone I didn't know very well and had just met at church, yes that would be strange to me no matter how it's phrased. Although...
"I felt led to offer you this job" is slightly better than
"I feel led to tell you that you should work for me" <-- see how the first phrase leaves open an option for the person being offered the job to gracefully decline or to say "Thanks, I'll pray about it" and the 2nd one makes it seem like rejecting the job is going against some authoritative spiritual message from God to me through the would-be employer?

If it was someone that I knew well and I had talked to them about my needing a job or asked them to pray for me because I was looking for a job, then that's a bit different, but not by much. If they are offering me an opportunity and using spiritual language to present it to me that's different from telling me that their proposal is the thing I should do and implying that if I turned it down I would be going against something God has said should happen. That's the impression I got from Jessica's description of the "spiritual prompting" the man presented to her. That's an indication of a very controlling individual or a cult IMHO.

In my opinion - yes he has exploited authors, and he hasn't done business in a very legal way. He's in breach of contract with my friend not having given her back her legal rights, and not paying her royalties since he said he would and didn't. He's horrible at the business end of this.

It occurs to me that Tammy seemed to run the business side of things. Did your friend have any interaction with her and, if so, also no luck?

The story about the dog is heartbreaking but I was considering a possible, more practical reason why the dog had to go away. LV had been asked to move out of the Chandler rental by the landlord after CV was killed. I think whatever plans had been made were accelerated by having to vacate by the end of August. Is it possible the new rental in Idaho was not pet friendly? Just exploring different angles...MOO

It is heartbreaking imo. It might have been a way to make money as others have suggested. I still wonder if the dog was protecting the kids though. Her reference to JJ as the nieces drug baby was awful and shows a distain for him. If she was shouting at him, raising her voice at him or worse I don’t doubt that the dog would growl at her. Possibly worse.

We sometimes play fight here and the dogs always protect the perceived victim...except my youngest son. He can pretend to hit any of us, we pretend to cry and the minute we get him (either tickling, playfighting or play punching) all the dogs pile in. It sounds awful but I promise it’s just play, we do it to wind the dogs up and it usually ends with a dog toy fight...but a part of us does it to test what they’d do. We have also have had the odd occasion with a ex friend of my eldest turning up and being rude/aggressive. He wasn’t a nice person and the dogs sensed that. They were quick to chase him out the door. They’ve also sensed it with people that appeared nice but weren’t. They know well before us.

My motto these days is very much if the dogs don’t like you, I don’t either. Dogs are very knowing, very loyal and if Bailey felt that she was a threat to JJ or even TR he would defend them. I suspect she could have been scared of him. MOO

The story about the dog is heartbreaking but I was considering a possible, more practical reason why the dog had to go away. LV had been asked to move out of the Chandler rental by the landlord after CV was killed. I think whatever plans had been made were accelerated by having to vacate by the end of August. Is it possible the new rental in Idaho was not pet friendly? Just exploring different angles...MOO
If I had a special needs child who loved and depended on a service dog, a rental that did not welcome the dog would not be on my list of places to live.
IF LE had/got access to ACs phones, computers etc they would see data like this on there, if the intent was to used the acid pools. Unless ZP got to them. But wouldn't they be able to get data in the cloud?
The only way i think they could hide internet searches is by using a burner phone that has been disposed of... MOO
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